THE WINFIELD COURIER, January 6, 1876 (2024)

[Covering Period January 6, 1876 - December 28, 1876.]


VOL. 4, NO. 1.




On May 30th, 1854, Congress passed "An act to organize the territoryof Kansas," thereby creating the territory of Kansas out of a partof what was known as Missouri Territory. The 37th parallel of north latitudewest of the State of Missouri was designated as the south line of the territoryof Kansas. But the act creating the territory of Kansas, as does also theact of Congress, approved Jan. 29, 1861, admitting Kansas into the Union,which also designates the 37th parallel of north latitude as the south linethereof say: The boundaries of the territory or State, or constitution thereofshall not "include any territory which by treaty with such Indian tribe,is not, without the consent of such tribe to be included within the territoriallimits or jurisdiction of any State or territory, but all such territoryshall be excepted out of the boundaries, and constitute no part of the Stateof Kansas until said tribe shall signify their assent to the President ofthe United States to be included within said State."

At the time the territory of Kansas was created and also when the Statewas admitted, the Osage Indians owned and occupied a reservation fifty mileswide and over two hundred miles long. This reservation lay within aboutthirty miles of the east line and about three miles north of the south lineof Kansas. Adjoining this reservation on the east and the south lay theCherokee Indian lands. By the terms of the treaty whereby the Cherokee andOsages were given the lands described it was provided that said lands shouldnever "be included within the territorial limits or jurisdiction ofany State or territory."

When Cowley County was organized no relinquishment of rights or modificationof treaty terms had been made by the Osages or Cherokees to the territoryembraced within its limits.

Cowley County lays wholly upon Osage and Cherokee lands. The Cherokeelands lay adjoining the south line of the county and are about three mileswide, extending from the east to the west boundary.

On July 12th, 1870, Congress passed a law allowing actual settlers thereonto enter from forty to one hundred and sixty acres at $1.25 per acre ofthe Osage lands within this county. They were required to live upon theland six months, make certain improvements, and enter the same within oneyear from date of settlement. Subsequently, Congress by joint resolutiongave to settlers whose time had expired without entry, a longer time inwhich to pay for their land. On March 2nd, 1871, the town site laws of theU. S. were extended to the Osage lands.

On May 11th, 1872, Congress passed a law allowing actual settlers thereonto enter from forty to one hundred and sixty acres of the Cherokee landsabove mentioned. The terms were similar to the Osage land terms, exceptthat all lands west of the Arkansas River (about 14,000 acres) were soldat $1.50 per acre, and all land east of said river (about 29,000 acres)were sold at $2.00 per acre. All settlement and purchase was prohibitedafter a certain date. That date expired and many settlers had not paid forthe land. The time was extended for payment until the spring of 1875, atwhich time all unentered land was to have been sold in tracts of 160 acresor less to persons offering sealed bids for the same. By request of U. S.Senator J. J. Ingalls, that sale was postponed. Finally the land was soldto bidders Oct. 30, 1875. The 16th and 36th section in each township wasgiven to the State of Kansas for school purposes and the State sells itto the highest bidder. The Osage lands in the county still remain open tosettlement on the original terms. In no other way, except as above stated,could land be obtained in Cowley County from the government.

The Territorial Legislature of 1855 defined the boundaries of HunterCounty, embracing the present territory of Cowley and twenty miles of Butler.In 1864 the Kansas State Legislature annihilated Hunter County by extendingthe boundaries of Butler to embrace all the territory south of township21, east of the 6th principal meridian, down to the State line and westof range 10. On March 3rd, 1867, the Kansas Legislature defined the boundariesof several counties, and Cowley was among the number. It was named by Gov.S. J. Crawford in honor of Lieut. Mathew Cowley, a soldier of the 9th Kansasregiment, who died at Little Rock, Arkansas, August 1864.

This act made the county thirty-three miles square, bounded on the northby Butler, on the east by Howard (now Elk and Chautauqua), on the southby the Indian Territory, on the west by Sumner counties. At this time therewas not a white settler in the county. It was the home of the red man.

In August, 1868, N. J. Thompson, the first white settler, ventured withinits limits. He built a house on the east bank of the Walnut River, aboutone mile below the line. The fame of its many beautiful streams, grovesof heavy timber, rich valleys, and inviting prairies was attracting attentionin the State. In the spring of 1869 several young men took claims alongthe Walnut River and built claim cabins. Judge T. B. Ross and James Renfrocame into the county in January of 1869 and commenced work upon claim housesinto which they moved with their families in the March following. They resideupon the same claims about two and a half miles above Winfield on the eastbank of the Walnut. These with Wm. Quimby and family, and Mr. Sales andfamily, who settled on the Walnut just below Thompson's place in December,1868, were the first settlers with families of whom any evidence can befound. At this time there was no house on Grouse Creek, nor upon the ArkansasRiver below Wichita.

Sometime in the month of June, 1869, C. M. Wood brought some flour, bacon,and groceries down to sell to Indians and settlers. He left his goods atthe house of James Renfro's and erected on the rise of ground a few rodseast of where Bliss & Co.'s grist mill now stands, a small buildingby setting puncheons in the ground and covering them. He moved his goodsinto it in July following. The Osage Indians attempted to take some of hisgoods away from him shortly after and he drove them away, but concludedto return his goods to Renfro's for safety. Soon after the goods were moved,the Indians burned the house down.

In June of 1869 E. C. Manning helped P. Y. Becker erect a claim cabinin a bend of the Walnut River about two miles below Winfield, and on June11th Mr. Manning, assisted by Becker, laid a claim foundation for himselfupon the south end of the present town of Winfield.

In the month of August the Indians ordered the settlers out of the valleyand they all moved to the north line of the county, and camped or went intoButler County, except Judge T. B. Ross and family. He affirmed his determinationto live and die right where he was. He still lives, though eighty-two yearsold. He walks as erect as an Indian, and declares that he is going to attendthe Centennial this summer.

In the month of November, 1869, several families crept down along thevalley and settled on claims in the vicinity of where Winfield now stands.These settlers each paid the Osage chief $5 for the privilege of remainingin peace. These early pioneers were W. G. Graham and family, who came thelast of October, and whose wife was the first white woman that settled onTimber (then known as Dutch) Creek. During the next week P. Knowles, J.H. Land, J. C. Monforte, and C. M. Wood came with their families.

A. Howland, W. W. Andrews, Joel Mack, H. C. Loomis, A. Menor, and otherstook claims during the winter in this vicinity, and the families of thosewho were married soon followed. They all settled on the claims where theynow reside. Mr. Howland built the first frame house in the county. It ishis present residence.

In November and December of 1869, E. C. Manning erected a small log buildingon the claim south of C. M. Wood. It was designed for a claim house andstore. During the winter of 1869 and 1870 Baker & Manning kept a smallstock of goods therein for trade with settlers and Indians. At that timethere was no land surveyed in the county and the settlers marked the boundariesof their claims with stakes driven at the corners, and claim disputes weresettled by tribunals, called settlers' unions, or by public meetings beforewhom the respective claimants presented their cases. C. M. Wood had takenthe claim immediately north of where Winfield now stands, which he occupieduntil he left the county last fall.

About January 10th, 1870, the preliminary steps were taken for organizinga town company and starting a town upon the claim of E. C. Manning. A. A.Jackson owned the claim adjoining Manning's on the east, W. W. Andrews,H. C. Loomis, A. Menor, and P. Knowles held claims adjoining and upon whichthey still reside. The farm owned by John Lowrey to the west was held byone G. Green.

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.

About the last day of December, 1869, Judge W. R. Brown, H. B. Norton,T. A. Wilkinson, H. D. Kellogg, John Brown, Moore, and G. H. Norton droveinto camp near Wood's residence as members and representatives of the WalnutCity town company.

A few leading citizens of Emporia, among the number, C. V. Eskridge,P. B. Plumb, J. Stotler, L. B. Kellogg, H. B. Norton, and Judge Brown andH. L. Hunt, of Cottonwood Falls, had organized a town company and sent theparty mentioned down into the Walnut Valley to locate a town at the junctionof the Walnut River with the Arkansas River. The map of Kansas at that timeshowed that the junction was about the center of Cowley County. After someconference with the settlers, the newcomers took five claims adjoining Manning'sclaim, east, southeast, and south, with the intention of making this thelocation of the proposed town. In a day or two upon an examination of thecountry below, the party decided to locate their town at the present townsite of Arkansas City.

On January 1st, 1870, T. A. Wilkinson, John Brown, G. H. Norton, andJohn Strain staked out and claimed the four claims upon which Arkansas Citynow stands, as the location of the new town. H. B. Norton took a claim adjoiningthe town site on the north, H. D. Kellogg took a claim south of the townsite. When this party arrived at the mouth of the Walnut, they found thebottom and timber claims taken by H. Endicott and his son, Pad, and G. Harmon,Ed. Chapin, Pat Summers [Somers], Mr. Carr, Mr. Hughes, and one or two others.

The Walnut City town company consisted of fifteen members, and the fourclaim holders mentioned were of the number, and were to hold the claimsand enter them for the company. On their way down the valley the party discovereda Walnut City in Butler County, and concluded to change the name of theircompany to Delphi. On their return to Emporia the name was again changedto Creswell, and by this name the town was known for some months. On applyingfor a post office, the Post Office department informed Senator Ross, whomade the application, that there was a Creswell in Labette County, Kansas,and that no two offices of the same name would be located in the State,and at Ross' suggestion, it was called Arkansas City. When the commissioncame to G. H. Norton, who was the postmaster named, the town was named ArkansasCity. This was in April 1870.

On the 9th day of January, 1870, a party of fifteen men under the leadof Thomas Coats took claims along the Grouse Valley. Their names were JohnCoats, Wm. Coats, Joseph Reynolds, Gilbert Branson, Henry Branson, NewtonPhenis, I. H. Phenis, H. Hayworth, L. B. Bullington, J. T. Raybell, D. T.Walters, S. S. Severson, John Nicholls, and C. J. Phenis.

The Winfield enterprise took form in January of 1870, as did that ofArkansas City. From the start the parties interested in the two prospectivetowns were shaping events to secure the county seat of Cowley County wheneverit should be organized. In February of 1870 a bill was introduced in theSenate of Kansas entitled, "An act to organize the county of Cowley,"and making Creswell the county seat. As soon as the news arrived at Winfield,James H. Land, A. A. Jackson, and C. M. Wood traversed the county in threedays and took the census of over six hundred population, and reported atDouglass, in Butler County (the nearest place where an officer could befound to administer an oath), on the 23d of February. At that time the necessarypapers were made out and E. C. Manning took them to Topeka and presentedthem to the Governor, who, thereupon issued the order organizing CowleyCounty and designating Winfield as the temporary county seat. The bill organizingthe county got through the Senate but failed in the House.

As specimens of "literature" of that day we produce the followingcirculars which were issued a short time previous to the first electionheld in the county, to-wit: May 2nd, 1870.


To the voters of Cowley County:

The Creswell Town Company ask leave to present to you the claims of Creswellas a location for the county seat.

This town is situated on the Arkansas River, twelve miles above its intersectionby the State line; said intersection being two and three-fourth miles belowthe mouth of the Grouse. The Walnut enters the Arkansas at Creswell, andthe valleys of other streams on the south side of the Arkansas convergeat this point, making it the natural centre of business and population forCowley County.

Creswell is named as a point upon four chartered lines of railroad, viz:The Walnut Valley Branch of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road; thePreston, Salina & Denver road; the Emporia & Holden road; and theArkansas Valley, or Fort Smith & Hays City road. It is also confidentlyexpected that this will be the point of crossing for the Fort Scott &Santa Fe road. The Legislature at its recent session, ordered the immediatesurvey of a State road, by the most direct route, from Emporia to Creswell.

The company have determined to spare no expense or effort to make Creswellthe metropolis of the Arkansas Valley. The following are among the enterprisesalready inaugurated:

Sleeth & Co., of Eldorado, have contracted to put up their steamsaw-mill and a shingle- machine in operation at Creswell by the 15th ofMay.

Daniel Beedy, now a resident at Emporia, has contracted to build a grist-mill,saw-mill, and planing-mill upon the Creswell water-power; to commence byJuly 1st, 1870.

G. H. Norton & Co. have opened a general stock of groceries, drygoods, boots and shoes, which they pledge themselves to sell at Eldoradoprices.

Betts & Fraser, of Eldorado, will at once open a stock of groceries,provisions, and campers' supplies.

C. R. Sipes, of Emporia, has purchased an interest in the town, and ispreparing to open at Creswell the largest stock of hardware, tinware, andagricultural implements ever offered south or west of Emporia.

A stock of drugs and medicines has been ordered by responsible parties,and a well provided drug-store will be speedily established.

We are also happy to announce that the best job and newspaper officesouth of the Neosho will commence the publication of a newspaper at Creswellwithin the next ninety days.

Max Fawcett, recently of the Neosho Valley (Emporia) Nursery, has transferredhis entire interest to Creswell, and is arranging to establish there thelargest fruit and nursery concern in Kansas.

L. F. Goodrich, of Emporia, is now at work erecting a feed and liverystable.

A ferry has been chartered, and will be running upon the Arkansas byJuly 1st.

We, the Town Company of Creswell, furthermore pledge ourselves to erecta first-class stone or frame building not less than thirty feet square andtwo stories high, suitably arranged for a court-room and county offices;and to deed the same, with one entire block of not less than fourteen lots,centrally located, to the county, to be its property so long as the county-seat remains at Creswell; the building to be completed within six monthsafter Creswell is chosen permanent county seat.

The question of taxation is one of great importance to the people ofa young and undeveloped country. It is only at the cost of heavy taxes thatthe county will be able to erect a courthouse and other county buildings.This expense the Creswell town company propose to wholly assume.

The immediate vicinity of the Arkansas River is the natural locationfor the cities and towns which are to one day adorn this great valley. Thenatural centers of population and business will be there. Let us choosewisely, and make a choice which will not speedily be reversed.

We commend these facts and offers to the thoughtful consideration ofthe voters of Cowley County.

H. B. NORTON, Associate Principal State Normal School, President.
C. V. ESKRIDGE, Lieut. Governor, Vice President.
W. R. BROWN, Judge 9th Judicial District, Secretary.
L. B. KELLOGG, Principal State Normal School, Treasurer.
J. STOTLER, Director.
COL. P. B. PLUMB, Director.
CAPT. G. H. NORTON, Director.
H. L. HUNT, Director.
H. D. KELLOGG, M. D., Director.
J. S. DANFORD, Director.

About one week after the foregoing was in circulation, the followinghumorously paraphrastical circular appeared.

[Note: The following came from Mr. E. C. Manning.]
(Supplemental Address.)

Tu the Voters of Kowley Kounta:

The Ar-ken-saw sitty town kumpeny ask leve tu present tu yu the klaimsuv Ar-ken-saw sitty as a lokashun fur the kounty seet.

[Explanashun.Ar-ken-saw sitty wuz fust named Walnut sitty, thenit wuz named Delfi, then it was changed to Kreswell out uv respect tu ourpatriotic P. M. General, and he hez changed the named tu Ar-ken-saw sittyout uv respect tu the inhabitants uv the town, most uv whom lives in Imporia.In konsekence uv this last happy change voters will be perticular tu put"Ar-ken-saw sitty" on their ballots instead uv Kreswell when thavote fur kounty seet.]

This town is situated very fortunately on Arkensaw river, klose to theState line, and is entirely surrounded by water, interspersed with vastforests uv timber already sawed, and one vast expanse uv unbroken prairiebottom in cultivashun extends on every hand reddy tu be jumped bi actualsettlers, making it the natural senter uv bizness and populashun uv Kowleykounty. Among its many uther natural advantages that mite be menshuned isstones, coal, salt, and inluenshal men who reside in Imporia.

Ar-ken-saw sitty is named as a pint on 31 different railroads, amungthe number there bein the followin, namely, to-wit, viz: Walnut Valley Branchuv the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, the Preston, Salina &Denver Railroad, the Emporia & Holden Railroad, the Arkensaw Valleyor Fort Smith & Hays City Railroad, the Northern Pacific Railroad, theSouthern Pacific Railroad, the Atlantic & Great Western Railroad, theIllinois Central Railroad, the Emporia & Sandwich Islands Railroad,the St. Louis & El Paso Railroad, the Alaska & Panama Railroad,the New Orleans & Portland (Oregon) Railroad. It is also konfidentlyexpected that most uv these roads will run into the ground at this place,and konsekently Congress has been petitioned to declare this a "portof entry."

The kumpany hev determined tu spare no expence to make Ar-ken-saw sittythe great meat-ropolis ov the Arkensaw Valla. The following are among theenterprizes in-au-ger-ated, (that is bored for):

Slamem & Co. hev kontracted tu put their steam watermill and hairshingling machine in operashun at Ar-ken-saw sitty at 15 minutes past 4o'clock the 14th day ov Ma.

D. Boon hez kontracked to run a pare uv stones for all kinds of grindingand planing at the Ar-ken-saw wind power; work tu kummence at sunrise Ma2d. Wind furnished bi the town kumpany.

G. H. Nash & Co. hev opened a box uv unparalleled sope fur the speshalbenefit uv Ar- ken-saw travelers, and pledge themselves to sell at Imporiaprices and throw in the sand for skourin.

Busted & Flat, of England, will at once open a box uv sardinra andkampers supplies.

C. R. Sucked-in, uv Imporia, hez bot a soft thing here and will openit with ceremony, amid sounding brass and tinkling symbal, at preciselysunrise, July 4th.

A stock of blue mass and quinine has bin ordered bi responsible partiesto hold the ager level that dwells in the marshes uv this region.

We are also happy to announce that the best job newspaper offis southuv nowhere will kummence its weakly issues in a da or two or three.

M. Forest is goin tu tare up the ground with his nursery concern at 11o'clock P. M.

L. F. Gosin is now at work goin tu erect a feed and livery stable furman and beest.

A ferry bote hez bin caught and will be runnin on Salt river karryinpassengers from Ar- ken-saw sitty to Imporia. It starts at 7 A. M., May3d.

The above may all be re-gharded as sure, sartin, and re-lie-able, sohelp us G__o in lemons and get squeezed.

We, the town kumpany, with one hand on the Bible and the uther drawinin suckers, pledge ourselves to erect a twelve story bilding, 500 feet square,with a room elaborately furnished therein for every voter in Kowley Kountywhere board and washing shall be free; and tu kontane 21 uther large roomsfor court hous and kounty offises, containing all the appertenances andappointments that sience, culture, taste, refinement and wealth kan invent,and tu deed the same, with 1,000 acres of land, tu the kounty so long asAr-ken-saw sitty is the kounty seat. This bilding will be kompleted in twentyminutes after the vote is taken on the kounty seet question.

The question uv taxashun is one uv grate importance tu the people ova young and undeveloped kounty, and we propose to decrease it bi a divisionof the kounty.

It is only at a light expence that we erect the above described building,and is nothing tu what we kan do.

The immediate vicinity uv the Ar-ken-saw river is the natural locashunfor kounty seets. Think uf this before you vote. This place bein the headuv navigashun uv the Ark-ken-saw river there is no objecttshun tu its beingdamd; in truth it has bin damd bi several now who have krossed it; thismakes it the gratest wind and water site yet discovered in the exploredregious uv the earth.

The voters ov Kowley should not trifle about this matter. Choose now,for tomorrow we may be upended and hev to move back to Imporia.

Q. R. DOESTICKS, A. M., F. R. S., President.

P. Z. GUDLEM, B. M. O. I. C., Vice President.

R. L. BEATEM, O. I. L. Y., Secretary.

G. O. LEMON, A. S. E. E. D., Treasurer.


Cowley County was organized Feb. 28, 1870, by the order of Gov. Harveyon petition, and Winfield was designated as the temporary county seat. W.W. Andrews, of Winfield, G. H. Norton, of Creswell, S. F. Graham, of Dexter,were appointed County Commissioners, Feb. 28, 1870, and E. P. Hickok wasappointed County Clerk at the same time by the same authority.

The first meeting of the County Board was held March 23, 1870, at thehouse of W. W. Andrews, at which time W. W. Andrews was chosen chairman.

The following is the first action taken at that meeting, and is the firstofficial record in Cowley County.

"County Commissioners, pursuant to a previous call, met at Winfieldon the 23rd day of March, A. D. 1870, at Mr. Andrews'.

PresentAndrews and Norton. County Clerk proceeded to divide the countyinto three townships, numbered 1, 2, and 3.

No. 1 to include all that part of Cowley County laying north of a linerunning through the county east and west, touching the mouth of Little DutchCreek, all north of Little Dutch to be included in said township.

No. 2 to include all south of the mouth of Little Dutch, extending southto include E. P. Hickok's claim, and to within ten miles of the mouth ofGrouse Creek.

No. 3 to include all south of E. P. Hickok's claim on Walnut and thelower ten miles of the Grouse and the Arkansas to the State line.

Election in township No. 1 to be held at the house of Edward Phillips,at the mouth of Rock creek. No. 2 at Winfield. No. 3 at Creswell."

This Board of Commissioners ordered an election to be held May 2nd, 1870;at which time the permanent location of the county seat was voted upon,and a full set of county officers were also elected. At that election therewere two places voted upon for county seat, to-wit: Winfield and ArkansasCity. The former received 108 votes and the latter 55 votes, and the followingofficers were elected.

Commissioners: T. A. Blanchard, Winfield; Morgan Willett, Rock Creek;G. H. Norton, Creswell; H. C. Loomis, Winfield, County Clerk; John Devore,Creswell, Treasurer; E. P. Hickok, Winfield, District Clerk; T. B. Ross,Winfield, Probate Judge; W. E. Cook, Cres- well, Recorder; W. G. Graham,Winfield, Coroner; F. A. Hunt, Rock Creek, Sheriff; F. S. Graham, GrouseCreek, Surveyor.

There was but one ticket in the field, and 163 was the total number ofvotes polled. These officers qualified and took possession of the respectiveoffices May 21st, 1870.

T. H. Johnson was appointed County Attorney Sept. 5th, 1870, by W. R.Brown, at that time Judge of this, the 9th Judicial District, of which Cowleywas a part.

July 6th, 1870, W. Q. Mansfield was appointed Deputy County Clerk; JohnDevore appointed J. P. Short Deputy Treasurer, and at the fall electionGeo. B. Green was elected County Treasurer, but failed to give bond andqualify; consequently, John Devore held the office until July 2nd, 1872.

Having fully stated the primary organization of the county, the succeedingofficers will be given in the order of their terms of office.



T. A. BLANCHARD Nov. 8, 1870. Jan. 8, 1872.

G. H. NORTON Nov. 8, 1870. Jan. 8, 1872.

E. SIMPSON Nov. 8, 1870. Jan. 8, 1872.

FRANK COX Nov. 7, 1871. Jan. 11, 1874.

O. C. SMITH Nov. 7, 1871. Jan. 11, 1874.

J. D. MAURER Nov. 7, 1871. Jan. 11, 1874.

R. F. BURDEN Nov. 4, 1873. Jan. 10, 1876.

M. S. ROSEBERRY Nov. 4, 1873. Jan. 10, 1876.

JOHN MANLEY Nov. 4, 1873. Jan. 10, 1876.

R. F. BURDEN Nov. 2, 1875.

WM. WHITE Nov. 2, 1875.

W. M. SLEETH Nov. 2, 1875.


A. A. JACKSON Nov. 8, 1870. Jan. 8, 1872.

A. A. JACKSON Nov. 7, 1871. Jan. 11, 1874.

M. G. TROUP Nov. 4, 1872. Jan. 10, 1876.

M. G. TROUP Nov. 2, 1875.


G. B. GREEN Nov. 8, 1870. Didn't qualify.

E. B. KAGER Nov. 7, 1871. July 15, 1874.

E. B. KAGER Nov. 4, 1873. July 15, 1876.


E. S. TORRANCE Nov. 8, 1870. Jan. 8, 1873.

E. S. TORRANCE Nov. 5, 1872. Jan. 11, 1875.

A. J. PYBURN Nov. 3, 1874.


T. B. ROSS Elected Nov. 8, 1870; resigned Oct. 31, 1871.

L. H. COON Appointed October 31, 1871. Ran away.

T. H. JOHNSON Appointed Jan. 3, 1872, expired Jan. 10, 1873.

T. H. JOHNSON Elected Nov. 5, 1872; expired Jan. 10, 1875.

H. D. GANS. Nov. 3, 1874.



J. M. PATTISON Nov. 8, 1870. Jan. 8, 1872.

JAS. PARKER Nov. 7, 1871. Jan. 11, 1874.

R. L. WALKER Nov. 4, 1873. Jan. 10, 1876.

R. L. WALKER Nov. 2, 1875.


W. B. SMITH Nov. 8, 1870. Jan. 8, 1872.

J. PAUL Nov. 7, 1871. Jan. 11, 1874.

N. C. McCULLOCH Nov. 4, 1873. Jan. 10, 1876.

E. P. KINNE Nov. 2, 1875.


E. P. HICKOK Nov. 8, 1870. Jan. 10, 1873.

JAMES KELLY Nov. 5, 1872. Jan. 10, 1875.

E. S. BEDILION Nov. 3, 1874.


H. L. BARKER Nov. 8, 1870; resigned July 1, 1871.

D. A. MILLINGTON July 1, 1871. Jan. 8, 1872.

M. HEMINGWAY Nov. 7, 1871. Jan. 11, 1874.

W. W. WALTON Nov. 4, 1873. Jan. 11, 1876.

W. W. WALTON Nov. 2, 1875.


H. B. KELLOGG Nov. 8, 1870. Didn't qualify.

G. P. WAGNER Nov. 7, 1871. Jan. 11, 1874.

S. S. MOORE Nov. 7, 1873. Jan. 10, 1876.

J. HEADRICK Nov. 2, 1875.


L. B. WALMSLEY Nov. 7, 1870. July 17, 1871.

A. S. BLANCHARD July 17, 1871. Sept. 4, 1871.

E. P. HICKOK Sept. 4, 1871. Jan. 7, 1872.

E. P. HICKOK Nov. 7, 1871. Jan. 11, 1873.

T. A. WILKINSON Nov. 5, 1872. Jan. 10, 1875.

T. A. WILKINSON Nov. 3, 1874.

The first political gathering held in the county took place at the lograising of the Old Log Store on the 1st day of April, 1870. It was calleda Citizen's Meeting to nominate candidates for the county officers to beelected May 2nd, 1870. It was the only full ticket voted for at that election,and of course all the nominees were elected. There were a few scatteringvotes cast for other individuals.

The next political gathering that assembled in the county met at Winfield,August 25th, 1870, pursuant to the following call, which was signed by onehundred and two names, and was posted in several places in the county.


"The Republican voters of Cowley County, Kansas, are requested tomeet in Mass Convention, at Winfield, on the 25th day of August, 1870, at1 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of electing the organization of a CountyCentral Committee, whose duty it shall be to call a Convention for the electionof a delegate to the coming State Convention, and for the transaction ofsuch other business as shall come before it."

At that meeting a County Republican Central Committee was appointed,of which E. C. Manning was chairman and Wm. Orr was secretary. This committeeissued a call for a delegate convention to be held in Winfield September3rd, 1870, for the purpose of electing a delegate from Cowley County tothe Republican State Convention at Topeka, September 8th. Pursuant to thatcall a convention met September 3rd, and Morgan Willett, of Rock, was chosenchairman and P. J. Raybell, of Cedar (now Windsor), was chosen secretary.This convention chose E. C. Manning as delegate, and Lem Cook as alternate,in the State Convention. About the time that the Republican Mass Meetingcall was issued a printed poster, which read as follows, was circulatedin the county.


To the Voters of Cowley County:

The members of the Republican party of Cowley County are invited to effectan organization at a delegate convention to be held at Dexter on Saturday,September 3rd, 1870, for the purpose of appointing a County Executive Committee,and electing a delegate to the State Republican Convention, which meetsat Topeka, September 8th, 1870.

The Republican voters are requested to meet in primary conventions at2 o'clock, on Saturday, August 27th, at the following places:

Rock Creek, at Phillips'.

Winfield, at the Court House.

Creswell, at Norton's Store, Arkansas City.

Cedar, at ____________.

Dexter, at Cloud's.

Grouse, at Silver Dale Store.

Ratio of representation, four delegates to each township.

By order of the State Executive Committee,

M. M. MURDOCK, Secretary.

Pursuant to that notice a convention was held at Dexter on Sept. 3rd.That body selected H. B. Norton as the delegate from Cowley County to theState Convention, and selected a County Republican Central Committee, ofwhich James McDermott was appointed chairman and W. P. Hackney secretary.

Norton and Manning both attended the State Convention at Topeka, butthat body accepted Norton as the regular delegate and gave him the seattherein.

Shortly after the Sept. 3rd convention, the chairman of the Central Committee,appointed at Dexter, issued a call for a Republican convention to be heldat Winfield, Oct. 3rd, to nominate a candidate for representative and candidatesfor county offices. The ticket then nominated can be found in the "Annals."

Oct. 8th, a call for a "People's Convention" was issued, signedby W. Q. Mansfield, T. H. Johnson, T. A. Blanchard, James Renfro, JamesLand, D. A. Millington, Wm. Craig, F. A. Hunt, A. Menor, J. Mentch, T. B.Ross, and H. Wolf.

Under the call this convention met at Winfield, Oct. 20th, and nominateda full ticket, which will be found in the "Annals." The ticketsnominated at the two conventions last mentioned, though called Republicanand People's, really were composed of partisans to a strife that had beenengendered between Winfield and Arkansas City for political and businesssupremacy in the county. The canvass preceding the election, which transpiredNov. 8th, was very spirited, almost bitter; the principal interest centeringupon the candidates for representativeH. B. Norton and E. C. Manning. Atthat election 504 votes were cast, of which H. B. Norton received 256 andE. C. Manning 248. The remaining candidates upon the "People's"ticket received a small majority except the candidate for Register of Deedsand County Attorney.

When the Commissioners met to canvass the votes after the election, theyfound the returns to be in a crude and some of them in an unintelligiblecondition. In the language of G. H. Norton, one of the Commissioners, anda brother of H. B. Norton, "The next returns opened were objected toby Mr. Blanchard (another member of the board of canvassers) on the groundthat he did not know where it came from. Upon examination I found therewas nothing on them to indicate where they came from. I suggested to theboard that perhaps they knew some of the names on the poll book and couldtell from them what precinct the returns came from. The other members bothstated they did not know any of the names and as I did not, I voted withthem to reject the returns."

The rejection of the unintelligible returns gave the "People's"ticket a large majority except in the offices of County Attorney and Registerof Deeds. The election of T. B. Ross was contested before T. H. Johnson,County Attorney, presiding as judge, with J. C. Fuller and E. S. Torrance,the incoming County Attorney, then a resident of Arkansas City, as associatejudges. The "Court" decided that Ross was entitled to the certificate.Some steps were taken to contest Mr. Manning's seat in the legislature butthe idea was finally abandoned.

Up to the 13th day of June, 1870, there were no mail routes in the county.At that time the first mail coach arrived, Parker & Tisdale, proprietors.Previously all mail matter for the settlers in the county came to Douglass,and was brought from there by private hands and distributed among the settlers.

In January, 1871, a U. S. surveying party, under O. F. Short, began thesurvey of the county. They were followed very industriously by claim hunters,who hoped the survey would develop unoccupied tracts. On the other hand,the settlers were on the alert and many lines were run just in advance ofthe compassmen of the surveying party, and when a little deviation wouldleave a squatter on the claim that he wanted, the deviation was sure tobe made. As a consequence, the section lines in this county are very crooked.


Though one of the newest, is one of the richest in soil and resources,most prosperous and most promising counties in Kansas. The variety of soilconsists of light, warm, sandy loam and heavy, limestone, black loam. Aheavy growth of grass from two feet to ten feet in height covers the soilannually and bears evidence of its productive power. All the products ofthis latitude in the United States do well here. The surface of the countryis rolling and in some places along the streams precipitous limestone bluffsappear, from fifty to one hundred feet in height. The bottom and valleylands are considered the best for farming, but all land where the plow canrun are considered good.


The streams of the county are as follows: The Arkansas River enters thewest line of the county, thirteen miles below the north line, and windingthrough the southwest portion of the county it crosses the south line thirteenmiles east of the west line and enters the Indian Territory. The streamsthat fall into the Arkansas from the county are Sand Creek, Lost Creek,Beaver Creek, and Evans Creek. The Walnut River, which is an elegant millstream, enters the county from the north seven miles east of the west lineand flows south through the county joining the Arkansas River within threemiles of the south line. Falling into this stream from the west are thefollowing creeks: Eight-mile, Maple, Stewart, Crooked, Squaw Creek, Posey,and Camp creeks. The streams that fall in from the east are Muddy, Rock,Darien, Little Dutch, Foos, Timber, Black Crook, and Badger.

Grouse Creek is a mill stream and rises in the northeast corner of thecounty, running west of south, and joins the Arkansas River at the southline of the county thirteen miles east of the southwest corner. The streamsthat fall into Grouse from the west are Canyon, Burden, Ballou's, Turkey,Horse, and Silver creeks. Those that flow into it from the east are Armstrong,Fall, Cedar, Plumb, and Crab creeks. Otter, Spring, South Cedar, Coal, andthe two Beavers are creeks that rise in the eastern and southeastern portionof the county and flow either to the Caneys in Chautauqua County or intothe Territory. These streams are pure spring water, flowing over gravelbeds.

The soil is from one to twenty-five feet in depth, and in most placesis underlayed with beautiful limestone at a depth of from one inch to tenfeet in thickness and which is easily quarried for building purposes.


of Southwest Kansas, more particularly that which lies within a radiusof fifty miles of Winfield, is not too dry for crop raising. A residenceof sixteen years in Kansas, six of which have been spent at this place,warrants us in saying that no portion of the State in this longitude isblessed with so large an annual rainfall as the region above described.The causes are local. The Arkansas and Walnut Rivers, with their tributaries,are of such impor- tance in volume as to cause more frequent rain showershere than in any locality to the north or west of us. No one contradictsthis statement who is familiar with the country. The mean temperature forDecember 1875 was 66 degrees above zero.


of all kinds do well, not excepting vegetables. But the staple crop iswinter wheat. The season of 1864 was called the dry year, but Cowley Countyalone raised over 200,000 bushels of winter wheat, and the average yieldexceeded twenty bushels to the acre of very choice grain. In fact, it wasthe best grain offered in the St. Louis market.

The winter wheat harvest in this county for the year 1875 exceeded 500,000bushels, with an average yield of 26½ bushels to the acre. Many fieldsyielded forty bushels to the acre and one field of seven acres turned outat the threshing machine fifty-four bushels.

The marketable wheat crop this year was sold at Wichita, the nearestrailroad point, forty- three miles distant from Winfield, at an averageprice of one dollar and ten cents per bushel. A man with team enough todo the work can break up the prairie of a 160 acre farm during the monthsof June and July, and can sow the same in September with winter wheat andharvest enough grain therefrom the next June to pay for his land at tendollars per acre, after having paid all his expenses and allowed himselfa reasonable compensation for his own labor.


a railroad will be constructed into this county, which will add to themarket facilities of this region. At present land


in this county. It will not be long before a railroad will reach fromthis valley through the Indian Territory to Texas, and then Galveston, 700miles distant, will be our seaport market. When this time arrives land willbe worth fifty dollars per acre. It can now be bought for from one dollarand a quarter to ten dollars per acre, according to location, soil, timber,water, improvements, etc.


of all kinds flourishes.


grows in abundance and can be put into hay for one dollar per ton. Theruling price at present for hay is three dollars and fifty cents per ton.


need be apprehended from Indians. The county has been settled for sixyears and not an Indian outrage has been committed in its borders.


chinch bugs, and other pests are no more numerous than in any other localitywest of the Missouri River. The first named have never visited this localitybut once, and then they came too late to do much harm. The region of theirorigin lies hundreds of miles to the northwest, and as they move south,whenever they move at all, they either distribute themselves over the regionnorth of us entirely or arrive so late in this locality as to do no harm.They have moved out of their northwest homes three or four times in thepast twenty years and only twice did they get into Southern Kansas.


command from fifteen to twenty-five dollars per month according to theseason. Mechanics wages are not so high as in the cities.


can make money very fast here. Persons without money can make money fasterthan in any locality that we know of in the States east of us. Money bringsfrom twenty to fifty percent per annum interest.


are not particularly needed. There is at present a full supply. Farmerswith means are needed; those without means are welcome.


are required to raise crops. A herd law requires stock owners to takecare of their cattle, horses, hogs, and sheep. You will drive miles andmiles along the road with fields on either side and no fences.


does well here, but every man must take care of his own.


is very scarce. Girls invariably place themselves in the matrimonialmarket upon arriving in this locality and are soon doing business on theirown hook. Two or three hundred very homely, hump-backed, flat-chested, cross-eyedgirls could find constant and remunerative employment in the kitchens ofthis county.











#1 #2 #3 #4 #8

BEAVER MAY 16, 1871. 36 410 L. M. KENNEDY

BOLTON APRIL 1, 1872. 50 590 R. I. THEAKER

CEDAR APRIL 9, 1872. 54 220 R. R. TURNER

CRESWELL MAY 23, 1870. 30 799 W. E. COOK

DEXTER APRIL 11, 1871. 72 451 B. F. JONES

HARVEY FEB. 13, 1874. 63 309 G. ATHERTON

LIBERTY JAN. 6, 1875. 48 322 J. A. HILL

MAPLE AUG. 16, 1872. 36 291 D. RUNDELL

NENNESCAH JAN. 1, 1872. 30 292 A. BECKS

OMNIA FEB. 8, 1873. 36 146 W. H. GILLIARD

OTTER OCT. 12, 1872. 81 466 C. H. LEWIS


RICHLAND JUNE 27, 1871. 70 599 J. R. THOMPSON

ROCK MAY 23, 1870. 56 724 ED. PHILLIPS

SILVER CREEK AUG. 16, 1872. 36 267 A. P. BROOKS

SPRING CREEK AUG. 16, 1872. 54 239 A. A. WILEY

SILVERDALE NOV. 11, 1871. 54 331 J. H. DAMEWOOD

SHERIDAN JAN. 6, 1873. 36 312 R. R. LONGSHORE

TISDALE AUG. 1, 1871. 41 471 S. S. MOORE

VERNON JULY 3, 1871. 42 563 P. M. WAIT

WINDSOR APRIL 11, 1871. 94 460 I. B. TODD

WINFIELD MAY 23, 1870. 63 1421 W. W. ANDREWS


The county seat, is located in the valley of the Walnut River, about8 miles east of the west line of the county and midway between the northand south line. Its Main street is 120 feet wide, running north and south,and the remaining streets are 80 feet wide and lay parallel to and at rightangles with Main street. The location is picturesque, a little rolling andvery healthy. There are over fifty wells on the town site, all of uniformdepth (about 22 feet) and yielding never failing and pure, pleasant tastingwater.


The following is a short history of the town.

E. C. Manning built his claim house in January, 1870, and moved his familyinto it March 10th, 1870. It is the house just north of the stage stablein block 108 and is the oldest house in the city. What afterwards becamethe Winfield town site was then known as his claim.

The Winfield Town Company was organized Jan. 13th, 1872, with E. C. Manning,president; W. W. Andrews, vice president; C. M. Wood, treasurer; W. G. Graham,secretary; E. C. Manning, J. H. Land, A. A. Jackson, W. G. Graham, and J.C. Monforte, directors, and the foregoing named persons with T. H. Baker,S. S. Prouty, Thos. Moonlight, and H. C. Loomis, corporators; and that theobject of this corporation was "to lay out a town site on the rollingprairie east of the Walnut River and south of Dutch Creek, the same beingin Cowley County and embracing the particular forty acres of land on whichthe residence of E. C. Manning is situated, with the privilege of increasingthe area of the town site as soon as practicable."

In the organization the question of name was discussed, and finally theChristian name of Winfield Scott was honored. He was at that time the ministerin charge of the Baptist church in Leavenworth.

In the course of the next four months after the organization, Manning,with the aid of the town company, had surveyed 20 acres of "the particular40 acres" of his claim into the six blocks along Main street from 5thto 9th streets, and had built the old log store, now occu- pied by the PostOffice and COURIER office, and had moved his stock of goods into it. Dr.Mansfield opened a small drug store in one corner of the Log Store May 1st,and shortly after erected a small drug store where the present store stands.

In June of that year Max Shoeb appeared and erected an open log structurewhere Read's bank now stands, and plied his hammer and anvil therein.

July 4th, 1870, was a great day for Winfield. The first celebration inthe county of our national birth day was held under a large bower in therear of the Old Log Store, and Prof. E. P. Hickok was the orator of theoccasion. Soon after this G. W. Green built and moved his family into alittle house near where Mr. Gordon now lives, and Max Shoeb moved his familyinto the nucleus of the house he now lives in. Manning's family had movedinto his claim house before this on the 10th of March.

August 20th, A. A. Jackson sold out his claim to J. C. Fuller and D.A. Millington, who, with Manning, made arrangements to lay out more territoryas town site and induce persons to settle rapidly on the town sitegivingthem the lots they should improve. During the fall of 1870 many personssettled upon the town site and made improvements. We cannot from this on,name all the persons that settled in Winfield in order, as that would betoo voluminous, but will name the first in kind, business, or profession.

The first settler in Winfield was E. C. Manning, the first woman Mrs.Delaphine P. Manning.

Max Shoeb was the first blacksmith; Frank A. Hunt, the first hardwaredealer; W. Q. Mansfield, the first physician; J. P. Short, the first hotelkeeper; A. J. Thompson, the first feed store keeper; Manning the first merchantand P. M.; T. H. Johnson was the first lawyer; B. H. Dunlap, the first liverystable keeper; Judge T. B. Ross preached the first sermon; Rev. A. Tousey,the first resident preacher; Miss A. Marks, of Silver Creek, taught thefirst school; J. C. Fuller, the first banker; M. L. Palmer, the first tinnerand schoolmaster; the first birth was Fred Manning; W. M. Boyer, the firstnews dealer and book store. C. A. Bliss & Co. bought out the small stockof Baker & Manning in September of 1870, and were the first regularmercantile firm in town and brought in a large stock of goods.

Though this country was practically open for settlement on the passageof the act of Congress of July 15th, 1870, in relation thereto; yet no oneknew where his claim lines would run, because there had been no governmentsurvey. This survey did not occur until January, 1871. Immediately afterthe survey D. A. Millington, who was the first engineer and surveyor, surveyedand laid out into town lots and blocks, all the west half of Fuller's claimand east half of Manning's claim (not already laid out), and platted thewhole as the town site of Winfield. Settlers continued to locate in Winfielduntil on the 10th day of July, 1871, there were 72 lots improved with 80buildings. On that day the town site was entered by the Probate Judge, T.B. Ross.

The city of Winfield was incorporated Feb. 22nd, 1873. The first cityelection was held March 7th, 1873, at which W. H. H. Maris was elected Mayor.

A. A. Jackson, Probate Judge.

O. F. Boyle, J. D. Cochran, H. S. Silver, S. C. Smith, and C. A. Bliss,for Councilmen.

The Council chose S. C. Smith, its President; J. W. Curns, Clerk; M.L. Robinson, Treasurer; C. W. Richmond, Marshal; and J. M. Alexander, Attorney.

The first annual election was held April 7th, 1873, and the same personswere re-elected to the various offices, excepting that S. Darrah succeededC. A. Bliss, and the Council re- appointed the same persons to the otheroffices, with the exception that W. T. Dougherty succeeded Richmond as Marshal.

The second annual election was held April 8th, 1874. S. C. Smith waselected Mayor; N. H. Wood, Police Judge; and S. Darrah, J. D. Cochran, H.S. Silver, R. B. Saffold, and J. P.

McMillen, Councilmen.

The Council appointed J. W. Curns, Clerk; M. L. Robinson, Treasurer;T. H. Suits, Attorney; Z. T. Swigart, Marshal.

Nov. 16th, 1874, T. H. Johnson was appointed to fill the vacancy, N.H. Wood having resigned as Police Judge. W. P. Hackney was appointed Attorney,T. H. Suits having resigned.

The third annual election was held April 5th, 1875. D. A. Millingtonwas elected Mayor; W. M. Boyer, Police Judge; and M. G. Troup, N. M. Powers,J. Newman, J. M. Dever, and C. C. Black, Councilmen.

The Mayor and Council appointed B. F. Baldwin, Clerk; E. R. Evans, Marshal;J. E. Allen, Attorney; J. C. Fuller, Treasurer; and M. G. Troup, Presidentof Council.

The present population of the city of Winfield is about 800 on an areaof 200 acres. It has 221 buildings among which the most prominent are theCourthouse, built in 1873 at a cost of $12,000, of brick with a showy belfryand cupola, probably the best courthouse in Kansas, costing no more thanit did. The residence of J. E. Platter ranks next in value but first inbeauty, built in 1874 of brick, ornamented cut stone, costing $8,000. Thebanking house of M. L. Read is a fine brick structure costing $6,000, andthe hardware store of S. H. Myton is larger and equally imposing of brick,costing $6,000. The schoolhouse is a substantial stone structure costing$6,000. The residence of Dr. Mansfield, M. L. Read, C. A. Bliss, D. A. Millington,J. P. McMillen, W. G. Graham, W. W. Andrews, S. H. Myton, and many othersare good substantial structures and ornaments to the city.

Winfield is supplied with mail communication as follows: Daily mail bycoach from railroad at Wichita to Arkansas City. Daily mail from Florenceon railroad by hack. Tri- weekly mail from Wellington to Independence viaLazette. Tri-weekly mail from Winfield to Independence via Tisdale and Dexter.


The first settler in this part of Grouse Valley was John W. Tull, wholaid the foundation of the first house. He came in November, 1869. The firstregularly ordained preacher who came here in 1870 was Elder Womack, thoughthe first sermon preached was by Elder William Gans.

The M. E. Church was organized at this place in 1873 by Elder Smith.

Doctor T. J. Raybell opened the first store in 1870, and was postmasterat the same time. The mail matter was then brought in from Eureka, 55 milesdistant, in the pockets of travelers.

The first person buried in the Lazette graveyard was William Dwyer, earlyin 1871.

The first blacksmith shop was erected by Edward Sutton in 1870, and alsothe first saw and grist mill, 6 horsepower, in the same year.

J. W. Tull raised the first crop of corn in 1870.

The first school in the valley was taught by J. W. Tull in 1870.

The first marriage, December 25, 1870, was that of Richard Miller andFlora Dudley, by E. Simpson, the first Justice of the Peace.

The town of Lazette is located in the Grouse Valley, on the Independenceand Winfield road, and was laid out in 1871. The first house therein wasbuilt by Bartholomew Fritch, who opened the first shoemaker's shop. Townlots are 25 x 120 feet and are held by H. D. Wilkins and S. M. Fall. Thetown plot covers 160 acres. The schoolhouse was built in 1872 at a costof $1,500. The first hotel was "The Black Bear," H. D. Gans, proprietor.

The first white family that came into the valley was that of John Thornburgh.

The first printing press put in operation was brought in by J. W. Tull,from whose office the Bugle, the first paper, was published in 1875.

The first wagon shop was opened by Thomas Walch. The valley now containsnot less than eight schoolhouses.

R. C. Story, attorney at law; Mc D. Stapleton, merchant, with a largestock of general merchandise; a drug store by J. A. Chapman; a grocery storeby M. Hemenway, postmaster; a hotel by Robert Harris; a boot and shoe shopby Bartholomew Fritz; and a wagon shop by Thomas Walch, and a grist andsaw mill run by steam, owned by B. H. Clover, are the businessmen and enterprisesof the place. A first-class public school is in session from six to ninemonths of the year.


Is situated in the valley of Grouse Creek 18 miles from Winfield andcontains a population of 66. It contains two general stores by Hardin &Co. and F. Henrion, both carrying large stocks; one dress-making and millineryestablishment, by Mrs. Black; two physicians, G. P. Wagner and Dr. Rood;one lawyer, James McDermott; one hotel by J. Williams; one blacksmith byJ. Graham, and one steam saw and flouring mill; one resident minister, P.G. Smith. It has also a frame schoolhouse in which a school, free to all,is kept for nine months in the year, and having, at the present time, anattendance of 65. It is the intention to grade this school at the beginningof the year. Two churches, the Methodist and Christian, have organizationsat this point and maintain regular preaching. There is a considerable sprinklingof other denominations but no organizations as yet. Dexter Grange, No. 1195,P. of H., and Dexter Lodge, No. 156, A. F. & A. M., are both locatedhere and both are prospering.

The town plat covers an area of 23 acres and contains about 100 lots.It was surveyed and platted by W. W. Walton, county surveyor, Nov. 13th,1875, and the plats have not been filed for record yet, but will be in afew days, after which the lots will be offered for sale. Lots will be donatedto parties who desire to improve them. The lots on Main street are 25 feetfront by 160 deep. The other lots are 50 feet front and of the same depth.The vacant lots are the property of the "Dexter Town Association,"and information in regard to them or the town, or county, can be obtainedeither of P. G. Smith, President, or James McDermott, Secretary of the association.

In the early spring of 1870, when there were scarcely a half dozen familiesin the fifty miles from the head to the mouth of Grouse Creek, but a greatmany bachelors living in their rude cabins with scarcely a sign of civilizationaround them, it was thought by some that the beautiful valley just belowthe confluence of a stream, which they called Plum Creek, would be a goodplace to build a town, which should become, in time, the metropolis of GrouseCreek and possibly the county seat. The county was not surveyed at thattime and this point was believed to be near the center. All mail for thissection was received through the Post Office at Eureka, 65 miles northeast,and the railroad was reached at Emporia, 50 miles further north.

Certain parties at Emporia, hearing of this desirable spot, organizedthe "Dexter Town Company" in July, 1870. C. B. Bacheller, GeorgeW. Frederick, and L. N. Robinson, of Emporia, Alex. Stevens, and Thos. Manning,of Grouse Creek, were the incorporators. This company paid the secretaryof State five dollars for their charter and then ceased active operations.It hasn't been heard from since.

The settlers erected the body of a log house and covered it sometimein the spring of 1870. In July of that year Tyler & Evans opened a smallstore in it. The first house, on what is now the town plat, was built byJames McDermott, who moved into it January 25th, 1871. In September, 1870,the post office was established with I. B. Todd as Postmaster, and in March,1871, the first mail carrier arrived from Eureka. There is now a regularmail three times a week from Winfield. In the fall of 1871 a frame schoolhouse26 by 40 feet was erected at a cost of $2,000. A six months school was sustainedeach year until 1874 when the term was increased to nine months.

In February, 1874, Dexter Grange, No. 1105, was organized; and on the28th of May, 1874, Dexter Lodge, U. D. A. F. & A. M., was established,being constituted under a charter with the number 156, on the 18th day ofthe next November.

During the summer of 1875 a steam mill was erected, the building of stone,with two run of burrs and a circular saw.

October 21st, 1875, the "Dexter Town Association" was incorporated,and shortly afterwards purchased the land and laid out the town as aboveset forth. This is a good point for business and businessmen, and mechanicsof all kinds will do well to locate at this point.


Dexter Township includes nine miles of the Grouse Valley, all of PlumCreek, nearly all of Crab Creek, and the prairies adjoining, and containsa population of nearly 500. There was harvested in the township last yearover 30,000 bushels of wheat and double that amount of corn. Timber is abundanton Grouse Creek and firewood can be bought for $2.50 and $3.00 per cord.Coal can be bought for 15 cents per bushel at the bank 12 miles distant.There is some good land to be had at $1.25 per acre by actual settlers,and improved bottom homes can be purchased at from $10 to $15 per acre.Improved upland at from $3 to $6 per acre.


Tisdale is located on a high rolling prairie at the geographical centerof the county. It was first laid out as a town in June, 1871, by the TisdaleTown Company, the charter of the company bearing date June 13th, 1871, withA. D. Keith, as president, and C. R. Mitchell, as secretary. The presentsecretary is Ed. Milliard. The town site proper contains 160 acres of landlaid out in blocks 350 by 280 feet, and contains 14 and 28 lots each respectively,the business lots being 25 by 132 and the residence lots 50 by 132 feeteach, making a total of 938 lots in all. The town site was purchased fromthe government in June, 1872. A post office was established in the fallof 1871 with J. A. McGuire as Postmaster, which position he still retains.Tisdale has a tri-weekly mail with Winfield and Independence, and weeklymail with Eldorado and Arkansas City. Tisdale now contains twenty-sevenbuildings with a population of 85 inhabitants, four store buildings, oneblacksmith and two wagon shops, one hotel, a $2,000 schoolhouse, and boastsof one of the best schools in the county. It has three church organizationsand a Good Templar Lodge. Pure water in abundance is to be found at a depthof from twelve to eighteen feet. Coal has been found in small quantities.Silver Creek runs near this place, upon which is located a flouring millnow in operation, Moses Miller, proprietor. J. A. McGuire opened the firststore in town and Sam Willeston opened the first blacksmith shop. Mart Elingererected the first house and Wm. Atter preached the first sermon in the place.The first settlers were S. S. Moore, G. W. Foughty, Sid Moses, and M. Elinger.Mrs. Foughty taught the first school in town.


located about ten miles southwest from Dexter, in the center of SpringTownship, is a hamlet of half a dozen houses surrounded by a rich agriculturalcountry. It contains a post office, hotel, store, wagon shop, blacksmithshop, and a first-class schoolhouse.


is located upon a beautiful rise of ground commanding an enchanting viewof the Arkansas and Walnut valleys. It is about four miles North of theSouth and six miles East of the West line of the county. The Arkansas passesabout one-half mile West, and the Walnut about one- half mile East of thetown site and form a junction about two miles and a half to the southeast.

In March, April, and May, 1869, H. C. Endicott, Senior, Geo. Harmon,W. Johnson, Ed Chapin, Pad Endicott, Pat Somers, and J. (Z.) K. Rogers tookclaims along the Walnut in the vicinity of the present town. H. C. Endicottbuilt the first house in that part of the county. In September followingZ. K. Rogers died at Endicott's house: the first death in the county.

On January 1st, 1870, the first stake was driven in the town site bythe town company. On March 1st, 1870, G. H. Norton built the first houseon the town site, which he occupied as a residence and store. It is nowoccupied by Mrs. Gray. G. H. Norton, appointed in April, 1870, was the firstpostmaster. The town site is one mile square. Its streets are laid out northand south and east and west. The main street traverses the summit of themound upon which the town is located. During the summer of 1870, the towngrew very fast and in the fall there were about forty buildings up. It soonbecame, and remains, the outfitting point for intercourse with the IndianTerritory, and a very large and important trade centers there from thiscounty, and from the Agencies and Government Surveying expeditions locatedand operating in the Territory below. Settled at the outset by an energeticand intelligent people, they soon brought about them the evidences of cultivation.The finest schoolhouse southeast of Emporia adorns the town site; constructedof brick with cut stone trimmings, designed by J. G. Haskell, the firstarchitect in the State; its attractive and inviting form is a noble monumentof the present, and promising prestige of the future.

A splendid brick church, the best edifice of the kind in the country,a substantial frame church, a cut stone bank (J. C. McMullen's), the CityHotel, a three-story structure, kept by Mantor & Son, the Central Avenue,a commodious two-story building, Houghton & McLaughlin, immense drygoods store, J. H. Sherburne & Co.'s two-story business house, J. C.McMullen's elegant private residence constructed of brick with cut stonetrimmings, costing $6,000, are among the most prominent and expensive ofthe buildings upon the town site. It contains about 550 population.

In 1870 the following enterprises were established and were the firstof the kind in the city: C. R. Sipes' hardware store; Sleeth & Bro.saw mill; Richard Woolsey, hotel; Newman & Houghton clothing house (firstin the county); Paul Beck, blacksmith shop; E. D. Bowen grocery store; Keith& Eddy drug store; J. I. Mitchell Harness shop; T. A. Wilkinson, restaurant and boarding house; Wm. Speers, first ferry across Arkansas River.

The first bank and brick residence were built by J. C. McMullen in 1873.The first temperance meeting was held Feb. 21, 1871. W. P. Hackney was thefirst lawyer; Dr. John Alexander the first physician; Mrs. S. P. Channellopened the first millinery store. The first Sunday school was organizedin Rev. B. C. Swarts' cabin, T. A. Wilkinson, superintendent; first jeweler,Perry Woodyard.

Creswell Grote, born October 5, 1870, was the first native of the town.On the 20th day of July, 1871, the town site was entered at the Augustaland office. June 10, 1872, it was incorporated as a city of the third class.First city election took place July 1st, 1872. A. D. Keith, mayor; AmosWalton, police judge. The office of mayor is successively filled by A. D.Keith (second term), H. O. Meigs, S. P. Channell, Judge Timothy McIntirehas been police judge since April 8, 1873.


There are at present four newspapers published in this county, threeof which, the COURIER, Plow and Anvil, and the Cowley County Telegram,are published at Winfield; and the fourth, the Arkansas City Traveler,is published at Arkansas City. The first paper published in the county wasthe Cowley County Censor, the first number of which was issued atWinfield, Aug. 13, 1870, by A. J. Patrick, who was the editor and proprietor.The Censor was a six column paper. The first two numbers were printedat Augusta, the type having been set up here and sent in galleys to Augusta.Number three was printed here on the historical press of Kansas, the historyof which is given by S. S. Prouty as follows.

"Rev. Joseph Meeker brought the first press into Kansas Territory.This was in 1834. Mr. Meeker was a missionary to the Ottawa Indians. TheOttawa Mission was near where the town of Ottawa now stands. Mr. Meeker,a long time prior to the commencement of settlement by the whites, printeda book with that press.

* * * * *

"The State of Kansas should recover that Meeker press and preserveit at the capital. Kansas will have a centennial some day. From Meeker thepress passed into the hands of George W. Brown. In 1857 Brown sold it toS. S. Prouty. Prouty owned the press for years, and used it in the publicationof the Freemen's Champion and the Neosho Valley Register.Prouty sold it to S. Weaver, who used it at Lecompton. From thence it wentto Cottonwood Falls, and from thence to Cowley County. It is now supposedto be in the Indian Territory, on its march of conquest. It was a Seth Adamsmanufacture, oval at the top. There were twenty stars on it, indicatingthat at the time of its manufacture there were twenty states in the Union.This was in 1817, as the twenty-first State was admitted in 1818."

Prouty's supposition that the press was in the Indian Territory was notcorrect. About eighteen months ago it was sold by S. C. Smith to W. H. Kerns,Smith having taken it under a chattel mortgage given by Kerns in January,1873. Kerns took it to Missouri, where at last accounts he was publishinga paper with it.

Patrick was succeeded by L. J. Webb as editor of the Censor, June3, 1871, and on the 5th of August following, Webb & Doud bought Patrickout and continued the publication of the paper until the 26th of the month,when E. G. Nichols succeeded Doud, and the firm became Webb & Nichols.In the month of September following the paper was enlarged to seven columns.January 6th, 1872, Webb and Nichols sold out to W. H. Kerns, when the Censorceased to exist. January 13th Kerns commenced the publication of the WinfieldMessenger, a seven column paper, and on the 4th of July, the sameyear, was succeeded by Yale Bro.'s, who published until the 5th of December,when they broke up and moved the office and material, except the old press,to McPherson County.

The next paper after the Censor was the Traveler, a sixcolumn paper, the first number of which was issued August 24, 1870. We believeit was the first paper printed in the county, coming out a few days beforethe third number of the Censor.

The Traveler was published by M. G. Mains, with H. B. Norton aseditor and C. M. Scott as local. On the 15th of December, 1870, L. B. Kelloggsucceeded Mains in the proprietor ship and became the editor, with Nortonspecial contributor and Scott local. On the first day of September, 1870,Scott bought Kellogg out, since which time he has carried on the paper alone.

Number 1, volume 1, of the Telegram, was published at Tisdaleon the 12th day of September, 1872, by W. M. Allison. Five numbers wereissued at Tisdale, and on the 28th of November No. 6 was published at Winfieldby Allison. In the month of January, 1873, Allison associated with him A.H. Hane, under the firm name of Allison & Hane, who published the paperuntil the 20th of March, when Hane was succeeded by A. B. Steinberger (nowof the Howard City Courant). Allison & Steinberger dissolvedJuly 3, 1873, since which time Allison has published the Telegram.The press on which the Telegram is now published is of the same manufactureand age of the Meeker press. Allison has edited the paper since it started.

On the 11th day of January, 1873, R. S. Waddell & Co. started theCOURIER at Winfield and continued its publication with R. S. Waddelleditor and J. C. Lillie local editor until March 27th following, when JamesKelly purchased the office. Kelly at once assumed the publication of thepaper, editing it himself, with V. B. Beckett local. Beckett did the localsuntil March 4, 1875. Kelly conducted the paper alone from that time untilJuly 1st, when Wirt W. Walton became and has ever since been local editor.On the 11th of November last E. C. Manning became editor and publisher.

On the 19th day of November, 1874, the Plow and Anvil made itsfirst appearance, with Col. J. M. Alexander editor and proprietor. Col.Alexander was succeeded by Amos Walton and C. M. McIntire, the present editorsand proprietors, April 22 last.

The Censor was, and the Traveler and COURIER are,republican in politics. The Messenger was, and the Telegramand Plow and Anvil are independent in politics.


The Baptist denomination perfected its organization in the county atWinfield, in October 1870. Rev. Winfield Scott, the pastor at Leavenworth,was present and superintended the organization, and preached the first Baptistsermon delivered in the county. The Baptists at that time commenced andsubsequently completed a tasty stone church building. The Baptists now havesocieties organized at Baltimore, Floral, Mount Zion, Maple Grove, MapleCity, Pleasant Valley, Rock Creek, Silver Creek, Timber Creek, and Winfield.The enrolled membership numbers 325, and there are at least 175 Baptistsoutside of the organizations, making a total of 500.


The society at Winfield was organized in May, 1870, by Rev. B. C. Swartswith three members, two full members and one probationer. This was the firstorganization in the county. In September followingthe membership havingincreased to tenthe construction of a house of worship was decided upon.In May, 1871, a church building was completed. In March of 1871, the KansasM. E. conference appointed Rev. L. A. Smith to fill the charge. Rev. Wm.Armstrong succeeded him; and in Aug. 1872 Rev. Williams took charge; andfollowing him was Rev. John Lowrey in March, 1873. In March 1874, Rev. J.McQuiston was placed in charge, and finally in September, 1875, Winfieldbecame a station with Rev. J. C. Adams as pastor. The Winfield society contains56 members and owns a church and parsonage valued at $1,500.

The M. E. denomination have organizations in the county, located as follows:One at Winfield, Little Dutch, Limbocker's Schoolhouse, Fee's Schoolhouse,Thomasville, Maple City, Coburns, Bolton, Dexter, Lazette, New Salem, SouthBend, Arkansas City, Baltimore, and Rock Schoolhouse. The estimated membershipis 400 in number. The society at Arkansas City own a parsonage.


Of Presbyterian church organizations in the county there are five, viz:One Cumberland Presbyterian church, located on Silver Creek, and ministeredto by Rev. Nance. One is a United Presbyterian church and is located atArkansas City, and was organized by Rev. Mr. Collins, of Lyon County, inthe fall of 1872. The other three belong to the Presbyterian church andare located in Winfield, Arkansas City, and one eight miles north of Winfield,known as the Walnut Valley Church. The aggregate membership of the threechurches is something over two hundred. Both the Presbyterian and the UnitedPresbyterian churches at Arkansas City have good church buildings, completelyfurnished and free from debt. The Presbyterian minister who first laboredin this county, as far as we can ascertain, was the Rev. A. R. Naylor, whocame in the fall of 1872 and remained six months. His first sermon was preachedin the Baptist church in Winfield. The Presbyterian church at Winfield wasorganized January 19th, 1873, and the one in Arkansas City shortly after,by Rev. A. R. Naylor. The Walnut Valley church was organized March 1st,1874, by Rev. J. E. Platter, who is its present minister, and also has chargeof the society at Winfield. At the latter place a large brick church isin process of erection.


The Church of Christ, or Disciples, have eight organizations, as follows:Winfield, Vernon, Dexter, Floral, Lazette, Baltimore, Rose Valley, and Maple,with a membership of 309. There are also in the county an unorganized membershipof about 300, who have not determined upon a place of meeting: making atotal membership of 609. They have eight preachers, viz: J. H. Irvin, J.J. Goodwell, Wm. Marquis, Samuel Cutsinger, and John Blevins. The firstdiscourse delivered in the county by a Disciple minister was by Elder Womack,now deceased, in the summer of 1871, in the old Town Company building, Winfield.The congregation in Winfield has now a neat, comfortable frame building,valued at $800. The distinctive plea of the Disciples is the Bible, andthe Bible alone, as an all sufficient rule of faith and practice.


The Congregational denomination has one church organization. It is locatedin Winfield. Its organization was perfected in January, 1871, S. B. Johnson,Pastor. J. B. Fairbank and A. Howland, Deacons. It became a chartered corporationJune 13th, 1873: Directors A. Howland, J. B. Fairbank, James A. Kirk, EdT. Johnson, Ed W. Perkins. Rev. J. B. Parmelee became pastor in 1873. Mr.Parmelee moved to Indiana in the spring of 1875, since which time the churchhas been without a pastor.


The Catholics have a mission established here, with service once a monthby Rev. Schurz, of Wichita.


On the 29th day of October, 1870, a dispensation was granted to J. S.Hunt, A. H. Green, Enoch Maris, and eight others for a lodge at Winfield.J. S. Hunt was appointed W. M.; A. H. Green, S. W.; and Enoch Maris, J.W. On the 17th day of October, 1872, the lodge obtained a charter underthe name of Adelphi, No. 119, with the following charter members: J. S.Hunt, A. H. Green, Enoch Maris, C. A. Bliss, A. A. Jackson, W. M. Boyer,H. Shaughness, I. L. Comfort, E. Adams, Thomas Hart, W. S. Huff, S. H. Revis,T. A. Rice, and J. Traxler.

The same officers were installed under the charter and held their officesuntil Jan. 1st, 1873, when Enoch Maris was elected W. M.; W. M. Boyer, S.W.; and T. A. Rice, J. W.

January 1st, 1874, Enoch Maris was re-elected W. M.; T. A. Rice, S. W.;and W. G. Graham, S. W.

January 1st, 1875, L. J. Webb was elected W. M.; W. G. Graham, S. W.;and J. E. Saint, J. W.

For the present year J. S. Hunt was elected W. M.; J. E. Saint, S. W.;and A. B. Lemmon, J. W.

The lodge now has forty-six members and is in a healthy condition morallyand financially.

About one year after the organization of Adelphi, a dispensation wasgranted to the craft at Arkansas City, and in due time they received a charterunder the name of Crescent Lodge, No. 133, with O. S. Smith, W. M.; E. B.Kager, S. W. Dexter Lodge is spoken of elsewhere.

On the 15th of March, 1875, a dispensation was granted M. L. Read, H.P.; M. C. Baker, K.; John D. Pryor, Scribe; W. C. Robinson, C. H.; A. Howland,P. S.; W. G. Graham, R. A. C.; J. W. Johnston, M. 3rd V.; P. Hill, M. 1stV.; A. A. Newman, member. October 19th, a charter was issued to them underthe name Winfield Chapter, R. A. M., No. 31; and on the 26th of the samemonth the Chapter was instituted by J. C. Bennett, of Emporia. A list ofthe officers for this year was published last week. This branch of Masonryhere is in good working order and in a healthy condition financially.

I. O. O. F.

Winfield Lodge, No. 101, was organized by P. S. M., W. A. Shannon, ofAugusta, Kansas, Feb. 18th, 1873.

The charter members were J. J. Williams, S. A. Weir, C. W. Richmond,C. C. Stephens, and A. S. Williams. Upon the evening of the organization,John Swain, Max Shoeb, and J. W. Curns were initiated upon petition. Thelodge has steadily increased in numbers until it now contains thirty members.

I. O. G. T.

Winfield Lodge was organized in March, 1874, by N. K. Jeffries, D. G.W. T. On the evening of the organization, Rev. J. McQuiston was chosen W.C. T. and Mrs. A. Gordon, V. T. The lodge was organized with twenty chartermembers. It now contains ninety members in good standing. There are alsotwo other organizations in the county. One located at Little Dutch, theother at Darien, in the Walnut Valley.


There are five bridges in the county, all wood structures. Two span theWalnut near Winfield, built in 1872, at a cost of $6,000 each; one crossesTimber Creek north of Winfield, costing $2,500, built in 1873; one crossesthe Arkansas River south of Arkansas City, at an expense of $15,000, builtin 1872; the fifth crosses the Walnut River east of Arkansas City, at acost of $5,000, erected in 1873.


There are seven grist mills in the county, four water power, three steampower. C. A. Bliss & Co. are proprietors and C. A. Bliss and J. C. Blandinwere the builders in 1872 and 1873, of the four-story stone mill on theWalnut adjoining Winfield. It rests upon a solid stone foundation at thesouth end of a beautiful stone dam. The mill contains three run of burrs,merchant and custom bolt, $1,200 Middlings Purifier (the only one at workin the State at this time). Its daily grinding capacity of 24 hours is over1,000 bushels of grain. This is the best water mill in southern Kansas.The mill is valued at $24,000.

I. E. Moore is proprietor of the Tunnel Mill, built by Covert and Koehlerin 1872 and 1873. It is a three-story, substantial frame building containingtwo run of burrs driven by the water of the Walnut flowing through a tunnelbeneath a narrow neck of land three quarters of a mile south of town. Themill is valued $16,000.

Wm. Speers is the proprietor of a substantial steam grist and saw mill,located upon the town site of Arkansas City.

All of these mills manufacture a superior brand of flour that has favoritereputation in Kansas City, which it reaches via Wichita over the A. T. &S. F. R. R.

B. H. Clover, at Lazette, has a flourishing saw and grist mill run bysteam. Carter Bro.'s, at Dexter, also have a grist and saw mill driven bysteam power, built in 1875 by Meigs & Kinne. Moses Miller is the proprietorof a small grist mill on Silver Creek, southeast of Tisdale.

Steam saw mills are located on Grouse Creek as follows: Sherman's, sixmiles above Lazette; Ward & Smiley, two miles below Lazette; French& Stalter, three miles further down; Lippmann's, ten miles below Dexter,and Samuel Jay, at the mouth of Grouse. These with a steam saw mill, ownedby W. H. Keiser, about four miles above Winfield on the Walnut, constitutethe mills of the county at this date.


The first schoolhouse built in the county was in school district No.37, called Bethel schoolhouse, in 1871. At present there are seventy schoolhousesin the county, constructed at an average cost of $1,000 each. They are chieflytasty frame buildings, painted white. There are one hundred and eight organizedschool district and 3,555 children of school age in the county. The lawrequires that at least three months school be taught in each district annually.The average wages paid teachers is forty dollars per month. Good teachersfind ready employment. The highest salary paid to a teacher in the countyis one thousand dollars per annum.


In the order of their terms we give the names of the men who have representedthe county in the Kansas House of Representatives: E. C. Manning, 1871;Judge T. B. McIntire, 1872; Capt. James McDermott, 1873; Rev. Wm. Martin,1874; Hon. T. R. Bryan, 1875.


April 28, 1873, Vernon, the first subordinate Grange, was organized;A. S. Williams, master. In November following Silverdale and Bolton Grangewere organized. We have not been able to learn who were the first masters.

The following Granges were organized by J. L. Worden, deputy.

Nov. 24, 1873, Bethel Grange, Joseph Stansberry, master.

Nov. 25, 1873, Maple Grove Grange, James Land, master.

Dec. 8, 1873, Floral Grange, James Van Orsdell, master.

Dec. 9, 1873, New Salem, J. J. Johnson, master.

Dec. 18, 1873, Richland, S. W. Phoenix, master.

Dec. 26, 1873, Beaver, W. A. Freeman, master.

Dec. 29, 1873, Eagle, J. Tipton, master.

Jan. 9, 1874, Bluff, T. C. Bird, master.

Jan. 10, 1874, Winfield, A. T. Stewart, master.

Jan. 15, 1874, Grand Prairie, A. Walk, master.

Jan. 16, 1874, Darien, Wm. H. Grow, master.

Jan. 17, 1874, Omnia, N. J. Thompson, master.

Jan. 20, 1874, Philematheon, H. H. Martin, master.

Jan. 27, 1874, Lazette, J. Clover, master.

Jan. 27, 1874, Center, C. G. Handy, master.

Jan. 30, 1874, Sheridan, Joseph Burt, master.

Jan. 30, 1874, Pleasant Valley, H. H. Constant, master.

Feb. 4, 1874, Walnut Valley, G. S. Story, master.

Feb. 5, 1874, Little Dutch, John Manly, master.

Feb. 9, 1874, Nennescah, L. B. Goodrich, Secretary.

Feb. 11, 1874, Creswell, A. J. Burrell, Secretary.

Feb. 12, 1874, South Bend, J. S. Hill, Secretary.

Feb. 13, 1874, Aurora, C. G. Oliver, Secretary.

Feb. 14, 1874, Gore, G. A. Keeps, Secretary.

Feb. 18, 1874, Union, G. W. Ballou, Secretary.

Feb. 21, 1874, Pleasant Grove, S. B. Littell, Secretary.

Feb. 24, 1874, Enterprise, T. M. Summers, Secretary.

Mar. 13, 1874, Crooked Creek, James Burns, Secretary.

Mar. 16, 1874, Dexter, T. A. Bryan, Secretary.

Mar. 17, 1874, Liberty, E. Newlin, Secretary.

Mar. 18, 1874, Silver Creek, S. M. Jarvis, Secretary.

Mar. 19, 1874, [Location not given], Thomas R. Sharron, Secretary.

Mar. 24, 1874, Washington, L. T. Wells, Secretary.

Apr. 1, 1874, Eureka, W. R. Wickersham, Secretary.

Apr. 8, 1874, Maple City, W. E. Ketchum, Secretary.

Apr. 9, 1874, Grouse Creek, J. R. Pickett, Secretary.

Feb. 16, 1875, Prospect, John Linton, master.

Feb. 27, 1875, Rose Bud, J. R. Kistler, master.

Mar. 18, 1875, Spring Creek, A. A. Wiley, master.

The order is prosperous and growing. There are about one thousand membersin the county.


The Cowley County Agricultural Society was organized Aug. 19, 1871, andon Aug. 31 the directors elected the following officers: M. M. Jewett, president,A. T. Stewart, vice president; D. N. Egbert, secretary; A. B. Lemmon, assistantsecretary; J. B. Fairbank, corresponding secretary; J. D. Cochran, treasurer,C. M. Wood, superintendent.

Some preliminary meetings were held for the organization prior to thefirst date given. On the 12th day of October, 1872, the first fair was held.The Society had purchased twelve acres of land south of town and constructeda high, tight, pine fence around it, and cleared an elegant race track thereon.This occurred in 1872, after the Society was incorporated under State lawin May 7th and 8th.

At that time A. T. Stewart became President; C. M. Wood, Vice President;J. D. Cochran, Treasurer; D. N. Egbert, Secretary. The second AgriculturalFair, held under the Society, transpired 15th to 18th of September, 1872.


Arkansas City, Baltimore, Cabin Valley, Cedar Creek, Dexter, Grouse Creek,Lazette, Little Dutch, Maple City, Moscow, New Salem, Ninnescah, Otto, Polo,Red Bud, Rock, Silver Dale, Tisdale, Vernon, Winfield: 20.


Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.


There is no frost in the ground. The weather is warm and just right forwheat growing. The 45,000 acres of winter wheat in this county looks asgreen as grass in June. Enoch Willett finished sowing a large field Dec.1st and it is all up, and growing finely.


Last Friday we undertook the task of issuing a Centennial COURIER thisweek. From various sources and at different times a history of the countyhas been suggested. An intention exists somewhere to present the January,1876, issue of the Kansas journals in a bound volume at the Centennial.It has been suggested that these volumes contain histories of the countiesand cities in which they are printed. We waited until the very last hourbefore moving to issue such a sheet, in the hope that other and abler handswould undertake the enterprise. In common with all others, we are proudof the progress Cowley has made. We were in at its birth, it will be inat our death. We helped to cut its swaddling clothes, it shall furnish ourwinding sheet. Containing as it does the elements and resources of an empire,if wisdom prevails in the councils of its people, an unequaled future awaitsit.


The most gratifying encouragement has been extended us by all with whomwe have come in contact in our efforts to secure data and information forthis issue of the COURIER. We do not now remember a single ungenerous ordiscouraging word. We hope it will be received in as kindly a spirit. Gottenup in such haste, of course it could not be perfect. We have done the bestwe could in the time given us. By consent of patrons we have left out thisweek three columns of regular standing advertisements. We hope our readerswill not forget them. Boyer & Co.'s news depot and book store, the bestand most complete institution of the kind in the county, is one that wasset aside; a long list of lots and land in Manning & Walton's doublecolumn real estate advertisement is another. The last named firm have somevery choice tracts of land for sale at exceedingly low prices. A list ofland furnished applicants and correspondence promptly answered.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 6, 1876.


On the 19 inst., as Mr. S. M. Fall and daughter were returning from Dexter,an almost fatal accident befell them. Somebody had very carelessly lefta dead calf in the middle of the road near George Gardenhire's, at whichMr. Fall's mules took fright, jumped back so suddenly that they snappedoff the tongue of the buggy, and then started forward on a run. By mainstrength Mr. Fall turned them into the fence, which the buggy struck withsuch violence as to throw him out on the ground. Fortunately the mules therebecame disengaged from the buggy, and continued their run unincumbered.Mr. Fall was insensible some little time from the force of the fall, butsuffered no other injuries than severe bruises, while his daughter escapedwithout any damage, though greatly frightened.

At the last meeting of the literary society, at the Gardenhire schoolhouse,the question, Resolved, That the old bachelors should be compelled to supportthe old maids, was debated, and, of course, decided in the affirmative.The discussion is said to have been heated and able.

Quite a respectable club has been gotten up here for the weekly Commonwealth.

Several interesting shooting matches have lately been held in this neighborhood,and our "crack shots" carried off many a turkey.

On the eve of the 24th a pleasant dance was held at Harvey Ramage's,and another in Cedar Valley at Mr. Buddell's.

The initiary steps to a number of heavy law suits were lately taken byparties in the valley; but unfortunately, the dread of justice to be dispensedby A. J. Pickering's court caused the contending parties to compromise.

Among the distinguished parties who have lately returned to Lazette arethe following: Frank Wilkins, Indian Territory; T. Hemenway, Allen County;Lee Wade, Humboldt; Dennis Cunningham, Illinois; H. M. Rogers, St. Joseph;and Joseph Fritch, from Texas.

On the 26th, Rev. Mr. Swarts held religious services in the schoolhouse,and announced his appointment for January.

Corn still stands at 20 cents in our market. Apples range as high as$2.00, while peanuts are a drug at 75 cents.

Rev. David Dale has sold out his stock of ponies, and is determined to"jockey" no more this side of Arizona.

The Arizona company held a pigeon-shooting match on the open square southof town Saturday last.

On Christmas the Lazette Bugle blew its first notes. It is smallbut quite lively. J. W. Tull is bugler in chief.


Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.

The Sunday School will meet at the Courthouse at half past two o'clockP. M. in future. The first bell will be rung at two o'clock. They are gettinga new library.

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.

LATEST STYLE SUITS at $10 to $15, at Requa's.

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.

At their regular meeting last Friday night, No. 282 of the A. G. J. S.Bazique, elected the following officers for the ensuing year: J. D. Pryor,King; James Simpson, Grand Khedive; F. Gallotti, Sir Scribe; J. Ex Saint,G. Master C.; W. W. Walton, G. Commander; B. F. Baldwin, G. Generalissimo.After which work was done in the Marquis degree and brother W. C. Robinsonmade Knight of the Red Hand. Refreshments were taken at the St. Nicholas.

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.

IF YOU WANT a good hat, a cheap hat, a coarse hat, a black hat, a drabhat, a high hat, a low hat, or any other hat, go to McMillen & Shields.

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876. Special Notice. JudgeMcDonald can be found in my office on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday ofeach week after January 15th, 1876.


Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.

IF YOU DO WANT a good glove, a fine glove, a Buck glove, a sheep glove,a dog glove, a casimere glove, a woolen glove, a kid glove, or any kindof a mitten glove at a job lot price, we say go to McMillen & Shields.

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.


A lady's fur cape. The owner should pay for this notice and prove ownershipto the property and get possession.

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.

NOW IS THE TIME, and the very time, to buy shoes cheaply while McMillen& Shields are determined to sell at some price to make room for moregoods. Look to your interest and fail not.

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.

Royal Arch Masons.

There will be an installation of officers of Winfield Chapter No. 31,at Masonic Hall, of Royal Arch Masons, on Saturday evening, January 8. AllR. A. M's. in good standing are cordially invited to attend.

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.

For Journal Clerk.

What they say about us in connection with the Journal Clerkship of theHouse:

"Wirt W. Walton, of Winfield, Kansas, will be a candidate for JournalClerk of the House. He filled that position with credit during the sessionof 1873 and 1874. He is a newspaper man of good ability, and will probablybe elected." Commonwealth.

Mr. Walton is a good and rapid penman, a correct accountant, and canbe relied on. We should like to see him go in. Arkansas City Traveler.

*** Is one of the ablest and most reliable young men of the southwest.Parsons Sun.

*** Has filled the place with credit to himself and the House. Spiritof Kansas.

*** Local editor of the Winfield COURIER, has filled the position once,rendering satisfaction to everybody. He is a good scholar, wields a facilepen, etc. Sumner Co. Press.

*** We do not believe his superior for that position can be found inthe State. Larned Press.

*** Besides being a Southwestern Kansas editor, he has had experiencein the discharge of the duties of the position, which is invaluable in aclerkship. Wichita Eagle.

*** We vote "Aye!" North Topeka Times.

*** We insist that the members of the South, if not those of the entireState, give him their warmest support. North Topeka Times.

*** We insist that the members of the South, if not those of the entireState, give him their warmest support. Elk County Courant.

Thanks, gentlemen, thanks! Meet us at Popindick's on the evening of the10th inst.

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.

IT HAS BECOME a matter of history that McMillen & Shields deal ina good article of goods and do a fair, square business.

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.


WALKER - WEBB. Tuesday evening, January 4th, 1876, at the residence ofthe bride's brother, L. J. Webb, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. R. L. Walker andMiss Sadie A. Webb.

Everybody in the county knows Dick Walker and no one has more friendsthan he. They all rejoice at his good sense and good fortune in selectinga companion for life. His new wife, though not one of the "old settlers,"has many friends in our midst and quietly captured the Captain that allthe girls were going crazy after. "Still waters run deep."

GRAHAM - PATTEN. At Dexter, Kansas, January 1st, 1876, by Elder J. Jones,Mr. John Graham to Miss Martha E. Patten, all of Dexter.

BROWN - DAGGETT. At the residence of L. J. Spahr's, Timber Creek, Dec.29th, 1875, by R. Thirsk, Esq., Mr. Lafayette Brown, formerly of Olathe,Kas., and Miss I. E. Daggett, formerly of Cordona, Illinois.

After partaking of refreshments the happy couple started for their futurehome near New Salem, Kansas, amid the hearty congratulations of their manyfriends and relatives.

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.

TO GET BARGAINS in felt skirts, balmoral skirts, white merino knit skirts,white tucked skirts, linen handkerchiefs, cotton handkerchiefs, Hamburgedgings, Saxony edgings, rushing, belts, jewelry, and dry goods, groceries,and notions generally, you will have to go to McMillen & Shields.

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.

Just received, at Mrs. L. H. Howard's, a nice assortment of Ready-madeCloaks.

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.

Go to McMillen & Shields and get 15 yards of good Calico for $1.00.

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.


W. L. Mullen would inform the public that he is closing out his entirestock of staple Groceries at the lowest rates for cash, with a view of engagingin a business more congenial to hiswell call and see the goods. He is boundto sell them between now and Spring at some price. Remember the place, thesame old stand, East side main street, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.

A NEW STOCK of wagon material, direct from Indiana, at prices to suitthe times, at George Brown's wagon shop, next door to Shoeb's blacksmithshop.

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.

OH SAY! Now that the Holidays are coming, hadn't you better call on Mrs.Kennedy's fashionable Millinery Emporium, and purchase one of those beautifulhats? Or perhaps a plume, a sash, a bolt of ribbon, or something else that'snice? Remember the place. Four doors north of C. A. Bliss & Co.'s.

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.

HURRY UP and get some of those nice stylish ribbons of Mrs. Kennedy beforethey are all gone.

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.

Our "Courier" Patrons.

In beginning the "Centennial year," with an enterprise likethe one we have engaged in this week, it is but right and proper that wemake honorable mention of the men who, by giving us their patronage, havegreatly helped us in the "financial" part thereof.

Alphabetically arranged, they appear as follows.

ALLEN, JNO. E., ex-Deputy U. S. Collector, and County Attorney of PutnamCounty, Illinois, came here in March, 1874, and engaged in the practiceof his professionis now City Attorney. He commands the respect of many acquaintances.

AUSTIN, DR. W. E., has been here but a year and a few months, yet hehas a good practice. He moved from Oxford here, and from Oswego to Oxford.

BAKER, THOS., City Tonsorial Artist, has the best shop in town, and,as he deserves, the best custom.

BALDWIN, B. F., Druggist, City Clerk, etc., successor to Maris &Baldwin, moved from Cherryvale, Kansas, February, 1873, bringing his goodsin one wagon. He now has the largest and finest drug store in the city.To those who do not know Frank Baldwin, we will say that he is a reliable,accommodating young gentleman and one of the promising businessmen of ourcity.

BLACK, C. C., Merchant, City Councilman, and a "jolly good fellow,"graduated at Hampton College, Rock Island Co., Illinois, and came to Cowleyand herded forty "cattle on a thousand hills" during the fallof 1875, engaged in the mercantile business January, 1873, with J. J. Ellis,whom he has since bought out. He now runs his mammoth store, assisted bythe clever Charley Harter as chief salesman, and Fred C. Hunt as assistant,singly and alone. It's useless to wish that trio success.

BLACK, DR. GEO., is a graduate of the Cincinnati, Ohio, Medical College.Is an old and reliable practitioner and has his share of the practice here.

BLISS, C. A. & Co., of which C. A. is "which," is madeup chiefly of those western elements, called faith, pluck, and gritthe greatestof which is "grit." The elements he has had to contend with wouldhave sunk an ordinary businessman, but he still swims. At the time he built,his was the largest store in the county, the finest residence in the county,and his mill, of which we are all so proud, is one of the best in the state.He furnishes employment for a dozen handsis always improving and enhancingthe value of his property, thereby adding much to the material wealth ofour city. He has done more toward building up the town of his adoption thanany one man in it. Success to C. A. Bliss, his salesman, J. Ex Saint, andall the boys connected therewith.

BONANZA BILLIARD HALL, recently opened up with A. O. Baily, proprietor.It is an orderly-kept room, and is a good place to spend an idle hour.

BOYER & Co.'s News Depot and headquarters for stationery, notions,etc., is the neatest room in the city. W. M. Boyer is one of the pioneersof the town, has held the office of J. P. continuouslyis now Police Judge,attorney at law (does not practice), and one of the most popular businessmenin the city.

BROWN, GEO., was the first wagon maker in the countyhas worked here athis trade ever since. He is honestwell, everybody knows Geo. Brown.

BROTHERTON & SILVER represent the only exclusive grain and feed storein the Valley. Mr. Brotherton has been a merchant in Winfield since it wasa city and long before. Mr. Silver, ex-Township Trustee, is a live go-aheadman. The pair go well together. Give them your patronage.

CEDAR GROVE Nursery, with Judge Gans as proprietor, has the lead of anythingof the kind in the county. Buy of Gans, he will do well by you.

CENTRAL AVENUE HOUSE of Arkansas City, is the most popular house, hasthe most popular landlord, viz.; Will D. Mowry, and is in fact the besthotel in the Walnut Valley.

CHANNELL & Co., hardware merchants, Arkansas City, have the reputationof being fair dealing men. They have the best store in the city and hencehave the largest trade. S. P. Channell is the present mayor, one of the"antique" fellows, and his partner, R. C. Haywood, is a live businessyoung man.

COMFORT, I. L, still liveth, and the "Old Boy," as we printerscall him, handles the saw or the roller as nimble as a 19 year old. He isthe best type-roller or wood sawyer in Southern Kansas. "Good day,sir; I must be going."

CURNS & MANSER do a general real estate and abstract business. Theyare reliable, live businessmen, and as such succeed in anything they undertake.

DEVER, J. M., is one of the aborigines, as it were; is always ready tohelp in any public enterprise. When you want anything in the Notion line,call on him and he'll call on you.

EASTON, John, the only gunsmith in the countyyou have to patronize him;but John is a good workman and will do the fair thing for you.

FRIEND, F. M., watchmaker and jeweler, having just arrived from Carthage,Missouri, stands ready to make his work speak for itself. Having begun right,advertising in the leading paper, we bespeak for him success.

FULLER, J. C., is the proprietor of the Winfield Bank, the firstbank in Cowley County; established in the spring of 1871. Of it we needsay nothing; words of ours would add little to its prestige. He is alsoa co-partner of the town and one of its leading citizens. May the town becomefull of Fullers like J. C.

GILLELAND, T. E., the first boot and shoe man, exclusive in the county,has a large trade and is doing a thriving business. He has just finisheda residence and is now one of us "for life or during the war,"in prices.

GRAHAM & HARE, physician and dentist. Dr. Graham was the first M.D. in the county; came here in October, 1869, and has been identified withevery public interest since. He was one of the few men who had the gritto stay here and see this country through its chrysalis state. He reapsthe reward now. Dr. Hare is a young man of good business habits and is aprofessional dentist.

"GRANGER Saloon," is one of the most quiet, orderly saloonsin the valley; Joseph Likowski, proprietor. It is the oldest in the county;has paid an immense revenue into the city coffers.

GREEN, A. H., ex-Postmaster, ex-Captain, U. S. A., etc., lawyer, druggist,and insurance agent, arrived here February 8, 1871, and commenced sellingdrugs the following day.

HILL, JAMES. Everybody knows "Jim" Hill, of the popular St.Nicholas restaurant.

HILL & CHRISTIE are the champion butchers of the city. They are straightforward businessmen and, although "new comers," are doing well.

HUDSON, ROBERT, contractor, has put up more substantial buildings thanany man in town, and the best of it is, he furnished the "wherewith"to do it. He owns them. He will soon take charge of the "Valley House"and run it on Canadian principles. He is one of the original originals.

HUDSON & BROWN do a prospering business at blacksmithing. They areaccommodat ing and reliable. "Give the boys a chance."

HUNT, G. W., is the best tailor in town.

HOUX, DR. JAMES O., is the oldest dentist in the county; keeps a neatoffice, does good work, and is "one of the boys." Give him a chance,too.

HOWARD, Mrs., milliner, has a suit of nice rooms on main street filledwith goods pleasing to the ladies' eyes; call and see them.

JOHNSTON, J. W., cabinet maker, built the first shop in the city; doesgood work; is reliable; came here to stay; is glad of it. Bully for Johnston!

KENNEDY, Mrs., has a lady's furnishing store and millinery rooms; keepsup with the styles, buys the best and sells the best. Is the widow of thelate L. M. Kennedy, who was one of the pioneers of Cowley and the firstsettler in Beaver Township.

KINGSBURY, C. H., says it in poetry better than we can tell it in prose.

LYNN, J. B. & Co., one of the leading houses in the county; is progressiveand liberal. Hurrah for Lynn!

MANSFIELD, DR. W. Q., the oldest druggist and physician in the city,sold drugs to the aborigines; is one of Winfield's best citizens and warmestfriends. Nothing that will materially aid in the prosperity of the townor country escapes his notice. Long live the Doctor!

MARIS, W. H., the leading lumberman in the county, is a popular gentlemanand commands the confidence and respect of the entire people. His businessincreases with years. He came here when Winfield was in her swaddling clothes.

MILLINGTON, D. A., co-proprietor of the town; one of its strongest helpsin its hours of need and now its mayor, is one of the leading lawyers inthe city; invested his capital; brought his family; risked his all in anearly day; he now begins to "reap the harvest." We most heartilywish those old pioneers, pater families of this town, of which heis one, unlimited success.

MITCHELL, C. R., is the leading lawyer in Arkansas City. All businessleft to brother Mitchell will receive due attention. He is one of the risingyoung men of the southwest, "furthermore, deponent sayeth not."

MORRIS & ROBINSON, liverymen. O. N. Morris came from Grantville,Kansas, two years ago, entered the above mentioned business immediately,and has continued in it ever since. He is prosperousconsequently happy.Will Robinson, his partner, came here in an early day; his marriage noticewill be seen in another column.

MULLEN, W. L., is closing out his stock of dry goods; he will engagein the pleasant occupation that Abraham of old followed for a living, viz.;keeping cattle. Success to him in the new enterprise.

McBRIDE & GREEN, brickmakers, having just come among us, we willsay that they are enterprising, live boys, and we predict for them financialsuccess.

McMILLEN & SHIELDS left Ohio in November, 1872, and after takinga general look through the entire western country, concluded that CowleyCounty and Winfield was good enough for them, so they drove their stakesaccordingly. They are now taking the annual inventory of their dry goods,groceries, etc., to see how much they have lost; and still they are happy.

McMULLEN, J. C., the first banker in Arkansas City, built the first brickresidence in the town. He came from Clarksville, Tennessee (but not a nativethereof), September, 1871. The bank is in a flourishing condition, paysmore taxes thanbut we promised not to draw comparisons.

NATIONAL Saloon of R. Ehret, east side Main street, Winfield, is runin a manner creditable to the proprietor and the town.

PRYOR, JOHN D., is the agent for the several musical instruments, severalinsurance companies, and a resident land agent at Winfield; is junior memberof the Bar firm of Pryor, Kager & Pryor; is a graduate of the Chicagocommercial college and consequently "one of the boys," with afull-grown business head on him. (Copyright secured.)

PRYOR, KAGER & PRYOR, attorneys at law, successors to Pryor &Kager, are classed among the best firms that practice at our Bar. They aresolid and reliable.

RANDALL, I. W., shoves the jack-plane and does good work. Try him andsee.

READ'S BANK is conducted on business principles; does business in thefirst brick building built in our town, and is owned by M. L. Read, Esq.,one of our leading citizens. M. L. Robinson is the urbane cashier and WillC. Robinson his gentlemanly assistant. The bank is in a flourishing condition.

ROBERSON, N., harness dealer, everyone in Cowley knows "Nate."He keeps a No. 1 shop, is accommodating and energetic. It's useless to tellyou to trade with himyou'll do it anyhow.

RODOCKER, D., photographer; the only one in the city. His work speaksfor itself; praise not necessary.

SHERBURNE & STUBBS, of Arkansas City, is one of the leading dry goodsand grocery firms of that place. They are clever young men and have donemuch toward the building up of their town.

SHOEB, MAX, the first "pioneer" blacksmith in the county; builtfirst stone building in county (his present shop), when the wolves howledtheir requiems to the tune of his busy hammer. (Patent applied for.)

VARNER, S., dealer in harness, etc. Sol came here early, worried throughthe grasshopper year, and now stands flat-footed with any of them. "Pluckwill win."

WALKER, W. H., proprietor of Arkansas City livery stable, is one of theancient landmarks of that place. He knows every traveling man from St. Louis,west. Stop with him, he will do the fair thing by you.

WEBB, L. J., the irrepressible, ex-newspaper editor; the jolly, hilarious,"one of `em" when among the boys; the solid businessman, when"it's business," and the acknowledged leading criminal lawyerin the district, still liveth. His origin, like "Topsy's," weknow not. He has always been here and expects to remain here till he istranslated.

WHITEHEAD, Mrs. S., keeps a good stock of millinery goods at the oldstand. The ladies all know where it is.

YERGER, J. N., the oldest jeweler in the city. Orders promptly filled.

MANNING & WALTON (that's us) do a general real estate and intelligenceoffice business. Correspondence solicited. Send stamp for reply. All questionspromptly answered.

Thanking the above named advertisers, one and all, for their liberalpatronage, we wish them a Happy Centennial, a Happy New Year, and many returnsof both.


Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.

EVERYTHING from a pair of Overalls to a complete Wedding Out-fit to befound at C. A. Bliss & Co.'s.

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.

To Rent or for Sale.

One-half section bottom land; 80 acres cultivated. Also the Tryon Farm.Both timbered and watered.


Oct. 8, 1875.

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.

NEW HATS! NEW HATS!! Have you seen those new hats at C. A. Bliss &Co.'s?

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.

WANTED. 25 or 30 yards of good rag carpet. Apply at the post office.

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.

Rates Reduced.

MONEY to loan for one, two, and five years, by Curns & Manser.

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.

Mr. Ira E. Moore is now prepared to furnish the city with milk. All thosewho wish it delivered at their residence can leave their orders at the PostOffice.

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.

HARNESS at Varner's for less than they can be purchased at any otherstore in town.

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.

"STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS HOT" by buying your whips, bridles,etc., of Varner.

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.


Fourteen yards of the best Prints for One Dollar, and all other goodsin proportion, at J. B. Lynn & Co.'s. All woolen goods down to bed rockprices for the next 60 days at J. B. Lynn & Co.'s. Come one, come all!

Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.

MRS. L. H. HOWARD has removed her fashionable Millinery Store five doorsnorth of her old stand, where she will be pleased to see her old customersand as many new ones as may be pleased to call and examine her new stockof fall goods.


Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876. Front Page.


At a meeting of Grand Prairie Grange No. 881, held Dec. 23rd, 1875, thefollowing preamble and resolution was adopted.

WHEREAS, the Cowley County District Grange, held Dec. 2nd, 1875, passeda resolution purporting to be the sentiments of the Patrons of Cowley Countyin regard to the construction of a railroad through our country, and thatthe agricultural interests of our country demand such legislation of theKansas Legislature as will enable a majority vote to extend such aid aswill secure the completion of such a road at the earliest possible day,and

WHEREAS, Such measures are in direct opposition to the very principlesof our order that of bonding the "tiller of the soil," encouragingthe monopolists and maintaining the speculator. Now, be it therefore

Resolved, That we, the members of Grand Prairie Grange, No. 881,do most emphatically denounce such resolution as an imposition, and contraryto the sentiments of the members of this Grange, and the public generally.

Resolved, That the Secretary be instructed to furnish a copy ofthis preamble and resolution to the Cowley County Telegram, and WinfieldCOURIER.

D. S. HAYNES, Sec'y.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 13, 1876. Front Page.

"Is This a Swindle, a Theft, or a Fraud?"

Under the above caption, in the Plow and Anvil of last week, Mr.Amos Walton made some statements, which, if true, would prove me to be ascoundrel, if not a thief. I desire Mr. Walton to print this in order thatit may reach the same readers that have already been excited, and wrongfullyinfluenced by the animus of his motive, which will appear plain to all.I think all fair minded readers will say that he ought, at least, to havecalled upon me for an explanation of what to him seemed so grave an offense.No thief ought to be convicted without a fair trail. But Mr. Walton rushesmy name into print as a man who, not only has stolen from the county treasury,but who has knowingly and wilfully sworn falsely in order to clear awaythe obstacles that stood between him and the object of his theft. His articlereads just as it should read after my official conduct had been thoroughlyinvestigated, my own defense carefully weighed and found wanting, and averdict of culpable guilt rendered against me. Under such circumstancesMr. Walton's course would be justifiable.

But even his friends will not, I think, agree with him in his ungenerousattack upon me without first learning both sides of the case.

I am charged by Mr. Walton with having drawn $1,200 as Superintendentof Public Instruction, when I should have drawn but $1,000. He claims thatif I had excluded Arkansas City and Winfield from the enumeration of personsover five and under twenty-one years of age, I could have drawn legally,only $1,000; but contrary to the law, I enumerated the children in thosetwo cities, and thereby unlawfully drew $275.00 from the county treasury.

He further states that the number of persons over five and under twenty-oneyears of age, as shown by official documents for the year 1874, was 3,030.Excluding 300 for the incorporated cities of Winfield and Arkansas City,would leave 2,730. It requires 3,000 in order to entitle the Superintendentto $1,200 a year, and with 2,730 he is entitled to but $1,000, and statesthat I really drew $1,200.

My annual report shows no such figures as Mr. Walton states. He eitherignorantly or wilfully states falsely. My annual report for 1874 shows 3,555persons over five or under twenty-one years of age. Now, taking out 369for Winfield and Arkansas City, we have for the year 1874, 3,186 personsover five and under twenty-one years of age.

Mr. Walton quotes the law relating to incorporated cities. Winfield andArkansas City are cities of the 3rd class. On the 16th day of December,1873, I wrote to the State Superintendent in regard to this very matter,and for the very purpose of avoiding the crime Mr. Walton so maliciouslycharges me with.

The following is an answer to my letter.

TOPEKA, Dec. 20th, 1873.

THOS. A. WILKINSON, County Supt. of Cowley County, Winfield, Kansas.

DEAR SIR: Yours of the 16th received. The affidavit with a decision ofthe Attorney General has been sent you some time since. Cities of the "3rdclass" are to be included in the enumeration to determine the salaryof County Superintendent. They have no right to elect a separate Superintendentto do the work of the County Superintendent.

Your obedient servant.

S. A. FELTER, Asst. Supt.

The above letter, even if the cities of Winfield and Arkansas City wereenumerated in 1873, would at least exonerate me, I think, from the chargeof theft or a desire to defraud the people of Cowley County.

This letter was submitted to the County Commissioners and County Attorney,which determined their action in regulating the County Superintendent'ssalary.

I only hope Mr. Walton will always be as careful as I desire to be inmatters of duty to my fellow man.

You have scented and barked up the wrong tree, Amos. The coon you areafter is somewhere else. Take a glance in the looking glass.



Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

On the 3rd of December last, Gov. Osborn restored James Dall, of CowleyCounty, to citizenship. He has previously been discharged from the penitentiary.

Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

COL. MANNING, of the Winfield COURIER, seems to be jealous of Eldorado,Wichita, Emporia, The Eagle, News, and Times, the Murdocks, Stotlers, andeverybody else. We can inform him that he cannot build up his paper or towneither by fighting other localities. Eldorado Times.

Py shimmeny! ish dat so?

Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad opened its line to Apishapa,Colorado, 42 miles west of Las Animas, January 8th, and commenced runningtheir passenger trains at once. Apishapa is only 40 miles from Pueblo. Theweather is splendid and the road will be completed and running to the RockyMountains by the 1st of March next.

Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

A DISPATCH from Lawrence, Kansas, dated Jan. 8th, says: "It is rumoredhere that intelligence has been received from Washington that the SupremeCourt, by a vote of 7 to 2, had decided the celebrated Osage Ceded landcase in favor of the Railroad Companies." If this is true, what willthe politicians down that way do for thunder hereafter?


Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.


The mill is receiving the machinery and rapidly approaching completion.

Mr. C. W. Cook has moved with his family to the regions of the Chikaskia,near Caldwell.

The Masonic fraternity have recently organized a Lodge and claims tobe in good working order.

Capt. Brown was one of a hunting party who recently invaded the buffaloregions out west a hundred miles or more. They brought back in good orderbut nary buffalo.


Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

Prof. Hoffman is among us again.

Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

The Walnut is running at an extra stage of water.

Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

There is no prospect of a corner on ice thus far.

Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

DR. AUSTIN has removed his office to one door south of Bliss & Co.'sstore.

Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

MR. JAMES LAND killed three shoats this week weighing 1,010 pounds net.

Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

HILL & CHRISTIE killed a Poland China hog this week that dressed601 pounds.

Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

D. A. MILLINGTON has been appointed U. S. Commissioner for this sectionof Kansas vice Kellogg, resigned.

Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

Last Saturday Mr. T. A. Henderson took possession of the Lagonda Houseand on Sabbath the house was full.

Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

A fellow giving his name as John Tolls is in jail on the charge of stealinga horse from Sam Endicott.

Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

On Lord's day, January 15th, at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M., Elder John Blevinswill preach in the Christian chapel, Winfield.

Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

Several large corn cribs are being built and filled, in Winfield. Ittakes a good many bushels of fifteen cent corn to make a large pileof money.

Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

The new Board of County Commissioners met last Monday and organized byre-electing R. F. Burden, chairman. The county never had a more competentBoard.

Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

LUNATICS. Sheriff Walker has two lunatics on his hands, Frank Bungdefer,from Otter Township, and Scott Biggs. The State Insane Asylum is full orthey would go there.

Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

Under the charge of Revs. Platter and Adams, a revival meeting is inprogress in Winfield that excels in interest and results anything ever experiencedhere. We hope no one will discourage the good work.

Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

T. B. MYERS is the Centennial painter of Winfield. He has just completedthe best job in town. See how Kelly's residence shines! Mr. Myers is anold painter, but had to quit the business years ago on account of his health.

Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

MYERS, DAY & THOMPSON, of Cedar Township, have taken a contract tostir 400 acres of land on the Kaw reservation in the Indian Territory at$2 per acre. The Kaw reserve joins the county on the south, and east ofthe Arkansas.

Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

JUDGE R. B. SAFFOLD has left this place to take up his residence in SanFrancisco, California. The Judge was a public spirited and kind heartedcitizen. He leaves many friends behind him who wish him great success inthe future. He rented his farm to Mr. Strickland for three years.

Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

A FINE social gathering assembled at the Limbocker schoolhouse Wednesdayevening, December 5. Mrs. Limbocker was the main spirit of the entertainment,but with all her other duties did not forget the COURIER force. We acknowledgethe receipt of a choice lot of the festival cake.

Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

The New York Weekly Witness of a recent date contains more than a columnof description of Cowley County. It was from the COURIER and furnished byJ. G. Service, of this place, who is now at Dansville, New York. As a result,hundreds of letters of inquiry about the county are being received by usand others in the county.

Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

The public installation of officers at Bethel Grange, one week ago lastSaturday eve, was the most spirited and happiest gathering of the kind thathas transpired for a long time. To say that the house was crowded with peoplewould feebly express it. A. S. Williams officiated as master and J. H. Landas conductor. Bethel is a live institution.

Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

MAPLE GROVE GRANGE recently passed some resolutions repudiating the actionof the district grange in endorsing the Southern Pacific enterprise andasking the Legislature to amend the bond law; also censured Bethel Grangefor electing E. C. Manning master; also requesting the State Executive Committeeto remove A. T. Stewart as State agent.

Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

The Wellington Press claims that the Arkansas River is navigable forlight draft steam boats as far up as Oxford. Mr. Aldridge, a river pilotof twenty-five years experience, offers to bring a boat of one hundred tonscapacity, from Fort Smith to Oxford. Said steamer not to cost over fourthousand dollars. He wants a guarantee of two thousand dollars and two hundreddollars in hand.


Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

City Council Proceedings.
WINFIELD, KAN., Jan. 3, 1876.

City Council met January 3rd, 1876, at 7 o'clock P. M.

Present: M. G. Troup, chairman of Council; N. M. Powers, C. C. Black,Councilmen, and B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.

Minutes of previous meetings were read and approved.

The following bills were presented and acted upon:

E. R. Evans, services as City Marshal for month of December, $25.00,was read; and on motion, referred to the Finance Committee.

George Grey, sixty cents for removing nuisances, was allowed and orderedpaid.

Burt Covert, one dollar for boarding prisoner, allowed and ordered paid.

The report of City Treasurer, ending December 31st, 1875, was read and,on motion, was referred to the Finance Committee with instructions to reportat next regular meeting of the


The Council then adjourned.

B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

Commissioners' Proceedings.
Winfield, Kansas, January 10, 1876.

New Board of County Commissioners met in regular session. Present: R.F. Burden, W. M. Sleeth, and Wm. White.

On motion of W. M. Sleeth, R. F. Burden was elected chairman of the boardfor the ensuing year.

J. S. Hunt, trustee of Winfield Township, appeared and asked the boardto repair a bridge built by Winfield Township across the Walnut River southof Winfield. The board, after being fully advised in the matter, agreedto lay the matter over for the present.

W. B. Turner appeared and asked the board to remit his personal propertytax for the year 1876, and after being fully advised of the facts in thematter, the board agreed to lay the matter over until the next session ofthe board.

Petition of R. D. Ford and others, of Vernon Township, for section lineroad presented, and the board being satisfied that all the resident claimowners had agreed to the location of said road, and that said road is practicable,the same is hereby ordered opened, recorded, and platted; said road to be50 feet wide.

E. B. Kager, County Treasurer of Cowley County, appeared and asked theboard to revoke an order made at the last session of the board requiringthe County Attorney to commence an action against said Kager for a fineas provided for in section 6, chapter 8, special laws 1874. The board afterbeing fully advised in the matter agreed to revoke said order upon the followingvote: W. M. Sleeth and Wm. White voting aye to the proposition to revokeand R. F. Burden voting nay to said proposition.

The board hereby agrees to appropriate enough money out of the generalcounty fund to pay for the abstract of entries of lands required by law,to be obtained by the county after the 1st day of March, 1876; and the CountyTreasurer is hereby ordered to pay the amount of money necessary to obtainsaid abstract.

On motion of W. M. Sleeth, board adjourned till tomorrow at 9 o'clockA. M.

JANUARY 11, 1876.

Board met as per adjournment. All present.

The following named persons, H. O. Meigs and James E. Platter, were appointeda committee to assist the Probate Judge to count the funds in the CountyTreasury at the next quarterly statement; and the County Clerk is herebyordered to notify said persons of their said appointment.

In the matter of the county printing the board hereby agree to do nothingtoward the letting of said printing until the next regular meeting of theboard; and the County Clerk is hereby ordered and empowered to have thenecessary county printing done as he may deem best until the contract shallbe let by the board.

The County Clerk is hereby ordered to go to Topeka, Kansas, for the purposeof straightening up our school land sales account with the States; and theboard hereby agree to pay the necessary traveling expenses of said CountyClerk to and from the State capitol.

In the matter of the Winfield Township bridge, the board have on thisday agreed not to repair said bridge for the reason that the county didnot appropriate money in the construc tion thereof; and hence the countyhas nothing to do with said bridge.

In the matter of insuring the courthouse, the board, after first ascertainingthe rates of different companies represented by the local agents of thecity of Winfield, agree to take a $5,000 policy on said courthouse, $2,500to be taken in the "Home" of New York and $2,500 to be taken inthe "Kansas" of Leavenworth, Kansas. It is hereby ordered thatan order be drawn on the County Treasury in favor of T. K. Johnston, agentof the "Kansas," for $75.00 and an order in favor of A. H. Green,agent for the "Home," for $75.00 in payment of said policies.

Board adjourned to meet on the first Monday after the first Tuesday inApril at 1 o'clock P. M.



I, M. G. Troup, County Clerk in and for the county and State aforesaid,do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Commissioners'Journal for a session of the board held on the 10th and 11th days of January,1876.

Witness my hand and seal at Winfield, Kansas, this 12th day of January,A. D. 1876.

M. G. TROUP, County Clerk.


Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

List of letters remaining unclaimed in the post office at Winfield onthe 12th day of January, 1876.


Silas White, C. W. Richmond, Mrs. A. B. Wilson, James Baker, John Richards,G. E. Spy, Louis Smith, Mrs. L. A. Stevenson, J. O'Brien, Mrs. Maggie Roberts.


J. Bing, E. Braman, Charley Tisdale, Mrs. And. Truesdale, L. E. Dysert,Luther Dysert, J. J. England, G. A. Gardener, John B. Harden, Mrs. MaryHarden, Mrs. Mary F. Harden.

Persons calling for any of the above will please say "advertised."



Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

Winfield Institute.

I. M. Barrick, Esq., will deliver a lecture at the Court House on Fridayevening, January 14th, 1876, subject"Whisky on the Brain." Admission15 cts., children 10 cts.

Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

The little agitation of the herd law question in this county developsthe fact that about four-fifths of the solid men in Lyon County are opposedto that law. There is just no use in talking, as between more people andcattle, they take the cattle. Emporia News.

Altogether owing to man's early education and associations we suppose.

Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

Acting Masters P. of H.

You are hereby notified to be present at the District Grange meeting,January 15th, "to receive the annual password for 186. Receipts forall dues to the State Grange from the respective subordinate granges mustaccompany acting masters.


A. S. WILLIAMS, Delegates.


Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

No railroad news.

No ice in the county

Potatoes forty cents.

Butter ten to fifteen.

Corn fifteen cents per bushel.

Dressed hogs seven cents per pound.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

Boyer has sold his business out to Frank Gallotti.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

Tony Boyle has gone to Kansas City for a few weeks.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

Seward has bought Graham out of the Lumber business.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

McBride & Green are making progress on their brickyard.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

Bisbee is preparing to build on 9th Avenue, east of Main street.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

Judge Adams, of Wichita, made us a friendly call.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

A. N. Deming and Amos Walton are going to take a look at Pueblo.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

Boyer and County Attorney Pyburn are going to take a look at Florida.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

Ed. Evans, the late Marshal of the city, has resigned. Ed. was a goodone.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

Prof. Lemmon, the principal of the Winfield schools, is running the bestschool we ever had.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

Mrs. John Manly starts this week with her family to Florida, where herhusband is now located.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

Geo. Brown is building out southwest of town where you see that wellcurb shining in the morning sun.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

Lawyer Webb is having his hands full of practice. If Webb can't win asuit, it cannot be won at all.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

The business houses of Winfield were closed at dark this week to allowall hands opportunity to attend the revival.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

Ten teams loaded with wheat and hogs passed here Wednesday morning onthe way from Grouse Creek to Wichita; and still we have no railroad.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

L. J. Worden, Esq., of Vernon Township, burns Wichita coal and says itis cheaper than firewood from the Walnut; and still we have no railroad.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

T. B. Myers has a Mexican quarter-dollar made in 1775. He has promisedit to us to take to the Centennial this summer to buy our season ticketto the show.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

Mr. Titus, of Winfield, brother of Sheriff Titus, has been spending afew days in town. He is one of the big wheat raisers of Cowley County, havingsown 300 acres last fall.

Sedan Journal.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

Elder Joseph Lowe will preach in the Christian church house on Saturdaynight, the 22nd inst., at 7 o'clock, and on Lord's day following at theusual hours. All are cordially invited.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

The District Grange of Cowley County met at the Courthouse last Saturdayin the afternoon and evening. About fifty new members were added to theOrder and received the fifth degree.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

The great interest in the revival meetings at the Courthouse is unabated.Several of our most influential and active citizens have experienced a changeof heart, and the good work is still spreading.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

Live, fat hogs are being hauled in wagons to the railroad at Wichitafrom this county. Several hundred head have already been delivered in thisway. They bring from 6 to 7 cents on foot. A decent wagon load amounts to$150. This is considerable better than receiving from $3.50 to $4.00 fora load of corn.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

A SAFE TOWN. Besides the two immense safes belonging to the banks inWinfield, the following firms have first-class safes for the secure keepingof business papers: C. C. Black, S. H. Myton, Curns & Manser, and Manning& Walton. Probably no town of its size in the State has more money investedin safes and musical instruments than Winfield.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

The local editor of the COURIER is Journal Clerk of the House of Representativesat Topeka. In his absence from the paper, the local department will runitself. He will, however, keep the COURIER readers posted on every measureof importance to the people of Cowley County that comes before the Legislature.His regular weekly correspondence will be an important feature of the paperduring the winter.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

GRAND PRAIRIE Grange, Maple Township, has installed the following officersfor the year 1876: Joseph Boden, Master; W. P. Heath, Overseer; D. S. Haynes,Secretary; A. M. Whipple, Treasurer; W. B. Newman, Lecturer; J. Beaver,Stewart; H. Shubert, Assistant Stewart; Jennie Turner, Lady Assistant Stewart;W. E. Seaman, Chaplain; J. L. Johnston, G. K.; Mrs. H. Daniels, C.; Mrs.W. P. Heath, P.; Mrs. A. M. Whipple, F.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

FOR THAT BRIDGE! Now that the County Commissioners have resolved thatthey won't repair the bridge south of town, Winfield Township must do it.The township board should at once make an examination of the structure and,if necessary, call some practical bridge builder to their aid and decideat once what is necessary and then go to work. The township had better spendtwelve hundred dollars if necessary than lose the bridge.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

Legislative Items.

Monday last the Legislature had been organized five days and 109 billshad been introduced in the House and 70 in the Senate. About twelve billswere in on the subject of fixing salaries for county officers.

Representative Hackney has introduced a bill "For the relief ofG. H. McIntire and appropriating $100." He has introduced a resolutionmemorializing Congress for the right of way through government lands fora railroad from Ellsworth via Wichita, Winfield, and Arkansas City to Ft.Smith, and one from Arkansas City to Sherman, Texas. Mr. Hackney is chairmanof the committee on claims and is a member of the committee on railroads.

The apportionment committee is divided among the light counties, thepopulous counties being left almost entirely out.

The House on Monday passed a resolution declaring against a third termfor Grant by a vote of 76 to 17. Hackney was one of the 17.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.


Andy Corcoran, who resides here, returned some weeks since from the vicinityof the Black Hills. He intends returning there in the spring. Last Tuesdayhe received a letter from an associate at Sydney, the nearest railroad station,informing him that a miner was just in from the Hills with over $1,000 ingold dust of his own digging. The miner returned with several loaded teamsfor the Hills. Seth Blanchard, a brother of T. A. Blanchard of this place,is in the Hills and has been all winter. He writes home each week or two,as opportunity offers for sending letters to the railroad. He says severalhundred men are in the Hills and that paying gold is there and that timeswill be lively in the spring.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

GOOD. A few citizens of Winfield have been opposing a railroad and achange in the bond law because certain other citizens of Winfield were infavor of the same. This is a most noble spirit, worthy of all praise. Butwe are informed that during the last three or four days, they, the opposers,have concluded that a railroad was a necessity and have held private meetingsat which they have resolved to put their shoulder to the wheel and workfor a railroad. This is good news to us. A railroad is needed and we areready to secure it. Gentlemen, you can count us in, no matter who startsfirst in the enterprise.


Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

City Council Proceedings.
WINFIELD, KAN., Jan. 17, 1876.

City Council met January 17th, 1876, at 7 o'clock P. M.

Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; M. G. Troup, N. M. Powers, C. C. Black,Councilmen; J. E. Allen, City Attorney, and B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.

Minutes of previous meetings were read and approved.

The report of J. C. Fuller, City Treasurer, referred to the Finance Committeeat last regular meeting of the Council, was reported favorably on by saidcommittee, and on motion of N. M. Powers, was duly received.

On motion of N. M. Powers, the Council ordered the City Treasurer todeliver to the City Clerk a certain journal and ledger now in his possession,and that the Clerk open up an account with the Treasurer of all orders drawnon the Treasurer and all receipts received from the Treasurer by him.

On motion the City Clerk was instructed to make and publish a financialstatement, beginning May 1st, 1875, and ending December 31st, 1875, showingthe amount of all monies collected by the city, from what source derived,and the disbursement of the same by the city.

Report of E. R. Evans as road overseer was read and, on motion, received.

The following bills were presented and acted upon.

E. R. Evans, services as City Marshal for month of December, $25.00,was reported favorable by the Finance Committee and, on motion, was orderedpaid.

Bill of E. R. Evans, services as City Marshal from January 1st to January13th, $12.50, and 25 cents for removing nuisances, total $12.75, was read,and after report of Finance Committee, was allowed $11.08 by the Counciland ordered paid.

On motion of M. G. Troup the resignation of E. R. Evans as City Marshal,and the acceptance of the same by the Mayor, was approved by the Council.

The Council then adjourned to meet January 25th, at 7 o'clock P. M.

B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

Wagons from Winfield, Arkansas City, and Wellington, loaded with eggs,have been in Wichita within the last week or so. Some of the parties havehad as high as four or five hundred dozen. This nice fruit finds quick marketin Wichita, our dealers buying for home consumption and shipment, payingfrom ten to fourteen cents per dozen. Wichita Beacon.

And still we have no railroad.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

BELL. The new bell purchased with the proceeds of the festival is onthe road, and will be here this week. It weighs 409 lbs., or 600 lbs. withthe mountings. Traveler.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.

A PETITION asking Congress to open the Cherokee Strip lands to settlementis being circulated and generally signed. Cowley County will be much advancedby having the Strip settled, instead of held by speculators. Traveler.


Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

It cost T. R. Bryan, of Dexter, two hundred dollars this fall to takehis crops to Wichita; and still we have no railroad.

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

It will cost J. G. Titus, of Winfield Township, two thousand dollarsnext fall to haul his wheat crop to Wichita; and still we have no railroad.

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

It will cost Mr. Holmes, of Rock Township, three thousand dollars nextfall to deliver his wheat in Wichita; and Cowley County has no railroad.

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

From the first of the month up to last Saturday, Jan. 15, there havebeen about 12,000 bushels of wheat sold in this market. Wichita Beacon.

Most of this wheat was from Cowley County, and still we have no railroad.

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

RAILROAD shipments from Wichita for 30 days ending Jan. 14th: Three carloads of dry hides, eight of hogs, thirty-one of wheat, one of bran, fiveof bones, eight of flour, four of corn, one of cattle, six of mules. Andyet we have no railroad.

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

Saturday the streets were crowded the whole day with teams from all partsof the country. Cowley, Butler, and Sumner were represented in the wheattrade. During the day there were between 250 and 300 wagons in the city,most of which were loaded with the productions of our (?) fruitful valley.Wichita Beacon.

And still we have no railroad.

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

STEEL & LEVY, real estate agents, have sold from January 1st to the18th, inclusive, 2,240 acres of Osage and railroad lands, the aggregateconsideration being $13,000. Land is rapidly enhancing in value, the abovesale being consummated at an advance of twenty five percent, over the amountthat could have been realized from the same property one year ago. WichitaEagle.

The sheriff is selling the farms of Cowley County, and still we haveno railroad.

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.


Bent Murdock, from Eldorado, the able editor of the Walnut Valley Times,is in Topeka, and has been for some time, and will be there some time longerwe hope, at work to secure such legislation as will enable the Walnut Valleyto secure a railroad. His special work is for Eldorado, but we hope it willbe also to the advantage of the whole valley.

This is what he says in a correspondence to his paper last week.

"An effort will be made to so amend the present law regulating thevoting of bonds that counties, townships, and cities can make cash subscriptionsin lieu of bonds to public enterprises, payable in one, two, and three years.

"The entire bond business is looked upon with disfavor by many ofour best men. It don't pay to vote bonds and then sell them for less thantheir face. What is wanted is a law that will allow the people to get valuereceived for what they give."

* * * * *

"Railroad building is going to be resumed in Kansas. Iron is cheapernow than it has ever been before, and railroads can be constructed for aless amount of cash at this time than at any period in the history of ourState. What we all want is such legislation as will enable us to get railroadsfor a small amount of cash and when we do get them that they will not provea burden rather than a benefit to us. We also want a law that will regulatethe freights and tariffs."

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.


In another column will be found an important call that means business.If anyone is suffering from the delusion that the people of Cowley Countyare indifferent on the railroad question they had better "look a leedleoud." There is a wave coming that will wash them off their feet. Thefriends of Cowley County in the Legislature will be invited to notice thesentiments of the people as we hope to see them expressed in a meeting tobe held under the call we have referred to. Gentlemen representatives, pleasehelp our member, Mr. Hackney, clear the rubbish out of the way so as togive us a fair swing at a railroad proposition early in the spring.


Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

Items of Interest from Our Special Correspondent.


Skipping portions of this lengthy report

Hackney has introduced a bill, providing for the disorganization of thecounties of Harper, Barbour, Kingman, and Comanche, and the attachment ofthe territory thereof to the county of Sumner for judicial and other purposes.It also provides for the punishment of offenses already committed with thosecounties. It makes provision for the appropriation of six thousand dollarsfor the purpose of defraying the expenses of the capture, prosecution, andconviction of those horse thieves, bond thieves, and other gentlemen (?)who have been operating so extensively in these afflicted regions for thepast few years.

Lawyers of Winfield and surrounding towns, cheer up, the summer is notended. There may yet be "balm in Gilead," in store for you. Mr.Hackney has also introduced a bill authorizing school district No. 70, inMaple Township, to vote four hundred dollars in bonds to complete theirunfinished schoolhouse. It will no doubt become a law.

The railroad memorial asking Congress to grant the right of way throughthe Indian Territory to TWO CERTAIN LINES OF RAILROAD, as offered by Hackney,provoked considerable discussion last Thursday. Mr. Cook's amendment grantingthe right of way to the Mo. R. Ft. Scott & G., and the L. L. & G.railroads was adopted. Mr. Reynolds then moved to amend by adding that "thesame right be granted to any railroad company or corporation, subject tothe rules and regulations governing other Territories in the United States."This was done to kill the resolution, at least its friends thought so, andthey immediately proceeded to decapitate said amendment. The resolutionis now before the railroad committee and will be brought up again next week.


Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

T. A. WILKINSON is buying wheat for the Wichita market.

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

LINUS WEBB, brother of L. J., is now a law student in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

FRANK GALLOTTI will open a clothing store at Boyer's old stand.

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

GREEN has purchased the news department and stationery of Boyer.

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

Thanks to S. B. Littell, of Beaver, for a call and some narrow gaugeitems.

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

Breaking and stirring plows have been running all winter in this county.

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

J. B. EVANS, of Vernon, sold over five hundred dollars worth of wheatat Wichita last week.

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

MARRIED. C. C. Wood and Mary Robinson, of Grouse Creek, were marriedat the Lagonda House today by Judge Gans.

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

SHENNEMAN, the rover, is back. This time he came from Ft. Smith, Arkansas,where he has been attending U. S. court.

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

L. L. NEWTON, of Harvey Township, made us a very pleasant call this week.

[He had just been married and was on his bridal trip.]

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

The tobaccos and cigars that Boyer used to keep can be found at Jim Hill's.He purchased the whole stock, and will keep up the assortment.

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

ELDER J. H. IRVIN will preach at the Christian church-house, in Winfield,on Lord's day, the 30th inst., at 11 o'clock a.m.

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

JOHN READ showed us a hen's egg the other day measuring 7¼ inchesin circumference the smallest way round, and 8¾ inches the largestway round.

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

PARKER, the Cowley County broom maker, received fifteen hundred broomhandles from Sam Myton this week.

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

MR. BULL, who purchased the Parmelee place, has been experimenting sometime on a baking powder of his invention and produces an article superiorto any found in the market. He intends engaging in its manufacture.

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

C. A. BLISS came down from Wichita on Thursday the 20th inst.; was sevenhours on the road, and met 27 teams from Cowley County loaded with wheat.It was not a good day for wheat either. And yet, we have no railroad.

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

GRAND MASTER SHARP, A. F. & A. M., has appointed Leland J. Webb,of Adelphi Lodge, No. 110, an Assistant Lecturer. Adelphi now holds itsstated communications on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, anda school of instruction on the second and fourth Tuesdays, at seven o'clockp.m.


Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.


Showing the amount of monies collected by the City of Winfield from May6th to December 31st, 1875, and the disbursement of the same by the city.

Received from liquor license $600.00; dog tax $24.00; fines $27.00; billiardlicense, $10.00; auctioneer license, $40.00; show license, $1.00; E. B.Kager, $348.00. Total receipts: $1,050.00.

Paid out on city warrants as follows:

Clerk of election $2.00; Printing $19.47; Recording deed $1.25; Buildingsidewalk $90.60; City Marshal $319.15; Removing nuisances from the city$5.20; Clerk District Court (costs) $14.50; Repairing public well $15.88;City clerk $106.65; Police judge (costs) $27.70; Stationery $3.50; Padlock$.60; Guarding fire $4.00; City Attorney fees $74.00; Costs city, V. S.Mansfield & others $5.25; Boarding prisoners $5.55; Witness fees $2.50;Blankets for calaboose $3.00; M. L. Robinson, ex-city treasurer $28.85;Amount in city treasure to balance $320.35.

Total paid out: $1,050.00

I, B. F. Baldwin, clerk in and for the city of Winfield, Cowley County,Kansas, do hereby certify the foregoing is a true and correct statementof the financial transactions of the city for the time aforesaid, as shownby the report of the city treasurer and his receipts and vouchers now inmy office.

Witness my hand and seal in the city of Winfield this 21st day of January,A. D. 1876.

B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

The undersigned, residents of Cowley County, cordially unite in invitingthe citizens of said county to meet in mass meeting at Winfield, on Saturdayat 2 P. M.,


to take such action as shall seem advisable upon consultation to securethe construction of a railroad into Cowley County. We desire each paperin said county to publish this call, and we hope that every township willbe fully represented at said meeting.

Dated January 25, 1876.

ROCK TOWNSHIP: John M. Harcourt, Robert F. Bailey, Andrew Dawson, JohnFoster, J. L. Foster, Jess. J. Tribby, H. D. Lee, W. B. Wimer.

BEAVER TOWNSHIP: William D. Lester, B. W. Jenkins, John A. McCulloch,W. A. Freeman.

VERNON TOWNSHIP: Wm. Martin, C. M. Denkin, R. L. Walker.

SPRING CREEK TOWNSHIP: R. P. Goodrich, Cyrus Wilson, F. W. Vance.

TISDALE TOWNSHIP: E. P. Young, D. H. Southworth.

LIBERTY TOWNSHIP: Chas. W. Frith, J. L. H. Darnall.



OTTER TOWNSHIP: H. C. Fisher, R. R. Turner.

OMNIA TOWNSHIP: Elisha Harned.

DEXTER TOWNSHIP: T. W. Coats, J. D. Maurer, Mark Kenton Hull, Levi Quier,J. A. Bryan, George Bryan.

WINFIELD: M. L. Read, S. D. Pryor, N. M. Powers, N. W. Holmes, N. L.Rigby, Thomas McMillen, L. J. Webb, Charles C. Black, J. S. Hunt, W. M.Boyer, John W. Curns, G. S. Manser, B. F. Baldwin, J. H. Land, A. H. Green,W. Q. Mansfield, E. C. Manning, S. H. Myton, J. C. Fuller, A. B. Lemmon,James Kelly, W. H. H. Maris, T. H. Henderson, A. N. Deming, H. S. Silver,J. M. Alexander, Amos Walton, D. A. Millington, J. E. Platter, W. M. Allison,And one hundred others.

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

[Skipped December 20, 1875, Treasurer's Quarterly Statement; SchoolDistrict Tax and County Warrants; and Bills Allowed by County Commissionersin this issue.]

Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.

[Skipped annual statement of County Clerk.]


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 3, 1876.


On Saturday of this week the people of Cowley County will assemble atWinfield to give expression to their wishes upon the question of securingthe construction of a railroad into Cowley County. If the day is fair thegathering promises to be large. We hope the citizens of Winfield will endeavorto make the occasion as pleasant and harmonious as possible. The desirefor a road into the county is almost universal among its people. Withoutreference to particular routes or gauge let that desire be expressed inearnest and unequivocal terms.

Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.

The people of Augusta and vicinity hold a railroad meeting February 10th,to take action towards constructing a railroad down the Whitewater fromPeabody to Augusta, thence down the Walnut. Better work with Eldorado, boys.

Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.


Is to have a great Railroad Convention on February 23rd. The PeabodyGazette invites every township along the line, from Junction Cityto Arkansas City, to send delegates. That convention is to send a delegationof representative men from along the proposed route to meet the Kansas PacificRailway Company at St. Louis in a conference.

The Kansas Pacific threatens to build the road, to-wit: from JunctionCity, via Peabody, down the Walnut Valley. We should think the Kansas PacificR. R. Company could come to Junction City about as cheap as the representativemen could go to St. Louis.

Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.


A party of Osages stole some cattle near Camp Supply on the 19th of Januarylast. A detachment of fifteen men from the Fifth Cavalry, under Lieut. Bishop,was sent after them. Upon being overhauled the savages showed fight, andthe "soldier boys" killed three, wounded several, and the remainingescaped, except three squaws, one boy, and thirty ponies. The Indians hadkilled the cattle.

Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.

The new 13th Judicial District Court term bill will operate bad. Courtsets in Cowley the first Monday of April and October, leaving the Sumnercourt to set the Monday of the next week in each month. The business ofthe Cowley County court cannot be done in one week.

LATER. Since the above was put in type, we see by the bill that the SumnerCounty court begins the third Monday of April and October.

Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.

The Amnesty Bill over which so much ado is made in Congress will onlyapply to six or seven hundred confederates. The way the laws are now theymust apply for pardon and take an oath of allegiance. The bill is intendedto pardon them without application and oath.

Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.

The amount of new railroad built in 1875 was 1,483 miles, against 2,085miles in 1874, 3,883 in 1873, and 7,310 in 1872.

Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.

The people over in Wilson County are working up a railroad from Parsonsto Winfield.


Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.

MRS. W. P. HACKNEY has returned home.

Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.

The Old Folk's Concert last Wednesday night was a pleasant entertainment.

Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.

JIM HILL had teams running all Wednesday afternoon and night, puttingup three inch ice.

Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.

As a result of the recent revival, over 30 persons have joined the churchin this place.

Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.

TROUP has gone to Topeka to straighten up the records of his predecessorsin the school land business.

Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.

STATE MASTER, M. E. HUDSON, lectures at Winfield and Arkansas City nextweekSaturday afternoon and evening.

Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.

The District Grange P. of H. meets Saturday p.m. of this week. New officersare to be elected for the ensuing year.

Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.

DR. W. R. DAVIS, from Kentucky, a physician of 27 years' practice, haslocated with us. He comes highly recommended.

Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.

The Master of Bethel Grange has been obliged to decline invitations tospeak at different places in the county during the past two weeks.

Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.

A. H. GREEN, agent for the Home Insurance Company, of New York, put a$4,500 policy on Sam Myton's brick building and stock this week.

Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.

Last week Wednesday the widow of Colonel Montgomery, of early Kansasfame, with two children and a son-in-law, passed through Eureka on theirway to Cowley County.

Eureka Herald.

Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.

Monday night about 9 o'clock when the wind was blowing a gale, the cryof fire rang through the streets of Winfield, and "there was a hurryingto and fro." A blaze from the top of the Lagonda House was the signalof distress. With ladders and water buckets the roof was soon mounted andit proved that the blaze came from a chimney that was hidden by the observatoryon top of the building.

Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.

Last Saturday was a pleasant occasion for the Royal Arch Masons of thiscommunity, and one long to be remembered. A special convocation was calledfor the purpose of installing the officers for the ensuing year. It wasthe first installation of the kind ever held in the county, and as it wasWinfield Chapter No. 31, it commences to work anew, although less than ayear since it commenced under a dispensation, it has assumed good proportions,and with a good financial basis starts out new well calculated to becomeone of the best Chapters in the state.

D. H. G. P. Bennett, of Emporia Chapter, conducted the ceremonies ofthe installation, and their impressions and beauty gladdened the heart ofevery craftsman assembled. Comp. Bennett very ably performed his part, andthus added materially to the pleasure of the occasion. After the installationswere ended the companions assembled in procession and repaired to the apartmentsof Mine Host, "Hill," where a banquet had been prepared, and awaitedthe presence of all the faithful craftsmen. The good taste exhibitedby Mine Host, "Hill," is worthy of high commendation, and thetastefully arranged table was peculiarly attractive. Comp. Bennett presidedwith all the ease and dignity imaginable, and with ten companions on eitherside was one of the happiest councils ever seen. The merry laugh, the numerousjokes, and the wonderful destruction of the viands, betokened good consciences,true humor, and suitable skill. The occasion was glorious, so say we all.

Every companion of this community unite with a hearty God speed to Comp.Bennett, and hope he may often come to aid and assist us in the great andglorious work we have commenced. "ARIM MANDER."

Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.

Attention P. of H.

M. E. Hudson, Master of State Grange, will address the Patrons in Winfield,Saturday, February 13th, at 10 o'clock p.m., of the same day. A full attendanceis desired.

A. S. WILLIAMS, Master District Grange.

Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.

MARRIED. THOMAS - HERROD. Near Tisdale, January 30th, 1876, by Rev. N.L. Rigby, Mr. Harvey G. Thomas and Miss Livena D. Herrod. Both of CowleyCounty.


Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.

[Highlights only of January 29, 1876 report.]

Senator St. Clair's bill providing for the holding of the terms of courtin the 13th Judicial district, passed through the House under a suspensionof the rules in just four minutes. It provides for the first Mondays inApril and October, for Cowley County sessions. It will become a law afterits publication, once, in the Wichita Eagle.

Hackney's memorial to Congress asking for the right of way through theIndian Territory to two certain lines of railway, passed the House yesterday,with little amendment. The Senate will concur on it on Monday.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 10, 1876. Front Page.

[Recap only of pertinent items.]

Substitute for H. B. No. 19"Poor Man's Bill."

That section 13, chapter 87, of the laws of 1870 be amended so as toread as follows...

"Sec. 2. That in all cases or actions now pending where no sum ismentioned as attorney's fees, for the foreclosure of mortgages or otherliens upon real estate, no ATTORNEY'S FEE SHALL BE ALLOWED, or taxed, orcharged in judgment exceeding ten dollars. Mr. Hackney's amendment adds,that hereafter it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to contractfor an attorney's fee in mortgage, and such stipulation for payment of attorney'sfees SHALL BE ABSOLUTELY VOID, and that the jurisdiction of the courts ofthis State is hereby restricted so that hereafter no judgment shall be madeby them in actions where attorney's fees are provided."

This is the kind of a bill our people have been wanting a long time.If it passes and becomes a law, it will send some of our COWLEY COUNTY "SHYSTERS"over on the other side of Jordan.

. . . Mr. Hackney offered a resolution today granting the use of theHall for railroad meetings. A meeting to discuss the propriety of buildingmore railroads in this State will probably be held some night this week.


Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

The daily papers contain glittering reports about the rich gold discoveriesin the Black Hills.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

The railroad meeting held at this place last Saturday, shows by its numbers,its spirit, its resolutions, and above all, by the men composing it thatCowley County means "business" now. A road is wanted. The routeand gauge are secondary considerations. The live and representative menof the province of Cowley have discovered their lonesomeness in the "Kingdomof Wichita."

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

The Farmers Speak!
And Demand Legislation.

Last Saturday a large concourse of representative men from all partsof Cowley County assembled in Winfield to give expression to their viewsupon the railroad situation. The meeting was held in the Courthouse. Theroom was packed full and many were left outside that could not gain admittancefor the jam.

Mayor D. A. Millington was chosen Chairman, and I. H. Bonsall, of ArkansasCity, selected as secretary.

A committee on resolutions consisting of A. B. Lemmon, S. M. Fall, ofLazette; R. P. Goodrich, of Maple City; W. R. Watkins, of Liberty; S. S.Moore, of Tisdale; J. B. Holmes, of Rock; H. L. Barker, of Richland; EnosHenthorn, of Omnia; Mr. Harbaugh, of Pleasant Valley; T. M. Morris, of Beaver;L. Bonnewell, of Vernon; Amos Walton, of Bolton; and S. B. Fleming, of CreswellTownships was appointed.

The committee retired to prepare the resolutions, and during their absencespeeches were made by several persons, the most notable of which were thoseof Judge Ross and Judge Christian. The resolutions reported by the committeewere adopted.

Some opposition was manifested to the resolution asking that the proposedlaw should allow a majority to vote aid to railroads, but it was voted downby more than two to one. The opposition came principally from non-taxpayersaround town. There were but a few of the town people out. The Winfield citizenspreferred that the farmers should conduct the meeting. The Arkansas Cityband furnished music for the occasion. Intense interest in the proceedingswere manifested and the meeting adjourned with three cheers for a railroad.

On motion three delegates to the Peabody convention, on the 27th inst.,were appointed, to-wit: Rev. J. E. Platter, Judge T. B. Ross, and C. M.Scott.

A feeble effort to have the meeting declare against a narrow gauge railroadwas promptly tabled. A vote of thanks was tendered the Arkansas City band.

We give the preamble and resolutions.

WHEREAS, We, the people and producers of Cowley County, unless we havea railroad in our county, will expend within the coming year, in time, labor,and money, half a million of dollars for transporting grain, lumber, andmerchandise to and from the nearest railroad stations, and in losses bybeing compelled to sell in a distant town on a market temporarily unfavorable,thus leaving the producers utterly without any profits on their labor, whichsum, if saved to the county, would yield to the producers an enormous profit;and

WHEREAS, Though our county would probably vote such aid by a two thirdsmajority, as the law now requires, yet a failure by any other county alongthe line to give such majority would be fatal to the road; therefore, itis by the people of Cowley County, Kansas, in mass convention assembled,

Resolved, That we earnestly appeal to the Legislature of Kansas,now in session, to enact a law enabling counties and other municipalitiesto vote aid in bonds or cash sufficient to induce the construction of railroadswhere they are needed.

Resolved, That such law should allow such aid to be given by amajority vote.

Resolved, That our railroad law should be amended so as to allowthe voting of a reasonable amount of bonds as aid in the construction ofa railroad within our county.

Resolved, That such law should provide that all taxes collectedfrom such railroads, within any county or municipality, shall, to the extentof the amount of principal and interest of the aid given, be paid prorata to the counties and municipalities giving such aid, and appliedto the payment of such interest and principal.

Resolved, That our Representative and Senator at Topeka are herebyearnestly requested and instructed to labor to procure the enactment ofsuch a law as is herein contemplated.

Resolved, That the Topeka Commonwealth, all papers in CowleyCounty, and other state papers interested, be requested to publish the proceedingsof this meeting.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

It now looks as though Chautauqua and Cowley counties would be put inthe same senatorial district. Our people would prefer to have the Senatorialdistrict all in the Walnut Valley. Why not give us the south part of ButlerCounty?


Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

The fruit and forest trees are budding.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

Sheriff Walker's deputies are hunting tax-payers with warrants now-a-days.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

The Nixon brothers have purchased a steam thresher for the coming season.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

James Simpson has contracted for the mason work of the Presbyterian church.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

J. C. Fuller and S. P. Channell have gone to Topeka to look after railroadmatters.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

Eight divorce cases pending in the next term of the District Court inthis county.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

Judge T. H. Johnson is back on a visit. He has sold his farm near townfor about $6,000.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

JAMES BROWN, the freighter, lost one of his fine mules by disease atWichita last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

TOM WRIGHT has built a house near the fair ground, and is going to dairyingthis summer.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

T. R. BRYAN, the new County Treasurer, has purchased the dwelling housethat Judge Gans occupies.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

A. J. THOMPSON is expected home this week with his Ohio bride. Thereis still hope for Col. Loomis.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

The opposition to a railroad manifested at the meeting last Saturdaycame principally from Winfield men.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

More than one thousand dollars worth of horses have died in this countythis winter from eating wormy corn.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

DIED. AMOS SMITH, of Pleasant Valley, one of the earliest settlers andbest citizens of the county, died last week of pneumonia.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

JOHN MENTCH, the new road overseer, is determined to repair that awfulpiece of road in the bottom west of the stone mill.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

We were in error last week in stating that Dr. W. R. Davis had been apracticing physician for 27 years. It should be 23 years.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

The committee to count the county treasurer's funds, Judge Gans, J. E.Platter, and H. O. Meigs, performed that duty this week.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

GRANGERS should not forget that State Master, M. E. Hudson, will be hereon Saturday afternoon of this week to address them.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

Two men were arrested last week in Wichita for passing counterfeit money.They gave their names as W. M. Donegan and A. F. Miller. The latter is saidto be a resident of Cowley.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

By a close reading of law and decisions, our township trustee has concludedthat he is not overseer of the poor in cities of the third class, that arelocated within Winfield Township. The Mayor has that duty to perform.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

JUDGE McDONALD is felicitous over the result of the Oxford Bridge bondsuit. The Supreme Court sustained the side of the case represented by Hackney& McDonald, and the township of Oxford is let out of any further indebtednessin the matter.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

The Register of Deeds has taken the room in the Courthouse formerly occupiedby the county attorney, and Judge Gans has moved into the Register's oldoffice, thus leaving the District Clerk and Register in adjoining roomswith a new door between them.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

BIRTHS. The spring immigration has set in. John Swain had a boy bornto him last Monday. T. B. Myers, Hiram Brotherton, Charley McClung, G. S.Manser, and T. E. Gilleland each became the proud fathers of little daughterswithin a week. Six births in town in one week is well enough.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

County Clerk Troup returned from Topeka the fist of the week. A comparisonof the books in his office showing the school land sales in Cowley Countywith those of the State Auditor revealed the fact that during Jackson'sterm of office $824.63 worth of sales had been made that had never beenreported to the Auditor, and the money had been laying idle in the countytreasury. It also showed that the county had been overcharged $43.20 onthe sales of other tracts.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

Tally one for "lo." Civilization has made one step forwardthis centennial year. This morning we saw an Indian in his blanket sawingwood for a dime in the rear of Nate Roberson's harness shop. And, shadesof Euclid! we saw another blanketed, breech-clouted son of the plains sawingwood for our darkey barber. Uncle Sam has not spent millions of treasureto civilize the savage in vain. He has risen to the position of wood-sawyerfor that important department of our Government, the Freedman's Bureau.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

We take from the True Kentuckian, published at Paris, Kentucky,the following flattering notice of a new citizen of Winfield:

"Dr. W. R. Davis and family left us yesterday for Kansas. We regretsincerely to give them up. The Dr. has been a practitioner in our midstfor several years, and by his decided ability and success as a physician,his uniform kindness and courtesy, christian and gentlemanly bearing, haswon the highest respect, esteem, and love of us all. His wife (daughterof P. G. Seamands) is a most estimable lady and will prove a solid additionto any country they may settle in. We wish them success, and heartily recommendthem to the people of their new home."

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, CowleyCounty, Kansas, on the 10th day of February, 1876.

FIRST COLUMN: Baily, Alden O.; Burlison, Mrs. E. A., Busendine, JohnW., Baker, Willis; Brannin, E.; Corman, Ruben; Creage, George; Davis, FrankP.; Drury, Wm.; Deery, Thomas; Herron, J. S.

SECOND COLUMN: McKinnon, Wm. H. H.; Potts, Emerson J.; Peak, Orrin; Reed,D. C.; Shrope, Catharine; Shannon, John; Summers, Thomas; Smedley, Samuel;Triplett, Goldie; Walters, A. B.; Westman, Mrs. S. A.


Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

Attention P. of H.

M. E. Hudson, Master of State Grange, will address the Patrons in Winfield,Saturday, February 12th, at 10 o'clock a.m. Also at Arkansas City at 7 o'clockp.m., of the same day. A full attendance is desired.

A. S. WILLIAMS, Master District Grange.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

Patron's Commercial Agency.

Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the Stockholdersof the Wichita Commercial Agency, on Saturday, February 19th, 1878, at EagleHall, 10 o'clock a.m. Each Grange in the district is expected to send delegates.

H. W. BECK, President.

E. P. THOMPSON, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

District Grange.

Last Saturday there was a large attendance at the District Grange toparticipate in the annual election of officers.

J. O. Van Orsdel was chosen Master; W. M. White, Overseer; N. Fowler,Lecturer; H. L. Barker, Steward; J. S. Baker, Assistant Steward; SisterN. Fowler, Lady Assistant Steward; Brother Thomas, Chaplain; J. S. Hunt,Treasurer; C. Coon, Secretary; E. Green, Gate-keeper; Sister J. O. Van Orsdel,Ceres; Sister T. A. Wilkinson, Pomona; Sister Handy, Flora; T. A. Wilkinson,County Agent.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 17, 1876. Editorial Page.

To the Patrons of Cowley County.

Amos Walton, in last week's issue of the Plow and Anvil, insinuatedthat I had collected from the different subordinate granges about $1,000.00,as subscription for stock in the Patrons Commercial Agency, at Wichita,Kansas, and was making an improper use of it.

The following are the facts. About September 20, 1875, at the earnestsolicitations of the agent, J. G. Sampson, I gave up teaching the Dexterschool, for which I had contracted a term of nine months at $50.00 per month,and began the not very pleasant or easy task of canvassing Cowley CountyGranges for the purpose of urging them to take stock in the Patrons CommercialAgency, at Wichita, Kansas. I traveled and spoke nearly every night forabout one month, raised a subscription of something over $600.00, only onehundred of which was paid down. After receiving the $100 mentioned, I continuedmy labors, but did not go farther than to induce the different Granges topledge the payment of the stock, receiving in many cases, orders on theGrange treasury, but leaving the money undrawn, and, for this reason I visitedWichita once or twice, and also heard well-founded reports which convincedme that the agency, as it was being managed, would get into trouble, andalthough willing to aid in establishing a well-founded business agency there,I did not deem it prudent to be instrumental in sinking the funds of theorder I had sacredly pledged my honor to aid in advancing and building up.Of the one hundred dollars I obtained in cash, I paid to J. G. Sampson fortydollars before I had any reason to suspect anything wrong. I had some circularsand receipts printed, and some light expenses. I now have about forty dollarsof that one hundred, and when the agency settles up its difficulties, unlessespecially requested not to do so, I expect to pay over the remainder inmy hands, into the treasury of the Patrons Commercial Agency, at Wichita;but not until it is conducted in a more business-like manner than has characterizedits management in the past.

It is, indeed, encouraging to have one's efforts for the good of theorder made to appear like selfishness, if not dishonesty. But I have nofear in the least, that the readers of the Plow and Anvil will notput a proper estimate upon the motives and desires of its editor in takingthe course he has in this and other matters. It will be observed that Ihave made no charge of my time, although leaving a position with a salaryof fifty dollars per month. I make no charge simply because the agency,thus far, has not proved a success. If it had been successful, I know mybrother patrons would have willingly paid me for my trouble. As it is, Iask nothing, and no man or Grange will ever lose a cent by any willful actof dishonesty on my part. T. A. WILKINSON.


Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

Lazette News.

Many of the churches along our valley have been making additions to theirnumbers by recent revivals. Elder Thomas is holding meetings at Armstrong'sEldersCutsinger and Smith, at Lazette, and Elder Blevins at Dexter. Let the goodwork go on.

Railroad interests are being talked up over this way, the light of theCourier is spreading through the valley. Many of our best farmers,while being opposed "teeth and toe-nails" to the voting of countybonds, believe that a majority of votersperhaps a majority of tax- payerswouldvote for the bonds. As Socrates said of marriage, they "will be sorryif they do and sorry if they don't." Our valley says, give us aroad east and west.

J. W. Tull has blown another blast upon his bugle horna greatimprovement on the first. He is preparing for a large issue again this month.

The smut machine, at the mill, caught fire recently, and came nearlysetting the mill on fire. Fortunately it was discovered in time to preventthe damage extending further than the smutter.

J. J. Mills is still building stately and substantial mills. It costsso little for him to build a mill that the Leffel Water Wheel Company oughtto be voted a medal for importing him into this State.

L. L. Newton and Ed. Smith returned last week, from a tour through theIndian Territory.

Mr. D. Ramage promises an exhibition at the end of his school, next month,and the Lazette school hopes to do likewise.

Mr. David Carver, of Wabash, Indiana, is visiting S. M. Fall's family.He is greatly pleased with southern Kansas, and thinks of locating somewherein this delightful region.

Mr. James Newton, from the Territory, is visiting friends in this valley.

DIED. Mr. Miller, an old and very worthy gentleman, abandoned and drivenfrom home by his sons and daughters, found a home with B. H. Clover, wherekind hands administered to his wants and smoothed the old man's last androughest journey. Elders Cutsinger and Smith preached the funeral sermonand a large and respectable number of citizens attended the burial.

Our Justices of the Peace are aching for some litigant to appear, whohas the "sand in his craw" to fight it out without a compromise.Seventy-seven suits, more or less, have been begun, but not one has yetcome to the final test.

G. W. Ballou and J. P. Craft have purchased the steam saw mill of Ward& Smiley.

The Black Hills fever is spreading over this section and has completely"busted up" the Arizona Company.

B. H. Clover has a fine lot of corn and wheat on hand at his mill, andthe yard is full of excellent logs. By the way, one of his logs was interviewed,the other day, and displayed rings for 177 years.

Judge T. H. Johnson gave his Lazette friends a brief visit this week.

Eugene Millard, of New Salem, paid his respects to our village Saturdaylast.

Mr. Harris, of Winfield, gave us a brief but pleasant call a few daysago.

George Gardenhire has returned from his Texas hunt.

Mr. William Hinshaw, of Arkansas City, and Amos Walton, of the PlowHandle, favored Lazette with their presence Sabbath last.

February 15th.


Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

Tisdale Items.

The notorious G. W. Foughty is again in our midst; he is blowing forthe big bend on the Arkansas.

The revival closed a few evenings since with several additions to thechurch.

Elder Swarts and P. G. Smith had an arbitration in Tisdale, on Wednesdayof this week.

Business is dull in this place at present. Our druggist has locked upand gone out in the country to rusticate.

Fance Small has lately come in possession of an estate, in Indiana, tothe amount of $3,200.00.

Mr. Jones, of Iowa, was in our town last week. He is talking of locatingand building a mill on Silver Creek, east of here. He is an enterprisingman of large means.

The wonderful C. P. Spaulding has returned from his labors in the easternfields. We expect to have a general jubilee at Tisdale tonight over thereturn of the prodigal son.

John Fenner and Preston Martin have been prospecting for coal. They havesunk a shaft 35 feet, and found some coal, but no regular vein yet. Theindications are good.

John McGuire has the largest crib of corn in Cowley County. It is 30feet square and 10 feet high. It will soon be full.

S. S. Moore is doing some business in the way of real estate transfers.

We have a literary society every Tuesday evening.

W. H. Beard, formerly of this place, sent Sol. Smith some specimens ofgold and silver that he picked up in New Mexico. RATTLEHEAD.


Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.


ED. COURIER: Since my remarks and vote in favor of the repeal of theR. R. Bond law at the Railroad Convention, last Saturday, have been somewhatcriticized, I will briefly explain the former and defend the latter.

To the charge of making a luke-warm, milk and cider, non-committal speech,on that occasion, I plead guilty to the extent that the few words I saidthere could be called a speech. At the time I was first asked to talk tothat Convention, I concluded that I would be the wrong man in the wrongplace, for the manifest reason, that I could not conscientiously talk toplease that meetingI did not want to provoke a discussion of the R. R. Bondquestion therenor did I want to thwart or chill the honest efforts or enthusiasmof those whose meeting it was, more than mine; many of whom had given thissubject closer attention, of late, than myself. So far as my remarks doneany of these things, they were short of what I intended in the milk andcider element at least.

I preface the defense of my vote, by saying that a life devoid of someinviolable convictionssome deep-laid principlessome conscientious moorings,must be a fruitless one indeed. If we allow the obstruction of these undercurrentsof our lives, our manhood will be swept away by their accumulated volume.For instance, I could not consent to the punishment of a friend by a mob.I must not though none but my worst enemy suffers. Hence were I to encourageor even sanction a mob, I should certainly be the main sufferer.

Disclaiming yankee-doodle-ism altogether, it is not extravagant for meto say, that I have, in some way, imbibed the principles of a governmentbased upon the will of a majority.

Therefore, I cannot consent to the success of a thing to which I am stronglyopposed by the disfranchisement of myself and others like me. I must notconsent to its defeat, through the disfranchisement of its friends, forthe reason, if nothing else, that should this rule once obtain, there wouldbe no security or stability in the voice of the people. The legislativebody that may discriminate in one way today, may do so the other way tomorrow,with a range for variation in either direction from one to the entire votingforce of a community. I will leave the following propositions to argue themselvesuntil they are controverted: First, whatever may of right, be done by anyportion of a people, may in like manner be done by an undisputed majorityof such a people. Second, a law that requires a 2/3 vote to bind the remaining1/3 bears evidence of its own viciousness and is no more defensible thanit would be were its proportions reversed. Third, such a law works disfranchisement,debases those it burdens, and stifles the grandest note in the electoralvoice. The disfranchisement of 1/3 the voters of a county, for no otherreason than that they will vote a certain way, on a certain issue, cannotbe defended, even though the law were unconstitutional. And here let mesay, that the legality or illegality of R. R. aid bonds, matters not tous practically, since State courts generally, and U. S. courts universally,have held that when such bonds have been issued under State authority, andall their conditions complied with, they were binding and have enforcedtheir collection.

That a repeal of the R. R. Bond law of this State, without any substitute,would work a good thing, for this and many other counties in the State,in the next few years, I have but little doubt. But since this cannot beexpected, I for one would rather risk a thoughtful majority, than an exasperated2/3's, grown strong under outrage.

I am convinced that the present law is adding strength, every day, tothe R. R. Bond party. While a proposition that I could vote for would haveto be very safe, guarded, and reasonable, indeed. Yet, I cannot consentto the disfranchisement of a large portion of my fellow citizens who areas honest as I could claim to be and whose personal and financial interests,here, are more than mine can ever be, and whose interest in the welfareand prosperity of the county and people, none can doubt, and whose zealI would praise aloud if only to them I may whisper caution.


Feb. 14th, 1876.


Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

Lots of law suits this week.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

And still we have no railroad.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

Farmers ploughing every day.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

The lower bridge is not repaired yet.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

BUTCHERS' beef is butter fat this winter.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

R. C. Story is appointed Postmaster at Lazette.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

The post office is re-established at Floral.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

The local money loaners have advanced their rates.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

N. C. McCULLOCH is back from a visit to Doniphan County.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

State Master Hudson had a large audience last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

Thousands of fruit trees are being purchased by our farmers this spring.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

C. L. F. Johnson, the good looking and smiling money loaner, is withus again.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

C. P. Spaulding sold about two hundred Tisdale lots to a Cincinnati manlately.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

E. C. Seward tells, in a big advertisement, where lumber can be boughtcheap.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

The Clerk of School District No. 81 advertises for "ceiled"bids for the construction of a schoolhouse in that district.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

We have sampled Mr. Bull's baking powders, and can testify that onlyone-half the amount usually used is sufficient to make good bread.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

The merchant, Paul, who once kept a grocery store in the room at presentoccupied by Green's drug store, is now a flourishing druggist at Indianapolis,Indiana.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

Dr. Black, of this place, has an overcoat that is made of material whichis over two hundred years old. At least two centuries ago it was a bed-coverlet.It is a peculiarly woven fabric and resembles lamb's fleece.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

Sampson Johnson miraculously escaped sudden death last Thursday by beingpulled out of a well at Moore's mill, thirty feet deep, in advance of acaving in of the whole concern. The avalanche grazed his boots as he cameup and it went down.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

Mr. Bradshaw, the gentleman from Kentucky who has been occupying theWalnut Valley House with his large and pleasant family, has purchased afarm near Wichita. He wants to know, when he sinks his money in a farm,that it is near a railroad where he can enjoy a market.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.


Although not able to be present, on account of other engagements, atDr. and Mrs. Mansfield's party, which took place at their spacious residencelast Monday evening, we learn that it was a very fine affair and one ofthe most agreeable gatherings that has ever assembled in Winfield. The daywas the eighteenth anniversary of their wedding, and was a formal openingof their finely furnished home to their friends.

We had the pleasure of looking through the house a day or two since andwere much gratified with the taste and judgment displayed in its arrangementand finish. The plastering and moulding was done by Messrs. Simpson andStewart, the painting and paper hanging by Capt. J. C. Monforte. The workis the finest we have seen in our town. Everywhere in the selection, arrangement,and mounting of pictures, works of art, embellishments, and decorationsof the rooms, could be seen the cultivated taste of Mrs. Mansfield. Thefurniture is new and of the most modern style, and we believe the finestin Winfield.

We noticed some very handsome and historical pictures suspended on thewalls. "The Authors of the United States," and "PresidentLincoln's First Reading of his Emancipation Proclamation to his Cabinet,"are among the most conspicuous of the large steel engravings.

There are also some smaller pictures of historical interest. "Thefirst steam train in America" shows the first train of cars that ranfrom Albany to Schenectady, on the Mohawk & Hudson railroad, in 1831.The passengers are all in view, and among the number are Thurlow Weed andMrs. Mansfield's father.

Another historical picture is "Collect Pond and its vicinity,"as it was in 1795, when Robert Fulton and John Fitch first tried their experimentsin steamboat navigation. Their little yawl is holding two men, and a steamengine that one could carry off under his arm is in full view. Collect Pondwas at that time where the center of New York City now stands. Center streetand the Tombs now occupy the historical navigable lake.

There is another unique picture that cannot be omitted: a photographof the first Grand Jury that was ever empaneled on this continent, composedof white and colored men. It was organized to indict traitors, Jeff. Davisamong others, at Richmond, Virginia, shortly after the war. Dr. W. Q. Mansfieldwas one of that jury.

That comfort and simple elegance which the true American craves in ahome are combined in the Doctor's residence and make it the typical homesteadof the Yankee heart. In common, with all their friends, we congratulatethe Dr. and his wife, in again getting where the shadow of the "wolfat the door" is not seen, and the question of bread and butter doesnot chase them through dream-land. The Dr. and wife are proud of Winfield.No one will arise earlier or remain up later for its interests than they.

When they came here in 1870, they came to stay. In those days the Dr.crossed his feet and arms in sleep under a single blanket, and slept uponthe floor of the "Old Log Store," to dream of a better home thana stranger's table and a stranger's roof. And his dream is realized. A fewmonths later saw Mrs. Mansfield, the boys, and the little broken hornedcow taking up their abode in little "additions" to the rear ofthe drug store. Through sunshine and storm, through famine and plenty, "throughevil report and good report," the Dr. and wife have stuck to the faithuntil day is breaking. When the Dr. gets his three-story brick, one hundredfeet deep, in the place of his present unpretentious business establishment,then will the acme of ambition in worldly possessions be realized. May theylive to see that day, and many, many days thereafter.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

The following notice is taken from the San Francisco News Letterand California Advertiser, and refers to a former resident of Winfield.


A person known as Dr. R. Hilton Chase has occupied the quack instituteof Aborn, on Kearny street, and has had circulars distributed at residencesinforming that he has made a "specialty of diseases peculiar to females,"and, with other depraved verbiage, hopes to attract the attention of thedeluded to this quack institute. A gentleman, the father of a family, hashanded us one of this character's peculiar sheets, enclosed in an envelope,with the remark that "it is disgusting that the police have not powerto arrest the author of the circulars, or prevent them being left at privateresidences, where these are likely to fall into the hands of the young."

We hope to do this person justice, and feel sure that a community willprofit by it. The worst of the case is that preachers of respectabilitydisgrace themselves by allowing their names to be used; sundry quacks havinghanded us a list of reverend gentlemen to whom they refer. These are printedon cards and circulars and distributed broadcast.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

Attention Washamingas.

Now that our venerable Chieftain, Celeph Von Yonsan, has come back topay us a short visit, all Washamingas in good standing are hereby commandedto meet him on his native heath (Tony Boyle's old stand) Saturday eveningnext, at 8 o'clock p.m. sharp. The meeting is for the purpose of welcomingback our chief as well as to take some action in reference to the departurefrom our midst of our worthy brother and fellow sufferer, Herr Isaac VonBing.

By order of



SHAMUS McSHORT, ) Com. of Grand Sachems,



Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

[From the Wellington Press.]
Wichita Commercial Agency.
BELLE PLAINE, KAN., Feb. 9, 1876.

ED. PRESS: Having seen several articleswritten, evidently by those whoare not the best friends to the farmer, or by those who know nothing ofthe facts in the caseabout the Patrons Commercial Agency at Wichita, I desireto state briefly, without entering into a minute detail of the matter, that,after a careful examination of the affairs of the Agency, the directorsfailed to find any evidence of rascality, or even culpable negligence (aswas presumed by some) in the management of its affairs. It was an experiment,and the commission charged (with the losses sustained, which will be morefully explained at the stockholders' meeting on the 19th) was too low topay the running expenses; hence a temporary suspension of the business ofthe Agency was deemed advisable. The farmers now see the pressing necessityof immediately re-opening the Agency. After the Agency closed, and the farmerhad no chance to ship his grain, corn immediately dropped to fifteen andsixteen cents, and a complete wheat ring was formed, so that today but onebid is made upon wheat, and that bid has to be taken by the seller, forno buyer breaks the compact.

Not wishing to take up your space to discuss a question which belongsalone to the grange room, I remain

Yours truly,


Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

Patron's Commercial Agency.

Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the Stockholdersof the Wichita Commercial Agency, on Saturday, February 19th, 1876, at EagleHall, 10 o'clock a.m. Each Grange in the district is expected to send delegates.

H. W. BECK, President.

E. P. THOMPSON, Sec'y.


Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

A BARGAIN. We have for sale, for a few days, a first class farm at avery low price. Call and get the information of MANNING & WALTON.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.


To whom it may concern. The party who has been in the habit of milkingmy cows at night, being desirous of meeting with the contents of a Colt'srevolver, will continue their night milking for a short time longer andoblige their most anxious servant.


Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

FOR SALE. Two span of Mares. Inquire of C. M. Skinner, 1½ milesnorth of Vernon schoolhouse, Vernon Township.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

To Whom It May Concern.

All persons knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned are requestedto call and make immediate payment, as I am going out of business. I wantall to come up and settle at once. W. L. MULLEN.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

Mr. Ira E. Moore is now prepared to furnish the city with milk. All thosewho wish it delivered at their residence can leave their orders at the PostOffice.


Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

Notice to Central Committee.

To C. M. Scott, James McDermott, R. C. Storey, H. L. Barker, A. B. Odell,and T. W. Morris, members of the Republican County Central Committee, ofCowley County:

GENTLEMEN: You are requested to attend a meeting of the above mentionedCommittee to be held at the COURIER office, in Winfield, Saturday, March4th, at 11 o'clock, A. M.

Business of importance will be transacted.

A. B. LEMMON, Chairman Rep. Co. Committee.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

The House has passed a bill which cuts Wichita out of the Texas cattletrade.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

Col. Manning writes from Topeka that the Eskridge railroad bill willprobably become a law.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

The Senate has passed an act increasing the salary of the State Treasurerto $2,500 per annum.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

It is expected that there will be a serious Indian outbreak this Spring,and the War Department is getting ready for the red-skins.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

The report of the Joint Committee to visit the Insane Asylum, at Osawatomie,speaks in the highest terms of the general management of that institution,but reflects severely on the architect in charge of the building recentlyerected.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

During the discussion of House Bill No. 28, which provides for punishingpersons for paying for vinous, spirituous, or fermented liquors to be usedfor what is commonly known as electioneering purposes, our Representative,Mr. Hackney, said he was glad to be alongside of the preachers for once.He was in favor of the bill. If it should become a law, it would save hima good many thousand dollars within the next five years. The whiskey tipplersalways bled him when he ran for office.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

KANSAS CITY, Feb. 21. A dispatch from the Kansas City Times specialcorrespondent to the Black Hills, from Cheyenne, Wyoming, says: "Ageneral concentration of troops is now being made at Ft. Fetterman, foran expedition, which will be commanded by General Crook, and will consistof eleven companies of cavalry; no wagons. All the available pack mulesin the country are being gathered in and shod. The expedition is destined,either for the Big Horn region or for the removal of the Sioux, Cheyennes,and Arapahos from the Black Hills. All the cavalry at Ft. Laramie are undermarching orders."


Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

Now is the time to make and plant your hot-bed.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

A dance at the Courthouse last Tuesday evening.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

Mayor Millington has planted early potatoes.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

Many of the country schools will close this week.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

One hundred and sixty students in our public school.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

Three Auctioneers give us "chin music" every Saturday.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

Grangers, are your hedge rows in order for spring planting?

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

The Musical Society is preparing for a concert to be given soon.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

The By-Laws for the Masonic lodge are being printed at the COURIER office.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

Dr. Black is putting in a cellar preparatory to building a neat residencethis spring.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

See that fine stone walk in front of Manning and Fuller's new buildingthatis to be.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

Ed. Bedilion is having a row of shade trees planted in the street infront of his residence.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

The ladies of the Presbyterian church gave a supper at Mr. F. Williams'last evening. Receipts $16.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

More then thirty persons entered into covenant relations with the Presbyterianchurch at their communion last Sunday.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

If the County Commissioners will fence the Courthouse yard, the peopleof Winfield will plant a grove there. What say you?

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

Capt. Lowrey's ice-house was burned last Saturday. Carelessness of someboys who were out hunting was the cause of the conflagration.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

Col. Manning has gone to Topeka to look after the Legislature. He leftthe COURIER office to run itself, which accounts for the unusual "thinness"of the paper this week.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

The running gear of the Oxford water flouring mills, including two runof stone left Wichita yesterday. This mill will be ready to grind corn inabout ten days. Wichita Beacon.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

As Capt. Hunt and family were returning from church last Sunday, theirteam became unmanageable, ran away, upset the carriage, and created havocgenerally. We understand none of the family were seriously injured.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

Sixteen candidates were baptized into the Mount Zion Baptist church lastSabbath, making an increase to the body of upwards of thirty-five withinthe last three weeks. The pastor is Elder Hopkins, of Salt City. The churchis six miles directly west of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

Next Sunday, Rev. Adams will preach his last sermon, at the M. E. church,before going to Conference. This eloquent young divine has made a host offriends during his short sojourn in our city, and the entire community hopehe will be returned. Dame Rumor informs us that he will soon occupy theParsonage if he returns.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

The Rev. S. D. Storrs, of Quindaro, Kansas, will preach in the Courthouse,on Sunday morning, February 29th, at the usual hour. Mr. Storrs is the agentof the American Home Missionary Society, and visits this place to look afterthe interests of the Congregational church. He is an able speaker and willpreach a sermon worth listening to.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

The Superintendent of the Union Sunday School spent a few hours lastSaturday canvassing for funds for a library for the school. He secured overone hundred dollars, which, added to the amount now in their treasury, makesthem about one hundred and fifty dollars to be expended in books. This withbooks donated heretofore will give them a very fine library. The schoolmeets at the Courthouse at half past two o'clock every Sunday afternoon.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

The catalogue of thorough-bred stock owned by Gen. L. F. Ross, of Avon,Fulton County, Illinois, is before us. His cattle are the North Devons.He considers them the best breed of cattle on the continent for all purposes.His catalogue contains considerable evidence to support the claim. Someof his stock are in this county, near Arkansas City. He keeps part of themon his Illinois farm and another drove in Douglas County, Colorado. He alsobreeds the pure Poland China hogs. The General is a man whose representationsconcerning his stock can be depended upon.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

I. H. PHENIS has sold his farm in Cowley County and will return to Greenwood.He has left Cowley because he does not like herd law. Greenwood has alwaysgot most of the good cattle from down there and will soon have all the bestcitizens.

Eureka Herald.

"Ish dot so?" Greenwood County has been settled about threetimes as long as Cowley and has but few more than half the population. Twenty-eightpercent of the taxable land in Cowley County is in cultivation, while butten percent of the land in Greenwood is cultivated. In Cowley the increaseof cultivated acres was 32,180, in Greenwood 14,140 during the past year.If a man wants to pasture a herd of cattle where they may range for milesover flint hills without molesting a farmer, Greenwood is the county, butif he wishes to make a home where the soil is productive, society firstclass, and plenty of it, and where the future wealth will be, Cowley Countyis the place for him.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

Important Enterprise.

We learn with pleasure that the Presbyterian Society of this place havedetermined to push to completion the church building, the foundation ofwhich is already completed. The lots and foundation cost the society $700,and are paid for. The estimated cost of the building is $4,000. It is tobe forty-two feet wide and sixty-two feet long, which will be two feet widerand twelve feet longer than the Courthouse. Such a building is much neededhere. The late revival demonstrated the fact that there was no room in thecity large enough to accommo date our people when they desire to get together.The plan of the building can be seen at the office of Curns & Manser,and is well worth inspecting.

It is proposed to raise $2,500 of the funds by subscription, and we hopeour citizens will liberally assist in the matter. The benefits of such abuilding to the place are so great that it is like building for oneselfto help in this.

It is well known that the pastor of this church has for three years donatedhis entire salary with a view of building a church. Another member of hisfamily, we are told, proposes to give ten percent of the amount to be raisedby subscription, which will be $250. Should the desired amount be subscribed,it will leave about $1,500 to finish the work, and the Board of Church Erectionpropose to furnish at least $800 of that amount. In view of the liberalityof those initiating this movement, and the Board, the great benefits tobe derived from this work, we hope and believe that the same liberal spiritwill be shown by our people and that the building will soon be completed.


Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.

City Council Proceedings.
WINFIELD, KAN., Feb. 21, 1876.

City Council met in regular session, February 21st, 1876, at 7½o'clock p.m.

PresentM. G. Troup, President of Council; N. M. Powers and C. C. Black,Council men; J. E. Allen, City Attorney; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.

Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.

City Clerk reported all warrants in his office canceled on the warrantrecord, as ordered by the Council at its previous meeting. Report receivedand referred to the Finance Committee with instructions to report at itsnext regular meeting.

Bill of J. E. Allen for services as City Attorney from May 1st, 1875,to November 1st, 1875, $25.00, was read and approved, and the Clerk orderedto draw a warrant on the Treasurer for the same.

Bill of James Kelly for city printing was read and referred to FinanceCommittee.

On motion of N. M. Powers, the City Clerk was instructed to advertisefor one week for sealed bids for the sinking and walling of two public wells,to be located on Main street between 8th street and 9th street, accordingto plans and specifications in the Clerk's office. Council reserving theright to accept or reject any of said bids.

The Council then adjourned to meet Monday, February 28th, 1876, at 7o'clock p.m.

B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.


for Lumber of any dimensions. Soft Lumber $20, Hard Lumber $25 per thousand.Reduction made on large bills for Cash.


CORN BURRS connected with the Mill.

P. O. address Silverdale, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.


Poland China Hogs for sale or rent. Inquire of A. B. GRAHAM.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.


A few day boarders will be taken on reasonable terms by MRS. S. A. GRISWOLD.

[Skipped farewell address delivered by James O. Vanorsdal, retiringmaster of Floral Grange, No. 756, given in February 24, 1876, issue.]


Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.

Men who have no other interests in this county than the loaning of moneyat thirty six percent, are opposed to the building of a railroad at anyprice. If we had a railroad constructed through this county, so capitalistsfrom the East could come here, and see what a great country we have, someof the money that goes begging, in the East, at five to six percent, wouldsoon be loaned at such figures as any shrewd businessman could afford topay.

Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.

FEBRUARY 26, 1876.

The apportionment bill having passed the House, was taken up in the Senateand variously amended and passed. As it leaves the Senate, it gives Cowleyone Senator and two Representatives. This is a little more than our share,but then we have been getting along a long time with far less than our proportionof representation. The amendments made in the Senate will be vigorouslyopposed in the House. How it will result is doubtful. Sumner or Chautauquacounties may be attached to us yet. Senator St. Clair did nobly by us andlabored for our interests in this as well as in other matters.

A bill revising the tax laws of the State passed the House Thursday ofthis week, and if the Senate can reach it, it will probably become a law.It is the best law that can be devised, when considered in all its bearings.Under its provisions the expenses of laying, collecting, and disbursingthe taxes are very much reduced. No law affecting usury or interest haspassed or is likely to pass this session.

The bill concerning attorney's fees in mortgages is not likely to becomea law.

A very long bill, entirely revising the school laws of the State, isbefore the Senate today, and may pass both houses, but it is doubtful. Ifit does become a law, scholars in one district may attend a school in anadjoining district, in case the schoolhouse is nearer to the scholars desiringschooling.

The bill allowing counties to vote aid to railroads is a law, or willbe, as soon as it is published in the Commonwealth. It requires a two-thirdsvote to carry the proposition in a county, township, or city. It came verynear being defeated in the Senate, only fourteen votes being the numberthat were favorable to the bill, as it came from the House, and even thisvote was obtained by a combination of the friends of Stilling's narrow gaugeand Eskridge's standard gauge bills. By amending and coaxing, and urgentsolicitations, the friends of the measure finally obtained eighteen votesand carried it. Senator St. Clair worked earnestly for the measure.

The Legislature in a body is going to Pueblo in an excursion train overthe A. T. & S. F. road next Friday, immediately after adjournment.

Hackney has worked very hard this winter, and is one of the leaders inthe House. He has never neglected the interests of his constituents.

Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.


The apportionment bill that passed the Senate last Friday giving CowleyCounty one Senator and two Representatives, still hangs fire. It went tothe House Saturday morning and was a firebrand. All day Saturday was spentin its consideration. The House first disagreed to the Senate amendments.The bill went back to the Senate. That body then voted to postpone the considerationof the bill until Monday at 2 P.M. This frightened the House. It fearedthere would be no apportionment bill passed at all. The House then passeda resolution calling the bill back from the Senate. This soon brought thebill back into the House. It was then moved to concur in the Senate amendmentsand following this the previous question was ordered. This cut off all filibusteringand the roll was called. Fifty votes were obtained for final passage orconcurrence, which was all that was necessary. The Chief Clerk did not announcethe result, but gave the roll to his assistant to figure up while he wentamong the members and succeeded in having two or three votes changed fromaye to no, and thus defeated the bill.

Then the bill was returned to the Senate with the information that theHouse would not concur in the Senate amendments. Sam Wood and H. G. Webbfought the bill in the house vigorously. What will be the final result Icannot tell. But it is of so much importance to Cowley County that I feelthat I ought to remain here and help to save Cowley as a Senatorial Districtif possible.

The Committee on State affairs which has been hunting up the bogus schoolbond business have got trace of some fraudulent school district bonds fromCowley County. They interviewed me upon the subject and I ventured the statementthat no County Clerk or Superintendent of Public Instruction in Cowley Countyever lent his name or seal to any such swindle.

While I have not had the highest opinion of some of the aforesaid officersin our county, I cannot believe that they were bad enough to be partiesto a bond swindle. I pronounced the bonds, if any such have been issued,to be forgeries in toto and do not believe the parties thereto ever livedin Cowley County.

The names are suppressed at present in the hope that the rascals canbe caught. The reputation of Cowley County is excellent here. It is lookedupon as a first-class agricultural county and as being filled with honestmen, and the representative men from that county command respect everywhere.Of course, we all hope that no citizen of our county will be found guiltyof paying bonds of any kind, or of attempting a swindle of any character.

I have no railroad news to write.

Comments by Manning: "I am a looker on in the Legislative Halls.The session will close next week. It has been a boisterous one in the House.Very few laws have been passed. Some very much needed Legislation has beenneglected. Buncomb speeches and resolutions have been mainly indulged in."


Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.


Information has been received that the drive of Texas cattle to Kansasthe coming season will be larger than for the past two years. Twenty-onefirms have signified their intention of driving herds ranging in numberfrom 60,000 to 2,000. A careful estimate places the drive at 300,000. Thedrive last year was about 150,000. Ex.


Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.

Rev. C. J. Adams has gone to White Cloud to preach for the Congregationalists.

Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.

C. C. Black's new upright piano has arrived. It is one of the finestinstruments in the city.

Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.

There will be a teachers' examination at Winfield, Friday and Saturday,April 7th and 8th.

Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.

The Christian Sunday School has been reorganized. It meets at 9½o'clock a.m. every Sunday.

Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.

A large crowd went down near the Christian church last Saturday to witnessthe trial of a new sod plow.

Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.

Mr. Holtby, of Pleasant Valley, killed a pig last week that netted sixhundred and eleven pounds. Who next?

Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.

At the Democratic Convention George Walker was elected a member of theCounty Central Committee.

Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.

Mr. M. A. Kinne, brother of E. P., our Register of Deeds, and a residentof Fulton County, Illinois, has been prospecting in this county for thepast few days.

Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.

The Rev. John Blevins will preach at the Christian church house, on Saturday,the 4th inst., at 7 o'clock p.m., also on Lord's day following, at the usualhour. All are invited.

Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.

T. R. Carson, of Richland Township, is erecting a wind-mill on his farm,with sufficient power to run a corn sheller, fanning mill, and stock waterpump, and on such a windy day as there was last Saturday it would run asmall gang plow.

Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.

The Winfield City Mills has, during the month of February, shipped toWichita, Los Animas, and other points, 82,000 pounds of flour, besides grinding3,500 bushels of grist workand kept up the local tradein all about 6,000bushels of grain.

Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.

This week Mr. A. N. Deming and his estimable family move to Wichita toengage in the hotel business in connection with the Douglas Avenue House,and Mr. Sid Majors comes from Wichita to this place to take charge of theValley House.

Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.

The ladies and friends of the Baptist church will give a Centennial supper,at the Courthouse, on Thursday evening, March 9th, 1876. Ladies and gentlemenwill appear in the costume of one hundred years ago.

Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.

The Plow and Anvil is no more, and in its place we find the CowleyCounty Democrat. Our county has long needed a simon-pure Democraticpaper, and the "new departure" taken and advocated by Amos, duringthe past few weeks, proves him the man for the enterprise. We hope his newparty friends will give him such support as he deserves.

Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.

We had the pleasure of attending a school exhibition at the Maple Groveschoolhouse on Tuesday evening last. The entertainment consisted of essays,recitations, dialogues, tableaux, etc., all of which were well selectedand performed. The paper, headed the Maple Grove Bugle, which wasably edited and well read by Miss Ioa Roberts and Mr. Joe Monforte, containedall sorts of fun, such as poetry, conundrums, etc. The exercises were conductedby the teacher of that district, Mr. C. L. Swarts. We congratulate the peopleof Maple Grove for having secured the services of so competent a young manas Mr. Swarts as teacher in their district during the term of their winterschool.

Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.


There will be a teachers examination held at Winfield, Friday and Saturday,April 7th and 8th. All teachers desiring certificates to teach in the countyof Cowley will be present.

T. A. WILKINSON, County Superintendent.


Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.

Lazette News.
LAZETTE, KAN., Feb. 28, 1876.

The two dances and suppers given here on St. Valentine's eve were verysuccessful affairs. Mrs. Robert Harris had one of the choicest tables setfor her guests, and the fine cake and the rich and varied nick-nacks thereondisplayed were all that the most fastidious could desire. At Harry Ramage's,the dancers "kept the ball moving" until the "wea sma' hours,"which showed that they fully enjoyed the entertainment of their host, whoseoysters were equaled only by his music.

A number of the hunters have been "chasing the antelope over theplains" around upper Grouse. Though this game is very abundant therebut few of the hunters have had any success in their efforts to scare it.

On the 20th and 21st inst., Col. Marvin and Col. Hunt, of Kansas City,were here examining the route for a railroad from Independence, via ElkFalls and Lazette, to Winfield and points west in Cowley County. They reportedthe line a very practicable one, and said they found a natural roadbed throughthe flint ridges. Give us the railroad from the east.

Though the festival given by the ladies of the M. E. church, and othersof our valley, was gotten up on short notice last week, a fine crowd wasin attendance, and the various means of making dimes and of entertainingguests were zealously engaged in by all.

One cake sold for $12.70, the fair lady to whom it was to be donatedbeing the leading incentive to the sale. The entire receipts were $35.10.Among those who were chiefly instrumental in making the festival a successwere Mrs. Susie Johnson, Mrs. M. C. Hemenway, Mrs. B. H. Clover, and Mrs.Harry Ramage. The receipts were turned over to the Rev. Mr. Swarts.

The railroad meeting which was held here last Saturday was well attendedby parties from all quarters in this side of the county. John Clover, Esq.,was called to the chair, and J. W. Tull was made secretary. R. C. Story,L. N. McCracken, and Ab. Peebler were appointed as a committee to draftresolutions. The report of this committee was discussed by parties on allsides, and a number of resolutions were amended and modified. The assemblywas a unit in desiring a railroad east and west through the county, thoughvery much divided as to the best means of getting the same. The resolutionswere considered and adopted one at a time, and some of them were carriedonly by a small majority. Part of the speakers wanted an unconditional endorsementof railroad enterprise, others were in favor of voting bonds for a roadfrom the east, while others were opposed totally to increasing our taxesfor any railroad whatever. Some said "wait two or three years and theroad will come without the bonds." The meeting was largely attendedby the farmers and businessmen from Cedar and Grouse valleys, and the countrywest, and it demonstrated the fact that the people on the eastern side ofthe county are not sleeping over this question.

The resolution to do away with the herd law was very vigorously contested,and was carried, upon a second vote, by a majority of only three.

In regard to the gauge, most of those present said, "Give us morelight in regard to cost and convenience of the narrow gauge." A numberof our leading men express the opinion that a good big bonus could be voted,even without a change in the law, for a railroad connecting Winfield andArkansas City directly with the east.

A number of our farmers are plowing, and a big crop will be put in early,if the weather continues favorable.

Mr. S. M. Fall and A. J. Pickering went to Wichita last week with a hundredbushels of Hungarian seed. They found the market down.

The Black Hills fever is still raging, and many are making preparationsto start for the gold mines in a short time.


Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.

City Council Proceedings.
WINFIELD, KAN., Feb. 28, 1876.

City Council met in regular session, February 28th, 1876.

Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; C. C. Black, N. M. Powers, and M. G.Troup, Councilmen; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.

Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.

On motion the Council proceeded to open the sealed bids, in the CityClerk's office, for the sinking and walling of two public wells, as advertised.

On motion of C. C. Black, the further consideration of the bids was postponeduntil next regular meeting.

The Council then adjourned. B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.

FOR SALE, to the highest bidder, 15 Store Accounts, on Saturday, March25th, 1876. All businessmen are requested to attend sale. J. B. LYNN &CO.

Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.

ALL THOSE WANTING CATTLE HERDED can leave orders at Mrs. Griswold's,as the town herd will be taken out as soon as there is grass sufficientfor feed.

Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.

FOREST TREES FREE. In the timber of J. G. Titus there are about 5,000young walnut and Pecan trees, which persons desirous of obtaining such treescan have free. J. G. TITUS.


Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

The bill admitting Colorado as a State of this Union is now a law.

Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

The guards at the Leavenworth penitentiary are armed with the latestimproved breech loading shot guns.

Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

The attorney fee act that created such a flurry was finally amended inthe Senate and became a law. Under its present provisions it only appliesto contracts hereafter made. It keeps attorney's fees out of mortgages.

Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

Among the laws passed by the late Legislature, we find there is one creatingassessors in cities of the 3rd class; one allowing counties to provide forinsane in case they cannot be admitted to the asylum; a new and completetax law, which, among other things does away with selling land for taxes;an arbitration law, and a new school system law.


Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876. Editorial Page.


The country is startled by the news from Washington, announcing thata Congressional Investigating Committee has discovered that Gen. Belknap,Secretary of war, is guilty of corruption. His administration had been consideredfree from the "trades" and "consider ations" that characterizedthe official action of many branches of the public service. Hence the universalastonishment of the developments. Belknap entered the army from Keokuk,Iowa, and was a brave and faithful officer. He rose to the rank of MajorGeneral, and became one of Grant's favorites. In Nov. 1869, he was appointedSecretary of War and continued to hold the office until he resigned thefirst of this month on account of the discoveries below mentioned.

A few years ago he was married to a Kentucky lady of high social position,great beauty, and fine accomplishments. His terrible falls seems, from thedevelopments made, to have originated with her. She first accepted, withouthis knowledge, the present of a large sum of money to procure an appointmentfor one Marsh as Post Trader at Fort Sill in the Indian Territory. Afterwardsthis corrupt transaction came to his knowledge, and he received other paymentsof money from this trader. The total sum was about $6,000 per annum, andthe payments have been made for two years. The amounts received, first byhis wife, and subse quently by himself, exceed $20,000.

The President at once accepted his resignation, and the House of Representativeshave presented before the Senate articles of impeachment and judgment willbe rendered against him.

Considering all the circumstances of the case, the crime of the Secretaryis of unusual turpitude. He was in the enjoyment of a large salary; he wasintrusted with high and responsible duties; he had attained great distinctionin the army and in civil life; and his future was brilliant with promise.But in an evil moment he risked and lost everything for the sake of a fewdollars.


Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876. Editorial Page.

The following private letter from our Congressman contains so many itemsof interest that we are constrained to give it to our readers. The ideaof graduating the Osage lands and finally throwing them open to privatepurchasers is an excellent one. It would enable parties to purchase largetracts of grazing lands to the west of us that are of no value for agriculturalpurposes. We hope that our readers will feel at liberty to send us theiropinions upon the topics mentioned or will confer with Judge Brown direct.

WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 28, 1876.

DEAR COL.: I have been thinking whether it was not possible for somelegislation in reference to the Osage reservation, in order in the firstplace to have actual settlers on the land prove up and get their titleswithin a reasonable time, and to reduce the price of all the refuse landeast and west of the Arkansas River say to $1.00 per acre from and afterJan. 1st, 1877; 75 cents per acre from and after Jan. 1st, 1878, and to50 cents from and after Jan. 1st, 1879, and all remaining on Jan. 1st, 1880,to be opened for sale at the latter price to all parties wishing to purchase.A provision, perhaps, that those on the lands have till 1877 to prove up,which in case we have a good crop would be as much as they would need. Theidea is not very well developed even in my own mind, but I have a desireto see the Western end of the reserve settled as the eastern end alreadyis, and to have the portions on the Eastern end that are rugged and brokenand have so far remained unsold, disposed of at a lower rate, and so madetaxable, and compelled to brave its proportion of the public burdens. Haveyou any suggestions to make in reference to the matter? How much land istoday unclaimed in Cowley Co.? How much in the counties East? Any informationwe receive will be of importance. The bill for the sale of the Cherokeestrip to actual settlers is before the Committee on Public lands. We hopeto get it through. The only question in the case is whether the agents ofthe Cherokees now here are inclined favorably to the measure; if they are,there is no danger; if not, it will be hard to pass. We are consulting withthem, they have copies of the bill and promise to give their opinion shortly.They seem favorable at present.

In reference to right of way through the Territory, I have introducedno bill because I have not found any corporation asking it. And you wellknow a general shot in such a case is pure buncomb, and instead of consideringroads from the mouth of the Walnut to Western Texas and down the ArkansasValley as merely quixotic schemes, I am in dead earnest, and am consultingwith all men I meet from Texas and Arkansas and interesting them as faras possible in the matter. * * *

* * * Parties at Fort Smith are looking our way, and one gentleman informedme that the Little Rock & Fort Smith road is nearly completed to Ft.Smith and that the Co. will soon obtain in some way the right of way toGibson, and will, if any inducements are offered, push further up the valleyinto Kansas.

Am favoring all measures in reference to civil courts in the Territory,and all that look to the eventual opening up of the Territory to settlement,and am ready to put in the entering wedge.

My idea is that while in the first few months the opening of the Territorywould seemingly be injurious to the State by drawing thither a large populationalready in Kansas who are looking that way, yet that eventually it willbe a benefit. While yet being settled it will furnish a market for the surplusof the Southern portion of our State, and when once settled the demand foran outlet will cause railroads to be built there connecting with our systemin Kansas, and thus we shall obtain our desired lines both to the Mississippiand the Gulf. Our Kansas matters are moving well in Congress, and thoseof local importance will pass where money is not involved and even therewe have strong assistance. Think on the whole the drift is very favorableto the Republicans and that unless we blunder badly we shall elect the nextPresident, and it now looks as if his name would be Blaine.

Truly Yours, W. R. BROWN.


Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

A new meat market.

Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

Court convenes April 3rd.

Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

J. B. Lynn has gone east after goods.

Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

New spring hats at Boyer & Gallotti's.

Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

Fresh fish by the wagon load Wednesday.

Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

The Legislature adjourned last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

T. A. Blanchard is going to the Black Hills.

Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

Adelphi Lodge has recently purchased a set of fine jewels.

Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

A. C. Holland closed his school at Bethel schoolhouse last Friday.

Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

L. J. Webb has moved his law offices upstairs over Mrs. Howard's millinerystore.

Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

James H. Land returned fat and hearty last Friday from a visit to Indiana.He reports mud waist deep in that forlorn state.

Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

Sam Kline has insured the lives of about a dozen of our citizens in theMissouri Valley Life Insurance Company. Now look out for obituaries.

Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

Read Robinson, that prince of "sheap cloding" fellows, hasbeen in town again. We expect Boyer & Gallotti to tell us about himnext week.

Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

The Remington Sewing Machines are something new, and are taking everywhere.R. Courtwright and G. W. Childers, of this county, are the local agents.

Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

A Railroad company has been organized for a line from Chanute, ten milessouth of Humboldt, to this place. Two of the directors are here, two inElk County, two in Wilson County, and two in Kansas City. Another companyhas been organized which proposes to build a road from Oswego, via Independence,to this place. But in building railroads, man proposes and the Kansas Legislaturedisposes.

Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

Some of our friends in Maple Township held a meeting February 22nd, andresolved against voting bonds to a railroad. The proceedings were sent tothe COURIER for publica- tion during our absence, and were not published.Had we been at home they would have appeared. We believe in giving bothsides a hearing on all questions. As the resolutions have been publishedin the Democrat, and as the question of voting bonds by a majorityvote cannot come up this year, we refrain at this late date from givingthe proceedings.

Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

HURRAH for Cowley County! Under the new apportionment bill Cowley obtainsone State Senator and two Representatives hereafter. The struggle over thebill, as it finally passed, was vigorous. Cowley with a population of 9,000received a Senator, while Elk and Chautauqua with 14,000, and Butler andHarvey with over 15,000, Sedgwick, Sumner, and all west, with a populationof 15,000, and eleven counties northwest of Sedgwick, embracing a populationof over 18,000, were respectively created into senatorial districts. Thisapportionment results in giving Butler and Cowley two Senators and fourRepresentatives. To Hon. W. P. Hackney and Hon. H. C. St. Clair are thepeople of Cowley largely indebted for this remarkable and advantageous result.

Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

No Railroad.

Fix yourselves for it. No railroad this year. Another year is upon usfor hoping, and waiting. In due time and in a reasonable way, we shall giveour reader's comprehensive statements of the situation.

Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

Letter from Rev. C. J. Adams.

We are permitted to publish the following interesting letter from thelate M. E. pastor of this place.


BRETHREN: Somewhere about the middle of October, 1875, on the southward-boundstage-coach, in the evening, "blue," I rode into Winfield. Onthe last day of February, 1876, on the northward-bound stage-coach, in themorning, "blue," I rode out of Winfield. The October evening wasclear, warm, and beautiful, while the February morning was overcast, cold,and ugly. So you see the weather, too often blamed for that of which itis not guilty, was not instrumental in the birth or maturing of either ofthese cloudy conditions of mind. What was, then?

Before starting to Winfield, I was informed by word of mouth, and byletter, that in the Methodist church there, the devil of discord was looseand rampant, and that I was expected to capture and chain him. The question,consequently, which was troubling me on that October evening was, "HadI better approach him from the front or the rearhad I better lay hold ofhim by the ears or by the tail?" In other words, "Who had unboundhimthe former pastor, or the people themselves?" If the pastor, I knewthat I would only have to walk up in his face and take hold of him unhesitatingly,boldly. If the people, I felt that I would have to come up behind and pounceon him when he least expected me. Under the circumstances, is it any wonderthat I was "blue?" But the question was not hard to answer whenonce I had come face to face with the great fact in the case. I say to you,unhesitatingly, as I do also to him, that I am convinced that had Mr. McQuistonnot forced himself back upon you, in the face of your asking that he mightnot be returned, the late lamentable troubles in the Methodist EpiscopalChurch of Winfield would never have been. I am convinced of this, because,when I came to you a perfect stranger, you received me more than kindly,and assured me, before you knew anything about me personally, and throughyour officiary, that, as you had asked for me, or rather, had not protestedagainst my coming, you would "stand right by me," let come whatmight. This you did. In looking over the history of the last five monthsthis afternoon, I cannot remember an instance in which you, individuallyand collectively, did not measure clear up to the high mark of faithfulness,which you drew for yourselves. I have broken and had broken some tenderties. I have left the home of my boyhood. Our college class parted knowingthat the tides and mud would put thousands of leagues between us, and thatforeverfor even though we meet again it will not be as boys, but as men.But, believe me, I never suffered so at a parting in my life as I did whenI left Winfield. When strong men weep at parting with each other, you mayknow that they love each other. Nothing would have induced me to leave youbut the profound conviction that it was my duty to do so. This will be madeplainer to some of you some day than it is today. Is it right for me toleave the Methodist for the Congregational church? This is the questionwhich I could not answer until, like an inspiration, the thought came: "Itis not the denomina- tion which God loves and in which he wants us to work,but the church of his Son!" I would like, had I the time, to developthis thought into a sermon. What we should do as christians is to learnto love the denomination, the sect, of which we are members less, and Christ'sbride more, remembering that his great, infinite heart is yearning to takeher to his breastyearning as only the Infinite can yearn!

As I think of my imperfections I wonder how God could use me in yourmidst as he did use melittle as I accomplished. I earnestly pray that hewill send you a vastly better man, in the pulpit and out of it, than hehas taken away from you.

Yours in the hope of Christ's kingdom. C. J. ADAMS.

Wichita, March 1st, 1876.


Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

From the Black Hills.

We are permitted to publish the following letter, received by Mr. T.A. Blanchard, from his brother, Seth, who is in the new Eldorado. As somany are seeking information that is trustworthy, we give considerable spaceto the subject. The writer is well and favorably known here.

DEAD WOOD GULCH, BLACK HILLS, January 16th, 1876.

BRO. TOM: Your interesting letter, of December 5th, found its way tome, after many delays, a few days ago. Since I wrote last I have abandonedCastle Creek, and moved about fifty miles further north. We are now abouteighty miles north of Custer City. I think this creek, and others in thisvicinity, contain far richer diggings than have before been discovered inthe Hills. Prospecting has not been very extensive here as yet, but enoughhas been done to convince miners that money can be made here, probably $10or $15 per day, and some say as high as $50, with sluices, from two centsto fifty and seventy-five cents to the pan. Two parties are fixed for sluicingon a small scale on this creek, but owing to the cold weather can do butlittle. I am now engaged in putting up another cabin. Think I shall go intoquarters here for the winter. Don't expect to take out much gold this winter,but will saw out lumber, dig ditches, etc., and be in readiness to go towork when spring opens. I think I might now venture to advise you to trythe Hills in the spring, that is, if you are so situated that you can doso without any very great sacrifice, financially or otherwise. I am stronglyof the opinion that you will stand a good chance to make two or three thousandhere during the summer, and return in the fall if you wish. I wish you werehere now, as men are pouring in by hundreds, but I guess if you leave homeby the 1st of April, you will be in time. We are not posted as to what isbeing done at Washington in regard to the Hills, but are strong in the faiththat we will not again be molested by the Government, but anticipate sometroubles with the Indians in the spring. If you should decide to come, youhad better come by railroad to Sidney, and from there you can easily gettransportation to Custer City, or any point in the Hills. Supplies are alreadybeginning to come in, and the probabilities are that by the 1st of May anythingwe need can be procured here at reasonable rates. Flour is worth $10 and$12 per hundred now, and other things in proportion.

I have had the pleasure of meeting J. J. Williams and W. W. Andrews,of Winfield. They are located in this Gulch.

The winter so far has been very mild, at least compared with Kansas winters.We are entirely exempt from those cold, chilling winds, as the country isa succession of hills, densely covered with pine timber, with the exceptionof an occasional patch of beautiful rolling prairie, from two to four milesacross, which we call parks. Horses and cattle are doing well on the range.Pack ponies are indispensable here in the hills. While packing from CastleCreek to this place a few days ago, and while descending a very steep mountain,one of my ponies made a misstep and rolled something near a hundred yardsdown the mountain. Jim looked on in dismay to see his mate getting sucha fearful fall. But, contrary to our expectations, on landing at the footof the hill, she got up and quietly walked off. No serious injuries.

Tell Mary she can calm her fears, as far as my starving is concerned,for I not only have plenty of flour, fruit, coffee, tea, bacon, sugar, etc.,to do me till the 1st of June, but also a good gun, and the country aboundsin gamedeer, elk, etc., so that instead of starving, our life in the Hillsis one continual feastalmost equal to a Harvest Feast at Bethel.



Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

From Oxford.
OXFORD, KAN., Feb. 29, 1876.

The Oxford Mills ground the first bushel of corn that was ground westof the Arkansas and south of the Nennescah, on Sunday, February 27th, 1876.It was ready Saturday evening. The Oxfordites went up to see it Sunday andprevailed on "Dave" to try it. "Dave" (D. Hardman) and"Judge" (Mr. Hewett) are quite proud of the best mill west ofthe river. The machinery for wheat grinding will be in working order byMarch 25th, it is thought. Then I will give you a description of the mill.The water is a success. Your "Wirt" was right about plenty offall when he took the level for the Oxford Town Co.

Mrs. Charles Willsie is quite sick.

Oxford improving.

Every house full.

Nearly the "first fire" this morning. Mr. Hinson's chimneyburned out. It made a fine blaze and excited several. Sam S. Shore got toit and put it out while others looked on.



Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

Obituary Resolutions.

WHEREAS, In the midst of life, we are in death, and another brother hasgone from our lodge, and although we feel the hand of God to be terrible,yet we know our loss to be his gain.

Resolved, That by the death of Bro. D. C. Huston, we all losea friend and brother, and further

Resolved, That we will ever cherish the memory of that friendship,and endeavor so to live that we will meet him and all our brothers in thegreat Beyond.

Resolved, That the relatives of the deceased have our heartfeltsympathies for the loss of one so near and dear to them.

Resolved, That a copy of the above resolutions be furnished thefamily of the deceased.

Resolved, That the above resolutions be furnished the WinfieldCOURIER for publication. N. K. JEFFRIES, G. N. FOWLER, WILLIAM WHITE, Committee.

March 4th, 1876.


Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

City Council Proceedings.
WINFIELD, KAN., March 6, 1876.

City Council met in regular session, March 6th, 1876.

Present: M. G. Troup, President of Council; C. C. Black, N. M. Powers,J. M. Dever, Councilmen; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.

Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.

The finance committee asked for, and was allowed, more time to reporton the cancella- tion of city warrants.

On motion of C. C. Black, the further consideration of the bids for thepublic wells was postponed until next meeting of the Council.

The Council then adjourned. B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

Winfield Musical Association.

The Third Grand Concert of the Association consisting of vocal and instrumentalselections from the best operas, songs, duets, choruses, quartets, etc.,will take place at the Courthouse on Friday evening, March 17th, 1876. Tickets25 cents. Reserved seats 35 cents.

Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

LIST OF LETTERS remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, CowleyCounty, Kansas, on the 9th day of March, 1876.

FIRST COLUMN: Accord, Joe; Anderson, Mrs. M. C.; Baird, Miss Allie; Dupey,Henry; Dean, Andrew; Hill, Susan A.; Kimel, C. D.; Keiffer, Mrs. Lizzie;Lacy, Henry; Mann, George; May, Charley.

SECOND COLUMN: Newland, M. C.; Province, Edward; Perkins, Clarisa; Somers,Thomas; Sappenfield, Robert; Snyder, John; Weil, Mrs. A.; Wright, Mrs. Mira;Wiggins, Horace; Wellman, Randolph. JAMES KELLY, P. M.


Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.


are now ready to take orders to furnish brick in any quantity from 100to 100,000. They have purchased land at the edge of the Winfield townsiteand have commenced the necessary improvements thereon. A Kiln of 150,000will be burned as soon as the weather will permit. They are experiencedin the business and Will Guarantee all orders filled. Those contemplat ingbuilding in the spring should Send in Their Orders at once. Prices as Lowas the Lowest.

Address McBRIDE & GREEN, Winfield, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

Keeps on hand a full supply of
A full assortment of
Yankee Notions and Millinery Goods.

Also manufacture Harness, Saddles, Collars, Bridles, Whips, etc. Onlythe best workmen employed. All work in this line warranted. If you can'tfind what you want elsewhere, call at

Henry T. Ford's Store,
East Side Main Street, Winfield, Kansas.

N. B. A Job-wagon, carrying Yankee Notions from this House, circulatesin this and adjoining counties.


Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.

Kept constantly on hand.

Repairing done neatly and to order. Special attention given to SEWINGMACHINES. Don't send them away, but bring them to us for repairs. Everythingfrom a Threshing Machine to a Knitting Needle mended with promptness, neatness,and dispatch.

Remember the place: One Door South of Miller & Power's Hardware Store,East Side Main Street, Winfield, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876. Front Page.

The Railroad Law.

ED. COURIER: The Telegram is uproariously jubilant over the failureof our Legislature to enact a law allowing counties and other municipalitiesto vote aid to railroads by a majority vote.

I readily admit that the two thirds clause inserted in both laws latelypassed practically defeats the friends of a railroad in this county, andwhile the Telegram is jubilant over a victory, I for one feel depressedand discouraged under our defeat.

Though I do not doubt that a proposition to aid some railroad might beplaced upon the voters of this county so well guarded and of such a natureso generally satisfactory, that two- thirds of the voters would supportit, yet, this would not be sufficient to give us a road.

Before reaching us the road must pass through other counties, Butler,Greenwood, Elk, Chautauqua, Sedgwick, or Sumner, in our immediate vicinity,and other counties more remote.

. . . "But," says some imbecile, "some company will builda road to us anyway, whether we aid them or not."

We have been waiting five years for "some company" to buildus a road. We have held in our hands $150,000 in Cowley County bonds andoffered them for a road. Cowley, Butler, Marion, Dickinson, and Davis haveoffered three-quarters of a million of dollars in subsidies for a road fromJunction City down this valley 140 miles. Only one company has in five yearshad the grace to offer to build a road to us at any price, and when itsoffer was accepted, all along the line it failed to come to time becausethe subsidies were insufficient to induce them to build the road. . . .

The A. T. & S. F. road alone has continued to build up to the presenttime, but though its franchises are enormous in lands and bonds, yet itis evident that the day is not far distant when it will be in the handsof a receiver.

The writer and others have freely expended their energies, time, andmoney in the attempt to make it possible to get a R. R. to this county thisyear. It is not strange that we should feel sore over our defeat.

Yet we will not despair. Let every thinking man who wants a railroadput his best thoughts to work and be seen ready to cooperate on the planwhich the majority of such men should determine is the best. Let us do whatwe can this year and if we fail, try the next Legislature for a change inthe laws. D. A. M.


Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

The Legislature, in finally passing the general appropriation bill, gavethe Normal schools a small appropriation. The Emporia school received $4,847.60.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

By the new apportionment bill, which gives Cowley County two representatives,the townships of Maple, Nennescah, Vernon, Winfield, Rock, Richland, Tisdale,Sheridan, Silver Creek, Omnia, and Harvey constitute one representativedistrict; and Beaver, Bolton, Creswell, Pleasant Valley, Liberty, Silverdale,Spring Creek, Cedar, Otter, Dexter, and Windsor Townships constitute theother district.


Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876. Editorial Page.


Just how many citizens of Cowley are seriously intending to spend thesummer in the Black Hills? The COURIER would induce every man to remainat home if it could. But the desire to go is spreading. It is unfortunate.A large majority of those who yield to the desire will recognize the misfortunewhen too late to avail anything. The regret will begin to creep over somewhen on the road and they will turn back. Others will not realize theirmistake until they reach the Hills and find them swarming with 30,000 adventurers.Others more persevering will spend the summer in the delusive chase. Ofthe one hundred men or more who will go from this county, eighty percentwill return in the fall. A few will engage in per- manent occupations alongthe route or at the Hills, and a few will never return. The Black Hillswill furnish the sable robes of their everlasting sleep.

In money expended, in time lost, in opportunities wasted, three hundreddollars to the man is a low estimate of the loss that the hundred men fromCowley will experience. This amounts to thirty thousand dollars. . . .

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

Skipped most of an article about Grange Meetings. Before, if any voterobjected, meetings could not be held in area schoolhouse.

"Effective Feb. 27, 1876, an act amended section 43 of article 4,chapter 32, of the general statutes of 1868:

"The district board shall have the care and keeping of the schoolhouseand other property belonging to the district. They are hereby authorizedto open the schoolhouse for the use of religious, political, literary, scientific,mechanical, or agricultural societies belonging to their district, for thepurpose of holding the business or public meetings of said societies undersuch regulations as the school board may adopt."


Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.


Kansas will be represented in products and works of art, at the centennial.How is it with Cowley County? So far as we can find out, not one half dozenspecimens of any kind from the county are in the hands of the CentennialBoard, to be taken to Philadelphia. Now that the new Board has been appointedand the State districted among them, Cowley falls into the district of Dr.R. W. Wright, of Oswego. On this subject the Emporia News semi-officiallysays:

"The State has been districted, and will at once be thoroughly canvassedfor materials for the exhibition. . . ."

If the readers of the COURIER have anything that will be of interestand value to the county, by being exhibited, and will leave it with us,we will see that it is properly marked and forwarded to Topeka, before April1st. . . .

For the present small packages of choice wheat, corn, oats, rye, millet,or other grains; potatoes, and perhaps other vegetables; linen thread fromTimber Creek, polished stone from our quarries; coal from southeast of Dexter;water lime from Arkansas City; highly finished grained walnut from our timber;flour from our mills; sugar from our beets; cotton, tobacco, and many otherthings that we do not now think of, could be produced.

Now friends of Cowley, attend to this matter. You can do yourselves creditand the county much good. You will have about ten days after this issueof the COURIER in which to accomplish something.


Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876. Editorial Page.

SUMMIT HOTEL, PUEBLO, Col., Midnight, March 8th, 1876.

The Legislative excursion train arrived here this morning at 8 o'clock.The Kansas citizen's train, consisting of 14 passenger cars, preceded usonly a few minutes. This latter train carried over five hundred personsmore or less known to Kansas fame, who took advantage of the low rates offeredby the road [A. T. & S. F.]. This train was entirely independent of,and had nothing in common with the excursion train proper, consisting ofthe Legislature, members of the press, and members (?) of their families.We found it engaged with a snow storm near Larned, 350 miles east of thispoint. Two snow plow engines were with it clearing the track. They had succeededand were pushing on when they ran onto the only cow in Edwards County, whichhappened to be on the track. Both engines were badly ditched and a delayof twenty-four hours was the result.

Smith, of Cherokee, "moved a call of the house," but we couldn'tpass the wreck. The engines lay like two great monsters barring the roadto the "Eldorado of the west." It might be well enough right hereto say that there was not enough of that cow left to tellthe color of her hair. She was a total wreck. During our temporary imprisonment,we occupied the time in a game of old fashioned snow balling. A few, however,preferred to walk a half mile to a ranch and fight over a fifty cent cupof coffee, which very forcibly reminded one of dirty water at boiling point.At last through the indomitable pluck of Maj. Tom Anderson a side trackwas built round the crippled giants and we all steamed on, arriving herethis morning.


Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876. Editorial Page.


The Southern Kansas M. E. Conference, recently held at Emporia, madethe following appointments for the Wichita District. A. BUCKNER, P. E.

Am listing only a few...

Wellington and Oxford: H. J. Walker.

Arkansas City: J. J. Winger.

Arkansas City cir.: To be supplied.

Winfield: J. W. Canaval.

Winfield cir: To be supplied.

Dexter and Lazette: To be supplied.


Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

CUSTER CITY, BLACK HILLS, February 24th, 1876.

FRIENDS AT HOME: Being blessed with another chance to send out a letter,I will improve it. I left Dead Wood Gulch about a week ago, and arrivedin the beautiful little city of Custer yesterday; and a lively little cityit is, though only a few months ago it was a military camp, carefully dodgedby the few miners then in the Hills. I have wandered around the town andsurrounding country today, and for fine scenery and picturesque beauty,it certainly surpasses anything I ever saw, not excepting our dear old Winfield.The surrounding country is a succession of small parks, and groves of pines,with here and there a romantic looking cliff of granite, and altogether,closely resembling (in my imagination) the original Garden of Eden. Whilestanding on an eminence overlooking the town, I counted 180 houses completed,and I should judge there is as many more under process of erection. A steamsaw mill is at work near town, and those majestic pines are being rapidlyconverted into substantial houses. Lumber is selling at $60 per thousand.

On the route here we passed through Hill City, situated on Spring Creek,18 miles north of this place. It has about one hundred houses, and is buildingup very fast, and it also has a saw mill.

A town is now being laid out on the northeast side of the Hills, nearwhere Rapid Creek empties into the Cheyenne River, with the view of gettingsupplies from Bismarck or some other point up on the Missouri River, theroute to strike the Hills at said town, on the Rapid.

There are, at the lowest calculation, two thousand men in the Hills,and the cry is, "still they come." In short, the country is beingrapidly developed. Gold bearing quartz and silver ore has been discoveredin several localities, which assays well. A stage line will be in operationsoon, from Cheyenne to Custer City, via Red Cloud Agency.

We are not posted as to what Congress is doing toward the opening ofthe country, but we consider the Hills open to all intents and purposes.

I wrote to Tom some time ago, advising him to try the Hills. I gave theadvice then reluctantly, and do now; but, at the same time, confidentlybelieving he can make it successful. I am satisfied paying mines are here,and if you can spend the summer in the Hills without too great a sacrificeat home, why come ahead and come early.

As to the best way of coming, I can hardly say; but certainly it is notnecessary to bring supplies, for even now they can be bought here at whatI consider very reasonable rates, and by the time you get here will be muchcheaper. I think it would be as well to come by rail to Sidney or Cheyenne,and there you can easily get transportation to Custer, and probably to anypoint in the Hills.

Would like if you could be here by the 1st of April or the middle atlatest, as I have some claims which I have some doubts about being ableto hold longer than that time. Unless a man stakes his own claim and appliesin person for record, it is not respected. A mining claim is 300 feet ofgulch.

It gives me infinite pleasure to hear that the Grange is still marchingon toward success and victory. I have great faith in the organization andits principles, and though I have tempo rarily laid aside the plow, spade,and hoe, and taken up the pan, pick, and shovel, I look forward with pleasureto the time when I shall again be permitted to unite with you in the greatwork of reform in which we are engaged and in which I feel confident wewill eventually meet with grand glorious success.

I have received several letters lately which are as yet unansweredamongothers, one from Speed and one from Burns. Give them my regards, and tellthem I will answer as soon as possible, and that I shall be most happy tosee them on Dead Wood. Would send you a specimen of Dead Wood gold, onlyI consider our means of sending out mail a little unsafe, so I will reserveit for my next.

Would like to write more, but my friends are ready to take their departurefor Dead Wood, so I must close. Ben, if you and Tom come out, you had betternot wait to hear from me again. Yours, etc.. A. S. B.


Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

W. W. W. will be home tonight.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

KEEP away from the Black Hills.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

The Rodocker vs. Rice law suit is settled.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

The recent freezes have damaged the peaches.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

Fuller is harrowing and rolling his forty-acre wheat patch.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

For rent, a farm near town. Enquire at the COURIER office.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

Troup has called the township trustees together March 27th.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

Miller has sold his hardware store to a gentleman from Leavenworth.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

Representative Hackney is expected home from Galveston this week.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

Dr. Leonard, of Arkansas City, has sold his place for $3,500, and isgoing to Florida.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

The bottom has fallen out of those "two public wells in the centerof Main street." Good.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

The teachers and pupils of the public schools of Winfield are enjoyinga week's vacation.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

From the mound north of town three thousand acres of wheat are visibleto the naked eye.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

Cliff Wood is coming back. The Democratic Congress has busted those governmentcontracts.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

The livery outfit that wintered in the stable back of the COURIER officehas gone to the Black Hills.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

BIRTH. Last Monday Will Voris proudly asked us what we would take. Hesays it is an eleven pound girl.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

G. F. Corwin, who owns a farm near town, but now resides at Brookville,Missouri, dropped in on us this week.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

Those fifteen old store accounts that Lynn advertised for sale at auctionare about all sold at private sale.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

Capt. J. S. Hunt has rented the Tryon farms, on the Arkansas, from R.B. Wait, for a period of three years.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

And still another new departure. Jim Hill is again setting up a squaremeal for 25 cents, at the St. Nicholas Restaurant.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

If the weather and roads are fair, a good delegation will attend theCentennial Concert, at Arkansas City, Saturday night.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

Mr. Palmer, from Medicine Lodge, was in town Tuesday selling cedar treesand wild currant bushes to our citizens.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

J. Harden & Co., of Dexter, have sold their mercantile business toH. C. McDorman, who will keep right on in the enterprise.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

Sam Jarvis, of Silver Creek Township, has returned from Illinois, afteran absence of over a year. He thinks Cowley is the right place.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

Geo. Brown turned out, last week, the finest two-horse wagon ever builtin the Walnut valley. Shoeb did the iron work, Jones the painting.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

Dr. Mansfield, accompanied by his son, Harold, intends to start for Englandon a visit in May. He will call at the Centennial grounds on his return.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

The Concert that is to be given next Friday evening at the Courthousewill be the best thing of the season. Tickets for reserved seats at Baldwin'sdrug store.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

Dr. Austin and family have removed to Reading, Michigan. We are sorryto lose them. The Dr. had a large, and successful, practice here and manyfriends.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

T. A. WILKINSON and JOHN SWAIN have each purchased a quarter of a blockfrom the Winfield Town Association, and are erecting real fences thereon,in the west part of town.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

JIM HILL wants us to tell the people of Cowley County, and more especiallythose who contemplate attending court, that he can give them a good mealand a good bed for a dollar a day.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

A. D. SPEED starts for Colorado next Monday. He wants a stock ranche.Speed has been with us a good while, and we, with his many friends, regrethis departure. He will be back again in the fallwe guess.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

In a few days Boyer & Gallotti will have on hand the largest stockof Spring Clothing that has ever been brought south of Emporia. This isno humbug, but we invite everybody to call and examine their stock beforebuying elsewhere.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

A. V. POLK, of Rock, called upon us this week. He is a skillful dentistand has considerable to do in his profession in the region where he resides.He ought to understand his business, having been in practice since 1850.He formerly practiced in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, and has recommendationsfrom leading citizens for whom he did work years ago.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

JOSEPH REQUA is doing a good business in his clothing store. He is oneof the solid, reliable, every-day-the-same men of Winfield. We are gladto see his announcement that he is just receiving an immense new stock ofclothing and furnishing goods.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

The following is a list of jurors drawn for the April term of court:George W. Sharp, H. Holtby, W. W. Higgins, B. F. Wright, Isaac Towsley,James Kerr, A. H. Buckwalter, S. D. Groom, John Jones, J. A. McNown, CharlesM. Peters, O. M. Ratts.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

WM. SENSENEY, of Nennescah Township, has a chicken that was hatched April20th, 1875, which laid the eggs and hatched a brood of chickens therefromon the 14th day of the following September. She was a proud mother at thetender age of four months and fifteen days. On the 26th of February shesettled down upon a new lot of eggs. Her offspring began to lay at fivemonths of age. This is something to "crow" over.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

A daughter, aged five or six years, of S. W. Greer, who lives three milessouth of town, on Monday ate some concentrated lye. As soon as possibleDr. Headrick was called, who administered remedies that relieved the littlesufferer. The child is likely to recover. A good remedy in such cases isvinegar or oil. Vinegar will convert the lye into acetate of potash, andany of the oils will unite with it and form soap; and neither the acetateof potash nor soap will materially injure the stomach. The parents of childrenwho are in the habit of eating lye, should keep oil and vinegar handy.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

"The Centennial Supper" entertainment last Thursday evening,by the Baptist Church Society, was a very agreeable affair. The supper wasall that one could wish, and principally prepared from articles of dietin use one hundred years ago, to-wit: beans, wheat flour, boiled ham andchicken, dough nuts, sweet cake, coffee, sugar, tea (we believe they hada row about the teaa hundred years ago), milk, rye and Indian bread, friedpies, pumpkin pies, butter, and dishes. And other things there were thatwere "an hundred years ago." The babies, their mothers and fathers,and uncles and aunts, were all "an hundred years ago." "Thegrave, the gay, the lively, and severe," the flirting lass, the beau"upon his ear"; . . . .


Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

Tisdale News.
TISDALE, KANSAS, March 5, 1876.

D. E. Creek has moved his stock of goods in the building built for arestaurant, by Welp.

J. A. McGuire is selling goods for cash, and consequently is sellingat bottom prices.

The match game of baseball to be played between the Tisdale and Sheridanclubs will come off soon.

Jim Moses is going to start to the Black Hills next week.

The Tisdale literary society has adjourned till next winter.

Tom Bevens was struck by lightning while coming from Winfield last Sunday,but was not seriously hurt.

Quite a number of prairie breaking teams have been rigged out in thislocality, and we expect ere long to see the ground torn up in such a waythat it would surprise the natives.

D. Terrill received a letter from Arkansas, a few days ago, that waswritten last October. It has been on the road over five months. It statedthat several families would be here in the spring to locate near our place.

Our school closed the last of February with quite an entertaining exhibition.

Some railroad excitement about an East and West road, but none in favorof voting bonds for a road North and South. RATTLEHEAD.


Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

Concert, at Arkansas City.

A Centennial Concert, in full costume, will be given by the Choir ofthe First Presbyterian Church, in Arkansas City, on Saturday evening, March18th. An interesting programme may be expected, and all are cordially invited.Admission: single tickets 25 cents, children 15 cents.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

Important Notice to Patrons.

On Saturday, April 1st, at 10 a.m., the County Grange holds its regularmeeting. Subordinate Granges are requested to present at that time listscertified by Master and Secretary of, 1st, all Fifth Degree members, datedfrom County Grange organization; 2nd, all Masters, Past Masters, and theirwives, and all delegates, and wives, at present time. Applications for membershipshould be handed in at the meeting. All persons whose names appear uponthe rolls and whose fees are paid, are entitled to the degree. The sameis true of those whose credentials and applications are handed in with properfee and are favorably acted upon. Fees for brothers $2, sisters $1. A reportis required showing the standing in the Subordinate Grange of each delegate.The Fifth Degree will be conferred Saturday, May 6th.


C. Coon, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

Black Hills Items.

A gentleman who knows the facts furnishes us the following items aboutthe route to the Black Hills: Harney's Peak is 182 miles from Sidney, Nebraska,the nearest railroad point. Six six-horse stages run from Sidney to CusterCity, making the trip in thirty hours. From a late Sidney paper we takethe following items and Sidney prices: Flour $2.50 to $5, and corn meal$2.75 to $3 per hundred; butter, 40 cents; eggs, 40 cents; sugar 12½to 15 cents; potatoes, $1.00.

Custer City is situated in a small, picturesque park, hemmed in by mountains,Harney's Peak rising on one side, and near by. The townsite covers 640 acres,and this area embraces the whole of the park. The entire site has been laidoff into lots, 50 x 150 feet, the prices ranging from $25 to $500 each.The principle street is named after Gen. Crook and is 200 feet wide. Theother streets have a width of 150 feet, and the alleys are 30 feet wide.Four hundred buildings have been erected in Custer.

One wedding has taken place in the Black Hills.

A colony of 400 Philadelphians will soon start for the Black Hills.

There are now 4,000 people in the Hills, and the number is increasingat a very rapid rate.

A Chinese laundry has been established in the Black Hills, by three ofthe much despised celestials.

J. S. McCall, a miner from Montana, was killed and scalped by membersof Sitting Bull's band, while riding along through the Hills, two weeksago.

Blake's party of Californians have struck very rich diggings on FrenchCreek, 9 miles east of Jenney's stockade, and are washing out $3 to thepan.

A number of men are collecting at Louisville, Kentucky, to go to theBlack Hills, and the indications are that a large crowd will soon be readyto leave.

Chicago and Philadelphia have each caught the Black Hills fever. A partyof 300 in Chicago and a party of 400 in Philadelphia are outfitting nowand will start early next month.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.

TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. There will be an examination of teachers, desiringcertificates, held at the County Superintendent's office, in Winfield, Friday,March 17th.



Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.


From the subscriber. One dark brown, or black colt, marked with threewhite feet. A liberal reward will be paid for the return of the colt tothe undersigned, one mile north of Winfield. S. E. BURGER.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.


The highest cash price will be paid for Corn at the Winfield Tunnel Mills.Corn, wheat, and rye wanted immediately. IRA E. MOORE.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 23, 1876.

Where is Bent Murdock's railroad down the valley?

What has become of that railroad proposition that would "make theWalnut howl," Bent?

Our friends at Arkansas City, who were so determined to work with Emporiafor a railroad will please "rise and explain."

The north representative district of Cowley County is the 88th; the south,the 89th. The county is the 27th senatorial district.


Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.


There are one hundred and ninety students enrolled at the AgriculturalCollege.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.

One of the most important bills passed by the Legislature, says the LawrenceJournal, was that prohibiting County Commissioners from allowingaccounts or making appropria tions except at regular meetings of the Boardin January, April, July, and October.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.

McComas and McKeighan, of Fort Scott, are about to locate in St. Louis,where they will continue the practice of the law. Why are so many of ourleading lawyers leaving the State? Western Spirit.

Maybe the striking out of "Attorney's fees," from all bills,mortgages, etc., by the last legislature, has something to do with it.


Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.


The undersigned, having purchased the hardware stock of M. Miller, Winfield,will continue the business at the same stand and will replenish the stockto supply the wants of the county. I shall endeavor to keep the largestand best selected stock ever brought to southwestern Kansas, embracing ShelfHardware, Hoes, Rakes, Spades, Shovels, and all kinds of Steel Goods, Pocketand Table cutlery, Tin Ware, Wagon Wood Work, Wood and Iron pumps, Ironand Steel; also the celebrated Charter Oak cooking stoves and other varietiesof stoves which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest. HERMAN JOCHEMS.


Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.

Election Proclamation.

I, D. A. Millington, Mayor of the City of Winfield, in Cowley Countyand State of Kansas, do hereby proclaim that an election will be held atthe office of W. H. H. Maris on lot 2 in block 108 in said City on

Monday, the 3rd day of April,

1876, for the purpose of electing

A Mayor,

A Police Judge, and

Five Councilmen

to serve said city for the ensuing year.

The polls of said election will be open at 8 o'clock a.m., and will closeat 6 o'clock p.m., of that day.

M. G. Troup, N. M. Powers, and C. C. Black are appointed judges, andB. F. Baldwin and J. M. Reed, clerks of said election.

Witness my hand and the seal of the said City this 21st day of March,1876.


Attest, B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.

Knapp, one of the old traveling men of the road, is in town, taking orders.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.

Dr. W. R. Davis resides in the dwelling opposite his office on 9th Avenue.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.

Sheriff Walker has been suffering from the effects of an attack of pneumonia.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.

A few choice school district bonds wanted at the office of MANNING &WALTON.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.

Don't spend all your money until you see those new goods of Harter'sat Black's old stand. They will be here next week.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.

It was Johnny Reed that painted that elaborately finished wagon spokenof in our last week's issue instead of Prof. Jones.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.

The Musical Concert announced for last Friday evening "on accountof the weather" was postponed until Friday night the 31st.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.

JOE GREENLEE's bob-sled, with cow-bell and dog attachment, was the mostGranger- like of any of the turn-outs during the sleighing.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.

C. C. HASKINS started for Southern Colorado this week to find a marketfor some of the surplus flour now on hand at the City Mills.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.

U. B. Prescott, formerly of Cowley County, Kansas, has recently settledon the Farnham place just north of town. He is apparently a clever and intelligentgentleman. Such citizens are wanted in this countythe more the better. WesternSpirit.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.

HERMAN JOCHEMS, our new hardware man, arrived last Friday. He comes recommendedby leading citizens of Atchison, his former place of business. The nameof the Cashier of the First National Bank heads the list. We bespeak forMr. Jochems financial success.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.

At the examination last Saturday four out of the seven applicants forcertificates carried away autographs of Profs.' Wilkinson and Lemmon. MissHilton received a first, Miss Robertson a second, and Mrs. Smith and Geo.Lea a third grade proclamation. Miss Hilton passed a very creditable examinationand will make a valuable teacher. So says the board.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.


At a regular meeting of Bethel Grange, held at their hall on the 18thday of March A. D. 1876 the following preamble and resolutions were unanimouslyadopted.

WHEREAS, Brother T. A. Blanchard, Secretary, and Bro. R. E. Murphey,Chaplain, have resigned their respective offices for the purpose of journeyingin a distant land, therefore be it

Resolved, That a vote of thanks be tendered them for the faithfuldischarge of the duties of their respective offices.

Resolved, That it is with feelings of profound regret that wepart with Bros. Blanchard and Murphey and may prosperity and Heaven's choicestblessings attend them wherever they may roam.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to Bros.Blanchard and Murphey and that they be spread upon the minutes and be preservedin the archives of the Grange.

E. C. MANNING, Master.


Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.

Note: Council met March 20th; adjourned until March 21st.

City Council Proceedings.
WINFIELD, KAN., March 21, 1876.

City Council met in adjourned session, March 21st, A. D. 1876.

Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; N. M. Powers, C. C. Black, and M. G.Troup, Councilmen; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.

Ordinance No. 58 was read and passed by sections. Vote on final passagewas as follows: YeasC. C. Black, M. G. Troup, N. M. Powers. Naysnone.

The Mayor, with the consent of the Council, appointed M. G. Troup, N.M. Powers, and C. C. Black as Judges of the City Election, to be held Aprilthird (3d), A. D. 1876.

On motion the Council designated J. M. Reed and B. F. Baldwin as clerksof said city election.

Bill of Burt Covert, twenty dollars, for services as City Marshal fromJanuary 15th, 1876, to March 18th, 1876, ten Saturdays, at two dollars perday, was read, approved, and ordered paid.

Bill of J. C. Fuller, forty-four dollars, for rent for City Council room,from April 10th, 1875, to March 10th, 1876, at four dollars a month, wasread, and on motion, was approved for forty-two dollars and sixty-five cents,and Clerk ordered to draw a warrant on the Treasurer for the same.

The finance committee reported on the bill of James Kelly, for city printing,thirty-six dollars and ninety cents, and moved it be allowed by the Council,provided it balanced all claims due him from the city for printing up tothis date. Motion carried, and the Clerk was ordered to draw a warrant onthe treasurer for the same.

On motion of M. G. Troup, the Council recommended the County Commissionersto pay the two bills of W. L. Mullen, against Cowley County for rent ofhouse occupied by Mrs. Bishop, a pauper of Winfield City, from November1st, 1875, to March 1st, 1876, inclusive, at five dollars a month, totaltwenty dollars. Also recommended the payment of bill of Rilla McClung, forrent of house occupied by Mrs. Walters, a pauper of Winfield City. Alsorecommended the payment of bill of J. W. Johnston, for one coffin for pauper.

The Council then adjourned. B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.

District Court Docket.

The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the Aprilterm A. D. 1876, of the District Court of Cowley, and have been placed onthe Trial Docket in the following order.



A. H. Horneman [listed three times].

Enos Copple.

Wm. Thurman.

W. J. Keffer and Emma J. Hawkins.

J. L. Melvin.

John Doe.


E. S. Babcock, Jr., vs. S. Phelan et al.

Edwin C. Manning vs. Will M. Allison.

Eph Simpson vs. Geo. W. Gardenhire.

Geo. Warner vs. James Jordon.

Benj. G. Jones et al vs. A. T. Shenneman.

Jno. C. Hays vs. E. P. Kinne.

S. B. Sherman vs. B. H. Clover, Adm'r.

Esther E. Fowler vs. John Brown et al.

David Thompson vs. E. B. Kager et al.

E. B. Weitzel vs. Joseph Smalley.

Robert Hudson vs. W. S. Voris.

A. V. Polk vs. A. J. McCollum.

Oliver Sparkman vs. Wm. and A. S. Thurman.

Harvey Olmstead vs. John Schwartes.

City of Winfield vs. S. Tarrant.

Jno. C. McMullen vs. Wm. M. Gray.

Elizabeth Sutton vs. B. H. Clover, Adm'r.

A. J. Kimmell vs. David Thompson, et al.

Francis Black vs. Ed Patton et al.


W. S. Pane vs. M. A. and W. W. Andrews.

Martha A. Richmond vs. Chas. W. Richmond.

Robert Jordon vs. T. M. McFadden et al.

C. C. Black vs. A. A. Jackson et al.

Francis Black vs. A. A. Jackson, Adm'r.

Frank Akers vs. W. B. Norman.

Frank Akers vs. Frank Manny.

Arthur Graham vs. T. J. Ragland.

Robert T. Jordan vs. John H. Brown et al.

M. Brettun vs. A. F. Tryon et al.

R. C. Seehorn vs. H. Brotherton.

T. H. Pryor vs. John N. Dunn et al.

Herman Godehard vs. Thos. Callahan et al.

Todd & Royal vs. Chas. Keesler.

Michael Harkins vs. Geo. Sweet et al.

J. D. Bosworth vs. Willis Hunt.

A. V. Polk vs. A. H. Horneman.

Philander Wilson vs. Board County Commissioners.

W. S. Cottingham vs. School District 19.


Henry T. Ford vs. N. Roberson.

T. M. Graham vs. Thos Bell et al.

Abel D. Bent vs. G. M. Rose et al.

R. B. Waite vs. John Morris et al.

Nancy Constant vs. K. J. Wright et al.

Susannah Holmes vs. T. H. Johnson.

J. M. Harcourt vs. T. H. Johnson.

J. G. Ackerson vs. H. J. Page.

W. J. Keffer vs. Emma A. Keffer.

Emma J. Hawkins vs. E. C. Hawkins.

W. R. Constant vs. H. H. Constant et al.

Stillwell & Bierce Mfg. Co. vs. J. C. Blandin et al.

Mary Estes vs. Noah B. Estes.

L. G. Cutting vs. Celia Davis et al.

John Worthington vs. W. R. Lewis.

F. M. Crosby vs. A. N. Deming.

T. J. A. Flaws vs. Geo. Bauer.

A. A. Newman vs. E. L. Chesney et al.

Ella Elton vs. J. C. Elton.

John Mentch, Adm'r. vs. T. H. Johnson.


Sarah Requa vs. Joseph Requa.

Joseph Requa vs. Joseph Nickles.

J. C. McMullen vs. Julia A. & A. N. Deming.

Brettun Crapster vs. S. D. Williams.

E. C. Seward vs. S. Tucker et al.

J. C. Blandin vs. S. A. Smith et al.

Joseph Requa vs. Jacob Bihlwater et al.

Joseph Requa vs. J. W. Thomas et al.

Sarah Brown vs. Peter Pixler et al.

T. F. Kirkley vs. Wm. Hallit et al.

J. J. Smith vs. Sarah E. Smith.

Arthur Graham vs. John Swain et al.

Mary J. Triplett vs. W. B. Doty et al.

Bolton & Creswell Townships vs. M. C. Baker et al.

Adaline Jackson vs. L. C. Shales et al.

N. F. Bartine vs. C. Akers et al.

John Rief vs. Gertrude Rief.

R. B. Waite vs. C. M. Sloan et al.

W. H. H. Maris vs. D. M. Purdy et al.


L. C. Norton vs. Geo. O. Sweet et al.

A. J. Ady vs. S. A. Ady.

Barclay Hockett vs. R. R. Turner.

Elizabeth Kemry vs. V. B. Tillson.

J. B. Splawn vs. R. L. Walker, Sheriff.

W. B. Turner vs. R. L. Walker, Sheriff.

J. W. Martin vs. Wm. & H. H. Martin.

J. W. Martin vs. Wm. Martin et al.

Samuel Hoyt vs. S. L. Fetterman.

S. L. Brettun vs. A. P. Forbes et al.

A. B. Johnson vs. C. T. Stewart.

David Thomas vs. Martin Stewart.

James Jenkins vs. A. N. Deming.

S. L. Brettun vs. Geo. D. Oaks et al.

W. S. Voris et al vs. C. T. Stewart.

E. S. BEDILION, Clerk.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 30, 1876.

The Kansas Pacific R. R. Co. have sent transportation tickets to thedelegates appointed at the Peabody railroad meeting to visit St. Louis toconsult the directors of that company on the question of building a roadover the line of the old Kansas and Nebraska railroad, to which Cowley Countyvoted bonds years ago.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

The people of Arkansas City are in earnest about navigating the ArkansasRiver. They have raised considerable money to be invested in a steamboatand one is expected to arrive at that place from Little Rock before long.The venture shows them to be an enterprising people. They believe in doingsomething for themselves and the country. Should the project prove favorable,the whole county will rejoice and be benefited by the pluck of our neighbor.It would also give additional importance to the town. It already has thebest public buildings in the county and the largest business house willsoon be there. Should it become a shipping point, it will add a new impetusto its prosperity.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

Recap: Manning advocates a narrow gauge railroad; backs the Keokuk, Galesburgand Chicago Railway in Illinois.


Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876. Editorial Page.

Lazette News.

The Black Hills fever has already taken off one party of four from hereand another party will leave in a few days.

At the meeting held on the 14th inst., S. M. Fall, R. F. Burden, andB. H. Clover were selected to attend the R. R. meeting at Elk Falls on the20th. Cowley County could not well send better delegates than these gentlemen.

The new smutter in operation now at the Lazette mills does the very bestof work, and turns out the wheat looking as if it had been sand-paperedand varnished. The flour, of course, is Batrum's best.

Maj. Mac D. Stapleton is looking daily for the arrival of a "smashingbig" lot of new goods.

DIED. Word comes that Jesse Junkins, long the Post Master and merchantof Baltimore, Omnia Township, died of consumption on the 17th. Deceasedwas widely known and had a large circle of friends.

DIED. Dillon Hayworth, of Dexter, died on the 17th. Deceased was buriedwith Masonic honors on the 18th.

Mr. D. W. Range closed on the 18th his term of school in District No.14.

The late freeze up and snow storm stopped many plows in this portionof the county. Considerable new land was broken and much plowing for springplanting was done during the late winter months.

Ward & Smiley are repairing their engine and hope to do a large amountof sawing this spring.


Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

Items From The Traveler.

Rev. Swarts started to Hutchinson last week, to fulfill his first appointment.

We have received a letter from Mr. P. B. Arnold, of Lansing, Michigan,stating that thirteen Michigan families are about to locate in this vicinity.

Parties are talking of sending another flat boat loaded with corn andpotatoes down to Little Rock, Arkansas. The river is full to the banks now,and will continue to be for four months, if it does not vary from precedingyears.

Enough stock has been subscribed by the citizens of this place to purchasea half interest in a steamboat for the Arkansas River. Parties will be sentto make the purchase, soon. A number of propositions have been received,and if the first boat makes a successful trip, others will follow. ArkansasCity is the head of navigation on the Arkansas.


Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

The Arkansas River is up bank-full.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

Fuller's Bank has a new and handsome sign.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

Whose business is it to clean out the public wells?

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

The Concert has been postponed until the 15th prox.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

The District Grange meets at the Courthouse Saturday.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

PITT & HUTTON have ordered a new Buffalo Thresher for this season.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

Wood $5.00 per cord, and corn 11 cents per bushel. Why not burn corn?

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

W. H. Walker, of the other town, got a square meal at the City HotelTuesday.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

Many farmers are having their "lines" surveyed preparatoryto hedge planting this spring.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

"All signs fail in contrary weather." That is why the CityHotel sign blew down the other day.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

A. J. REX left on foot with a huge carpet sack upon his back last Mondaymorning, bound for the Black Hills.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

MR. J. MASON, formerly of Scotland County, Missouri, has purchased thefarm of W. B. Hodges, in Pleasant Valley Township.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

DICK didn't catch him Sunday. It is the first time he has missed firesince he chased the thief that stole McQuiston's horse and our saddle twoyears ago.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

W. C. LETT, one of the steady-going farmers of Maple Township, can'tdo without the COURIER, so he sends down his autograph accompanied by the"needful," and so, here she goes!

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

JUDGE W. P. CAMPBELL and wife are in the city. They were on their wayhome from Elk County when the storm overtook them. The Judge will remainover until after court.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

A. D. SPEED has sold his farm, adjoining town, to a Mr. Vandeventer,at the rate of $17 per acre. Speed goes to Colorado to engage in businessthere. Here's our old shoe for luck, Amasa.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

Winfield's Township Trustee has provided himself with a map of the township,the city, and all its additions, to use in his "grand rounds."His motto is: "Let no guilty man escape."

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

The heavy wind storm last Monday night blew a flue off the Courthouse,and also blew down the building from over Read's vault, leaving the depositsinterred there at the mercy of burglars and the pelting rain.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

REV. CANAVAL, the new Methodist minister, preached his initiatory sermonlast Sunday evening at the Courthouse.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

ARKANSAS CITY capitalists will not invest their surplus this year inthe attempt to navigate a stream the Lord declared not navigable. Because,Chamberlain's instructions are to tax all "steamboat and gas companyshares." That lets them out.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

DAN MAHER's familiar face was seen on the street last Saturday. He hasbeen spending a few months among friends in St. Charles County, Mo. Danlikes the Missouri River bottoms, but wouldn't exchange his farm at Floralfor any of it seen while away.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

LIEUT. GARDENER of the regular army stationed at Ft. Sill, in companywith a deserter who had beaten and robbed a citizen, stole a horse, andmade his way up as far as Tisdale, passed through here last Friday on hisreturn to the Fort. They will make short work of this deserter down at Sill.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

This "pauper business" is getting to be a terrible bore onthe taxpayers of the county. Can't some provision be made wherein able bodiedmen and women can be put to work and earn their living? At their next meetingthe Commissioners will be called upon to audit sundry bills for the keepingof this class of persons.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

MR. JOSEPH REQUA left here Saturday after dark for parts unknown. Itis supposed that A. T. Shenneman took him in a buggy towards the easternpart of the State or into the Territory. He had about $10,000 in money withhim according to the estimates of posted ones. He is supposed to be flyingfrom a divorce suit. The escapade caused quite a sensation in town.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

T. A. BLANCHARD, BEN. MURPHY, and JOE STANSBERRY started for the BlackHills last Monday morning. Seth. Blanchard's last letter to his folks herecontained such fabulous reports that we refrained from publishing it. Tomsays, however, that Henry Ireton and Seth are "fixed." Tom promisesto write a letter to the COURIER immediately after his arrival, and weeklythereafter.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

Thanks to the ingenuity and industry of Capt. Hunt, the bridge acrossthe Walnut below town is in using order. The repairs were made two weeksago, but so quietly and unostenta tiously did the Capt. do the work thatwe failed to learn of it until recently. He put the bridge in shape forless than forty dollars, whereas his predecessor and others had estimatedthat it would cost several hundred dollars to save the bridge.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

JAMES McGUIRE, of Wyocene, Wisconsin, arrived last Saturday. He was attractedto this county through the flattering letters of his nephew, Prof. T. A.Wilkinson. His occupa- tion is stone cutting and general masonry work. Heis accompanied by his family and mother, Mrs. Nancy McGuire, an aged ladywho has seen the frosts of ninety-eight winters. She is almost a centenarian.Her brother, two years older, will attend the Centennial as a relic of 1776.Mrs. McGuire is as "smart as a cricket." She can ascend a flightof stairs as sprightly as though she'd been born in the 19th century, andbids fair to live to a green old age yet.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

JOHN FUNK, of Rock Township, starts for the Black Hills this week. Themajestic form of John Funk is familiar to every man in the Walnut Valley.Everybody knows "Funk," and nearly everybody likes him. His worstand only enemy he generally carries in his pocket. We have seen that enemyget the worst of John in many a fracashave seen it send him home hatlessand horseless at the dead hour of night; and as he plodded along throughthe mud, Shakespearian quotations and algebraic solutions flowed from himas naturally as electricity descends the zenith-pointed lightning rod. Johnis a natural-born orator and a rattling good fellow, but he will never bePresident. We hope he will leave that "enemy" behind him, makea fortune in the Hills, and return within a year or two to the bosom ofhis family and friends. Vale, John.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

Look out for him! Capt. Hunt, our township assessor, buckles on his warharness this morning and starts out to find out "what you are worth."

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

Something About Jewels.

Jewels have been worn in all ages by all classes of human beings "withoutregard to race, color, or previous condition of servitude." From theworld's infancy down to the present time, ornaments of precious stones,or other valuable material, have adorned the figures, enriched the costumes,and designated the honored among men. The ice-bound Laplander and the Hottentot,under a meridian sun, alike give to their chiefs the most precious materialsfor their badges of office. Glittering diamonds always have and always willencircle the brows of eastern monarchs. Europe, the cradle of liberty andcivilization, will ever guard with zealous care the crown jewels of herEmpires. Pendant from the ears of the Sandwich Island belle will ever rattlethe ivory of the scuttle fish. The love-sick rural swain commemo rates thebirthday of his help-mate in passe by the present of, to her, a jewel,though it be but a circular band of polished brass. The same love, admiration,or whatever it may be, that prompts him to show this preference, finds anabiding place, controlled maybe by different circumstances, in the heartsof all men all over the world.

And this leads us to say that, at the regular meeting of Adelphia Lodge,No. 110, of A. F. & A. M., held at their hall on the 21st inst., ourfellow townsman, and Past Master of Adelphia, Leland J. Webb, was made thehappy recipient of the most beautiful "jewel" we have ever hadthe pleasure of seeing. It is an elaborately finished Past Master's jewel,emblematical of that distinctive office in the ancient order above referredto. It was purchased by his brother members and presented him in open lodgeas a token of their high appreciation of him whilst Master of their "work,"and further, as a milestone, as it were, to mark the era in his life whenhe publicly announced his intention to hope for brighter "jewels"in the world beyond. The ornament itself is a beautiful silver medal, sixinches in circumference, filigreed with the traditional "square andcompass." On the engraved side is finely marked the "All-seeing-eye,"the "twenty-four inch gauge," the "gavel," "plummet,""Ionian pillars," and a host of we-don't-know-whats. On the reverseside is engraved the words, "Leland J. Webb, P. M. of Adelphia Lodge,No. 110," and, "Presented by the Members." The jewel is suspendedfrom a silver pin by a broad blue ribbon, which, in turn, is clasped bytwo silver cross-bars, and all encased in a handsomely silk-lined casket.The presentation speech, made by A. B. Lemmon, J. W., is said to have beena splendid effort, and only eclipsed in brilliancy, by the light reflectingfrom the jewel in his hand.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.


ADAMS - HOLLOWAY. On Tuesday morning, March 31st, at the residence ofthe bride's father, by Rev. J. E. Platter, Rev. J. C. Adams of Highland,Kansas, to Miss Jennie Holloway of this place.

Though pleased to note this happy union, we are sorry in the same breathto have to chronicle the fact that they immediately departed for Mr. Adams'pastorate in another part of the State. Their many friends here wish thema life of usefulness and pleasure in the future.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

Township Trustees' Meeting.
WINFIELD, KAN., March 27, 1876.

Township trustees met pursuant to notice of County Clerk. On motion ofMr. Chamberlain, Mr. Hunt was elected chairman and R. H. True, secretary.

On motion meeting adjourned to 1 o'clock.

1 O'clock, P. M.

Township trustees met pursuant to adjournment.

The following basis for assessment of real estate was adopted: 1st, $10;2nd, $8; 3rd, $6; 4th, $5; 5th, $4; 6th, $3; 7th, $2; 8th, $1.25. Providedthat lands containing valuable improvements on small tracts shall be assessedas the judgment of the assessor may decide.

Stallions, kept for breeding purposes, shall be valued at $100 to $200.

Race horses$100 to $500.

Horses, six months old and over$10 to $150.

Work-cattle (per yoke)$50 to $100.

Blooded cattle$10 to $100.

Domestic milch cows$15 to $30.

Texas milch cows$5 to $20.

Fat cattle$15 to $40.

3 year old steer$20.

2 year old steer$12.

6 months and under 2 years$5 to $8.

25 percent off for Texas cattle.

Mules, $125, $100, $75, $50.

Mules, 6 months old and over$25 to $50.

Asses$50 to $200.

Sheep$1.00 to $2.50.

Hogs$5.00 to $25.00.

Goats$3.00 to $ 5.00.

Farming implements, assessed at discretion of Assessor.

Carriages, assessed at discretion of Assessor.

Watches, jewelry, etc., assessed at discretion of Assessor.

Resolved, That a copy of these proceedings be furnished the countypapers.

J. S. HUNT, Chairman.

R. H. TRUE, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.

Water! Water!

If you want a well put in

Shell us out a little tin;

Wheat, corn, oats or rye,

I'll make a well that'll not go dry.

Or, if you have stock to trade,

And want a new well made,

Kingsbury is the man to see,

For in a well he likes to be.

I'll take hogs, chickens, potatoes, too,

For putting in a well for you.

All kinds of produce you can sell

If you want me to make a well.

As a well digger I can't be beat

I live in Winfield, the county seat;

So come along and make a trade

If you want a new well made.

If I am the man you want to see,

Enquire for C. H. Kingsbury.



Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.

There have been 8,000 arrivals at the Richey House, Wichita, in the pastyear. And still we have no railroad.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.

Capt. Eads demands the first payment on his jetty work, having secureda depth of 20 feet of water on the bar. The full 30 feet, he thinks, willbe found by the latter part of next summer.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.

At the Congressional convention, held at Emporia on the 29th of August,1874, "Mr. Manning offered a resolution that in future Republican conventionsthe basis shall be the Republican vote in the several districts, which wascarried by a large vote." It will be seen that the committee has nodiscretion. It is the just way and should be adopted in all conventions.Commonwealth.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.


In another place we republish from the Walnut Valley Times, areport from the victim of more Butler County violence. The villains whocarry so high hand should be sent to the penitentiary for life. Butler hasbeen famous in the past for her lawless citizens. There was a day and occasionwhen Judge Lynch was needed. But that day is long past. The press of thatcounty should have the manhood to speak out boldly and riddle the midnightKu Klux in its midst. Until a different public sentiment is establishedin that region, such barbarities will periodically disgrace our neighbor.The political feuds within our neighbor's borders have tended to make thetwo newspapers therein careful of their censure upon communities. But theycannot afford to wink at the midnight assassins that Capt. Armstrong reports.

ELDORADO, BUTLER CO., KAN., March 29th, 1876.

EDITOR TIMES: I desire to publish in your paper the transactions of amob at my house on Hickory Creek on the night of March 24th, inst.

I think that by giving the public the true facts of the affair, no harmcan result therefrom.

On Friday night, 24th inst., a few minutes after twelve, Mrs. Armstrongheard someone at the window and saw the curtain drop; she then awoke meand I got up. Someone then called, Armstrong;" I answered them. Theythen demanded that I should deliver Shirk to them if he was there. I askedthem if they had a warrant for himthey said they hadI then said, "Waittill morning and I would take Shirk to Esq. Lemoine's, or they could takehim there in the morning."

They then replied, "That won't do, we do our business in the night."I then informed them I would not let them in, and for them to go off andnot disturb my house. I then got my gunthe party outside fired one shotthrough the window. The shots took effect on me, shooting off one finger,injuring another, and inflicting two more flesh wounds. I then fell to thefloor. The party again demanded Shirk. Mrs. Armstrong told them if theyhad a warrant to hand it in at the window and she would read it, and thenthey could come in the house. She told them they had shot me and beggedthem to go away and not murder her husband and children.

They then asked where I was hit. I replied, in the arm and side, andrequested some of them to come in and bind up my wounds, as I feared I wouldbleed to death.

Someone of the party then thrust a pistol through the window and firedin the direction of myself, the fire of the pistol burning the face andhair of one of my little girls who was in bed by the window.

They then said if I did not give up Shirk, they would burn the house.

I then requested them to take my wife and children to the schoolhouseand make a fire, so they would not freeze. Mrs. Armstrong then said shewas shot in the foot and could not go. The party then said, "Send Shirkout or down comes your house." Then Mrs. Armstrong said if Shirk wasin the house, he was in the back room and to go and get him and not harmme.

They then said, "Yes, he is there, and three or four others."Mrs. Armstrong said, "No, there were no others there." Then Mrs.Armstrong requested them to come and bind up my woundsthey said they wouldif the firearms were handed out to them. She told them if they would notshoot the little girl, she would hand them out. The little girl then tookmy gun and an old pistol and threw them out of the window. They then wantedShirk's pistols. Mrs. Armstrong told them he had them with him and she couldnot get them.

They then told me the matter might drop if I would give my word Shirkshould leave the country and not be seen after the next day. I said I wasnot Shirk's boss, but that I would advise him to leave, and every otherdecent man to leave also.

They then demanded I should not tell of their actions that night. I toldthem, "Go to h__l! I am not going to tell the neighbors that my wifeshot me."

Another person, not the captain of the squad, then said I must leavealso. I told them I should not leave thenthat I had offered my place forsale and when sold, I was going to New Mexico.

The Captain then said, "We don't care how long you stay, if youpromise not to uphold claim jumping." I then agreed to do so. Theythen promised to send me a doctor and a woman to assist Mrs. Armstrongtheythen went off, saying they had left a guard, and if I stuck my head outbefore daylight, I would be shot.

They were at my place about one hour and a half, and fired about twentytimes into my house, broke every window light but two. They crushed in thewest window with a rail; built a fire against one corner of the house withhay; the house was damp and would not take fire. The fire made a brightlightthey soon put it out; I think because some of them were afraid I wouldrecognize them.

There were, to the best of my belief, not less than twelve and mighthave been as many as twenty persons in the mob. I only saw six but heard,as I thought at the time, as many more.

They did not send a doctor nor any persons to assist Mrs. Armstrong.Since then they have kept away.

I have given as near as possible a true detail of the affairI have nocomments to makeI leave that for the public. I am, sir, respectfully, yours,A. J. ARMSTRONG.


Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876. Editorial Page.

LAZETTE, COWLEY CO., KAN., March 25, 1876.

To the Editor of the Commonwealth:

Four years ago R. F. Burden and family came from Iowa to Cowley County,settling on the prairie west of Lazette. With two sons and three daughters,a good team, and some little means, he set to work with an energy and zealwhich show rich results. In spite of the severe crippling which the year1874 gave him in common with all Southern Kansas, Mr. Burden manfully andhopefully worked on. At an expense of $11 for seed, he now has six milesof hedge fence, and as thrifty and flourishing as can be found in the State.He and his children put out and cultivated this fence, and did all thiswork when they would have had nothing else to do. He says that he wouldnot take his farm for his fencesthat they cost but little, are indispensableto a genuine farmer, and as a convenience are worth far more than theircost in cash and labor. He has a positive abhorrence for all anti-fencearguers. He says, "If I, with my children, can put out and cultivatesix miles of hedge fence and at a total expense of only $11, where is thefarmer in Kansas who cannot afford to have a good fence? All over this countryhedge will grow easily and well, and stone is in great abundance."

Mr. Burden did not stop with his hedge fence. He put up a board fencearound a forty acre lot for pasture. He has broken out nearly two hundredacres of ground, and raised, last year, twenty-five hundred bushels of cornand a fine lot of wheat and millet. He set out four hundred peach treesand expects to set out 2,000 more. He has planted 3,500 walnut trees and3,000 cottonwoods, and expects to put out 10,000 of the latter this year.He has 500 maples, a large lot of apple trees, and a fine vineyard growingon his place. Last fall he sowed 55 acres in rye for winter pasture andcalculates sowing timothy, clover, and blue-grass as soon as his land getsready for them. He has faith in his fences, faith in his lands, faith inhis business, faith in Southern Kansas, and an abiding hope that in a fewyears his farm will be all that he is striving to make it, a model farm.R. C. S. Commonwealth.


Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876. Editorial Page.

Lazette News.
LAZETTE, KAN., Mar. 31, 1876.

Though the late fall of "beautiful snow" brought us no musicof "silvery bell," it did afford a chance for rabbit hunting.Upon a strictly reliable estimate, figures furnished by the hunters themselves,not less than one thousand rabbits were slain in Grouse Valley last week.

MARRIED. On Friday, March 24, D. W. Ramage and Ettie Gardner were married.Mrs. Henry Ramage furnished a very inviting supper, and Squire A. J. Pickeringtied the knot.

Elder Buckner preached here Friday night, March 24, introducing our newminister, Rev. J. W. Stewart, who held services in the schoolhouse Sabbathmorning and made an appointment for the 9th of April.

On the 26th ult. a Sabbath school organization was effected at the Armstrongschoolhouse.

DIED. Enos Haines, for the last few months one of our village blacksmiths,died on Sunday and was buried on Monday, the 27, ult.

The severe snow storms and cold weather of late have been retarding oursecond Black Hills company, but they hope to leave the first of April.

Messrs. Fall and Burden report the railroad fever in Elk County as verystrong. Old farmers who were in attendance at the meeting in Elk Falls,on the 20, ult., expressed themselves as ready not only to vote bonds tothe full extent of the law but to even make very heavy private donationsto aid a road from the east. One delegate expressed a readiness to contribute$500, and he believed that ninety others could be found in his townshipwho would each contribute an equal amount.

Some days ago Messrs. Hall and Clover made a survey of the country eastof Lazette and between Grouse and Cana. They found that the two valleyscould be joined by a road bed with but little labor. Instead of runningover, a railroad could easily run through the Flint Hills. Nature thus seemsto have made provision for our commercial needs.

O. P. Reed and Ben. Sutton have recently returned from the Pawnee Agency,Indian Territory.

School district No. 74 is taking steps for the erection of a schoolhouse.

H. L. Brock recently lost a valuable horse by blind staggers.

Maj. Stapleton insures for twenty dollars.

Wheat looks very thrifty, but the fruit crop has been "nipped inthe bud."

No mails on the 20, 21, 27, and 28, ult.


Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876. Editorial Page.


On the 20th of this month an important railroad meeting was held at ElkFalls, in Elk County, lying directly east of us. Delegates, or representativemen were present from various parts of Cowley and Sumner. The publishedreport of the proceedings occupies quite a space in the Elk Falls Ledger.By that report we learn that earnest and significant interest was manifestedat the meeting on the railroad question. Messrs. R. F. Burden and S. M.Fall represented Cowley County in the meeting. No safer men, or men whocould more fairly reflect the sentiments of Cowley County could have beensent over to that meeting. From Sumner County we notice the names of T.F. Clark, T. W. Stevenson, and L. K. Myers.

A committee was appointed whose duty is to work up the project of thiseast and west line. The members of that committee in this county are R.F. Burden, S. M. Fall, C. A. Bliss, and E. C. Manning.


Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.


The undersigned, surviving partner of the firm of Darrah & Wilson,will, on

Saturday, April 15th, 1878,

at the city of Winfield, sell at public sale, or at any time previous,at private sale, the following described personal property, to-wit:

Ten head of horses,

Two double top buggies,

One double buggy,

One two seated spring wagon with top,

One open road wagon.

Together with harnesses, saddles, and bridles, etc.

Said property being the complete Livery stock belonging to said firm.



Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.

Silver's below par again.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.

Bent Murdock, of the Walnut Valley Times, is working up a "bob-tail"down the valley. We would like to see it.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.

We acknowledge calls from Mr. Henry Wilkins, of Lazette, and Squire W.B. Norman, of Maple Township this week.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.

Mrs. Kennedy has received a new supply of spring millinery goods.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.

Several loaded teams stalled in the mud hole, on the other side of theriver, near town last week.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.

Capt. Barker, of Floral, has sold his farm at a good price. It all comesof advertising in the COURIER, with Manning & Walton as agents. He willpurchase a wheat farm nearer town.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.

Mr. G. L. GALE, a large property owner in Rock Township, called in uponthe COURIER force this week. He leaves in a few days for his home in Lockwood,Michigan. Of course, he ordered the leading paper of the valley sent tohis northern home.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.

Our old friend and used-to-be fellow citizen, Capt. Davis, is over fromCarthage, Mo., on a short visit.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.

BIRTH. Capt. McDermott had a little daughter born about three weeks agowaiting for him over at Dexter after his week's courting in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.

Col. J. M. Alexander is making preparations to break two hundred acresof prairie this spring on his farm one mile east of town. He has plantedout three hundred Lombardy poplars around the beautiful mound overlookingthe valley and is making other improve ments noticeable from the road.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.

Mr. F. M. Linscott, one of our thinking farmers of Winfield Township,has invented a very ingenious railroad bed. It is to consist entirely ofironwooden ties will be dispensed, and car wheels, by being largely flanged,will be kept on the track. He will probably apply for a patent. His modelshould be seen to be appreciated.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.

MAHLON STUBBS, of Emporia, very well known about Arkansas City, has receiveda summons to appear before the Committee of Indian Affairs, at the Houseof Representa tives, at Washington. The summons should have included Col.McMullen and C. M. Scott, of the city, so that "the other side"of the Indian question could have a chance to speak.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.

The following is the result of the vote cast at the city election heldin Winfield last Monday.


For Mayor, D. A. Millington: 81 votes.

For Police Judge, Linus S. Webb: 75 votes.

For Councilman, A. B. Lemmon: 86 votes.

For Councilman, C. A. Bliss: 81 votes.

For Councilman, T. B. Myers: 84 votes.

For Councilman, H. Brotherton: 88 votes.

For Councilman, M. G. Troup: 91 votes.


For Mayor, H. S. Silver: 86 votes.

For Police Judge, J. W. Curns: 81 votes.

For Councilman, N. Roberson: 71 votes.

For Councilman, A. G. Wilson: 76 votes.

For Councilman, N. M. Powers: 70 votes.

For Councilman, W. L. Mullen: 57 votes.

For Councilman, Frank Williams: 76 votes.

SCATTERING: J. P. McMillen received 20 votes, C. C. Black 1; and J. P.Short 3, for Councilmen; and J. D. Pryor 5 votes for Police Judge.


Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.


SIMPSON - FOWLER. At the Presbyterian church, by Rev. J. E. Platter,on Saturday evening, the 2nd inst., Mr. James E. Simpson to Miss HesterFowler.

The interesting ceremony of making two hearts to beat as one was listenedto by a large audience. As the gallant groom walked out with his fair youngbride, the wish that their lives might ever be as happy as then, was onthe lips of their many friends. Here's luck to ye, Jamie!

GEORGE - MOSES. April 2nd, 1876, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. M. V. B. George,of Winfield, and Miss Augusta A. Moses, of Tisdale, Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.

The Rev. Dr. Chas. Reynolds, of the U. S. Army, will deliver a lecturein aid of the building fund of the Presbyterian church in Winfield on Wednesdayevening, April 19th, 1876, at the Courthouse. The Doctor, it will be remembered,visited us about a year ago and delivered a very interesting discourse toan appreciative audience.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.

The conferring of the fifth degree in the Pomona Grange is postponeduntil the first Saturday in June, at which time all who are entitled toit can have an opportunity to receive it. . . . JAMES O. VANORSDOL, Master.

C. COON, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.

From Oxford.
OXFORD, KAN., April 1, 1876.

Rain! Rain!! Rain!!!

Arkansas River up high.

Creeks up, carrying away bridges, fences, and otherwise putting on cityriver airs.

Wheat growing wonderfully.

Oxford Mills in spite of mud and rain are running night and day. Thefirst flour made in Oxford Township was turned out yesterday.

Monday's wind storm lifted the roof of the stone block, and did otherunpleasant things.

While Geo. W. Mann was attempting to remove the load from a gun, thepiece was discharged and forty-eight shot passed up through his hat rimand two through his eyelids. His forefinger was shot off and his thumb badlyinjured. Dr. Maggard, the attendant physician, says he will have recoveredfrom the effects of the wounds by the time his index finger is found. Itwas a narrow escape from a horrible death. OXFORD.


Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.

THE MAN WHO BORROWED MY SQUARE, some time ago, of Thomas Baker, had betterreturn it and save further trouble, as I know the man. J. O. WILKINSON.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.

Don't you ever go home hungry when you can go to Jim Hill's and get asquare meal for 25 cents, at the St. Nicholas Restaurant.


Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.

Chas. H. Miller, for a number of years Deputy U. S. Marshal, has beenappointed to the Marshalship in place of W. S. Tough.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.

The entire State of Kansas has been surveyed by the General Government,and the Surveyor-General's office was discontinued April 1st.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.


Are in a blaze of rejoicing. They embrace the counties of Labette andNeosho, and a narrow strip along the east side of Montgomery and Wilsonand a narrow strip on the west side of Cherokee and Crawford. The L. L.& G. and M. K. & T. railroads claimed most of the land. It has beenoccupied by settlers for years. The Supreme Court of the United States hasjust decided that the settlers shall hold the land.


Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876. Editorial Page.


For more than four years past the public and private ear of Cowley Countyhas been filled with slanders against E. C. Manning. Many good men in thecounty who were not personally acquainted with him believed the scandals.The Cowley County Telegram had, for about two years previous to October2, 1874, freely and wantonly circulated these slanders. Mr. Manning didnot chase down the rumors nor prosecute the authors. On the 2nd day of October,1874, the Telegram published an article containing a series of seriouscharges against Mr. Manning that could not well be passed unnoticed. Mr.Manning decided to appeal to the law and a jury of his county for a vindication.He brought two suits at once against Mr. Allison, the publisher. At theinstance of Mr. Allison, they were delayed for one year, until October 1875.At that time the criminal suit was tried, and a jury said Mr. Allison neednot go to prison, although nothing was proven against Mr. Manning. The civilsuit was then postponed by the Court until this spring. On Thursday of lastweek a jury of twelve men, mostly from distant parts of this county, andnine of whom were strangers to and none of whom were personal friends ofMr. Manning was impanelled to hear the civil suit. Mr. Allison had beenone year and a half collecting evidence to prove the charges against Mr.Manning. Depositions and publications from Washington City to the RockyMountains were brought in. Able counsel was employed by the defendant.

Three days were occupied in the trial of the case. Witnesses were broughtfrom all parts of the county. Several hundred dollars in costs had accumulated.Five attorneys were employed by the defendant, Allison. And with all thiseffort, time, and opportunity, not one single dishonest or corrupt actwas proven against E. C. Manning. The jury of twelve good men findsfor the plaintiff in a county where the popular ear had been poisoned bycalumnies against him.

And this is the judgment: 1st, that the charges made against Mr. Manningare not true; 2nd, that the defendant must pay the costs of this suit, amountingto about two hundred dollars; 3rd, that the defendant shall not prosecuteMr. Manning for damages for having attached and closed the Telegramoffice in order to secure the judgment, and 4th, that in Cowley County LAWREIGNS, and men need not resort to violence to obtain justice.

This tardy recognition of the law's majesty and power is of untold valueto the good name and fair fame of Cowley County. Mr. Manning only soughta vindication of his character; that vindication is complete and manifold.


Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.


A large delegation of our citizens had an interview with Col. ThomasNickerson, President of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, onTuesday and Wednesday of this week, in accordance with previous arrangement.We stop the press this morning for the purpose of putting in this notice,and will explain the matter more fully next week.

The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company will build a branchof their road down this valley this year provided we will take stockto the amount of three thousand dollars cash per mile in said road.

They will start at Cedar Point and build right on down the valley asfast as the money is raised to do it.

They will send their chief engineer into the valley as soon as they canget him here, in order to enable them to make up their estimates.

Our people can have a first class railroad built into this valley, thisyear, for a reasonable amount of money, if they want it.

This matter will be submitted to you within a very short time and itwill be for you to say yes or no. Eldorado Times, April 7th, 1876.


Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876. Editorial Page.

We get the impression somehow or other that E. C. Manning, with whomwe used to have some neighborly tilts when he ran the Manhattan Radical,had reformed after settling in Cowley County. But it seems not. He wrotean obituary, J. C. Sawed Stoneabout as bright a thing as ever appeared ina Kansas newspaperand now he evidently wants to write another. He republishesthe following in his paper, the Winfield Courier:

"The Concordia Expositor puts the question:

"Are you ready for the question? All those in favor of removingthe State capital to Junction City, will please manifest it by saying `I.'

"And like the darned galoot in legislative matters whom you arenot prepared for, he moves to amend:

"Not much; better move Junction City to the State capital.

"Manning must come to Junction City to get a railroad for his county,and we will see that he never gets a pass. Junction City Union."

And we will see that it never gets a "pass"enger.


Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.

Have you paid your dog tax?

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.

The farmers have commenced corn planting.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.

And now they say the peaches are not all dead.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.

Mrs. Limbocker has returned from her Iowa visit.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.

McBRIDE & GREEN are going right along with their brick kiln.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.

Mr. T. H. Aley, of Otter, made us a pleasant call this week.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.

Mr. J. H. Henderson has moved to his farm and quit hotel keeping.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.

Mr. L. J. Webb had forty-two cases upon the trial docket of this termof Court.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.

Mrs. T. A. Wilkinson will teach a school for the next three months inBolton Township.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.

The rivalry for passengers this week has resulted in a stage ride toWichita for a dollar.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.

Thanks to Mrs. P. G. Smith, of Dexter, for a bunch of very fine onions,over one half inch in diameter.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.

W. W. W. has gone to serve Uncle Sam for three weeks. His brother, Tell,will "handle the lines" of Cowley in his absence.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.

Fort Scott claims the finest ballroom in the State. It is 100 feet longand 30 feet wide and 19 feet to the ceiling.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.

H. L. BARKER has purchased the farm adjoining the Foos farm on the northeastand is now a resident of Winfield Township.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.

At the present setting of Court, Mrs. Joseph Requa obtained a decreeof divorce and a judgment for $5,000 and one half interest for life in thereal estate of the flying Joseph Requa.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.

It is a little late now to speak of it, but on the last day of March,ult., Mr. F. M. Linscott brought to our office a handful of new potatoesof this year's growth. The largest were the size of hickory nuts.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.

JAMES J. SMITH, of Otter Township, was on last Friday divorced from awife, dead or alive, that he had not seen in eight years and immediatelyapplied to Judge Gans for permission to try again, which was granted.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.

We predict for Judge McDonald, of the firm of Hackney & McDonald,the reputation within three years of being the best advocate at the barof Kansas.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.

A young man named White, living a few miles up the Walnut, inspired byan overdose of benzine and anger, assaulted Fortner last Saturday evening,but as White reached for Fortner, the latter struck him with something andfelled him to the ground, causing an ugly gash in the face.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.

Twenty-nine teachers were present at the examination last Friday andSaturday. Of those present the following received second grade certificates:Misses Dora Winslow, Maggie Stansberry, Mary Stansberry, Gertie Davis, LouisaFranklin, Laura E. Turner, Mr. C. C. Holland, and Mrs. I. E. Brown. Thosewho received third grade certificates are as follows: Misses Sarah Bovee,C. E. Fitzgerald, Ella Davis, Albertine Maxwell, Effie Randal, Sarah E.Davis, Ella Clover, Ioa Roberts, Emma Burden, Arvilla Elliot, L. A. Bedell,M. J. Huff, and Mr. M. L. Smith.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.

Last Saturday was "Arbor Day." But as the weather clerk paidno respect to the Mayor's proclamation, it was decided by our citizens,rather than have a "damper" put upon their proceedings, to payno attention to it themselves. We might say it rained last Saturday, butwe have no desire to draw upon your credulity. It didn't rain; it just "poureddown!" The day wasn't largely observed. The clouds and rain were tooopaque for an extended observation. Several of our citizens set out trees.Mr. Lemmon planted twentyin one hole, Mr. Troup likewise buried about thesame number, and Mr. Platter "healed in" a nice lot of maplesand poplars. The county officers held a meeting and decided not to adornthe Courthouse grounds until they had some assurance from the county fathersthat the public square would be fenced and the trees protected.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.

List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, CowleyCounty, Kansas, on the 13th day of April, 1876.

FIRST COLUMN: Ball, N. L.; Beck, Geo. W.; Budde, Fred.; Browne, W. W.;Brown, Nemuel.; Conor, George; Drewry, Wm.; Dupey, H. G.; Hurst, Milton;Hodges, Hannah; King, Scyinda; Kidney, T. B.; King, G. D.

SECOND COLUMN: Lewis, W. N.; Lockwood, J. S.; McCulloch, Nettie; Miller,Wm.; Magginnis, T.; Norton, Jake; Newlin, Francis; Randolph, R. H.; Smith,Lewis; Seal, Sally; Tarborough, Mary; Thatcher, R. K.; Wellman, R.


Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.


MERYDITH - CALLISON. March 30th, 1876, at the residence of the bride'sfather, by Rev. J. W. Nance, Mr. Wm. E. Merydith and Miss Matty M. Callison,all of Cowley County, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.


Died. At Winfield, Kansas, April 10th, 1876, Maudy May, only child ofD. F. and Francis Long, aged one year.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.

CARBON, WYOMING, March 31st, 1876.

EDITOR COURIER: As I once was a resident of Cowley County, and beinganxious to hear from my old home once a week, I herein enclose $2.00 forthe COURIER for one year. From your papers I see some very flattering inducementsfor men to try the Black Hills. Also that a great many are talking of tryingthem. My advice is (if I am allowed to give it) to let the Black Hills aloneand remain at home. Here the Hills are considered to be a grand humbug gottenup for a speculation, and I think we have a good chance to know, as menare coming out every few days and I notice never return although those whohave claims there for sale try to encourage others to go, but stay awaythemselves. A word to the wise is sufficient. For my part, I would ratherstart for Cowley County than the Black Hills, and they are only about 175miles from here. Very Respectfully, W. F. DAVIS.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.

Grouse Valley Items.

J. P. Croft is finishing his hotel building at Benderville. A blacksmithshop has been opened at the same berg.

Charley Jones is receiving new goods.

Burt French is turning out "heaps" of lumber.

R. C. Maurer closed his school on the 25th ultimo.

Will Merydith closed one term of school, and then made an engagementfor lifethat is, he got married.

Mr. Henrion has left for an European visit.

Several new buildings have been put up in Dexter this winter. The bigblow took one of Dick Bryan's down slightly.

A new blacksmith bids for the trade of the Dexter circuit.

The boiler at the mill is taking a rest for repairs.

Treasurer Bryan still swings the birch at Dexter.

Rumor says a new dry goods establishment is to be opened at this point.

Doctor Wagner reports his flock of sheep as in a prime condition.

Dick Bryan's smiling countenance now beams upon customers at McDormans.

Fruit is all killed in the valley.

Wheat from one end of Grouse to the other is in a promising condition.

Every farm in the valley is beautifully adorned with corn-cribs "chuckfull" of grain. But no railroad! No market!

John D. Maurer has sown a fine lot of blue grass seed in his timber.It does well in this valley.

Will Underwood has moved his dwelling house a few feet nearer heaven,and his family enjoy better health thereby.

THOMAS COATS has sold out and gone to Sumner County.

Newcomers are arriving almost daily. No reference is intended to CaptainMcDermott's little daughter, which arrived recently.

Several large lots of fruit trees are expected for the farmers of thevalley.

H. H. Hovey, of Joplin, Mo., is visiting Grouse Valley friends.


Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.

City Council Proceedings.
WINFIELD, KAN., April 5, 1876.

City Council met in adjourned session, March 21st, A. D. 1876.

Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; N. M. Powers, C. C. Black, and M. G.Troup, Councilmen; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.

Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.

The following bills were presented, read, and allowed, and on motionof M. G. Troup, the Clerk was ordered to draw a warrant on the Treasurerfor the same.

J. M. Reed, clerk of city election, on April 3rd, A. D. 1876, $2.00;J. F. Miller, Judge of city election, $2.00; C. C. Black, Judge of cityelection, $2.00; M. Miller, padlock and nails for city, 85 cents; Simpson& Stewart, repairs on jail, $3.00.

Fee bill of W. M. Boyer, Police Judge, was read, and, on motion of C.C. Black, was laid over.

The Finance Committee made the following report on the cancellation ofcity warrants:

To the Honorable Mayor and Council of the city of Winfield, county ofCowley, and State of Kansas, we your Finance Committee beg leave to reportthat we have examined the enclosed package and find it to contain two hundredand forty-three vouchers of the value of $2,467.17, and that said vouchershave been duly canceled on the Winfield city warrant record, and recommendthat they be destroyed.

M. G. Troup, ) Finance Committee.

Chas. C. Black. )

On motion of N. M. Powers the report was received and the vouchers destroyed.

On motion of N. M. Powers, the City Clerk was instructed to make outand present to the County Commissioners a bill of $8.00, amount paid toSimpson & Stewart for repairs on the jail.

The City Council proceeded to canvass the vote of Winfield city election,held on April 3rd, A. D., 1876, which resulted as follows:

Whole number of votes cast: 182.

For Mayor: D. A. Millington, 81; H. S. Silver, 80, E. S. Bedilion, 1.

For Police Judge: Linus S. Webb, 75; J. W. Curns, 81; J. D. Pryor, 5.

For Councilmen: A. B. Lemmon, 86; M. G. Troup, 91; C. A. Bliss, 81; T.B. Myers, 84; H. Brotherton, 88; N. Roberson, 71; Frank Williams, 76; N.M. Powers, 70; A. G. Wilson, 76; W. L. Mullin, 57; J. P. McMillen, 20; C.C. Black, 3; J. P. Short, 1.

D. A. Millington, having received the highest number of votes for Mayor,was declared elected. J. W. Curns, receiving the highest number of votesfor Police Judge, was declared elected. A. B. Lemmon, M. G. Troup, T. B.Myers, C. A. Bliss, and H. Brotherton, receiving the highest number of votesfor Councilmen, were declared elected.

On motion the Clerk was ordered to furnish each of the above named aselected with certificates of election.

On motion Council adjourned.

B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, April 20 , 1876.

Congress has done nothing towards opening the Indian Territory, nor isit likely to this session.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

A man borrowed $800 the other day in Topeka to buy breaking teams tocome to Cowley and break up a section of land for wheat this fall.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

The L. L. & G. railroad loses over one million dollars worth of landby the recent decision of the U. S. Supreme Court, whereby the settlersobtained their homes.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad have closed a contract withthe Pullman Car Company to run their coaches between the Missouri Riverand Rocky mountains.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.


Something like business in railroad matters is transpiring to the eastof us. A delegation of four citizens from Elk County traversed our countylast week in the interest of an east and west road. They had visited partiesrepresenting the bondholders of the L. L. & G. railroad, who gave suchassurances of aid to the enterprise that the result is we find them at workputting things in shape along the line. On Tuesday of this week a meetingwas held at Canola, in Elk County, at which the organization of a localcompany was perfected. The purpose of this organization is to survey theline, secure the right of way, and procure the voting of local aid to theextent of the law. When the franchises are secured, dirt will fly within60 days. The road is to start from Independence and run westerly, up theElk Valley, leaving Elk County in the Greenfield and Canola gap, thenceto Winfield, and down the Walnut to Arkansas City.

At the meeting held in Winfield last Saturday to select directors fora local company from this place, Rev. J. E. Platter and M. L. Robinson werechosen to represent this locality in the Canola meeting, and to be put uponthe board of directors. Six directors will be located in Cowley, six inElk, and one in Montgomery County.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.


By an elaborate and circumspect account of the railroad situation tothe north of us, occupying nearly two columns in the Eldorado Times,we learn that the A. T. & S. F. railroad company has agreed throughits President, Mr. Nickerson, to commence the construction of a railroaddown the Walnut Valley this year if the people along the line will takestock in the road to the extent of three thousand dollars per mile and paythe cash therefor. The Times speaks very hopefully and confidentlyof the enterprise. It says that the road will be built just as fast as thethree thousand dollars per mile is raised by the people in the valley. Theengineer of the company is to be over the line from Florence south in afew days to make a preliminary survey and the estimates. This looks likebusiness.

"And still we have no railroad."

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

Why is there not some earnest movement made by our Congressional delegationtowards securing the right of way for a railroad down the Arkansas Valleythrough the Indian Territory? Somebody will wake up some fine morning tolearn that during their slumbers some strong thinking has been going ondown this way. Those fellows who are going to be candidates for reelectionought to know that the matter of building a railroad down the valley tothe southeast is a live and vital issue here. Gentlemen, you will be askedsome knotty questions the coming summer concerning this enterprise. Whatwill you say?

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

From the Railroad Meeting.
CANOLA, KANSAS, April 18th, 1876.

EDITOR COURIER: The delegates selected in Cowley County met at this pointtoday with the Elk County men, and a railroad company was organized. L.B. Fleming of Arkansas City was selected as Chairman, and R. C. Story, ofLazette, was made Secretary of the meeting. S. M. Fall, E. P. Young, J.E. Platter, M. L. Robinson, S. B. Fleming, and W. M. Sleeth were the delegatesfrom Cowley County. The title "Parsons, Walnut Valley and Southwestern,"was given the road, and a committee of three was appointed to draft a charterfor the same. By vote of the meeting the capital stock was placed $1,500,000dollars, and shares at fifty dollars each. The road is to be in at Parsons,run west to Independence, thence to Longton, Elk Falls, Greenfield, Lazette,Tisdale, Winfield, and terminate at Arkansas City.

The Elk County delegates speak positively of the willingness of theirpeople to vote bonds for this enterprise.

N. B. Cartmell, J. E. Platter, and L. J. Johnson drafted the charter,which was considered, discussed, and adopted in the evening.

The Board stands as follows: M. L. Robinson and J. E. Platter, Winfield;W. M. Sleeth and S. B. Fleming, Arkansas City; E. P. Young, Tisdale; S.M. Fall, Lazette; A. A. Toby, Canola; H. E. Hitchings, R. R. Roberts, andL. J. Johnson, Elk Falls; J. C. Pinney and N. B. Cartmell, Longton; andWm. Wright, Elk City, Montgomery County.

The Board adjourned to meet at Tisdale on the 2nd day of May.

If the people of Cowley County want a railroad, now is their opportunityto get one. Quick, vigorous, and unanimous action will place them in suchrelations with wealthy railroad companies that a road over this line willcome speedily. Elk County is alive to its interests in this matter, andsuccess will crown our movement if Cowley County joins hand and heart init. People of Cowley County, what do you say? X.


Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

It is not too late to set out trees.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

A. H. Green keeps good cigars.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

RICE has gone to the Black Hills.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

JOHN SWAYNE is building himself a good residence.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

BISBEE, the shoemaker, has started for the Black Hills.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

Two yoke of oxen and wagon for sale. Inquire at this office.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

J. R. RICHARDS has a fine stallion of Cowley County raising.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

Of the one thousand people in Winfield, not one is named Smith.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

The new City Council has organized with M. G. Troup as president.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

The M. E. quarterly conference is in session this week at Arkansas City.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

THOUSANDS of dollars worth of fruit trees and shrubbery is being soldin Winfield this spring.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

C. M. WOOD and family have returned to Winfield. They like Cowley betterthan Ohio.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

Business is so pressing in the COURIER office that two extra hands wereemployed this week.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

The new city administration is going to take some steps toward protectingthe city from fires.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

Maj. Sleeth and Rev. Fleming were sent to the Canola railroad meetingfrom Arkansas City.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

According to a law passed at the last legislature, fifty pounds of sweetpotatoes make a bushel.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

The Lagonda House is being plastered and overhauled preparatory to itsoccupancy by a Wichita landlord.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

UNCLE BILLY RODGERS and LEVI DOTY have gone to take a squint at the yellowdirt in the Black Hills country.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

H. C. McDORMAN has been appointed Postmaster at Dexter and C. B. HALEat Baltimore in Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

COUNCILMAN MYERS has moved a workshop for his own use upon the lot betweenthe Winfield bank and Shoeb's shop.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

Eight married couples were made sixteen single persons at the last sittingof the district court.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

Recorder Kinne informs us that more mortgages are being released nowin his office than there are being put on record. A good sign.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

ED F. GREEN and brother on the Walnut, ten miles below town, have thelargest pasture in the county enclosed with good post and board fence.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

At the railroad meeting last Saturday, Judge Ross presided and C. M.Scott of the Traveler occupied the Secretary's desk. Eloquent speecheswere made in favor of the railroad by the Judge, Amos Walton, and others.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

S. B. LITTELL of Beaver Township has one of the best farms in the countyand it is ornamented with a nicely painted two story frame farm house, whichwith trees, shrubbery, and other surroundings gives his place a homelikeappearance.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

JOHN ROE, the young man who stole Sam. Endicott's mare, was convictedand sen- tenced to one year's imprisonment in the penitentiary. SheriffWalker went up with him last Monday.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

Grouse Valley Items.
LAZETTE, KANSAS, April 17th, 1876.

On Saturday evening a large railroad meeting was held in this place.Mr. L. J. Johnson, of Elk Falls, was present and made a lengthy speech explanatoryof railroad laws, and matters so far as our interests were concerned.

Speeches were then made by Messrs. Burden, Clover, Fall, Stapleton, Brooks,Story, Jones, Huff, Peebler, McGraw, and others, in almost unanimous supportof the movement for an East and West road through Cowley County.

The following resolution was then adopted: Resolved, That we,the citizens of Grouse Valley, stand ready to support a railroad from theEast with bonds to the full extent of the law. But few opposing voices wereheard during the discussion.

Mr. S. M. Fall was selected as a director to assist in organizing a companythis week in Elk County. Messrs. B. H. Clover, R. F. Burden, Mac D. Stapleton,A. J. Pickering, and John Brooks were then placed upon a committee to lookafter all matters pertaining to railroad interests in connection with ourvalley.

The meeting was attended by the leading men from most of the easternsections of the county. The feeling is growing deeper and wider among ourpeople that our large agricultural interests can be properly nurtured andcultivated by and through direct railroad communica tions with eastern markets.

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

Skipped County Commissioners' Proceedings of April 10, 1876. Boardconsisted of R. F. Burden and W. M. Sleeth, Commissioners; A. J. Pyburn,County Attorney, and M. G. Troup, County Clerk.


Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.

City Council Proceedings.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, April 17th, 1876.

City Council met at the City Clerk's office April 17th, A. D. 1876.

Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; M. G. Troup, C. A. Bliss, H. Brotherton,and A. B. Lemmon, Councilmen; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.

The Mayor read his annual inaugural address to the Council stating thefinancial condition of the city for the past year, its present condition,and making many suggestions as to its future.

On motion of A. B. Lemmon, M. G. Troup was elected President of the Councilfor the coming year.

On motion the Mayor appointed three standing committees of three memberseach, as follows:

Finance committee: M. G. Troup, H. Brotherton, T. B. Myers.

Committee on streets, alleys, and sidewalks: C. A. Bliss, H. Brotherton,and A. B. Lemmon.

Committee on fire: A. B. Lemmon, T. B. Myers, C. A. Bliss.

The official bond of John W. Curns, Police Judge, was read, and on motionof A. B. Lemmon was approved by the Council.

Bill of Wirt W. Walton, two dollars, for Clerk of City Election April3rd, 1876, was read, approved, and ordered paid.

Bill of Burt Covert, services as City Marshal from March 25th, 1876,to April 17th, 1876, five Saturdays at two dollars a day, was read, approved,and ordered paid.

Bill of W. M. Boyer, six dollars and ten cents, Police Judge's fees incase of city of Winfield vs. Wm. Hudson, was read, and on motion of M. G.Troup was approved for five dollars and sixty cents, being the amount ofthe bill except the witness fee of M. G. Troup, fifty cents.

Bill of E. C. Manning for city printing was read, and on motion was referredto finance committee.

On motion Council adjourned. B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876. Editorial Page.

Richland Items.

Our enterprising citizen, T. R. Carson, has a windmill in operation forpumping water. It is a fine improvement.

Our township is setting up very fast with a good substantial class ofcitizens. There is now a settler on almost every quarter section. Thereare yet a few pieces of good upland to enter by good families.

Three years ago in this immediate neighborhood you could hardly see aman once a week; now our roads are well worn and teams passing every day.

Yesterday we organized a Sabbath School at Richland schoolhouse.

Our schoolhouse is near the center of Richland Township, on section 29,township 30, range 5 east.

We have preaching twice a month by the Revs. Nance and Ferguson.

Mr. Stevens has built a new place, and just moved into it.

Dutch Creek is high. T. D. G.


Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

The M. E. Sunday School has a library.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

Fresh oranges and lemons at Jim. Hills.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

Harvest will commence in May this year.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

Judge McDonald is going to locate in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

What will we do for harvest hands is the next question.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

Charley Black and suite were out with their guns one day this week andkilled sixty-five curlews.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

L. J. Webb was elected to the office of Worthy Chief Templar, of WinfieldLodge, I. O. G. T., last Monday night.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

Jim Hill has a good supply of ice, and the only ice in the country. Thisshows what an enterprising man can do if he will.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

The Walnut Valley Times says that the civil engineer of the A.T. & S. F. road is running a line down the Walnut Valley.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

District 51, down in father Cesney's neighborhood, in Silverdale Township,has just issued five hundred dollars of bonds for a schoolhouse.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

Next Tuesday the directors of the Parsons, Walnut Valley and Southwesternrailroad meet at Tisdale to perfect the organization of the company.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

C. C. Stevens, who is occupying the Foos farm, was seriously injuredby a runaway team last week. The principal injury sustained was a leg brokennear the ankle.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

Prof. A. B. Lemmon was admitted to the practice of law at the last termof court. If the Prof. makes as good a lawyer as a teacher, he will haveplenty to do when once well in the


Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

Mrs. Howard will open a large assortment of ladies' goods and millineryat her store next Saturday. The finest display in that line ever seen inWinfield may be seen at that time.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

On April 21 articles of incorporation were filed in the office of theSecretary of State for the Ft. Scott, Winfield and Western railroad. J.B. Lynn and M. L. Robinson, of Winfield, are on the board of directors.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

Mr. J. H. Willard, late of Elkhart, Indiana, arrived this week to settlewith us. He has a fine farm on Rock Creek that he purchased three yearsago.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

Mr. Cal. Ferguson, one of Winfield's old citizens, spent several daysrecently among his friends here. Cal. is talking of going to Colorado.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

E. S. Torrance, ex-County Attorney, ex-member of the Winfield club ofjolly good- fellows, ex-actly the man we all like to meet, enjoyed sucha hand shaking, on his return to Winfield last Saturday, as no one but aPresident of the United States ever received.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

On Monday evening last at the regular meeting of Winfield Lodge, No.79, I. O. G. T., officers were elected as follows: L. J. Webb, W. C. T.;Miss Ella Walton, W. V. T.; T. C. Copeland, W. R. Sec.; Fred C. Hunt, W.F. Sec.; Miss Nellie Powers, W. Treas.; Henry E. Asp, W. Chap.; F. W. Finch,W. M.; Miss Ella Freeland, W. I. G.; George Gray, W. O. G.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

HOFFMANN, from Neodesha, a professor of "moosic," has departedfrom our midst, this time not to return, we understand. The Professor hasmany warm friends and might have done well in this place, but he is unfortunatelyaddicted to a very "crooked" practice that "steals away hisbrain" and leads him to the perpetration of many disreputable transactions.There is no man better adapted to deceive a community than this same musicalprofessor, and we learn from pretty good authority that he is known in othercommunities besides this. He is simply a whiskey-bloat and a big fraud.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

Last Friday night the severest hailstorm that has visited this countrysince its settlement swept down upon the region of Pleasant Valley Township,coming from towards Arkansas City and passing over Liberty Township. Itoccurred about 8 o'clock and did much damage. The hail stones were fromthe size of marbles to that of a prairie hen's egg. Hundreds of lights ofglass upon the south side of dwellings were broken out, shingles split fromroofs, pigs and fowls without shelter killed, fruit trees mangled and barked,wheat cut down, and everybody terribly frightened in the track of the storm.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

W. R. CONSTANT, of Pleasant Valley Township, met with a severe loss lastweek in the destruction of his dwelling and everything it contained by fire.Mrs. Constant, with an infant four days old, was barely able to drag herselfand the children out of danger and be a helpless witness to the distressingscene. The fire came from a defective flue and caught in the roof. No menfolks were about the place at the time. The neighbors raised a contributionfor his benefit, and his new neighbor, Mr. Joseph Mason, collected quitea sum in town towards erecting a dwelling house for the victim of the firefiend.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

Hook & Creekmore are a new business firm at Silverdale. Dr. I. Hook,of the firm, made us a call this week. He is a live man and a well readphysician, and will be an important acquisition to that part of the county.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

A festival will be held at the Brane schoolhouse in Pleasant Valley Townshipon Friday (tomorrow) night. It is to be of the necktie order and for thebenefit of the Sabbath school at that place. Winfield friends are invited.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

MARRIED. STINSON - STOVER. On the 23rd day of April, Mr. Isaac Stinsonand Miss Mary E. Stover were united in the bonds of matrimony, by Rev. A.E. Lewis. All of Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

DIED. At Tisdale, April 20th, Mrs. N. J. Keller, aged 37 years, eldestdaughter of Berry Creek, Esq., of Lafayette Township, Clinton County, Missouri.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

Skipped County Treasurer's Quarterly Statement, up to March 20, 1876;and School District Tax Statements.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.

Registered Warrants.

Notice is hereby given that the Cowley Warrants here described will bepaid on presentation at the Treasurer's office, and that the interest willcease on each of them after


Braden & Burford: $65.00

S. Dodsworth: $24.00; $17.00; $27.50.

Leonard Stout: $4.30

Theodore Parks: $3.90

T. A. Wilkinson: $5.00

T. B. Ross: $5.10

Lucius Walton: $4.00

J. B. Wagoner: $2.00

W. Langheinekin: $2.00

H. Hartsbaugh: $2.00

R. B. Carson: $8.00; $3.00.

Frank Lorry: $2.00


Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.


Notice is hereby given that George Hudson and James Brown, under thefirm name of Hudson & Brown, have dissolved partnershipGeorge Hudsoncontinuing the business. Also that all parties indebted to the said firmwill find their accounts at W. M. Boyer's.


Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

Published May 4th, 1876.
Ordinance No. 59.

An Ordinance to amend section 6 of Ordinance No. 55, entitled "AnOrdinance to provide for the appointment of a Clerk, Treasurer, Marshal,and City Attorney for the city of Winfield, and defining the duties andpay of the same, and providing for bonds of city officers.

Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilman of the City of Winfield.

SECTION 1. That section 6 of Ordinance No. 53 is hereby amended to readas follows: Section 6. The pay of the Clerk shall be $60.00 per year, payablemonthly, which shall be in lieu of all fees chargeable to the city. Whenrequired to furnish copies of any of the city records for other than thecity or its officers, he may collect and receive a fee of 25 cents for firstfolio and fraction thereof, and 15 cents for each additional folio or fractionthereof.

SECTION 2. Original section 6, of Ordinance No. 53, is hereby repealed,and this Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after itspublication once in the Winfield COURIER.

Approved May 1st, 1876. D. A. MILLINGTON, Mayor.

Attest: B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

The Arkansas River is down to working gait.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

Dr. Mansfield starts for England next week.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

Mullen has gone to Kansas City with his cattle.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

Bliss & Co. are repairing the dam at the stone mill.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

Tuesday's coach contained ten passengers for Winfield.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

Two or three harness makers wanted at Ford's immediately.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

Ford has purchased the Kenworthy property next to Shoeb's residence.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

Rev. Platter's family started for the Centennial last Tuesday morning.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

McMillen & Shields have moved to the building next north of Sam Myton's.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

A. J. Pickering is to be appointed postmaster at Lazette, vice R. C.Story, resigned.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

Margaret Winner says that someone is purloining rock from her farm onBadger.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

A large number of headers are being purchased by our farmers for thecoming harvest.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

Our enterprising plasterer, J. Simpson, has purchased the Palmer propertyand settled down for life.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

Mr. Bartlett bought several hundred bushels of wheat lately around Winfieldfor the Wichita market.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

A. J. Thompson has first class sweet potato plants for sale at his farmone half mile east of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

MARRIED AT WICHITA. James Hughes and Sarah A. Ireton, of this county,were married at Wichita, April 25, by Father Schurtz.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

Dr. Davis recently had a fine buggy shipped from Kentucky, enclosed intwo large boxes full of blue grass seed.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

Wilson keeps the very best of Livery Stock. He is the sole proprietornow of the well- known Winfield Livery Stable.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

Country Sabbath Schools that are in need of Testaments will find a niceassortment at B. F. Baldwin's drug and book store.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

A crowded house gathered at the Sunday school festival in the Brane schoolhouselast Friday. The receipts amounted to $21.40.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

KINGSBERRY has sold his residence property to Bedilion, and bought again.King is bound to make it, if "digging" in will do it.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

A late rain storm and water rise in Otter Creek Valley in Otter Townshipwashed all the newly plowed soil from the valley farms.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Loucks, of Silver Creek Township, April 30th,a daughter. Weight 27½ or 7½ pounds, we have forgotten which.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

BANGS, our express agent, has made an improvement in the city expressline. He delivers the express matter about town on his back.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

SAM JARVIS' school, at the Jarvis schoolhouse, in Silver Creek Township,has a vacation this week while the children are at home wrestling with themeasles.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

Corn sells for 30 cents per bushel at Carbondale, on the A. T. &S. F. railroad. In Winfield it goes begging for 15 cents. And still we haveno railroad!

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

McMILLEN has taken a centennial stand. He has a pretty store in a prettylocation and a thundering big stock of goods.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

A long train of emigrants from Washington County, Arkansas, passed throughtown this morning. They were going to Cowley County, Kansas. IndependenceCourier.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

MRS. KENNEDY has moved to the old stand south of Mullen's store. Shesays that she will open the biggest stock of millinery in a few days thatever appeared in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

R. H. TRUE, of Beaver Township, is the first assessor to make the assessmentreturns to the county clerk. His report shows a population of 415, an increaseof 42 above last year. Also 2,333 acres of wheat, 3,026 bearing peach trees,310 head of cattle. Fred Brown has the largest wheat field, being 100 acres.The increase of winter wheat acreage is 900 above last year.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

UNCLE JOHN WILSON, of Silver Creek, says that one half the surface ofthat township will be upset with the breaking plow this season. He has around one hundred acre wheat field to harvest, and is anxious for a railroad,as also are his neighbors.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

DR. E. N. WOODWORTH and WM. ROBB, of Peoria, Mahaska County, Iowa, calledupon us Tuesday last. They had been riding through Kansas, to the east ofthis, and came into Cowley from the hills of Chautauqua. Upon arriving atthe farm of R. F. Burden, who is an old Iowa acquaintance of theirs, theyexpressed a disgust for Southern Kansas. Mr. Burden concluded to show themthe Eden of America, and having persuaded them not to return via Independence,he brought them himself to Winfield, and it is the same old story. Theyare happy, and will be happier when they sell their property in Iowa.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

The Ladies' Furnishing Store

has been reestablished by Mrs. Kennedy and will be maintained in a styleworthy of Winfield. Everything to be found in such a store west of the Missouriline can be obtained there. An experienced dress maker is constantly employedand satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. Kennedy is thankful for the patronageshe has received in the past and hopes to merit it in the future.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.


Last Tuesday the directors of the Parsons' Walnut Valley & Southwesternrailroad company met at Tisdale and elected the following officers: President,J. E. Platter, of Winfield; Vice President, S. B. Fleming, of Arkansas City;Secretary, Mr. Wright, of Elk City, Montgomery County; Treasurer, S. M.Fall, of Lazette. The oath of office was administered to each by Judge Gansexcept to J. E. Platter, who was not present.

The president, secretary, and Judge Cartmel, of Longton, were appointedas a delegation to proceed to Kansas City to confer with the parties whoare expected to furnish the means to prosecute the work and to learn fromthem the exact amount of franchises that the local company will be calledupon to secure before work on the road can commence. The meeting was largelyattended by citizens from Winfield and other portions of the county.

There was but one sentiment manifested by all present and that was infavor of the road, and a willingness to render all the aid possible underthe law. The enterprise is in good hands and it is manifest now that itwill be no fault of the people of Elk and Cowley counties if the road isnot built. It is expected that the above named committee will report theresult of their conference to a meeting to be held at Lazette on May 18th.Let the good work go on.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

MARRIED. ECKELS - SMALLEY. At the residence of Esquire Forbes, in PleasantValley Township, on Sunday, April 16th, by Esquire Forbes, Mr. Will Ecklesand Miss Mettie Smalley.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.

City Council Proceedings.
WINFIELD, KAN., May 1st, 1876.

City Council met in regular session at the Clerk's office, May 1st, 1876.

Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; M. G. Troup, C. A. Bliss, H. Brotherton,A. B. Lemmon, and T. B. Myers, Councilmen; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk; J.E. Allen, City Attorney.

Minutes of previous meeting was read and approved.

Finance Committee reported on bill of E. C. Manning, for city printing,and recom mended it be allowed, for eleven dollars. On motion the bill wasapproved, for eleven dollars, as recommended, and ordered paid.

Bill of George Gray, seventy-five cents, for removing nuisances fromthe city, was read and on motion was approved and ordered paid.

Joseph Likowski and Rheinhart Ehret made application, by petition, throughtheir attorney, A. H. Green, for dram shop license. The petitions beingread and the Council believing them to contain a majority of all personsresiding within the corporate limits of the city of Winfield, over the ageof twenty-one years, on motion of M. G. Troup voted that dram shop licensebe granted to the said petitioners.

Ordinance No. 59 was read and passed by sections. Vote on final passagewas as follows: Yes: A. B. Lemmon, H. Brotherton, M. G. Troup, T. B. Myers,and C. A. Bliss. Nays: None. Ordinance No. 59, as passed, was duly approvedby the Mayor.

The Mayor, with the consent and unanimous vote of the Council, made thefollowing appointments for the year ensuing: For City Clerk, B. F. Baldwin,for City Treasurer, J. C. Fuller, for City Attorney, J. E. Allen.

On motion of M. G. Troup the Council adjourned to meet May 2nd, 1875,at 5 o'clock p.m. B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

The Indians have bought a great many farming implements from Coffeyvilledealers this spring.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

The Indians are killing emigrants by the score and destroying trainsand stealing horses and cattle in the Black Hills region.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

The storm of last Friday night extended to Lawrence, Leavenworth, andKansas City, where it became a tornado destroying a vast amount of property.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.


The following item appears in some of the Kansas papers:

"In Cowley and Butler counties there is a sort of Ku Klux organizationto prevent claim jumping. Many of the settlers will not prove up and entertheir claims, which are being jumped. Those who have entered are in favorof the jumpers as they wish the lands occupied by those who must pay taxes."

So far as Cowley County is concerned, the above is not true, at leastthe lawless acts and Ku Klux organizations are disclaimed. Cowley has neverbeen disgraced by mob law or midnight assassins. The law rules here, thanksto an enlightened public sentiment. In Butler and Sumner mob law or no lawreigns; in Sedgwick difficulties are settled with the revolver too often;but in Cowley the law is oftener enforced, and more highly respected thanin any county of like age and population in the State.

But there is a growing sentiment against settlers who do not enter theirland. Complaints come to us daily on this subject. We have been urged toopen fire on the squatters. But the COURIER recognizes two sides to thequestion. It is hard to be compelled to borrow money at thirty and fortypercent to enter the land. But it is manifest that those who enjoy schoolsand bridges and the protection of the courts and the privileges of civilizationshould also help maintain them. The squatters, therefore, should, for thewell being of society and the good will and forbearance of those who havepaid for their lands, make haste and pay up.


Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876. Editorial Page.

Families Driven From Houses.
$100,000 Damage.

Last Friday night the rain descended in floods in this region of country.Nearly all night and for some hours during Saturday morning the clouds poureda deluge of water upon the face of the earth. During the night light showersof hail accompanied the rain. The ravines and creeks were soon full. Thenthe larger streams began rising with unparalleled rapidity.

At noon of Saturday the stream north of town, known as Timber Creek,was over its banks and surging against the bridge. About noon the bridgeleft its moorings.

By this time the water was spreading over the farms in the bottoms. Houses,families, crops, and stock were in peril. The real danger now broke uponthe minds of the people. The water had passed all its former limits andwas still rising. There was "hurrying to and fro." The bridgesand mills adjoining town on the Walnut were the objects of solicitude next.Bliss & Co. carried all the wheat and flour into the upper story oftheir mill. Ropes and axes were used to keep flood wood away from the upperbridge. Communication with the lower bridge was cut off before the bridgewas in great peril itself.

Up, up, came the water. All the north part of town was overflowed. Familieswere rescued by boat and team. The brick yard was three feet under water.A heavy current flowed from Timber Creek on the north through town on Loomisstreet and across Col. Loomis' farm to the Walnut on the south. The eastand west part of town each "stood upon a shining shore, while Jordanrolled between."

Along the creeks birds took to the air, rabbits to stumps, and serpentsto the trees. On the bosom of the mad Walnut, during the afternoon of Saturday,several head of cattle and swine were swept past the bridge. In their strugglesfor life they cast imploring looks upon the throng above that could butsympathize with them.

By 6 p.m., of Saturday, the water reached the highest point: at leastsix feet higher than ever before within the knowledge of the oldest settler.About five o'clock the bridge across the Walnut south of town yielded tothe torrent. The water was flowing over the floor of the bridge about onefeet deep at the time. It lacked one foot of reaching the upper bridge atany time. One vast expanse of water covered all the bottom lands along theriver and Timber Creek in this vicinity. The wheat and other growing cropswere out of sight and considered lost.

By 7 p.m. it became apparent that the mad element had spent its force.The water began slowly, about one inch in an hour, to recede. It had risenabout twenty feet in twelve hours.

At the time of the flood grave apprehensions were entertained as to theextent of the damage likely to ensue. But as reports came in


of the unpopular uprising are not so serious as expected. C. A. Bliss& Co. were damaged to the amount of $500; Fin Graham lost sixteen headof cattle, some wheat and corn in bin and grain in field, about $500. McBride& Green, in brick yard, about $200. These are the heaviest individuallosses.

The two bridges swept off are a loss to Winfield Township of about $4,000.The bridge across the Walnut at Arkansas City was swept off, damage $5,000.

A great many small losses were experienced in this vicinity and throughoutthe county. A large amount of planted corn, with the soil and hedges, werewashed away.

Along the valleys of Timber, Silver, and Grouse, the bottoms were overflowed.

The total damage throughout the county must approximate $100,000. Themost of the water came from Timber Creek. The Walnut above this point roseto the highest water mark, but did not get out of its banks.


Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

Bliss' mill is again running.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

Dr. Graham and family have gone to the Centennial.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

Let us have an iron bridge across the Walnut south of town.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

Dan. Miles, of Timber Creek, has opened a hotel in Howard City.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

Lit Cottingham, on Timber Creek, lost twenty-five hogs by the flood.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

Arthur Orr lost some stock and a large lot of threshed wheat by the highwater.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

McBride & Green have not lost their grit. Work is resumed on thebrick yard.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

Amos Walton retires from the Democrat. He labored faithfully,but in a waning cause.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

Deputy Surveyor Tell Walton is busily engaged surveying roads over aboutDexter.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

Dr. Mansfield's drug store will be kept running during the season byMrs. Mansfield.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

Sam Watt has bought again in Pleasant Valley. He don't know of a bettercountry than Cowley.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

Miss Kate Millington spent several days last week visiting Mrs. JudgeCampbell and other friends at Wichita.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

The Elk Falls Ledger says: Messrs. Alter & Livingston aregoing to open a picture gallery in Dexter, Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

The sheriff yesterday levied upon an old fiddle on the property of JamesJordon to satisfy a personal tax warrant for $150.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

Mrs. Bertha Black, of Dexter, is prepared with a full assortment of millineryand dress- making goods to supply that region of country.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

Messrs. Harcourt, Lee, and Warner, of Rock Township, were down yesterday.They report but little damage done to crops by the late rains in that section.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

The livery firm of Morris & Robinson has dissolved partnership, Mr.Robinson retiring. Mr. Morris has already purchased new teams and buggiespreparatory to "going it alone."

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

Mr. Kelly has extended the wings of the post office box-delivery to aright angle which makes it more convenient for the public. He has also filledone side of the room with stationery.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

C. C. Harris, O. N. Morris, Rev. J. E. Platter, and several other Winfieldanswere in Wichita last Saturday. The six-pavilioned-ten-allied-exhibition,commonly known as a circus, was there the same day.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

Some of the Winfield Institute Fathers send their regards by Dr. Mansfieldto Tyndal, Huxley, and the other boys over on the little Island that claimsto be the original shell of the Great American Eagle.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

V. B. Beckett, the old "local" of this paper, writing fromBurlington, Iowa, says the Mississippi River there is higher than it hasbeen known for years and is doing much damage. It would seem from this that"our flood" was not confined to Kansas alone.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

Sanford Day from Cedar Township called this week. He has temporarilyremoved to Dexter for the schooling of his children. He runs a blacksmithshop to pay expenses. From him we learn that the great rainfall of the latestorm came down Saturday morning. The water was a foot deep over the surfaceof the earth. Grouse was soon out of its banks. Messrs. McDorman and Dayat once constructed a rude boat and went to the rescue of threatened families,several of which were driven from their homes. No serious damage reported.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

ABE LAND is happy now. His family has arrived, and he will stay. Abewas one of the first settlers and is the father of the first white childborn in the county. After four years of wandering, he concludes that Cowleyis the best sun the country ever shown upon, and therefore tents his pitchagain.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

At a meeting of the citizens of Winfield last Tuesday evening, Hon. W.P. Hackney was appointed to meet with the Board of Directors of the A. T.& S. F. railroad at Topeka on the 12th inst., and confer with them inreference to extending a branch of their road, this summer, down the valleyto Winfield.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

DIED. A little child of Mrs. Pratt, down on the addition, died by suffocationlast Sunday morning. Its mother left it lying in the bed when she aroseto prepare breakfast and on returning to it a half hour afterwards, foundit lying on its face dead. It was about six weeks old and was troubled attimes with severe spells of coughing.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

The great rain of last Friday night was accompanied with hail in somelocalities. In Beaver Township the hail did great damage. K. J. Wright lost25 acres of wheat, W. D. Lester 35 acres, W. A. Freeman a good many acres,and several other farmers lost heavily. The flood on the creek drove Dr.Holland and others on the bottom out of their houses.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

CHAS. H. MILLER, the new U. S. Marshal for Kansas, has appointed SheriffWalker as his deputy for this part of the district. We congratulate Mr.Miller on his selection. He could not have made one more acceptable to thepeople on the "border tier" had he submitted it to their popularvote. Capt. Walker will make a deputy worthy of the chief, and that is sayinga great deal.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

JOSEPH P. HENDERSON, of Poplar Flat, Kentucky, called upon us this week.He arrived in Cowley a day or two since, and informs us that he receiveda copy of the Centennial issue of the COURIER last January, and at oncedecided to take a look at this country in May. He finds a better countrythan the COURIER represented it to be. Hereafter he will be one of us forweal or woe. He is an old acquaintance of Capt. McDermott's, and will visitaround Dexter for a few days.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

Our Oxford correspondent, writing on the 8th, says: "Friday nightand Saturday morning the big rain fell. It was between six and eight incheson the level. Usually quiet little ravines arose to a depth of fifteen feetin a few hours and swept away bridges, culverts, and roads. Lightning killedtwo horses for Mr. Houser, two miles south of town. Two mules standing inthe stable at the same time escaped unhurt. The stable, with fifteen bushelsof wheat, also plows, harrows, and other farming implements, were consumedby the fire. Mr. Kelly, living two miles northwest of town, had a mule killedby lightning. The wheat is not injured to any extent. Corn will be latein consequence of the heavy rain."

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

DIED. We are pained to chronicle the death of a little child of our estimablefellow citizen, John Easton. The child was playing near a wagon from whichthe driver was unloading wood at the residence of Mr. Kinne. The driver,unconscious that the child was near, started the team and a wheel passedover its little body. It got up, walked home, a distance of a square, andtold its mother that it was sick and wanted to go to bed. She asked it whereit was hurt. Putting its hand on its chest, it said: "The wagon hurtme here." These were the last words it uttered. It died in its mother'sarms the same instant. Dr. Black was called in, but the child was then beyondhuman surgery. He thinks the main artery leading to the heart was broken.Many friends express sorrow at the accident and sympathize with the griefstricken parents.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

Besides the usual amount of cases on the docket at the recent term ofcourt in Sumner County, there were several hard cases dancing attendance.One of these was Willis Jackson, the murderer of McDowell. He was tried,convicted of "murder in the first degree," and was sentenced byJudge Campbell last Friday. That night he escaped from his guards, and upto the present writing his not been caught. He ate breakfast, with his handcuffson, within two miles of Wellington, at the house of a farmer named DeArmen,and was not arrested by him. The authorities are still on his track andmay bring him in yet. R. M. Neil, who it will be remembered, shot and killedTurner on election day last fall, was acquitted. John Coffelt was convictedof embezzlement, but through the efforts of able counsel, secured a newtrial, and will probably get free. These are a few of the kind of casesthey have over in Sumner.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

The COURIER office shipped to A. T. Stewart, at Kansas City, this week,a box containing specimens of growing wheat and rye enveloped in fruit andforest leaves, and a splendid collection of garden flowers. The latter wereclipped from the beautiful front yard of Max Shoeb, and the wheat and ryefrom the field of Col. Manning. The wheat measured fifty-four and the ryesixty inches in length. The specimens will be exhibited at the Board ofTrade rooms in Kansas City and then forwarded to Philadelphia.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

Messrs. Kirby, Ireton, Weekly, and Weekly have returned from the BlackHills. They only got as far as Cheyenne. There transportation got to bea big thing. A walk from there to Custer City, two hundred and ninety miles,was not very inviting, especially when every canyon was liable to bristlewith "bloody Injuns." While they were at Cheyenne, the remainsof the Superintendent of the stage company line, between there and CusterCity, was brought in. He was killed by the Indians. All the stock was orderedoff the line. Hay is ten and corn fifteen cents per pound. Those who arein the Hills will likely stay there this summer. Their supplies will probablygo in on other than the Cheyenne route. The boys report that the U. S. troopsdo not protect the routesthat they have no orders to that effect, and ifthey had, there is not enough of them in that locality to do it. They aredisgusted with the Hills and have returned, per advice of the COURIER, todig wealth out of the coming golden wheat harvest. The actual experienceand information they got on the trip is all they have to show for the $130,per capita, expended.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

The stage from Wichita last Saturday got sandwiched between Spring andDog Creeks and the passengers, of which we were one, had to take to thewater to find dry land. Hack, horses, and everything went down in the mud.Through the efforts of our worthy local agent, Mr. Bangs, and "Tommy,"the driver, the mail and the females were transferred to a wagon and drivenback to El Paso for the night. In getting out of our difficulty, we happenedto drive over a field of wheat which was under water that belonged to anidiot on Dog Creek. He swam the creek and chased us on foot for about twomiles. That was all the good it did him, however, as we hadn't time to conversewith him. We saw him the next morning. He brandished a weapon in front ofthe stage and demanded "damages or blood." Bangs modestly butfirmly suggested that "This is the U. S. mail line. One man and oneshot gun has no legal right to delay these documents of importance; theseletters of business; and these epistles of love that are trying to reachtheir destination. Stand aside, my friend. Lay your troubles before specialmail agent Jno. M. Crowell. He will refer you to Senator Ingalls, he tothe Department at Washington, and it will give you redress." We droveon. The fellow sat down and cried. Bangs was too much for him.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

Monday morning the citizens of the west part of town were startled withthe cry of "Help! Help! Murder!!" Three men were seen scufflingon the street near Kirk's blacksmith shop. Sheriff Walker rushed to thescene, and found old man Horneman in the hands of two men, who were tryingto put him in a wagon. He was shouting vociferously and calling on the bystandersfor help. Dick enquired of the parties by what authority they were acting,and they showed him a warrant for Horneman properly signed by the authoritiesof Rice County. Having the proper credentials, they chucked the old manin the wagon, and hurried off towards Wichita. Dick hurried up to the officeof Pryor, who made immediate application to, and obtained of Judge Gans,a writ of habeas corpus. Armed with this and other necessaries, Dickstarted out after the kidnappers. A novel race ensued. The old man was pinionedto the lower deck of the wagon box by a two hundred pound deputy sheriffsitting on his broad chest, while the other sat upon the seat and drovefuriously. As Walker came in sight, they redoubled their speed, thinkingto reach the county line before him. They didn't know the man or the mettleof the little bay team that was slashing up behind them. He came up, haltedthem, and demanded the prisoner. They gave him up without any "backtalk." As Horneman, almost breathless, climbed into the buggy withDick, he shook his fist at the big Rice deputy man and said: "By shimminy,you don't sit on mine pelly so much now as before Valker came you did, eh!"The cause alleged for the arrest was that Horneman stole a horse up in Riceand brought it down here. The truth of the matter is this: Horneman hireda horse of Mr. Fitzsimmons, of Red Bud, loaned it to Tom Deering, who droveit up to Rice County and sold it. Horneman, having a chattel mortgage onthe horse, went up and got it. Then he was followed and arrested for stealingthe horse, as above stated. His trial will come off next Monday. The oldman's description of his ride, with the deputy sheriff sitting on him, wastoo funny for any use.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

Republican Work.

The following townships have reported the proceedings of last Thursday'sconventions.

Winfield Township caucus met at the Courthouse at 2 o'clock p.m.; M.G. Troup was selected as chairman and E. C. Manning, secretary. Thirteendelegates to the 88th District Convention were elected as follows: D. A.Millington, J. C. Monforte, M. G. Troup, A. H. Green, T. J. Jones, T. B.Myers, Geo. Robertson, Sam. Burger, C. A. Bliss, E. P. Kinne, J. L. King,J. P. McMillen, and E. C. Manning.

Silver Creek Township caucus elected Wm. May and A. P. Brooks as delegates,and selected a township central committee consisting of Sam Jarvis, chairman,T. P. Carter, and A. P. Brooks.

Harvey Township: R. C. Story, delegate. Township committee chosen: R.C. Story, chairman, W. F. Hall, secretary, and R. Strother.

Pleasant Valley Township: Committee chosen: C. J. Brane, chairman, SamuelWatt, secretary, and S. H. Sparks.


Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.


Every day we are asked by the farmers: "What are the news from therailroad?" Being in position to obtain the latest news we take pleasurein keeping them posted. Of the east and west road the situation seems tobe thus: A meeting is to be held at Lazette today to hear the report ofthe committees appointed by the local company. That committee was to havegone to Kansas City and confer with parties who proposed to back a localcompany. What that report will be we know not, but we hope for the best,though a report has reached us that no one has been found to furnish thenecessary money.

On the other hand, Mr. Hackney reports that at the meeting of the directors,to which he was sent by the people of Winfield, he was informed that theAtchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad company would build a road intothis county in time to remove this year's crop, or at farthest by January1st, 1877, if the people along the line would give them the right of wayand about $3,400 per mile in cash. A party of gentlemen started from Winfieldlast evening to meet the directors of that company at Wichita today to receivethe definite proposition in writing. This proposition will then be consideredby the people of the county, and if they think favorable of it, action willbe taken to put it into effect.


Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876. Editorial Page.

Let No Guilty Man Escape.

Gen. Rice branded Gen. Custer as a liar, and the latter has taken nosteps to disprove it or to avenge his wounded honor. A correspondent writesof Custer as follows:

Gen. George A. Custer, "hero of the lash," as he is quite fittinglydescribed by Ingersoll in his history of Iowa and the rebellion, on accountof his brutal whipping of Iowa soldiers on the Rio Grande long after theclose of the war, is quite likely to get more of this investigating businessthan he contracted for.

It turns out that the post-trader at Fort Lincoln had been for some timecashing Custer's drafts on the New York Herald, and the evidenceis becoming conclusive that he was himself the correspondent of the UpperMissouri River, who has been so soundly abusing Grant, Belknap, and hisother superior officers in direct violation of the articles of war. It appearsto be conclusive that he bankrupted one of his quartermasters at the gamingtable, which compelled that officer to dessert and flee the country, andthat he is in the habit of fleecing the other financial and bonded officersof his command, which is a penitentiary offense under the law.


Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876. Editorial Page.

In regard to the scheme for navigating the Arkansas River, the ChautauquaNews of the 29th, ult., says: Mr. Graverock passed through here lastweek on his way to St. Louis for the purpose of securing boats to run onthe Arkansas River from its mouth as far up as Wichita or Arkansas Cityat least. If this can be accomplished, it will be a grand thing for allthe country bordering upon that river. The immense amount of wheat grownin that country would then have a cheap outlet to the best markets in theworld, and build up a trade rarely equaled anywhere. This would make ArkansasCity an important, and soon, a very large city. Elk Falls Ledger.


Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

Newcomers every day.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

WALTER DENNING is city marshal.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

Dr. Black is building a commodious residence.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

The new tax law requires bankers to pay tax on deposits.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

Hackney returned from Topeka last Monday evening.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

Fuller's blackberry bushes are full of blossoms.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

Ice cream at Jim Hill's every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday evenings.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

Large quantities and several varieties of fish are dipped from the Walnutnow-days.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

The manure piles and garbage should be cleaned from the streets and alleysof Winfield.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

Fred Hunt is keeping up the abstract of title department of Curns &Manser's land office.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

The new sign on the brick bank is the biggest sign in the Walnut Valley.John Reed did the painting.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

Banker Read is spending lots of money and displaying good taste in theimprovements upon his residence property.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

We have heard several farmers scolding about the new tax law which taxescorn in the crib and pork in the barrel for use.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

The great rise in the Walnut lacked two feet of running over the banksof the stream at Moore's mill, nor did the water get into the mill.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

The Baptist church is being renovated and painted. A large flagstonehas taken the place of the rickety, plank platform at the entrance.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

We are told that Geo. Ballou, of Windsor Township, lost 7,000 bushelsof corn by the flood. It was in cribs with the husk on and was submerged.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

Capt. McDermott has four breaking teams running upon his farm, and willraise his bread another year.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

MR. L. MERICLE, from Knox County, Illinois, has purchased five quartersections of land in Bolton Township, and will sow 800 acres of wheat thereonthis season.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

The Richland Township boys now attribute the recent flood on Dutch Creekto the bursting of an escape valve on Tom Carson's double-back-action-wind-powerstock pump.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

Prof. J. W. Shively, principal of the Douglass schools, called upon usthis week. He reports the people in that vicinity in favor of a railroad,no matter where it comes from.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

The Republicans of Silver Dale Township selected for central committeethe following gentlemen: L. Lippmann, chairman; John Tipton, secretary;and William Herbertall good, active men.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

An incident of the high water in the Grouse Valley, near Dexter, wasthe refuge taken by fifteen persons, two mules, and three horses upon astraw stack to which they were driven, the water rising four feet `roundthe base.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

If there had been a fire in town lately, what fun there would have beenhunting up the city ladders and buckets. The painters have left them scatteredover town. The buckets are used for slop. We hope none of the city councilwill have any buildings ignited.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

The farmers of Grouse Valley suffered a great deal of damage by the floodof two weeks ago. The principal harm arises from the loss of plowed soiland planted corn. In many cases the current of high water swept across farmsand carried away whole fields of soil down to the unplowed dirt.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

Sheridan Township comes to the front with 2,500 acres of wheat, 2,575acres of corn. These "figures won't lie," as they were taken fromthe returns of Hank Clay, the "worthy and well qualified" townshipassessor. This is pretty good for Sheridan, considering the fact that itis one of the smallest townships in the county.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

FRED KROPP has completed his excursion boat, launched her above the bridge,and is now ready to accommodate all webb-footed pleasure seekers. For 25cents he will carry you up the river to Island No. 10 and swim you backfor nothing. The boat will carry eight persons. It is propelled by an Archimedeslever. Oars are dispensed with.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

BIG GAINS. The assessment rolls are not all in, but we have seen a fewof them. A very marked increase in the development of the county is shownover last year however. In the matter of winter wheat the largest gain isshown. In Rock, 4,435 against 2,051 in 1875; in Richland, 1,728 against764 in 1875; in Otter, 1,519 against 904 in 1875; in Beaver, 2,332 against1,434 in 1875.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

CAPT. S. C. SMITH, ex-Mayor of Winfield, returned to his "old love"last Saturday. He is now located at Los Angeles, California, and only comesback for a short visit. He still owns valuable property in our city andcounty, that the frowning, frozen peaks of the "Rockies" can'tkeep him from visiting annually. The Pacific air evidently agrees with him,as he is looking hale and hearty.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

Last Thursday evening Mrs. Amos Smith, of Pleasant Valley Township, lostone thousand bushels of corn, a cheap stable, and a lot of rails by fire.The fire originated by a lighted match that a young child put in the haynearby. It is a serious loss and comes at a trying time with her. The nextday we met Capt. Nipp on his way to her place with a wagon load of cornas a present.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

What might have proved a serious accident, but fortunately did not, happenedlast night to J. B. Lynn, of this city, and Dick Wilson and Mr. Huffman,two well-known "drummers," as they were crossing the Walnut ontheir return from Arkansas City. It seems that the west side of the fordis in a bad condition, having been washed out by the late flood, and inthe effort to avoid the bad place, they drove into a worse, upsetting thebuggy right on top of the pony, in some three feet of water. There was nohelp near, and but for the fact that the current was strong and swift, ourfriends must surely have drowned; but the force of the water turned thebuggy off of them and they scrambled out, little the worse for their narrowescape.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

[Frederick Brown Seeks Relatives.]

FORTY-FOUR YEARS LOST. The Osage City Free Press contains thefollowing.

"I, Frederick Brown, was born in Vermillion County, Illinois, inthe year 1827. My mother died when I was very young. My father's name wasWilliam. I had two brothers: one by the name of Eli, and one by the nameof Washington. As near as my recollection serves me, I also had two sisters:the name of one, I think, was Elizabeth, though I was so young I may bemistaken in the names given. My father gave me away to Robert Osborn andhis wife, Mary, four years after the death of my mother, and moved Eastwith the other four children. Robert Osborn moved to Bates County, Missouri,in 1838, where he now sleeps. There I lived thirty-four years, and finallymoved to Cowley County, Kansas, where I now live. If any person has anyrecord or knowledge of the above named people, they would confer a favorby giving me notice. My address is Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas. Allpapers in this State and others are requested to copy this notice once,and oblige


Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

Republican District Conventions.

Pursuant to call the Republican delegates from the townships of the 88thRepresentative District met in convention at the Courthouse in Winfieldlast Saturday.

On motion, W. B. Norman, of Maple, was chosen chairman, and Wm. White,secretary of the meeting.

After the usual formalities were disposed of, the delegates present proceededto vote for two delegates and two alternates to represent this districtin the State Convention, May 24, 1876. The choice fell upon D. A. Millingtonand E. P. Kinne, with respective alternates, as follows: Charles Eagen,of Rock, and J. M. Alexander, of Winfield.

All motions to adopt resolutions declaring for Presidential candidateswere tabled, though the meeting was strongly Blaine in sentiment.

On motion the following District Republican central committee was chosen:L. J. Webb, B. Shriver, and W. B. Norman.

On motion the convention adjourned sine die.

From the 89th District.

The Republican convention for the 89th district was held at Dexter, onthe 13th. On the assembling of the delegates, J. B. Callison, from SpringCreek, was chosen temporary chairman, and T. H. Aley, from Otter, was chosensecretary. The permanent organization resulted in the choice of T. R. Bryanas chairman, and T. H. Aley as secretary.

The delegates chosen to represent the district in the State conventionMay 24th were S. M. Fall, of Windsor, and S. P. Channell, of Arkansas City.

Alternates: A. A. Wiley, of Spring Creek and Fred Brown, of Beaver. Thefollowing persons were chosen Republican Central Committee for the district:Hon. James McDermott, chairman, C. R. Mitchell, C. W. Jones, T. H. Aleyand C. J. Brane.

Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, CowleyCounty, Kansas, on the 16th day of May, 1876.

FIRST COLUMN: Adams, Harriet; Burrow, Alice; Brown, Fannie; Brayman,A. L.; Becker, J. K.; Bousman, W. D.; Belote, Geo. C.; Cowley, T.; Cook,Richard; Cook, Thos. E.; Crab, J. P.; Dean, Henry Albert; Elkins, Wm. O.;Foreman, Mollie; Froman, C. E.; Howard, J. W.; Hitchcock, Mary; Houston,David; Holman, Joseph; Helm, Mrs. Alice; Hoover, Wm. P.; Holloway, Mrs.Sarah; Hamon, John; Icett, E. B.; James, Charley; King, Jennie; Landis,Rettie; Meece, Christiana.

SECOND COLUMN: Mullens, S. F.; Morris, T. W.; MaGinnis, T.; McCoy, Charles;McGinnis, Leatia; Mullen, Harvey; Melville, Mary J.; Mouser, M. A.; Mears,James; Miller, Elizabeth; Nichols, J. B.; Paul, Sim.; Pomeroy, E. H.; Province,Edward; Richardson, W. H.; Spencer, Albert; Smith, Sarah E.; Svendson, A.;Smith, Wm. Cass; Thompson, Flora; Thompson, Mr.; Thompson, Margaret; VanOrmer, Angelina; Whitaker, P. F.; Wickersham, Mr.; Wooden, C. H.; Woolley,John B. JAMES KELLY, P. M.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 25, 1876. Front Page.

Marriage Among the Choctaws.

The Indians talk little under any circumstances. Thus it is naturallysupposable that when a young fellow dons his best (which is generally setoff with a calico blouse, having large, flaming sleeves, and his hat stuckfull of feathers, with two or three yards of scarlet ribbon hanging downhis back), he would be about speechless by the time he arrived at the "oldman's" mansion.

After dismounting from his pony, he takes his position on the fence,and sits there till he sees his fair one at the door, when he grins audibly,and if she doeth likewise, he takes it for granted that he is welcome andgoes into the house, which generally consists of one room and contains allthe family, and therein he has to make his speech, which at the furthestamounts to three grunts.

His success depends very much upon an invitation to smoke by the fatherof the courted lass. If the "old man" has any respect for himhe lights his pipe, and after taking a whiff, hands it to the young man,who in turn takes a whiff, and so they proceed, whiff about. The lengthof time they smoke depends altogether on the esteem the father has for thebeau. After a certain number of such visits he finally musters up courageenough to say, "Che-te-ha-li- de-la-li-um-mi?" Which means, inEnglish, "Will you have me." If she says, "Ky-yo," whichmeans, "No," he takes himself off. If she gives a grunt, the preparationsare made.

On the day appointed for the wedding, the groom arrives on a pony, andleading another that has a side-saddle for the bride. On arriving at thehouse, without dismounting, he fastens her pony to the fence, and then ridesoff a short distance in the direction they are to go. Shortly the bridesteps out, dressed in the height of fashiona new calico dress, a white pockethandkerchief round the neck, and a large red one tied over the head andears, and a pair of new shoes across her arms, which she puts on just beforereaching the parson's. As soon as she mounts her pony, the man starts on,and she follows from 50 to 200 yards behind. On arriving at the parsonagehe gets off, ties his horse, and goes into the house and makes his businessknown. By this time the lady arrives, dismounts, secures her horse, andgoes to the house, leans herself on the side of it near the door, and patientlywaits till someone discovers her and bids her enter. All things being inreadiness, the minister, who is usually a white missionary, motions thecouple to stand up, and performs the ceremony in English, which is aboutas intelligible to them as Greek; but when the minister stops talking, theydepart, leaving the poor clergyman without fee or thanks.

They usually go to the husband's parents and stay about a year beforeattempting the arduous duties of "housekeeping." After gettingmarried, a Choctaw does as they do in Indianathat is, if he doesn't likethe squaw, he gets a divorce, which is granted on the most frivolous pretext.Cheyenne Leader.


Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

Silver Creek Township.

The most of the farmers have finished planting corn, and some are plowingtheir corn.

There has been a great deal of hedge put out this spring, and the seasonhas been very favorable for it so far.

Silver Creek sets up the claim to the best hedged farm in Cowley County.James Jackson has a hedge around his entire quarter, with a lane throughthe center, with two cross fences enclosing a pasture, all of which nowturn stock, and already dispenses with herding.

We have several settlers from Illinois among us this spring; among them,Mr. Clark, from southern Illinois, who informs us that several of his neighborsthere think of settling in Cowley the present season.

John Leach is getting up a very comfortable residence on his farm nearthe center of the township.

Eugene Millard is teaching the school in the Brooks district.

Mr. Hall is doing a great deal of prairie breaking; he turns over thesod with two good breaking teams.

Rev. D. Thomas preached to a very large congregation last Sabbath atthe Jarvis schoolhouse. The Elder is the traveling missionary for the SouthwesternAssociation.

Harvey Smith is building a good stone smoke-house, preparatory to smokinga large amount of bacon which he has on hand. SILAS JEEMS.


Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876. Editorial Page.


The President and Directors of the A. T. & S. F. railroad led thepeople of the Walnut Valley to believe that they would, last Friday, atWichita, state definitely the time and terms within and upon which theywould build a railroad down the valley. They did not do it, however. M.G. Troup, D. A. Millington, W. P. Hackney, C. A. Bliss, and E. C. Manningwent to Wichita to learn definitely what the purpose of the railroad companywas. A delegation of citizens from each of the following places was thereahead of the directors to interview them: Emporia, Cottonwood Falls, Florence,Butler County, Sumner County, and Cowley County. The special train bearingthe railroad authorities arrived about 6 p.m. About 8 p.m. the delegationsfrom Butler and Cowley counties were granted an interview. The President,Mr. Nickerson, then informed the Walnut Valley party that their companywas not prepared to say what they would do about building a road down theValley, but that in thirty or sixty days they would be able to saywhether they would or would not build the road, and upon what terms.Upon receiving this highly satisfactory (?) information, the W. V. delegationhumbly took their hats and withdrew.

Each of our readers may guess what had possessed these fellows to sayat Topeka the week before that they would state a definite proposition atWichita, which might be accepted or rejected by the Walnut Valley people,and then when the appointed time came, to say they were not ready. We havea guess of our own, but as it is only a guess, we will not give it.


Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.


The readers of the COURIER know that it earnestly desires a railroad.It has encouraged every step taken to promote the construction of a railroadinto Cowley County. No matter who suggested the movement; no matter whatdirection the proposed road was to come from; no matter what gauge; no matterwhat price, the COURIER has been for a railroad. The people need it; thecounty needs it; every interest languishes for it, except the interest onmoney. The interest on money has no interest in a railroad.

Now that all projects to get a railroad into Cowley County have failed,let us look at the situation. The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe companywill not aid in the construction of a road into this valley for the verygood reason that they already do the carrying business of this region. Noroad from the north can come into this county for the following reason:Emporia, Cottonwood Falls, Florence, and Peabody want to be each the startingpoint, and three of them will fight any enterprise that starts from thefourth. At Eldorado the A., T. & S. F. company has secret servants employedto defeat any project hostile to their interests. The people of Butler Countycannot unite on any one enterprise. No road can be built without local aid.Owing to jealousies, traitors, local strifes, the Emporia disorganizersand the two-thirds vote, we must turn our backs upon everything tothe north of us. What next?

Let us turn our eyes eastward. Humboldt is within one hundred miles ofthis place. The M., K. & T. railroad is to be built across to Ft. Scottfrom Humboldt. The L., L. & G. railroad already runs direct from Humboldtto Kansas City and Leavenworth. The people along the line can build a roadfrom here to Humboldt if they but say they will. Will they say it? Yes,as soon as they realize that they must themselves take hold of the enterprise.And this is the truth. No one will build it for them. They can and theymust build it themselves.


Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876. Editorial Page.

TISDALE, May 22, 1876.

Tisdale is dead this summer, not much improvement going on.

Jas. Napier has bought the entire stock of goods of D. B. Creek and takenthe position behind the counter.

J. A. McGuire has just received a new stock of ladies' hats, and theyoung ladies are coming out in flying colors.

The wheat in this locality looks well, although the red rust has struckit.

J. Smith, Barney Shriver, and Levi Bullington have started to St. Louiswith their cattle.

Tisdale is redeeming herself; we have a preacher, and have preachingevery two weeks. Rev. Stewart is a young man, but a good preacher, and ismaking friends wherever he goes.

What has become of our railroad? Did they butt it off the track at Lazettelast Thursday? What railroad will we introduce next?

Quite a number of strange faces in town last week hunting a location,and S. S. Moore is always ready to show them where they can get cheap homes,rich soil, and good water.

Thos. McGuire has been limping around for sometime with a sprained ankle,but is able to be behind the counter again.

Paul Pry, of Sheridan, has got up quite a breeze over in Sheridan.

The COURIER was in big demand last week at and around Mount Contention.

The revival in Sheridan has been going on for sometime; quite a numberhave joined the church, and several rose for prayers on last Sunday night.


Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876. Editorial Page.

From Sheridan Township.

We are living in peace and dwelling in harmony and brotherly love inthe valley at this time. Everything is peaceable. Even the dogs have ceasedto fight, and the bedbugs no longer make their meal on our poor carcasses.

Sheridan will have a large yield of wheat this season.

Barney Shriver has a very nice 140 acre wheat field.

Sol. Smith says he wants no more flood in his, but says he will nevergo back on Kansas.

William Whitehead has sold a part of his farm to his nephew, G. W. Whitehead.

Mr. Saunders has moved off his valley farm to a claim taken by his sonon the ridge west of Silver.

Parties east of Silver contemplate the organization of a stock companyto bore for coal. Hope they may not "bore" in rain. PAUL PRY.


Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

Green peas. New potatoes. Strawberries. Linen coats are in order. Itrained last Friday night too.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

The mills are all running again.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

THE AVENUE is the best hotel in the city.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

Indians are on the streets again. "Pony swap," in order.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

The Frazee Bro.'s are improving a nice little farm down on Posey Creek.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

JAMES STEWART, of this place, has opened a livery stable at Howard City.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

FIN GRAHAM started to Wichita yesterday with several loads of prime wheat.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

The Winfield schools close for the summer tomorrow.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

JOHNNY BRYAN hauled six loads of wheat to Wichita last week. He wantsa railroad too.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

Mrs. W. M. Boyer will start East on a visit to friends in New York Statenext Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

T. J. COATS, of Windsor Township, filled a morocco covered chair in oursanctum one day last week.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

THOS. BAKER has moved his barber shop to Arkansas City, and will competewith that carpenter down there.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

Four bushels of strawberries have been engaged for the strawberry andice cream festival next Tuesday evening.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

T. A. WILKINSON has sold over eight thousand dollars worth of farm machineryfor Myton during the past thirty days.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

County Attorney Pyburn has returned from the Democratic State Convention.He reports it enthusiastic but not harmonious.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

The "brick block" at Arkansas City is still progressing. Messrs.Channell & Haywood will only build their half one story high for thepresent.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

MR. J. B. LYNN informs us that his six thousand bushels of corn standingin the crib has received great damage by the recent heavy rains.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

We will publish a complete statistical report of the county by townshipsnext week as taken from the trustees' returns. Send a copy to your wife'speople.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

The editor's table was made glad with a large dish of ripe strawberriesfrom Capt. Lowrey's garden, gathered by the enterprising ladies of thatmusical household.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

DAVE DALE and Mc. D. Stapleton, two of the Lazette Grangers, and thebest shots on the wing (fried chicken wing), in the Grouse Valley, werein town Sunday.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

COL. ALEXANDER started for Topeka Monday morning, to attend the RepublicanConvention as alternate for Mr. E. P. Kinne. He will go from there to theExposition.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

We understand that Messrs Hackney and McDonald have purchased of Col.Alexander the beautiful and sightly mound at the head of Ninth Avenue, justeast of town.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

OWEN F. BOYLE ("Tony") came in on the stage, from the north,this week. Many clubs stood ready to welcome him, particularly the Baziqueclub. Tony looks well. He `aint married yet.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

Now we are anxious to go to the Exposition since learning that a Winfieldman is there selling persimmon beer. Tarrant, the British baker, is there.Who wouldn't be an English man?

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

The Oxford Independent, a new paper by Rev. John Blevins, willappear at the little town over at the end of the bridge sometime this month.We are anxious to see it. Hurry it up, Leonard.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

A Strawberry and ice cream festival will be given at the Courthouse onnext Tuesday evening, May 30th, by the Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterianchurch. All are invited to attend.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

JOHN NICHOLS has whitewashed his shop and made sundry other improvements,which puts it in the lead of other tonsorial rooms of this city. There beingtwo other shops, he has plenty of time to whet his razors. Go see him.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

Over thirty wagons passed through here last week en route for Arizona.They were from Arkansas. They contained a class of people who will neverget back. We are glad they didn't stop here. If Arkansas don't want them,Kansas certainly does not.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

JASPER COCHRAN came out the first best in a fight with a huge copperhead,near the mill one day last week. Snakes are numerous about the timber thistime of the year.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

COUNTY CLERK TROUP has been busily "footing up" the returnsof the several township trustees this week. The "population" columnis what interests him. 9,999 persons entitles him to a salary of $1,200,while 10,000 would give him $1,500. You see it is a $300 "foot up"with him.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

We are pleased to note that Dr. W. R. Davis has purchased the Swain landnear town. It is a valuable tract for suburban residences, containing 154acres. This looks as though the Dr. had become a permanent citizen, a hopewe have often heard expressed since our people formed his acquaintance.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

It is said that our young friend, Ed. Holloway, besides being an activeclerk in the great Dry Goods store of J. B. Lynn & Co., is engaged inHorticultural pursuits. If he is as successful in this enterprise as hisemployers are in theirs, it won't be long until we'll expect an invitationto visit his several Homes.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

A day spent with Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Pruden, at their River View farm,near Salt City, last week, convinces us that native Ohioans are the mostgenial, sociable, hospitable, and energetic people on the top of this "oblatespheroid." The Pruden Brothers own nearly a thousand acres of land,half of which is in cultivation; two farm-houses, one of which, a two storybrick, cost $3,800; blooded stock, and improved farm machinery enough torun a small Earldom. They will sow over five hundred acres of wheat nextfall, and probably erect a mill at a large spring on their farm, with whichto convert it into the staple of life. This is what we call broad gaugedfarming.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

BIRTH OF TWINS. Their many friends here will be glad to learn that Mr.and Mrs. E. SPENCER BLISS have been blessed with not only a son and heir,but in addition a daughter and heiress. The Centennial pair arrived on the5th instant., and their combined avoirdupois tips the beam at seven andone-half pounds. Mr. and Mrs. Bliss are doubtless the happiest couple inthe Empire State.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

Tuesday morning Mr. James Baldwin, accompanied by his friends, JosephHenderson and A. H. Thompson, left for Vermillion County, Illinois. Theyhave been all over south- western Kansas, and they pronounce Cowley thebest county they have seen. They will return this fall with a large flockof sheep, purchase land in the Grouse Valley, and go into sheep raisingextensively. We wish them a safe journey home and a speedy return to Cowley.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

The Winfield Tunnel Mills sold thirty-six thousand pounds of flour toa Wichita firm last Saturday, and could have sold as much more if it hadbeen on hand. It will be delivered this week. Wichita mourns the loss ofthe dam of the Little Arkansas water mill. The boiler of her steam millis in dry dock for repairs. If it were not for the "outlying provinceof Cowley," a flour famine would be upon the kingdom of Wichita. Andstill we have no railroad.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

One day this week Mr. A. B. Odell, of Ninnescah Township, suffered quitea heavy loss by fire. His hay, corn, stable, and pigpen, with several hogs,were burned. The fire was set in the hay by his little four-year old boy,who was "roasting an egg," as he said. As soon as the hay gotfairly to burning, realizing, in a degree what he had done, the boy rushedin and asked his mother for a drink of water. She gave it to him, and insteadof drinking it, he ran out and threw it on the burning hay stack. This wasthe first his mother knew of the fire. The damage to Mr. Odell is not lessthan a hundred dollars.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

E. H. BELCHER, writing from Cheyenne, on the 13th inst., to Mr. Bangs,of this city, says: "This place is nearly dead. I shall leave for Coloradoin a few days. Men are leaving the Black Hills by the hundreds. A partyof one hundred arrived here yesterday. The Indians are killing men and stealingstock daily. I would not be surprised if they should clean out Custer Citybefore long. I think there will be good mines found when the Indians arequieted down, but we will have a h__l of a fight before we get them quiet.If you, or anyone else who has any idea of coming out here, are making aliving where you are, you had better stay there. Wait until next year anyway."

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

Fourth of July Meeting.

The citizens of Winfield will meet at the Courthouse at 7:30 p.m., Saturday,to discuss the question of celebrating the Fourth at Winfield. Let therebe a good turn out. This notice is issued at the request of several citizens.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

WHAT Cowley County is to the State, Bolton Township is to Cowley County,the banner wheat raising district. Unless a farmer has over sixty acresof wheat, his field is called a "patch." A. A. Newman & Co.will harvest 200 acres; Reuben Bowers, 187; Henry Pruden, 165; Frank Lorry,150; E. B. Kager, 150; Oscar Palmer, 150; the Beard Bros., 100, and we don'tknow how many farmers 50 and 75 acre fields of the best wheat in the State.The majority of the farmers will use "Headers," thus saving theexpense of binding and shocking the grain. Of course, Bolton wants a railroad.We were told by one of her leading citizens that the township would notcast three dissenting votes to any railroad bond proposition that the Commissionersmight submit, whether east, west, north, or south, it matters not to them,they all want a railroad.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

Vernon Township.

Corn is most all up in this vicinity and looks fine.

Wheat is in blossom and some in the milk; I think it will yield thirtybushels to the acre.

Rye looks very well; a neighbor of mine sowed some on the prairie lastfall that I think will make fifteen bushels to the acre, but it was sowedvery late.

Everybody is breaking more ground to put in wheat.

One man north of here is sowing ten acres of flax.

People are all talking railroad up this way.

Wm. Barton killed a striped ground squirrel the other day, and made apost mortem of it, and found sixteen more almost ready to hatch. Beat thatif you can. O. May 23, 1876.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

City Council Proceedings.
WINFIELD, KAN., May 15th, 1876.

City Council met in regular session at the Clerk's office, May 15th,1876.

Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; M. G. Troup, A. B. Lemmon, and T. B.Myers, Councilmen; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.

Minutes of previous meeting was read and approved.

The bond of R. Ehret as a dram shop keeper in the city of Winfield wasread and approved as to its security.

The bond of Joseph Likowski as a dram shop keeper in the city of Winfieldwas read and approved by the council.

The bond of Walter Deming, as Marshal in and for the city of Winfield,was read and approved by the council.

A bill of E. R. Evans, of five dollars, for services as deputy city marshal,from 5 o'clock p.m., May 12th, to 4 o'clock a.m., May 14th, 1876, was readand on motion was laid on the table.

Bill of B. F. Baldwin, forty-two and forty one hundredth dollars, forservices as city clerk and stationery for the city, was read and approvedand ordered paid.

On motion of M. G. Troup the Council adjourned. B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.

For Sale.

A quarter section of fine land, two miles east of Winfield, for salecheap. Will take a good team in part payment. Inquire of A. B. LEMMON.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 1, 1876.

Sam Wood has gone bag and baggage to the San Juan mines.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

You may count the wheat crop of Cowley as assured. The splendid weatherof the past week has done the business.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.


In another column will be found a statement showing the population andresources of Cowley county.

Ten thousand and twenty people!

One hundred and three thousand acres of improved land!

Thirty-eight thousand and seven hundred acres of winter wheat!

Over thirty thousand acres of corn!

Eighty three hundred acres of oats!

One thousand acres of potatoes!

Four hundred thousand fruit trees growing outside of nurseries!

In a county only six years old the 28th day of last February!

Never did wheat look so promising. If a crop ever averaged twenty-sixbushels to the acre, this year's crop will. This will give the 1,000,000bushels we have prophesied.

The corn will turn out 1,250,000!

The oats 350,000 bushels!

The potatoes 150,000 bushels!

These crops alone would load a train of two horse wagons two hundredand forty one miles long.

They would load nearly four thousand railroad cars!

And still we have no railroad!!!

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

Item skipped entitled "Statistics of Population and Growing Cropsof 1876 and Productions of Cowley County for the Year ending March 1st,1876.

AFTER TABULATIONS: In addition to the foregoing there are in the countyof other products, 49 acres of spring wheat; 32 acres of barley; 21 acresof buckwheat; 28 acres of sweet potatoes, but which are added into the potatototal above; 4 acres of castor beans; 9 acres of cotton; 362 acres of flax;1 acre of hemp; 13 acres of tobacco; 47 acres of broom corn; 25 acres oftimothy; 42 acres of clover; 99 acres of blue grass; 113 acres of fruitnurseries; 35 acres of vineyard; 1,512 bearing apple trees; 763 bearingpear trees; 60,864 bearing peach trees; 272 bearing plum trees; 1,108 bearingcherry trees; and 340,704 fruit trees of all descriptions set out and notbearing.

Garden produce marketed last year, $2,837.00; poultry and eggs marketed,$2,284.00; cheese manufactured, 648 pounds; butter, 185,327; value of animalsslaughtered or sold for slaughter, $81,092.

The number of horses in the county March 1st, 1876, 4,074; mules, 707;milch cows, 3,658; other cattle, 7,168; sheep, 3,919; swine, 7,139.

Total valuation, $1,887,678.50.

Winfield Township valuation is over one-fifth of the same, being $380,967.

And still we have no railroad.


Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.


There are several ways to make money besides working for it. The followingtransaction may be considered as one of the ways.

In Feb. 14, 1876, one Orvid Hitchcok, who used to live in this county,near the north line, in Richland Township, but now of parts unknown, madea deed to Chester J. Gage of a tract of land in this county, described asfollows: N. W. 1/4 of sec. 5, town 30, range 5 east, for the considerationof five hundred dollars.

Chester J. Page, on the same day, deeded the land to Silas H. Hamilton,of McDonough County, Illinois, for five hundred dollars in money and otherproperty.

On March 30th Hamilton, representing himself as being of St. Louis County,Missouri, sold to Geo. W. Newman for thirty-five hundred dollars, and onApril 24th Newman sold to John M. Case for four thousand dollars.

The land is represented in the deed as having two dwelling houses, abarn, two hundred and fifty fruit trees and other substantial improvementsupon it. It would seem by this that Cowley County land was in good demandaway from home.

It so happens, however, that the land is an inferior tract of land adjoiningthe Butler County line, has no improvements upon it, and belongs to theGovernment, it having never been entered.

It would be full as well for men having money to invest in Cowley Countyland to visit the premises themselves and then obtain title abstracts.


Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

Last Saturday, pursuant to call, the citizens of Winfield met at theCourthouse and organized a meeting by calling D. A. Millington to the chairand electing C. M. McIntire secretary.

After deliberation as to what steps should be taken to appropriatelycelebrate the 4th of July of the Centennial year, the following committeewas appointed to draft a plan of proce dure and report to a meeting of citizenslast night: James Kelly, J. P. Short, C. M. McIntire, W. B. Gibbs, and W.C. Robinson.

At the appointed hour, Wednesday evening, the meeting assembled at theCourthouse and organized by selecting C. A. Bliss, chairman, and J. E. Allenas secretary. The committee made a report which, after some amendments madeby the meeting, was finally adopted.

Gen'l Supt.: Prof. A. B. Lemmon.

County Historian: W. W. Walton.

Committee of Arrangements: C. M. Wood, M. L. Bangs, W. B. Vandeventer,John Lowry, J. D. Cochran.

Committee on Programme: H. D. Gans, E. P. Kinne, James Kelly, B. F. Baldwin,W. M. Allison.

Committee on Speakers: E. C. Manning, L. J. Webb, Chas. McIntire.

Committee on Finance: W. C. Robinson, W. P. Hackney, O. F. Boyle, M.G. Troup, J. C. Fuller.

Committee on Music: J. D. Pryor, Mrs. W. D. Roberts, Miss Mollie Bryant.

Committee on Toasts: A. J. Pyburn, J. E. Allen, J. P. Short, Dr. J. Hedrick.

Committee on Stand: W. E. Tansey, T. B. Myers, W. B. Gibbs.

Committee on Decoration: Frank Gallotti, John Swain, I. Randall, MaryStewart, Jennie Greenlee, Ada Millington, Mrs. Rigby, Mrs. Mansfield.

Committee on Invitation: D. A. Millington, L. C. Harter, J. B. Lynn,C. A. Bliss, J. P. McMillen, H. S. Silver, A. H. Green, S. S. Majors, C.M. Scott, T. B. McIntire, R. C. Haywood, J. L. Abbott, John Blevins, T.R. Bryan, H. C. McDorman, Mc. D. Stapleton, S. M. Fall, J. Stalter, Wm.White, S. S. Moore, Jno. McGuire, H. P. Heath, J. O. Van Orsdol, G. B. Green,W. B. Skinner, J. W. Millspaw.

Committee on Fireworks: G. S. Manser, T. K. Johnson, C. C. Haskins.

Meeting adjourned to meet at the call of the General Superintendent.


Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876. Editorial Page.


The Republicans of Richland Township met at Floral schoolhouse May 23,for the purpose of organizing a township central committee. A. J. Jarviswas chosen chairman and Robt. Thirsk secretary of the meeting. The meetingthen proceeded to elect the following committee: James O. Vanorsdal, DanielMaher, and H. H. Hocker.

The newly organized committee of Beaver Township consists of F. Brown,chairman, C. W. Roseberry, secretary, and T. W. Morris.


Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876. Editorial Page.

From Tisdale.

Tisdale is beginning to look up. We had a fight here this morning, theonly one we have had here for a long time. A Dexterite came over to ourblacksmith shop and was only here a few minutes when he gave the lie toone of our Tisdale captains. Cap. went for him heavy, but Dexter outranhim, and finally found protection under the roof of Squire Handy. Cap. wascaptured and led prisoner to the town hall, where he had to play to thetune of two twenty-five.

Rattlehead tried his combative powers on a cow a few days ago, came outsecond best, and has been going on crutches ever since.

Our drug store has changed handsbeing now owned and run by James Napier& Co. Drugs and groceries sold cheap.

The excitement over an East and West railroad through our county is highin this place. Our principal businessmen will attend the railroad meetingat Arkansas City on Monday next. Yours, etc., SKIPPER. May 26, 1876.


Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876. Editorial Page.

We want a standard gauge railroad, will aid a narrow gauge, but are boundto have something. Traveler.

Last Monday was the day for the Arkansas City boat to leave Zanesville,Ohio. It will probably take four weeks to make the trip, going via of theOhio to Cairo, then down the Mississippi to the Arkansas, then up the Arkansasatotal distance of probably 3,000 miles. Traveler, May 31, 1876.

The offer the L., L. & G. company has to make to Elk and Cowley countiesis, in a nutshell: "You grade, bridge, tie, and iron the road, andwe will put on the rolling stock and operate it." That day has goneby, gentlemen. We don't propose to build a mill race to give you the useof the water. Traveler.


Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

Goods, low down, at Bliss'.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

Old potatoes sell for 75 cents per bushel.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

Cowley County contains 60,864 bearing peach trees.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

Winfield was visited by a party of Gypsies this week.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

The incoming County Treasurer, Bryan, called Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

The returns show 362 acres of flax growing in Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

Flour, 2 X, $1.80; 3 X, $2.40, at Bliss'.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

Mr. A. DEAN is making brick south of town for the Presbyterian church.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

IRV. RANDALL is building himself a nice residence in the southwest cornerof town.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

SHENNEMAN has returned from Ft. Smith, Ark. He brings some good horsesthis time.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

Deeds can now be found at Manning & Walton's office for lots in theValley View Cemetery.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

Messrs. Platter, Fuller, and Thompson have purchased a header for theirextensive wheat fields.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

It is time something was being done about replacing the bridges acrossthe Walnut River and Timber Creek.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

Now is your time to buy flour cheap for cash at Bliss'.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

Rev. A. H. Croco, a theological student from New York, will occupy Rev.Platter's pulpit during his trip east.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

The strawberry festival on Tuesday evening at the Courthouse was wellattended and the receipts amounted to $56.55.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

Hon. Wm. Martin graced our sanctum with a friendly call Monday and gavegood report of crops and times in Vernon.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

Cowley County has over 400,000 fruit trees set out into orchards. Somebodyhas been busy during the past five years.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

Capt. Hunt broke fourteen acres of prairie last week with one pair ofmules. He handled the reins himself. He's a Granger.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

The first number of the Oxford Independent, by John Blevins, isbefore us. It is a very fair looking paper, and we wish it success.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

SAM JARVIS, one of the "old timers" from Silver Creek, camein Saturday and presented the names of four of his neighbors who wantedto read the COURIER for the next twelve months.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

It is thought by some that Mr. Menor, who left here for the Black Hillslast fall, was one of the forty killed by the Indians lately. Nothing definiteis known of him since the last of March.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

Charley Black and wife start for the Centennial today. He takes along500 business cards with a description of the resources of Cowley Countyprinted upon the back of them for


Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

SQUIRE WALK walked in upon us Tuesday and notified us that the 1598 acresof winter wheat in Maple Township was free from rust, and would soon takethe rust off the sickles of that neighborhood.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

MASTER AD. POWERS left this week for the home of an uncle in Wisconsin.He thinks a cooler clime would be more congenial to his comfort during thesummer months. The boys will miss him.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

JOHN FUNK has returned from the Black Hills a fatter, sadder, and wiserman. He pronounces the hills a failure. He will settle down to the slowbut sure process of digging wealth out of Cowley County soil.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

The many friends of Tom Blanchard, Joe Stansberry, and Ben Murphy willbe gratified to know that they have arrived safely at Deadwood Gulch, 80miles north of Custer City, and are taking out plenty of gold.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

RICHARD COURTRIGHT, from Otter, called Tuesday, He reports the constructionof a new schoolhouse in District 66. The house is a neat frame building,20 by 26 feet in size, and well finished, and cost only $450 in bonds.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

DEMPSY ELLIOTT, Esq., the owner of one of the finest farms in the GrouseValley, dropped in last week to see how the COURIER boys run the old machine.We presume he was satisfied, as he didn't suggest any radical changes.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

Counter stools for the ladies to sit on while they talk to the obligingattendants at McMillen & Shields', is the latest city air in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

SAM WATT, one of the "old settlers" of Pleasant Valley Township,went home the other night with a new suit of clothes on and a COURIER inhis pocket, and he had to identify himself before his family would recognizehim. He was greatly changed.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

GONE TOP. Quite a delegation from Winfield started this week for theCentennial. On Wednesday M. L. Read and wife, M. L. Robinson and wife, FrankWilliams, Mrs. Maris and granddaughter, Mrs. Powers, Mrs. Boyer, Mrs. Mullen,and J. C. Franklin lit out.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

T. R. CARSON, of Richland, called last Tuesday to let us know that Richlandhad not seceded from the union of Cowley. His windmill is still in successfulmotion. He will put in two hundred acres of wheat this fall. No rust onthe wheat in that locality.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

COUNTY ATTORNEY PYBURN carries his right hand in a sling on account ofa severe cut in the palm, whereby two arteries were severed. The wound wasreceived in an attempt to twist the glass cork out of a perfume bottle,the neck of the bottle breaking and cutting the hand that held it.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

S. M. FALL and P. M. PICKERING walked into our office to chat over what"might have been" in railroads, and to say that Windsor was redhot for anything to break the present


Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

A. A. WILEY, Esq., of Spring Creek, one of the most enterprising andwealthiest stockmen in the county, visited with us last week. He had justreturned from Kansas City, where he had been with a drove of cattle. Hereports the wheat east of the flint hills damaged much by flood and wetweather.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

SQUIRE NORMAN, of Maple, visited us. He reports that the growing of redclover, blue grass, and timothy are a great success with him. His cloveris knee high and ripening; his blue grass fifteen inches high and seeding;timothy two feet and a half high, with heads four to six inches long. Thetimothy is not full grown. The soil is upland.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

Attention is called to the card of the new law firm of Messrs. L. J.Webb and E. S. Torrance in this issue. These gentlemen are so well knownin our county that it would be useless to say that they will command a goodpractice.

NOTICE SHOWED: Office upstairs, over Mrs. Howard's Millinery Store, Winfield,Kansas.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

W. E. DOUD, an old typo of this office, now editor and proprietor ofthe Censorial, published at Eureka, Kansas, has been visiting oldfriends in this vicinity for the past several days. He attended the strawberryfestival at the courthouse Tuesday night, and is now ready to weather outanother summer on the flint hills of Greenwood. Of course, he waxed thatmoustache in the pastepot of the COURIER office immediately after arriving.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

JUDGE McDONALD arrived from Sumner County yesterday with his family andhousehold effects. On the way over, and about six miles this side of Wellington,he alighted from his buggy to lessen the weight in passing a bad crossingwhile Mrs. McDonald and son remained in the buggy. The team leaped overthe bad place in the road and pitched the vehicle forward with such forceas to break the coupling, and frighten the team, which ran away draggingthe broken buggy and frightened occupants behind them. In some unex- plainedway, Mrs. McDonald and son, after being carried quite a distance, slippedout to the ground without serious injury. The team ran until disengagedfrom the buggy, which had become quite a wreck.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

The Butler County papers chronicle the arrival of a steam thresher inthis county, and hurrah it up as the first in the southwest. Not so fast,boys! The Nixon brothers, of Vernon Township, in this county, had a steamthresher here in March last, and will blow the whistle on the streets ofWinfield this week. They commence threshing June 20th at the Slemmons farm,west of town, and are to set down by J. B. Holmes' four hundred acre wheatfield June 26th. W. H. Grow, of Rock Township, has ordered a steam thresheralso. We guess that Cowley will claim the honor of having the first steamthresher in southwest Kansas. You may beat us on a "bob-tail"whistle, but we will hear the thresher whistle first. Next.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.

Our Winfield Schools.

The Winfield Public Schools closed a nine month's term last Friday. Tosee how the "rising generation" was taught to shoot ideas in ourcity, we visited, in the order named, the Higher, Intermediate, and PrimaryDepartments last Thursday. The school never having been visited by an "itemchaser," it is not necessary to say that one was not expected at thattime. We found the "house in order" however, and the floor occupiedby Prof. Lemmon, and a corps of handsome young ladies engaged in a hand-to-blackboardcontest with "tenths, hundredths, thousandths," and that little"period" that causes so much trouble with amateurs in decimalfractions. They soon proved themselves mistresses of the situation. . .. We next paid a visit to the INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT, presided over bythat successful teacher, Miss Jennie Greenlee. . . .

Now we come to the PRIMARY DEPARTMENT, in charge of Miss Ada Millington.This is the most difficult department to manage in any public school. .. . Though her first school, Miss Millington has proven what her friendspredicted, that she would make a very successful teacher.

Students Mentioned.

Miss Laura McMillen was most punctual in attendance.

The following students passed the required examinations and receivedteacher's certificates: Misses Mary E. Lynn, Maggie Stansberry, Kate Gilleland,Sarah Bovee, Amy Robertson, Ray Nauman, Iowa Roberts, C. A. Winslow, andMrs. Estes.

Names of students worthy of special mention at the examination at theclose of the school year:

"A" Class Arithmetic: Mary E. Lynn, Emily Roberts, and SamuelE. Davis.

"B" Class Arithmetic: Minerva Martin, Nannie McGee, LuzettaPyburn, and Alice Pyburn.

"C" Class Arithmetic: Lizzie Kinne, Rosella Stump, and AnnaHunt.

"B" Class Geography: Mollie Davis, Emily Roberts, Alice Pyburn,Nannie McGee, Minerva Martin, Ida McMillen, and Jennie Haine.

U. S. History: Harry McMillen and Emily Roberts.

"B" Class Grammar: Mollie Davis, Luzetta Pyburn, and MinervaMartin.

"A" Class Grammar: Emily Roberts and Mary E. Lynn.

The following named students of the Intermediate Department receivedprizes for good standing in their classes: 1st Fourth Reader, Minnie Stewart;2nd Fourth Reader, Alfred Tarrant; Third Reader, Eddie Bullene; 1st Spellingclass, Hattie Andrews; 2nd Spelling class, Ada Hudson; 3rd Spelling class,May Manning.


Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

Over seventy-seven percent of the people of Cowley County are engagedin agricultural pursuits.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

Maj. N. A. Adams, of Manhattan, visited Winfield this week. He was badlytaken back with this country. His notions of Kansas were always large andhopeful, but this particular section surprised him. He will have some bigstories to tell the Manhattan boys when he goes home. We have known Maj.Adams for twelve years, at which time he ran against a fellow named Manningfor State Senator and was scooped. During all these years we have ever foundhim a generous, honorable, and wholesouled man. He aspires to a very honorableand responsible position and would make a good Governor of Kansas.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

The Walnut Valley Times, of last issue, contains a column of wordsin response to the announcement made in the COURIER recently, that we wouldno longer spend time and money in an endeavor to induce the constructionof a railroad into Cowley County from the north. The column of words referredto is intended to be offensive and defensiveoffensive to the COURIER editorand defensive of the Times' purpose to continue working for an extensionof the A. T. & S. F. road into the Walnut Valley. The Times pretendsto be respectable. It pretends to be above mean personalities. . . . Thesentence in the COURIER article which evidently gave offense to the Timesman is, "At Eldorado the A. T. & S. F. Company has secret servantsemployed to defeat any project hostile to their interests." The Timesdoes not deny this charge and challenge proof, but slops over with a columnof words.

"Not only does the editor of the Courier turn his back uponhis adopted home, the great Walnut Valley, but sets his face like a flinttowards the flint hills and declares to the people that they must have aRailroad from the East and that the people must build it. Not only turninghis broad back upon this beautiful and lovely Walnut Valley and settinghis face like a flint towards the flint hills, but he must also cast insinuationsat his old friends in the Walnut Valleythose who know him but to love him."

This long, rambling article by Manning continues with Manning accusingthe editor of the Walnut Valley Times of blatant underhandednessin order to get the Santa Fe road to El Dorado and then stop it from proceedingsouth to Winfield.

Manning's concluding remarks:

"Cowley County is under no obligations to the Times man norhis followers. In all probability it would have been better off if therenever had been such a man nor such a paper. We know where its alliances,friendships, and its favors are going. We propose to let Butler County andits pandora of cross purposes and idiots alonein railroad matters, severelyalone. We can do better. We arrive at this conclusion not from any ill willtowards the people of Butler County, but from the solemn conviction thatthey are in the hands of the Times man, from which they cannot escape,and under his leadership no railroad will be built. For five years havewe stood ready in Cowley to aid a road from the north. If five more yearsof as patient effort for a road from the east does not bring one, then wemay indulge a hope of one from the north."


Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

Robinson had a buggy ruined by a run-away this week.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

Rock and Maple Township boys play base ball on Sundays.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

C. R. Mitchell, wife and baby were in town yesterday.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

Can't the 4th of July committee offer a $10 premium to the best baseball club?

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

Horse thieves and vigilance committees are becoming numerous in thisand adjoining counties.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

Will C. Robinson is conducting Read's bank during the absence of theCashier, M. L. Robinson.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

The Union Sunday School has purchased $25 worth of new books to add toits already large library.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

Green has a new sign on the south side of his drug store.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

Charley Limbocker broke 45 acres of prairie in 21 days with one teamof a fourteen inch plow and two yoke of cattle.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

Burt French smiled away a few minutes with us on Wednesday.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

His old friends will be glad to learn that Rev. McQuiston has just completeda handsome little residence in his adopted town of Wichita.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

From a mound near W. W. Limbocker's one day last week sixteen breakingteams could have been seen in motion upsetting the face of Cowley.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

R. B. Pratt's steam thresher blowed its whistle in Winfield last Saturday.He is on hand for business. Five cents for wheat, wood, and water to befurnished.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

The Democrat office has gone upto the room over Jochem's hardwarestore. The health of the employees of the office demanded a removal to abetter ventilated room.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

A. L. Hocket, of Otter, called Wednesday, and among other good suggestions,wanted the editor to stir someone up to putting a stage on from Winfieldto Independence.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

E. B. Kager, who used to be county treasurer, called at the courthouseMonday and looked over the railing at his deputy, Mr. Huey Erastus, nowengaged in the practice of his profession at Arkansas City.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

LEVI WEIMER, of Liberty Township, brought us a fine bundle of wheat ofthe California blue stem variety. It is five feet high and long headed.He raised it on Silver Creek. It goes among our Centennial specimens.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

A little brother of Mrs. Manning was severely bitten by a snake lastSaturday. His father, Mr. Foster, came down and got a quart of whiskey todose him with.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

School District No. 51, Silverdale Township, voted $455 of its bondsfor the purpose of erecting a schoolhouse. Upon examination it is foundthat their total assessable property only amounts to a little over seventhousand dollars, hence the bonds are illegal and void.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

The latest "cut in rates" from Kansas City to Philadelphiahas brought the fare down to twenty-nine dollars and thirty cents.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

SAM WATT, trustee of Pleasant Valley Township, came within one mill ofraising his required "revenue" on the real estate of that township.That's hard to beat, when land ranges in value from $2.50 to $15.00 peracre.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

W. A. SHORT, of Saline County, has taken a look at this region, and willsettle down for life in the Walnut Valley. He says he though Saline wasa good county, but it won't make a decent sheep pasture for a farm likeCowley.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

TONY BOYLE had a tip-over at Roberts' ford, on the Walnut, Sunday evening.His buggy rolled down a steep bank, turning over two or three times in itsdescent. Tony wasn't hurt much, but the buggy top was sadly demolished.Now, why don't someone say that that buggy top had been out with the Baziquesthe night before.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

The hail storm that visited the east part of Cowley, on Otter Creek,a few weeks ago, deposited great beds of hail in the ravines, and aboutfour weeks after citizens gathered large quantities for the purpose of makingice cream. We are told that plenty of ice can and will be had from the samesource for ice cream at the coming 4th of July.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

Capt. G. S. Storey, a leading Granger from Maple Township, owns a finefour hundred acre farm lying on both sides of the Cowley and Butler Countyline, which he expects to sell soon. If he sells, he will buy property inWinfield, and remove here this fall.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

Prof. Lemmon and family have returned from their visit to Independence.He reports that Independence stands ready to furnish half the directorsand all the officers of any East and West railroad that may be built bythis county. They realize over there that there is such a place as CowleyCounty and the Walnut Valley out west somewhere, but its exact locationthey are not quite certain of.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

Our friend, Harbaugh, of Pleasant Valley, came near losing his farm theother day. A land buyer came along and took a fancy to the place, and askedHarbaugh what he would take for it. He replied $4,000. The gentleman toldhim to make out the deed. Harbaugh told him he was only joking, it was notfor sale. This shows what Cowley County land is coming to. His buildingsare not worth over $300, and the land was raw prairie five years ago.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

C. S. BELL, ESQ., of Labette County, called on us last week and askedto be shown the article published last winter in reference to his half-brother,Amos E. Mahaney. A sign of blessed relief escaped the editor when he wasinvited over to Hill's to have a cigar with the gentlemanly brother of thiscrooked Mahaney, instead of being compelled to make a "home run"through the alley, as he had anticipated.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

BEN CLOVER, one of the biggest farmers and stock raisers in the GrouseValley, was in town this week. Ben wants a railroad, but it must have aspecial "flat-car" on it for his own convenience.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

MAPLE, the northwest corner township of the county, and one whose prairielands were not occupied till within the last two years, has one of the mostprosperous and contented body of citizens within the limits of Cowley. Hundredsof acres of wheat are now ready for the harvester. Messrs. Storey, Cooley,Gayman, Houser, Walk, Heath, Walker, Haynes, Moe, and several others onthe north side of the township have large fields, while Messrs. Beech, Atkinson,Kountz, Wilson, Norman, and others have equally as large in the southernpart. Breaking teams are rushing along turning over the virgin sod witha recklessness only known to a Southern Kansan. The Maple Township boysmay well feel happy.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

The "lone elm farm," of Robert Weekly and sons, of this township,presented a lively scene as we drove by Saturday morning. Three one-horsedouble-shovel plows and a two- horse sulky cultivator were running in onecorn field near the road, while two breaking plows pulled by seven yokeof cattle were turning up the raw prairie in another field close by. Thebarn yard looked like an agricultural implement factory: harvesters, reapers,mowers, rakes, plows, and other tools used only by farmers were piled aroundthere ready for duty. We didn't see "Uncle Bob," so suppose hewas off hunting more harvest hands. You bet, Bethel Grangers raise theirown bread. From appearance, we should think "lone elm" would turnout several thousand breads.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

From Beaver Township.

Beaver is wide awake to her whole farming interest. Large golden wheatfields ready for the sickle, and the thousands of acres of sod that havebeen turned this spring ready for early sowing, also the amount of new housesthat have been erected the present season, testify to the enterprise ofher citizens.

Among the most recent and beautifully built residences is that of H.T. Bayless, the location being a desirable one. The house is well constructed,all of first class pine, and will be an ornament to the great Arkansas Valley.

The corn crop looks well.

Dr. Holland can't make his bridges stick to Beaver, if he can plasters.Try again Dr.

In the last six weeks quite a number of farms have changed hands, atfair prices.

There are a great many groves looming up all over these prairies, whichmake them look so different from five years ago.

Miles of hedges have been put out this spring, and it all looks well.

The sulky breaking plow is a success. F.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.


HAWKINS - STANSBERRY. At the residence of Ben Murphy, in Winfield Township,by Rev. J. E. Platter, Mr. J. S. Hawkins to Miss Mary Stansberry.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

City Council Proceedings.
WINFIELD, KAN., June 5th, 1876.

City Council met in regular session at the Clerk's office, May 15th,1876.

Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; M. G. Troup, H. Brotherton, and T.B. Myers, Councilmen; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk, J. E. Allen, City Attorney.

Minutes of previous meeting was read and approved.

The bill of C. A. Bliss, $1.75, for rope for public well, was read, approved,and ordered paid.

Bill of George Gray, 75 cents, for removing nuisance, was read, approved,and ordered paid.

Bill of W. L. Mullen, $10, for rent of room for pauper, was read, andon motion it was recommended that the Board of County Commissioners paythe same.

On motion of T. B. Myers the council resolved to notify Mr. Mullen thatin the future it would not approve for more than $2.50 per month.

The bill of E. R. Evans, $5, for services as assistant marshal, was takenfrom the table and on motion was allowed in the sum $2.50, and that amountordered to be paid.

On motion of M. G. Troup, the marshal was instructed to repair the pound,provided said repairs would be received in lieu of four months' rent.

On motion of T. B. Myers, the Council ordered Mr. E. C. Manning to ascertainthe feeling of the citizens of the city as to the propriety of appropriating$200 to $300 to be issued to assist in the preliminary work of securinga railroad into this valley, and report at the next meeting of the Council.

On motion of M. G. Troup, the Council instructed the marshal to notifythe citizens of the city who own dogs, that unless the requirements of ordinanceNo. 55 are complied with on or before July 1st, 1876, the dogs will be dealtwith as said ordinance provides.

On motion the matter of O. F. Boyle was referred to the committee onstreets and alleys with instruction to comply with the request, if it canbe done at a reasonable expense.

On motion the Council adjourned. B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

Dog Owners, Take Notice!

Persons owning dogs within the city limits of Winfield are required topay the dog tax on or before July 1st, 1876. All dogs will be killed uponwhich tax is not paid at that date.

W. DENNING, City Marshal.

June 7, 1876.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.


Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing betweenMrs. L. H. Howard and Mrs. M. F. Davis is this day dissolved by mutual consent.The business of the late firm will be carried on at the same store as heretoforeby Mrs. L. H. Howard.

Mrs. L. H. HOWARD,
Mrs. M. F. DAVIS.

Winfield, Kan., June 6, 1876.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

Cowley County Normal School.

The second annual session of the school will be held at Winfield, commencingJuly 17th, and continuing four weeks.

In addition to daily exercises in all the branches of study requiredby the new school law, there will be a series of lectures on School Managementand Theory and Practice of Teaching.

Several of the ablest educators in the State will be present to conductclass exercises and deliver evening lectures.

Under the new school law all the third grade teachers in the county willbe compelled to raise their grade of scholarship or fail to get certificates.This will create a demand for well qualified teachers at increased wages.

To defray the expenses of the school a tuition fee of $3.00 per scholarwill be charged. Good board can be secured at about $3 per week.

The teachers who desire to attend the Normal School should apply soonto

A. B. LEMMON, Principal,
Winfield, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

CHEESE IN QUANTITIES OF from one to one thousand pounds, for sale byW. L. Mullen. He is manufacturing a superior article, and is ready to fillorders.

Address W. L. MULLEN, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

A MOWING MACHINE and Sulky Rake for sale, or will trade for a good younghorse.



Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

The assurance is again given out that Hon. John Martin, of Topeka, willnot be a Democratic candidate for Congress in this district this season.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

An exchange calls attention to the fact that in order to secure fiftycents per day per head for each insane person, counties must make formalapplication to the Insane Asylum, and receive notice of formal rejection,and this subsequent to March 3, 1876, the date of the approval of the act.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

The Eldorado Times gets down to business since the Wichita railroadmeeting in the following manner:

"Having spent six months time endeavoring to work up a propositionto build this road the entire length of this valley, and having failed,and as there is not at this time one single, feasible railroad project withinreach of any portion of this valley, we will at once and without delay fallback on our original proposition; and that is to have the company builda sufficient number of miles of this proposed branch this year that willenable the farmers of Butler County to market their wheat."


Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

New potatoes till you can't rest.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

Two new firms in town this week.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

A large stock of small goods at the P. O.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

The water is making a big hole in Bliss' dam.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

It has been raining a good deal this week. Bad for harvest.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

Dr. Davis drives a pair of bays now to a handsome buggy.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

The 4th of July posters were printed at the COURIER office.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

G. S. MANSUR has purchased valuable residence property.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

C. C. Black leaves Leavenworth this week for Philadelphia.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

J. W. JOHNSTON has piles of new furniture. Buy some, when you sell yourwheat.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

C-ENTENNIAL M. SCOTT, the only truthful editor of Arkansas City, is intown today.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

Mr. Wilson is having several buggies painted preparatory to the rushon the Fourth.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

ANDY GORDON and F. M. FREELAND are reported to be on their way home fromthe Black Hills.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

Notice new card of the City Hotel on the first page. Mr. Major is runningthe house in first class style.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

CAPT. McDERMOTT is spoken of as the candidate for Representative fromthe south district in Cowley.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

C. C. PIERCE has forty acres of the Geneva variety of wheat that willgo thirty-five bushels to the acre.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

Something should be done to replace the bridges near Winfield. Our friendssouth of town are becoming very uneasy.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

The financial committee, at the present writing, have nearly two hundreddollars subscribed for celebration purposes.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

DR. McGOWAN, of Rock, paid his respects to the COURIER. His card willbe found in another place in the paper.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

The Presbyterians of Wichita will lay the cornerstone of a fine churchthere on the 4th of July.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

THE CALITHUMPIAN committee, for the 4th, is J. D. Pryor, W. W. Walton,J. L. M. Hill, J. P. Short, F. C. Hunt, and J. E. Saint.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

On Wednesday Jacob Nixon, of Vernon, brought us specimens of timothyof fine growth, with heads seven and eight inches long.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

It has been reported here for some time that A. Menor and wife, of thisplace, who went to the Black Hills some time since, were killed by Indians.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

SQUIRE MAYS, of Sheridan Township, made us a friendly call last Saturday.He is in favor of an east and west railroad, and will vote for bonds.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

On Wednesday, June 21st, the voters of the Winfield school district areto meet at the schoolhouse and consider the matter of employing teachersfor the coming year.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

SQUIRE BALLOU called Tuesday. He reports considerable excitement on OtterCreek, in the east part of the county, over a couple of huge panthers thatare killing colts and calves for the farmers.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

J. W. CURNS has returned from Brooklyn, N. Y., where he has been to attendthe regular meeting of the Synod of the Presbyterian church. He spent threedays in Philadelphia viewing the sights.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

F. S. JENNINGS, of Delaware, Ohio, and G. H. BUCKMAN, of Delavan, Illinois,graduates of Michigan University law school, are looking at Winfield witha view to locating and following their profession. They are delighted withthe country and town.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

HENRY THOMAS, of Tisdale Township, came to this county four years agowithout a dollar. He now has a fine 160 acre farm; good house; well; commodiousstone barn; cribs; orchards; sixty acres in cultivation, besides plentyof "corn in the cribs." Another instance of pluck.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

Great numbers of fish were thrown from Bliss' mill race with pitchforkslast week by the youthful disciples of Sir Isaac Walton, the venerable fisherman.The fish got caught in the race when the gate was shut down for the night.Several hundred pounds were thus taken out.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

Quite a number of persons have gone from this neighborhood down on theCherokee strip to take claims. They act upon the presumption that the billnow before Congress again, opening that land for settlement, will pass.No bill has passed, however, and therefore they are a little hasty.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

A remnant of the Old Frontiers, of Winfield, played a practice game ofbase ball with the Grasshoppers, of Vernon Township, last Saturday. Theywill brush up and give them a round on the 4th.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

An oval shaped, equine career course has been described upon the undulatingprairie, east of town, or in other wordsMessrs. Hackney, Covert, and othershave laid out an egg- shaped half-mile race track between this city andthe mound. Fun on the 4th is anticipated. The boys have some lively nags.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

Several of our citizens witnessed the field trial of Wood's reaper withLocke's patent binder attached, yesterday. The work was done on T. B. Myer'sfarm, four miles west of town. They all expressed themselves well satisfiedwith the binder's work. Mr. Walker, the Co.'s traveling machinist, was conductingthe trial.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

Agreeable to our suggestion that the States should be represented byladies on horse-back at the coming blow-out, Mrs. Dr. Mansfield has beenappointed Major-General, or something of that kind, to make the necessaryarrangements. She is out every day, almost, hunting girls to represent Columbiaand her brood. She is working up considerable interest in the matter. Thegirls all think it a capital idea. Mrs. Mansfield will make it a success.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

GEORGE DAWSON, ESQ., of Independence, passed through town on Monday morningon his way to Wichita to deliver sundry monuments sold by his enterprisingfirm of the first- named place. He called on Will Robinson at the bank,and then dropped in just to remind us that he had not forgotten that "snow-ballingscrape" on the Rocky Mountain excursion, or the day we dined in "ChinaTown," and he pulled a "washeeman's pig-tail," in South Pueblo.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

J. EX. SAINT has been promoted from salesman at Bliss' store to miller-in-chiefof the Winfield City Mills. Though naturally poetic, the change makes himunusually flour-y, at times. He says a man that can talk nice to the ladies,draw a quart of kerosene, measure a yard of silk, and tie up a package ofcod-fish, all at the same time, must be endowed with more patience thanfalls to the lot of an ordinary Saint. He'd rather be two millers than oneclerk.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

A petition is in circulation asking the district clerk to call a meetingof the voters of district No. 1, for the purpose of organizing as a gradedschool district. Under the graded district organization, the annual meetingof the district will be held on the last Wednesday of June, and the lengthof term, salaries of teachers, and rate of taxation can be determined withouta special meeting, before the time that teachers should be employed forthe ensuing year. Also, under that organization the voters have power toestablish a grade and to adopt and enforce such rules for the governmentof the school as shall result in making them more effective. The new plansecures all the advantages of the old, and many others without additionalexpense, and will doubtless be adopted.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

A tastefully arranged bouquet of beautiful and fragrant flowers, cutfrom the garden of Dr. Mansfield, and presented by Master Richie, the present"Lord of the Manor," is before us. Richie keeps the flower gardenin fine style during the absence of his father and elder brother. It isthe most attractive one in the city, and the hour spent listening to Richie'sperformance on the piano or following him through the walks and paths ofthis beautiful garden was indeed a pleasant one.

Several prairie flowers were shown us that were blooming in spite oftheir forced imprisonment in gravel-lined beds. They are much more thriftyand continue longer in bloom when cultivated. The handsomest specimen ofthis kind is the well known Yucca, a native of the Kansas prairies. TheEnglish florist would sacrifice `is c'aracteri(h)istic "h" forone of these charming plants.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

DR. BRADFORD, of Marshall County, this State, accompanied by his brother-in-law,Mr. W. A. Pentzer, of Dayton, Ohio, are in town. They are on a "campingout" tour through Southern Kansas with a view of finding stock andwheat raising locations. They will want about four hundred acres of landin one body. Mr. Pentzer sold his Ohio farm for $150 per acre. He is surprisedto find land here at one-tenth of those figures that is fifty percent betterfor wheat raising purposes. They are both surprised, wonderfully surprised,at the development of this county, its immense breadth of wheat, its goodschool and church houses, and at the number of its inhabitants. They can'trealize the fact that our county is only six years old. They have samplesof our wheat, the best they have seen on their trip, they say, which theyare taking back to show to the natives of the Buckeye State. It is needlessto say that they are well pleased with Cowley and Winfield. They will probablylocate with us this fall.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

LIST OF LETTERS remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, CowleyCounty, Kansas, on the 7th day of June, 1876.

FIRST COLUMN: Colyer, Evaline; Coffie, B. F.; Dild, John; Findly, James;Knapp, Jane; McConnell, E. A.; Rose, James; Reif, John.

SECOND COLUMN: Simmons, C. A.; Tuller, Mr.; Turner, G. M.; Thompson,Mrs. Lizzie; Trummans, C. E.; Weimer, Henry; Wooden, R. H.; Wilson, A. L.JAMES KELLY, P. M.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

Camp Meeting.

There will be a Camp Meeting held in Cline's grove, near Dexter, CowleyCounty, Kansas, in connection with the 2nd quarterly meeting for Dextercircuit, Wichita district, south Kansas conference, commencing on Thursday,July 20th, to continue over two Sabbaths. Positively no huxtering will beallowed within one mile of the camp ground. All are invited to come andworship with us in the leafy grove. R. R. BRADY, P. C.

June 12, 1876.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.


The contract for the erection of the First Presbyterian Church has beenlet, and in order that we may proceed with the work, all persons who aresubscribers toward the building of the same, are hereby notified that thefirst installment is now due, and are requested to pay the same to the treasurerat Read's Bank, so that we may be able to meet the requirements of our contractwith the builders.

Chairman of Building Committee.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

Items From the Traveler.

A lady from Grouse Creek sends us a bouquet, with the request that allthe devilment needn't be attributed to that section hereafter. Keno.

Hon. T. B. Eldridge and J. C. Leach, of Coffeyville, were awarded thecontract Monday, by Superintendent Nicholson, for furnishing supplies tothe Pawnees.

A dispatch was recently carried from Coffeyville, Kansas, to Pawnee Agency,Indian Territory, a distance of a little over one hundred miles, in fourteenhours.

James L. Huey has just returned from St. Louis, where he has been topurchase a new set of legs. Jim could generally get away with most anyonewith his old ones.

The hide of a double-headed calf was brought into town the other dayfrom Grouse Creek. It had two mouths, three ears, and was otherwise perfectlyformed. The owner killed it because its head was so heavy that it couldnot hold it up.

Extensive preparations are being made to celebrate the Fourth of Julyat Winfield, and a general invitation has been extended to the whole county.


Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.

Tooth Brushes - Cork Screws and Railroad Passes.
Arkansas City Still Ahead.

DEAR COURIER: Other localities have been heard from; other writers havebored you for space to write up their "chronicles" and "bloods."The "Queen City" of the valley has never troubled you. We havesomething to tell you, and you know that

"When a person knows a story,

That he thinks he ought to tell;

If he doesn't get to tell it,

Why, of course, he don't feel well."

So here goes:

On the 5th day of June, of this, our Centennial year, occurred a marvelousaffair that gets away with any freak of nature ever seen by your correspondent.It was no less than a "shower of flesh" accompanied by bones,sinews, cuss-words, and store clothes. The place of this singular occurrencewas near Newman's water-mill, two and a half miles northeast of this city,and happened as follows.

"Giff," of the Parsons Sun, came over on a visit tosee his old friend, C. M. Scott, and brought with him Col. Hamilton, anotherof Parsons' gif-ted s(o)ns. Scott and Giff had been "around together"before, and thought they'd do it again, so the three drove out to Newman'smill and drove in (the water). Here they had a "falling out."At this point our pencil fails to do justice to the scene. As the buggytilted over down the hill, they all went with it, Hamilton "on deck"and Scott "in the hole." As Giff went scudding down the soft,slippery bank on his "other side," at a 2:40 gait towards theriver, grabbing at the drift and underbrush as he madly sped along, Hamilton,realizing his impending danger, jumped upon an inverted buggy wheel, gaveit an awful yank, and yelled out, "down brakes, Giff, down brakes!"Giff didn't stop; he held up a bundle of papers and said, "I've gota "free pass" and I'm going through or bust." When he struckthe water it was thought for a moment that he hadn't gone through, but hadtaken the horn by the other dilemma. He came out, though, all right sideup, blowing like a porpoise, and dripping like a shad and helped untangleScott's pipe stems from the buggy top, that had been settling him deeperand deeper in the soft mud. What might have been a serious accident provedto be a funny incident. The boys from Labette will be likely to retain impressionsof this country as long as it retains impressions of them. The "consequentialdamages" are, as follows: To Hamilton, a bruised head, a bottle ofliniment and a pair of suspenders; to Scott, a game leg, a peeled shin,and a bottle of soothing syrup; and to Giff, a new hat, clean clothes, flannelbandages, and a cushioned chair will be necessary for his comfort for thenext ten days. Considering they are members of the "press," agallon of w_____ might, with propriety, be prescribed. The boys try to accountfor their mishap on the ground that they attended Sunday school on the previousday.

MORAL. Don't attend Sunday School and go buggy riding the same day.

Yours everly, PETER PIPER.


Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.


1776 1876

One Hundred GUNS at Sunrise!
STATES and TERRITORIES represented by
SUNDAY SCHOOLS in array with Mottos and Banners.

Harvesters and Threshers of 1776.

Harvesters and Threshers of 1876.

The various orders will form in procession at 10 o'clock a.m., and, ledby the Band, march to the Grove.

The Officers of the Day, and the Ladies representing the States, willjoin in the Procession.

At 11 o'clock a.m., Declaration of Independence to be read by A. B. LEMMON.

MUSIC. Vocal and Instrumental.

ORATION. By: _____________

MUSIC. Vocal and Instrumental.

History of Cowley County by Wirt. W. Walton.

Grand Pic-nic Dinner at 1 o'clock p.m.


At 2½ o'clock P. M., the

will appear.


Base Ball,

Boat Rides,


In the evening a magnificent display of

At the Court House.


Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

The New York Store has a new sign.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

Mrs. Dr. Houx has gone east on a visit.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

Rev. Platter has gone to Philadelphia.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

Boyer & Gallotti have some fine dress hats.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

Shenneman has arrived with more horse flesh.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

Messrs. Pryor and Hackney are at Wichita on legal business.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

Baldwin keeps the "Excellent," the best three-for-a-quartercigar in town.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

Harris drives a two-in-hand and we don't know how many the other way.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

Pratt's steam thresher starts in Saturday on Bliss' wheat, one half milesoutheast of town.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

Prof. Hulse, of Arkansas City, will probably have charge of the Winfieldgraded schools the coming year.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

John Clover, Esq., of Lazette, spent a couple of days in town this week.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

A normal school, conducted by Prof. Shively, commences at Douglass onthe 17th of July and will hold four weeks.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

Quite a hole was washed out in Bliss' mill-dam by the recent rise. Themill will be running again as soon as money and time will repair the damage.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

Prof. T. A. Wilkinson is removing the fourth successive crop ofwheat from the same piece of ground. It will average thirty bushels to theacre. Talk about this soil wearing out!

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

W. P. Creekmore, of Silverdale, called Monday. He informs us that Dr.I. Hook, late of that vicinity, took a horse of Mr. Creekmore's, rode itto town, sold it, and left for parts


Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

Read the opinion of Hon. Geo. R. Peck, U. S. Attorney, in reference tothe establishment of "lost, destroyed, effaced, or doubtful" governmentcorners, published in another column. It is clear, concise, and correct.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

Hon. James Reynolds and Col. Hunt, of Kansas City, and Judge Cartmel,of Elk County, were in the city last Saturday talking up the railroad fromIndependence. The line is to be surveyed to Winfield at once.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

Our foreman says that if he did break his buggy top last Sunday nightit `aint the Democrat editor's "put in," as he went toArkansas City a short time ago and broke a buggy top and buggy bottom, besidesa string of Good Templars' resolutions.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

The editor of the Telegram don't own any property in Winfieldand never paid any taxes, but when those who do pay the taxes want to usesome of the city money for railroad purposes, he rushes around with a remonstranceagainst it, merely because Mr. Manning is in favor of it.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

See the ad of the new firm of McGuire & Smith. These gentlemen areold residents of our county and are well and favorably known in the localityin which they have resided for the past five years. We bespeak for thema share of your patronage.


McGuire & Smith,
(Mullen's old stand.)

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

Attention is called to the new firm of Harter Bro.'s & Baird, ofthe New York Store. They have added about forty feet of shelving and otherwiseimproved their store. They are selling their goods as low as the lowest.


Dealers in Everything.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

Messrs. McGuire & Smith having purchased of W. L. Mullen his entirestock of goods, consisting of dry goods, groceries, etc., offer for thenext sixty days their dry goods, boots, and shoes at cost. They want tomake room for a more complete stock of groceries. Go and see them, at Mullen'sold stand.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

The friends of Jack Cottingham, of Timber Creek, will be glad to learnthat he has arrived safely at Dead Wood Gulch, in north Black Hills. Hereports provisions very high and gold tolerable plenty. From Mr. Lit. Cottinghamwe learn that all the Timber Creek boys have got through safe; also thatMr. Menor and wife, of this place, are safe at Dead Wood.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

Tuesday a cavalcade of sixteen "horse-women" were out practicingfor the Fourth. They will be out again tomorrow. No gentlemen need apply.They go it alone. If any man presumes to criticize position, skill, andgrace in their sacrificial efforts to "carry out the programme,"in your presence, throw sand in his eyes, or give him some other mark ofyour disapprobation. Give the ladies a chance.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

Here's another "heavy tax-payer" who appeared before the CityCouncil remonstrating against using city funds for railroad purposes. Forsome reasons, best known to himself, he is always doing business in someother person's name. He will neither do anything himself for Winfield norlet anyone else do anything. He never paid a cent of taxes in the city orcounty. This taxpayer (?) is N. M. POWERS.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

REV. J. L. RUSBRIDGE, of the Western N. Y. Conference, having been transferredby Bishop Peck to the South Kansas Conference, and to Winfield charge, hasarrived at his destination, and will preach at the M. E. church on Sabbathmorning, at 10 o'clock, and in the evening at 7.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

ALL INVITED. The Fourth of July Invitation Committee hereby give noticethat the various Lodges, Granges, Sabbath Schools, and other organizationsof like character in the county are specially invited to be present in processionand regalia, at the Centennial Celebration at Winfield. D. A. MILLINGTON,Chairman.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

New Wheat.

ROBERT WEEKLY, of Bethel Grange, today brought the first load of newwheat to Bliss' mill to be ground. Hoo-ray!

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

SQUIRE MORRIS, of Beaver, made us a pleasant call Monday. He reportsthe wheat mostly safe in the shock in his township.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

One of the leading spirits who opposed making an appropriation of cityfunds for railroad purposes recently made a speech at the courthouse, favoringusing fifty dollars of city money for fire works on the 4th of July. Heprobably had fire works for sale. By inquiry you will find out that thisconsistent (?) man is T. K. JOHNSTON.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

Another one of the "tax-payers" who opposes any steps lookingtoward the building of a railroad into this county is JAMES JORDON. He neverpaid a cent of taxes into the city treasury in his life. He has loaned tenthousand dollars in this county. He goes before the Commissioners and swearsthat he don't own a cent. He is opposed to railroads because it would lowerthe interest on money that belongs to someone else (?). Oh, no, that `ainthis money that he's loaning. If all the Jordons were like this, who wouldwant to see the other side.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

TOMMY ROBINSON, the stone cutter, now at work on the cap stones for theCOURIER Block building, is probably the best cutter in the southwest. Hehas just refused another offer to go at marble cutting and finishing. TheDAWSON Brothers, of Independence, have tried to secure his services forsometime. They were after him with a new offer last week. He won't giveup Winfield and her white magnesia limestone for Independence and her importedmarble. He has all the work he can do.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

Messrs. Geo. M. Wells, Jas. D. Greene, and Wm. League, of Indianapolis,arrived this week with a steam-threshing machine. They came with the intentionof staying, as evidenced by their "setting up" with that live-go-aheadfarmer, J. G. Titus. They left Indiana because they couldn't get work. Theyare intelligent, hard-working men, and no doubt will succeed in gettingall the work they can do. Farmers desiring threshing done by the steamercan find the parties by calling at the COURIER office.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

A. R. GREEN, Esq., of Topeka, Kansas, editor and traveling correspondentof the Kansas City Journal of Commerce, was in town last Saturday.He was in company with the K. C. railroad delegation. Green is one of thebest newspaper writers in the State, and the Journal owes much ofits prestige in Kansas to his able letters. He was of course much pleasedwith this part of the State, and particularly well pleased with Winfield,where he added thirty- seven dollars worth of subscribers to his list intwo hours.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

On Monday evening last Mr. Manning presented to the City Council a petitionsigned by over sixty citizens, including the heaviest tax-payers of Winfield,asking that an appropriation of some amount, not exceeding three hundreddollars, be made by the city to defray the expense of making a view of theseveral railroad routes from here to the east and northeast and to securea report showing which would be the most feasible enterprise for the peopleof our county to enter into. On the presentation of the petition, Mr. T.K. Johnston presented a remonstrance signed by twenty-five persons opposingthe appropriation. On examination it was found that the law gave no directauthority for such an appropriation, and so long as anyone objected, thecouncil did not feel at liberty to make the appropriation. The oppositionto the appropriation was gotten up by W. M. Allison, T. K. Johnston, andH. S. Silver. They pretended that they opposed it because the law did notauthorize it, but the real cause was evidently through spite towards thosewho favored it. There is over six hundred dollars lying idle in the citytreasury subject to the order of the council. It might far better be usedfor this purpose than as one of these remonstrators suggested in a recentspeech, be appropriated to buy fire-crackers with. "Consistency (?)thou art a jewel."


Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

The following letter explains itself. It is the opinion of the ablestyoung lawyer in the State, on a question that has sorely vexed the surveyorof this and adjoining counties. The fact that the original survey was sopoorly made and the corners and lines so indefinitely established, has beenthe cause of much trouble among the people of this county. The County Surveyoris not to blame for these crooked lines. In many cases the corner stoneshave been moved and kicked about by the old "claim jumpers" whoinfested this country in an early day. In our opinion it is the duty ofthe Surveyor to determine the proper location of such corners in the mannerdescribed as follows.

TOPEKA, KANSAS, May 18, 1876.

TELL W. WALTON, Esq., Dep. Surveyor,

Oxford, Sumner Co., Kansas.

DEAR SIR: I am in receipt of your letter of the 20th inst., containingthe following interrogatories:

"1st. Should I not, in determining the true location of effaced,destroyed, or doubtful government corners, be governed wholly by well authenticatedlines and corners properly identified by the original plats and notes andre-establish them to correspond therewith, as near as ordinary professionalskill admit?

"2nd. In such cases are not the original field notes and plats,or certified copies thereof, my only guide in determining the true locationof such lines and corners?

"3rd. Should a stone or other monument found near the pointdesignated as the original location of a corner be considered as primafacie evidence of its having been thus established by the Dep. U. S.Surveyor, or should the field notes, coupled with properly identified linesand corners, be equally considered in the matter?"

In reply to the first interrogatory, I am of the opinion that the truelocation of effaced, destroyed, missing, and doubtful corners must be determinedby the original plats and notes and well authenticated monuments.

To the second interrogatory I answer, yes, qualified by an observanceof the above mentioned rule.

To the third interrogatory I reply, always bearing in mind, as a governingrule, that course and distances must yield to undoubted monuments. Thatmuch depends upon the circum- stances. If the stone or monument is of suchtype and permanency as to indicate that it was placed there as amonument, it should be regarded as prima facia evidence of havingbeen so established by competent authority, especially if it be nearthe point designated as the original location of a corner. But if such stoneor possible monument is of a movable, uncertain, and doubtful character,the field notes, coupled with clearly identified lines and corners, shouldbe consulted. Very Respectfully, GEO. R. PECK, U. S. Attorney.


Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

By Romeo.

Dexter is flourishing like a wild hop vine. She has recovered from theeffects of the "flood," and is now peacefully settled upon MountArarat. Her citizens are busy (playing croquet) and happy.

More business being done this summer by our merchants than ever before.

Smith & Harden have a large trade in groceries, provisions, and fruits.They have the "fullest" store in the valley.

Uncle Peter G. has "struck his gait" at last. As a calico measurerhe is a success.

McDorman, which is also P. M., is doing a good country store business.He is a clever fellow to deal with.

Mrs. Black still wears the laurels, "The Demoret of the Grouse."No young lady, who has an eye to the future, ever goes elsewhere to getfashionable millinery goods.

Little Lizzie McDermott is conceded, by those who haven't any prettybabies of their own, of course, to be the smartest, brightest, and prettiestbaby in this part of the country. All the lawyers in our village will bearus out in this statement.

Farmer Cline has cut millions of unoffending heads off this week, justto "give the boys a chance" to build `em up again.

Miss Lettie Smith has not returned from her visit to Michigan. It isthought she will bring home a full-fledged Michigander when she does come.

Splendid flour is turned out by the Dexter Mills and turned in, by theboarders at the Williams House.

The COURIER comes racy and regular to "Romeo," and is a welcomevisitor to many of our citizens.

Dexter, June 13, 1876.


Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

Ordinance No. 40.

An Ordinance to protect property in the city of Winfield.

Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the city of Winfield.

SEC. 1. That it shall be unlawful to sell or give away any fire crackerswithin the corporate limits of the city of Winfield. Any person violatingthe provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not lessthan five dollars for each and every offense.

SEC. 2. That it shall be unlawful to fire off fire crackers within thecorporate limits of the city of Winfield. Any person or persons violatingthe provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be fined five dollars,or imprisoned in the city jail not less than twenty-four hours nor morethan seven days for each and every offense, in the discretion of the court.

SEC. 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and afterits publication.

Approved July 21st, 1874. S. C. SMITH, Mayor.

J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.

Ordinance No. 40 was passed July 20th, 1874 (See Journal A, page 55),and published July 24th, 1874, in the Winfield COURIER. J. W. CURNS, CityClerk.

I. B. F. Baldwin, Clerk of the city of Winfield, do certify that theabove is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 40 as appears on page48, book A, record of Ordinances of the city of Winfield. B. F. BALDWIN,City Clerk.

Winfield, June 20, 1876.


Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.


BOYLE - MELVILLE. June 11, six o'clock a.m., in Plymouth, at the residenceof Mr. Carter, by Rev. A. H. Walter, Mr. O. F. Boyle, of Winfield, Kansas,to Miss Anna A. Melville, of Plymouth, Kansas.

The accomplished bride graduated at our State Normal School in 1874,and will be remembered by our citizens. She is in every way worthy of theactive, energetic, successful businessman with whom she is now united forthe future journey of life.

The parlor windows were closely curtained, excluding the light from without,while within the "lamps were trimmed" and burning, casting a radianceupon the bridal party as they entered and stood at Hymen's altar, the wholepresenting a magnificent scene.

After the impressive marriage ceremony and congratulations, the brideand groom, followed by the groomsmen and three ladies-maids, and guests,repaired to the breakfast room, where the tables were spread with the mostabundant and richest viands to tempt, and satisfy all. Mr. and Mrs. Boyle,accompanied by Miss Melville, left on the early train for the east, willvisit friends and the Centennial, and in September return to Kansas, theirfuture home. Emporia News.


Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

From Sheridan Township.

EDITOR COURIER: We P.'s of H. still live, move, and have our beings.Everybody is busy in the harvest field. The wheat is ripening very slowlyon account of cool weather.

Mrs. Sol. Smith is better, and hopes are entertained of her recovery.

I hear it rumored that Sim Moor, while binding wheat last Saturday forJoe Dunham, drew the bands so tightly that he broke the machine.

Capt. Stubblefield is making extensive preparations for freighting wheatto Wichita; you see the fruits of having no railroad.

Webb Smith's wheat, which was cut last week by Herrod & Thomas, willaverage 45 bushels to the acre.

Samuel Buckhart was seriously injured last week in an encounter withone of our well- known "pugilists." He wants Squire Morrow toassess the damage.

Near the town of Sheridan dwells John William Henry Harrison Oilley Gamon,who came to the country 14 years ago with no friends, no team, and not adollar in the world, but with a tongue as sleek as an eel and the "cheek"to back it. He now has a good farm of 160 acres with good houses and barnsand out buildings. He also has 195 acres in cultivation and 400 acres ofwheat; 97 acres of oats, 26 acres of millet, 4 acres of sweet potatoes,and 33 acres of corn, with the balance of his farm enclosed with a goodstone wall for a sheep pasture. Another illustration of what a man withgrit, perseverance, and indomitable energy may accomplish in Cowley County.

The latter part of last week the inhabitants of our usually quiet townwere startled by a dull rumbling sound as of distant thunder, and the smokewas seen rising in the distance. Many were horror-stricken; women cryingand wringing their hands as only women can. At first the supposition wasthat it was a local thunder storm or earthquake in Tisdale, hence the vacuumwhich nature abhors.

This was at first supposed to be the cause, but upon a close examinationof affairs, we learned that it proceeded from the artillery in the vicinityof Mount Contention. Charles, the sailor, and James, the deacon, unlike"Lot and Abraham" of old, have raised the "black flag,"and marshaled their forces, and have camped around Mount Contention. Atlast accounts Charles was in possession of the east half of the land ofJames. Even now I hear the roll of artillery and the clash of small arms,and doubtless it will be a hard fought battlethe ground closely contested.I shall avail myself of the earliest opportunity to inform you of the result.

"Brother Paul" has left for parts unknown. TIMOTHY PRY.


Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

Notice P. of H.

There will be no meeting of the County Grange on the first Saturday inJuly, having been postponed until the first Saturday in August, by orderof Master.

All Granges whose delegates are absent on the first Saturday in Augustand are without representation at said meeting will be dropped from theroll; also their delegates if behind over three months with their dues.

All who desire to take the Fifth Degree, and are entitled to it, shouldhand in their applications the first Saturday in August, with credentialsand fee accompanying.

A complete list of all old and new delegates to this Grange, since itsorganization as a Pomona Grange, including Masters, Past Masters, and theirwives, will be required.



Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

Steam Thresher.

R. B. Pratt will furnish, with his Steam Thresher, one band cutter and50 sacks, and thresh wheat, rye, and hungarian for 5 cents per bushel, andoats for 2½ cents per bushel. Farmers must furnish a team to haulwagon, wood, and water. The wood should be dry and cut two feet long.

Winfield, Kan., June 20, 1876.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

Sale of Horse.

NOTICE is hereby given that, on the 15th day of July, 1876, at 2 o'clockp.m., at the crossing of Main street and Ninth Avenue, in the city of Winfield,Cowley County, Kansas, I will sell, at public auction, for cash in hand,one sorrel horse, about 14½ hands high, belonging to Mrs. PhilenaDarrah, to satisfy a lien upon said horse, in favor of the late firm ofDarrah & Wilson, for the sum of $42.00, due April 15th, 1876, and remainingunpaid, for feed and care bestowed upon said horse, by said firm of Darrah& Wilson, as keepers of a livery stable in said city of Winfield, togetherwith the expenses of such sale and the publication thereof. A. G. WILSON.

Surviving partner of the late firm of Darrah & Wilson.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.


Notice is hereby given that I. Hook and W. P. Creekmore, under the firmname of Hook & Creekmore, have this day dissolved partnership. The undersignedwill not be responsible for any contract the said I. Hook may make. W. P.CREEKMORE.

June 10th, 1876.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 29, 1876.

A very large number of the citizens of the country have called upon usduring the past week and gave us words of encouragement in our effort toput a practical railroad enterprise on foot in this county.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

The first white settler in Butler County was Wm. Hilderbrand. In 1858he was tied to a Walnut tree by a vigilance committee and given sixty lasheson the bare back with withes, and given forty-eight hours to leave the countryin. The vigilance committee is an old thing in Butler.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.


Winfield is cursed by a few stump-tailed politicians. It is doubly cursedin being the home of some very foolish men. Blessed as it is in naturalresources, it should be the leading town of the Southwest. The fair fieldsof Cowley should no longer bear tribute to distant cities. The present stateof our dependence would not have been but for dissensions in Winfield townand Cowley County. Had unity of effort for the public good characterizedthe action of its citizens in the past, we would not be as nowan outlyingprovince in the Kingdom of Wichita.

But personal jealousies, unmanly hatreds, political ambitions, and unscrupulousdemagogues have conspired to maintain strife and discord, cross-purposes,and failures among its people, and prevent that full development of materialprogress which a different course would have insured.

To a large extent the follies of the past are being shunned by our people.But for three or four malicious tongues, jealous hearts, and unreasonableheads in Winfield, the people of the town could be gotten together in harmoniousaccord. A united town means a united county; a united county means successin any given enterprise.

In no period of our history as a county has any necessity pressed itselfso earnestly upon the attention of our people as our present need of a railroad.At no time was it ever so important that good will, confidence, and harmonyshould prevail among our citizens in an effort to secure the constructionof a railroad into the county. There are enough foes and obstacles outsidethe county to overcome. There should be no division inside.

It is now plain to be seen that such harmony cannot prevail as will insuresuccess while the counsels of two or three persons, whom we will hereaftername, are listened to. Ever since the county was organized, there has beenrailroad talk in Winfield. During the last six months that talk has spreadfrom the town to the county. The grain growers are getting in earnest onthe subject. They believe that something ought and could be done. They lookto see the people in town, who have more time and money than they have,to put the railroad question in such shape that the voters can also help.During these last six months three railroad enterprises pointing towardsWinfield have been courted. They have all failed. An effort was made lastwinter to pass a law under which a railroad could be built to Cowley County,but it failed. It is barely possible to do something under the lawas it is. How little or how much can only be determined by trying. But,without unity of action among our citizens, it will be difficult to succeed.

Recognizing the situation and the necessities of forbearance and harmony,the COURIER, its editors, and their friends have been careful to encourageevery movement towards constructing a railroad. They have encouraged byword and deed even when their judgment said the project was not feasible.The various projects have substantially flattened out. We are no nearera railroad than we were four years ago.

These adversities and necessities ought to have mellowed the passionsand asperities of personal animosities. But it is not so. A few individualsin Winfield had rather the town would sink and the county become a barrenwaste than have any good come from the efforts of certain persons. Duringthe past few months a few persons in town have spent several hundred dollarsin chasing after railroad projects. Not one dollar of the money was contributed by the persons to be hereafter named.

At last as a plan whereby the burden of the effort might be born by all,or nearly all in town, the City Council was asked to appropriate a necessarysum, not exceeding three hundred dollars, to pay the expense of a thoroughobservation preparatory to a railroad effort to the east or northeast. Thequestion of asking the Council to make the appropriation was before thecitizens for two weeks. On the last day before the Council met these samemen, who so long have led in a quarrel in Winfield, circulated a remonstranceagainst making any appropriation out of the city funds for the purpose stated.In circulating the remonstrance, many falsehoods were told for the purposeof obtaining names thereto. The pretended excuse of the leading remonstratorswas that such an appropriation was illegal; their real opposition to theappropriation sprung from the fear that something would be accomplishedand the parties who inaugurated the movement would have the credit of havingput it on foot.

Men might honestly disagree upon the question of making such an appropriationfor such a purpose. But they should propose and support a better plan incase they were in favor of a railroad. When men wilfully lie about the purposeof an appropriation in an effort to get up a remonstrance, they do not honestlydiffer upon the propriety of making it. And several names were upon theremonstrance that would not have been had the parties heard the purposefairly stated.

If the people of Winfield would sustain the Council, it would undoubtedlymake the appropriation, or would pay the Mayor a salary as Mayor, whichwould enable him to do the necessary work.

To prove the animus of the opposition to the appropriation, a subscriptionpaper was presented to the leading remonstrators, the next day after theyhad defeated the appropriation, and they were asked to give something towardsthe preliminary work for a railroad, but they also refused to give anything.Thus we find them opposing the appropriation of public money and refusingto subscribe private funds to the much needed enterprise.

Although the matter of donating funds out of the city treasury, wherethere is between six and seven hundred dollars, was spoken favorably ofby several persons, it so happened that Mr. Manning, of the COURIER, circulatedthe petition asking that the appropriation be made; and he urged the Councilto make the appropriation. As a reward for his efforts, the organ of thequarrelsome faction, the Telegram, of last week, accuses Mr. Manningof attempting to steal the money for electioneering purposes, and accusesManning of many misdeeds.

It may be that Manning's bad character and evil deeds are interestingreading to the Telegram readers. We know it is to three or four fellowswho have for three years actively manufactured lies about Manning for theTelegram, to retail.

But what Manning's character has to do with the construction of a railroadinto the county, ordinary readers and voters cannot see. We are aware thatthe Telegram and a few of its backers pretend to believe that Manningis a very bad man; and they are very anxious that everybody else shouldbelieve he is such. In fact, they have no use for anybody that don't believeit. And as the editors of the COURIER don't believe it, they have but littleuse for them or the COURIER. The Telegram and its backers have spentthree years of vigorous endeavor to hold Manning's head under water, buttheir frantic efforts have resulted in keeping their own heads below thesurface, while a better looking but unmentionable portion of their bodieshas been frequently exposed to the air.

If anybody believes or is disposed to believe the charges made againstManning by the Telegram, and is anxious to know whether they aretrue or false, they can find plenty of evidence to prove that they are falseby making inquiry of those who ought to know.

The COURIER is not published for the purpose of destroying or developingthe personal character of anyone. But it is intent upon securing to CowleyCounty whatever is of public benefit. The fact that certain persons eithersupport or oppose any such measure will not change its course. The men whofor personal motives do oppose such measures must expect to be hit by theCOURIER. The Telegram, being their organ, of course, it must do theirsquealing. It and its faction can and do make mischief. But, as its motivesbecome better understood, its power to do mischief is lessened.

The COURIER and its friends will persevere in the effort to secure arailroad into the county. We have seconded every effort. We ask that ourefforts be now seconded. Nor will we let up until a railroad comes. Thefoolish and unjustifiable opposition to the enterprise in our town is growingless potent. The railroad will, as it must, come in spite of them. The countyis becoming more united every day. If any cattle get upon the track, theywill be butted off.

Do we more fully need to name the cattle?

[Note: No names were detailed in editorial.]


Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876. Editorial Page.

From Lazette.
LAZETTE, KANSAS, June 26, 1876.

The principal items from Grouse Valley is, that harvest is about finished.The wheat will yield well. Some of the farmers have already threshed. Alarger acreage than ever will go in this fall.

Early on the morning of the 21st a hail storm passed over the valleyeast of Grouse, the principal damage being done on Cedar Creek. Hail stonesthe size of hen's eggs are reported to have fallen in some instances, andthe roofs of houses were penetrated by the chunks of ice which fell. Windows,wheat, oats, corn, and all such products suffered considerably. This isthe second storm of this kind which has visited Cedar Valley this season.

Railroad matters are quiet, though the feeling that we must have a lineconnecting us with the east is deep and abiding. Grouse Valley will bearits portion of a donation to carry out a genuine survey for the best, mostdirect, and practicable route to the markets of the country. We sincerelybelieve that an east and west road would command the support of two-thirdsof the taxpayers of Cowley County.

No preparations for a home celebration on the 4th. Many will go to Winfieldon that day to assist in doing honor to our Nation's birthday. G. C.


Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

The harvest still continues.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

Strangers are coming in town every day.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

The New York store runs a delivery wagon.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

New wheat is worth 90 cents per bushel at Wichita.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

The recent rains are good on the corn crop, but death to the brick yards.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

Hon. A. M. York will deliver the oration on the Fourth at Independence.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

Two more new base ball players in town, and still the Frontiers ain'thappy.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

Judge Adams was shaking hands with his many friends here last Monday.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

Rev. S. B. Fleming, of Arkansas City, is to deliver the oration of theday next Tuesday at this place.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

Andy Gordon is in with Max Shoeb now. He never looks up nor "talksback" when you mention Black Hills to him.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

John Stalter, Esq., Rock Township's sheep raiser, was down Monday. Hereports everything flourishing in old Rock.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

Rev. Croco, acting pastor in the absence of Presbyterian Platter, preachedan interesting sermon at the Courthouse last Sabbath.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

LUCIUS WALTON, Esq., one of the plowholders of Beaver, called this week.It keeps him busy to manage his six hundred acre farm.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

THE CAVE BREWERY is getting to be a favorite resort these hot afternoons.John Hemmelspaugh knows how to make the cave attractive.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

HENRY B. PRUDEN, one of the livest and most prosperous farmers of Bolton,called on us Wednesday. He has run a header this season and cut about 300acres of wheat.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

MISS ANNIE NEWMAN, who has been visiting relatives at Cherryvale forsome time, arrived home last Monday. Of course the Presbyterian choir, collectivelyand individually, is happy.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

That is not a statue, representing a Knight of the 13th century, withlance at rest, that has been standing under the bridge at Bliss' mill damfor the past week, but Linus Webb, with pitchfork in hand watching for afish.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

COL. MANNING has been out in Beaver Township threshing his wheat crop.When he came in he reminded us of a Bazique that had just taken the crusadedegree. He had a terrible used up expression about his clothes.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

PETER PIPER gives an amusing account, in another column, of the recentschool meeting held at Arkansas City. The chairman seems to have ruled arbitrarily,but as it effected both sides the same way, no offense was taken by theattendants.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

Read the communication from Lazette. The people of the Grouse Valley,as well as those of any other part of the county, except a half-dozen galootsin Winfield, are in favor of putting their shoulders to the wheel and workingup a feasible railroad line to the east.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

DIED. ANDREW DEHN, who settled in this county at the mouth of LittleDutch Creek early in the spring of 1869, died at the brick-yard south oftown last Monday. Mr. Dehn was an honest and industrious man. He leavesa family of children, who are now in the Territory; also considerable property.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

WANTED. Board and lodging, or rooms furnished, for fifty teachers duringthe session of the Normal Institute. Apply at once to A. B. LEMMON.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

The steam boat, Gen.'l Wiles, now on its way to Arkansas City, whilepassing down the Ohio river near Galliopolis, Ohio, was overhauled and itsmanagers made to pay a fine of $55 for failing to register it before going"down the Ohio." It is probably on the stormy Mississippi by thistime.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

In reply to our locals, in reference to James Jordon and a few othersimilar taxpayers (?), of last week, the Telegram, as usual, gathersa dung fork and hurls its armaments of compost at Mr. Manning, accusinghim of an attempt to steal the city funds. Why not accuse Rev. Platter,and sixty-four others, who signed the petition, of an attempt to steal?Will, you had better save that dung fork for a tooth pick for your backers.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

GEO. MORRIS, the "Bro." part of the old livery firm of Morris& Bro., is in town. In company with Geo. Stropp, he has made the tripfrom Shawnee County to the San Juan mining country of Colorado. They arethis far on their homeward way. They don't go much on Colorado, with theexception of its grand scenery. They think our description last spring ofthe Manitou and the Garden of the Gods tame in comparison with a view ofthese wonderful natural objects. They leave for Tecumseh next Wednesday.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

DR. CARSON, the leading druggist, merchant, and champion good fellow,of Cherryvale, is in town on a visit to his old partner, Frank Baldwin,and his other many friends of this place.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

Several farmers were heavy losers in consequence of the unexpected departurefrom Arkansas City by Mr. Woodyard, the miller. He bought wheat on sixtydays time, gave his notes, which the holders endorsed and left at the banks,thereby securing a loan for almost their face. He skipped the country andthe farmers are "left to hold the bag" while a man with a chattelmortgage holds the wheat. Amos Walton disposed of his wheat before startingto the Centennial. He will lose about $400.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

The Rev. Rusbridge introduced himself to a large congregation at theMethodist church last Sunday. His discourse is favorably mentioned by thosewho had the pleasure of hearing it. [Confusion over his name: It is eitherRusbridge or Rushbridge. MAW]

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

GEORGE EASTON, who carried mail from Oxford to Winfield last winter,attempted to commit suicide at Douglass last Tuesday, by shooting himselfin the vicinity of the heart. He was alive Wednesday evening with some prospectof recovery. He expresses a desire to die. He formerly lived in Brooklyn,New York, but has been west a few years. He gives no information about hisfamily. He is a good sized and apparently healthy young man and gives noexcuse for his act. He is an inveterate smoker and given to melancholy.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

On returning from Wellington last Sunday, Mr. Webb drove into a swarmof greenhead flies, which attacked his horses, causing them to run a distanceof nearly a mile. They were frenzied with pain and fear. It was impossibleto hold them. The off horse, kicking violently all the time, ran the entiredistance astride of the buggy pole. On nearing a bridge Mrs. Webb, realizingthe danger, assisted her husband in swinging the team into a hedge fence,thereby stopping them with but little damage to horse flesh or buggy. Mr.Webb says the flies literally covered the horses. Had they not telescopedthe fence when they did, they might have had a serious accident at the bridge,resulting fatally to one or both of them.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

Saint John's Day.

In company with J. Ex. Saint, we drove over to Wellington last Saturdayand attended the "Masonic Fourth of July," or the anniversaryof St. John's Day. The celebration was held in a beautiful grove, abouta mile south of town, to which the Wellington Masonry, accompanied by visitingbrethren, marched in regalia from their lodge. Arriving at the grove JudgeM. S. Adams, of Wichita, was introduced as the orator of the day. He cameforward and delivered a fine oration, giving in detail the history of thetime-honored institution of which he is a worthy member. His speech waswell received. After the oration, which lasted about an hour, the brethren,sisters, and everybody else were called fromspeeches to refreshmenta callthat was gladly responded to by the hungry multitude. Dinner being over,order was once more restored, whereupon the Master introduced our fellowtownsman, L. J. Webb, who delivered an address well worth listening to.It was a brilliant and succinct history of the rise and progress of themysterious brotherhood, and contained many useful and valuable lessons.The address closed the public exercises. The members repaired to the lodge,where Winfield was again honored by having three of our shining lights chosento conduct in due form the closing proceedings of the day.

The persons in attendance from Winfield were W. P. Hackney and wife,Judge McDonald and wife, Prof. Lemmon and wife, L. J. Webb and wife, J.Ex. Saint, and the writer hereof. A part of our delegation remained andtook part in the "light fantastic toe" performance, which beganat the courthouse at "early candle light" and was kept up tillthe near appearance of Sunday. Everybody seemed gay and happy, inspite of the thunder storm, which was raging without, and all went homewell pleased.


Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

City Council Proceedings.
WINFIELD, KAN., June 19, 1876.

City Council met in regular session at the Clerk's office, June 19th,1876.

Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; M. G. Troup, H. Brotherton, T. B. Myers,and C. A. Bliss, Councilmen; J. E. Allen, City Attorney, B. F. Baldwin,City Clerk.

Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.

The Marshal reported the proposition made by the Council at its lastmeeting to M. S. Bangs for the use of the pound as accepted by him, andthat the repairs had been made.

Committee on streets and alleys reported the matter of O. F. Boyle, referredto at last meeting, as settled without cost to the city.

In pursuance to the request made by the City Council to Mr. E. C. Manningat its last meeting, he presented to the Council a petition containing sixty-sixnames of the citizens and taxpayers of the city, praying for the appropriationas mentioned in the minutes of last regular meeting.

Mr. T. K. Johnston presented a remonstrance containing the names of twenty-fiveremonstrating against the appropriation mentioned.

Mr. H. S. Silver handed a letter to the Council in regard to the same,and all being read, on motion of Councilman Lemmon, the petition, remonstrance,and letter were received by the council and ordered filed with the CityClerk.

On motion of councilman Lemmon, the matter of the above appropriationwas laid on the table.

The bills of J. E. Allen, $25, for services as city attorney, from Nov.1st, 1875, to May 1st, 1876, and Walter Denning, $25, for services as citymarshal, May 8th, to June 8th, 1870, were read, approved, and ordered paid.

On motion of councilman Lemmon, the council ordered the city clerk topublish in the official city paper Ordinance No. 40 once before the coming4th of July, that all parties may know the requirements of the same.

On motion of councilman Troup, the city attorney was instructed to preparean ordinance for the protection of trees growing on the commons and in thestreets and alleys of the city, and present the same to the council Mondayevening, June 26, 1876.

On motion the Council adjourned. B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

From Arkansas City.
ARKANSAS CITY, June 22, 1876.

DEAR COURIER: My semi-monthly is up and here I come. Don't head me off,for my tale I must unfold or bust.

We had a school meeting the other day; none of your poor, miserable,insignificant little school meetings, but a regular genuine old-fashioned,double-fisted, red-hot Democratic school meeting.

There was elected a chairman who was no slouch, but who was wide-awakeand up to the times, and was not to be governed by such trifles as the schoollaws, made by a lot of "block-heads" at Topeka, when we couldmake our own laws; and as for Cushing he was nowhere, for he never was ata Kansas school meeting; besides he was an old fogy, entirely behind thetimes.

Then we had a clerk who was so modest that little girls and old fat ladiescould not hear him read unless they quit laughing and talking, which wasnot to be expected.

There were only fifteen applicants for the school. The first applicantthe lawyers took in hand, and one of them spent the whole afternoon mutteringsection five of the Constitution of the State is "not unconstitutional."But he was soon brought to time by another, who proceeded to pronounce afuneral oration of the late Jim Lane, who he swore was a school teacheras well as a statesman. At this point another lawyer read three volumesof reports, which proved clearly that the applicant would suck eggs, and,of course, was not the man.

The next was no better, for the "doctors" put the knife tohim, and it was soon developed that his wife's grandmother took snuff, andit was contagious.

The next would have gone through with flying colors, but the clergy roseen mass, and said, this was a war between the church and infidelity,and would be a stain on the character of the applicant, which sent him tograss.

At this stage several applicants withdrew amidst "very silent"applause.

The bankers finished one, because someone had heard him say fifty percentwas usury. The remaining one was scalped by a merchant, because he had passeda silver twenty cent piece of new issue for a quarter.

The meeting resolved to do as everyone pleased. "Dry" eyescould be seen everywhere. The fight got hot; men were knocked down; womenfainted. One fellow insulted an old lady, when the Chair announced thatno one would be in order until recognized, when one fellow asked if he recognizedhim; that he "writ" that piece about him, and wound up by flooringthe chairman, who, when he recovered, ruled that no one would be recognizeduntil he stated what he was going to say.

The voters grew wild; one man wanted to know what the previous questionwas, but he was called an old fool, and told to go to sleep. One small manwith a weak voice drew a double-barreled shot gun and moved to reconsiderthe previous question, which was agreed to at once.

The motion then prevailed that we be unanimous, and the choir struckup

"He is sweetly sleeping,"

and the meeting adjourned to meet at the ladies' sewing circle.

Tonight the victorious party is parading the streets with torches, banners,and patriotic mottos, some of which are very appropriate, as "His soulis marching on;" "Do you want your daughter to marry a nigger?;""Peace to men;" "Poor old soldier;" "The coloredtroops fought nobly;" and many similar ones, with which we are allfamiliar.

The church bells are ringing; the steam boats are whistling; the firedepartment is out in full force; the Sunday school scholars are strewingthe streets with flowers, and the boys have gone to the keno hall. The deadare buried and the wounded are dressed, and if any die, I will inform youat once.

We have two quire of paper characters on hand for the owners when calledfor.

Yours everly, PETER PIPER.


Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.

For Sale.

A good team of horses, harness, and wagon. Inquire at Robinson's LiveryStable, or of C. A. Roscoe, in Winfield.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 6, 1876. Front Page.

Ballou vs. Wait.

In the District Court of Cowley County, State of Kansas.

George W. Ballou, against Rufus B. Wait.

Motion at Chambers to dissolve temporary injunction.

Opinion of the court. Campbell, District Judge.

This action was commenced June 7th, 1876.

A temporary injunction was ordered by the Probate Judge June 8th. Onthe next day, June 9th, the defendant filed a demurrer to the petition,and on the 13th the plaintiff filed an amended petition and procured ofthe Probate Judge a second order of injunction. There are two bonds on file,each in the sum of $1,000.

The defendant now moves to dissolve each of these injunctions, on thegrounds that neither the petition nor the amended petition states sufficientfacts, and that the facts stated are untrue.

Some technical objections are interposed to the amended petition whichit is unnecessary to mention.

It is also claimed by the defendant that the second injunction shouldbe dissolved because the first was in force at the time it was issued. Thismay be correct as a proposition of law, but in the case the amended petitionwould refer to the first injunction. The question recurs on its merits whetherthe facts stated in the amended petition are true; and, secondly, if truewhether they warrant an injunction.

This court will not at this time pretend to decide finally the questionas to the truth or falsity of the amended petition. It is sworn to and constitutesthe only evidence on the part of the plaintiff. The defendant filed swornaffidavits and exhibits, and there is an apparent conflict in the testimony.But as the bond filed by the plaintiff affords an ample security to thedefendant, I prefer to reserve the disputed questions of fact to be determinedat the final trial of the case. This has been invariably the practice ofthe court.

The following are substantially the facts stated concisely, as claimedby the plaintiff:

The defendant, Wait, loaned the plaintiff, Ballou, August 21st, 1873,$971.25, and September 23rd following, the further sum of $642.75, and tooknotes secured by mortgage, bearing interest from date at the rate of 12percent per annum; one for the sum of $1,214.30, and another, for $800.00;both due one year after date. The $800 note was transferred to the defendant'sdaughter, who brought suit upon the note and obtained judgment. September15th, 1874, another note was executed by the plaintiff to the defendantfor $582.85, due one year after date, with interest at the rate of 12 percentper annum from date. This note was given for usurious interest on the twofirst mentioned notes. This note was sued upon and judgment obtained bythe defendant's daughter. Upon all this indebtedness the plaintiff claimsthat he has paid to the defendant the sum of $2,361 in cash, and has inaddition executed to him two several notes, now past due; one for $1,120.00,secured by mortgage on real estate and personal property, and the otherfor $280, secured by mortgage and personal property. Suit has been commencedupon these last mentioned notes, and the defendant is proceeding to sellthe personal property under the mortgage and apply the proceeds to the paymentof said notes.

The temporary injunction restrains the sale of this property, and alsorestrains the defendant from prosecuting his action on said notes. Thisaction is pending in this court and in so far as the injunction restrainsits prosecution, the court will disregard it. The motion to dissolve theinjunction will be overruled. If, as the plaintiff claims, these notes weregiven for no other consideration than that of usurious interest, there canbe no recovery on them. If this proposition is correct, the defendant shouldnot be allowed to sell the mortgaged property. If he should sell it, theplaintiff is without remedy, except to bring an action for the recoveryof the price received by the defendant at the sale. This might be very inadequate.Having authorized the sale in writing, he cannot sue for trespass or wrongfulconversion. I hold that a note given for usury only is without consideration,and that a chattle mortgage given to secure such note, in the hands of thepayee, is void.


Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

Never in the history of our state has a season been so prolific of hail,wind, and hail storms as the present. Cowley County has really had lessthan her share of them.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

Capt. James McDermott, of Dexter, is talked of by his friends as a candidatefor District Judge. Mc. is qualified for the position, and if nominated,there would be no doubt of his election.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.


Every citizen of the county, whether present or not, has occasion tofeel proud of the Centennial Celebration held in Winfield last Tuesday.There were present about three thousand people. Everybody looked clean,well clad, and contented. They appeared to feel that "it was good tobe here." Each seemed inspired with the glory of American citizenshipand pride in the county of Cowley. They seemed to feel that this was "ourday," and this "our county," and this "our occasion,"and that it might not transpire again in a hundred years. The general goodappearance of the immense throng was the occasion of flattering remarksfrom several strangers present. One obtains a higher and better opinionof our county and people after witnessing such a display of national prideand patriotism than he could have possibly entertained from ordinary observationand intercourse.


The order of exercises at the grove on the Fourth was carried out accordingto programme in a successful and happy manner. The intellectual entertainmentwas first-class. The prayer, by Rev. A. H. Croco, the reading of the Declarationof Independence, by Prof. A. B. Lemmon, the oration, by Rev. J. L. Rusbridge,and the history of the county, by W. W. Walton, were each worthy of theoccasion and fully up to the anticipations of the most patriotic. AlthoughRev. Rusbridge was called upon late on the Saturday evening previous, tooccupy the office of orator of the day, thereby giving him but one workingday in which to prepare for the occasion, his oration was a magnificententertainment in language and delivery. The happy bits and interesting reminiscencescontained in the historical sketch read before the multitude by W. W. Walton,historian, drew forth frequent applause from the audience. The history willspeak for itself in next week's issue of the COURIER.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

Greene, correspondent of the Kansas City Journal, writing fromCowley County, says L. J. Webb is a candidate for Judge of the 13th JudicialDistrict. He is an able lawyer, but is rather young to aspire to the bench,we should say. The same correspondent says everybody in the Walnut Valleyis in favor of Ryan for Congress; but then Greene lives at Topeka and maybe biased, you know. Elk Falls Ledger.

Mr. Webb will have a good many friends in a judicial convention.


Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876. Editorial Page.

From Sheridan Township.

ED. COURIER: As I am a regular reader of your most welcome paper, andseeing some communications from my worthy friends, Paul Pry and TimothyPry, his brother, concerning Mount Contention, I thought I would wind myway thereto.

Last Saturday at 2 o'clock p.m., I arrived at the sacred spot and foundquite a number of brothers and sisters, as they termed themselves, gatheredtogether. Among the number was David, the prophet, and Jacob, the elder,the right bower of David, the prophet. Also James, the deacon, and Wm. Whipthemall,with many others, just one mile north of Charles, the sailor, at the SilverCreek schoolhouse. The house was called to order by David, the prophet,and they proceeded to investigate the cause of the place being called MountContention, and the two great combatants was found to be between James,the deacon, and Wm. Whip- themall, and after a fair investigation and hearingthe evidence, some of it without swearing to and some sworn testimony, SquireCarter administering the oath. The committee, on Sabbath evening at twentyminutes past five o'clock, presented the following report:

WHEREAS, we have taken all the evidence in the cause and find, in ourjudgment, both parties in fault; and we further report that James, the deacon,acknowledges that he did wrong in not speaking to Wm. Wm. Whipthemall hadno acknowledgment to make as to the charge of offering someone ten dollarsto jump his claim, as he was tired of his antagonist and his stock and theabuse of his descendants. He justifies himself in a donation to anyone thatwould jump his claim, as he had lived there four years without filing, orpaying one cent of tax to school his little ones to the number of ten.

So I will close this little narrative, feeling it my duty as well asa privilege to reply to my worthy brothers, P. and T. Pry. TOM TILT.


Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876. Editorial Page.

An important decision was lately rendered in our Supreme Court. The casewas that of W. H. Maris, of Winfield, versus the L., L. & G. railroad,to recover pay for goods burned at our depot when our first one burned down.The court held that as the goods had been stored there over two weeks andthe plaintiff notified, that the company's liability as a common carrierceased after eight days storagea reasonable timeand that as warehouse- menthey were only liable to take a reasonable care of the goods. This is areversal of Judge Perkins' decision. Independence Tribune.


Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

Farmers are very busy stacking wheat.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

Hon. T. R. Bryan spent the fourth at Winfield.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

Miss May Deming is visiting old friends in the city.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

Not a drunken man could be seen on the 4th of July.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

Jennings & Buckman have opened a law office under Read's bank.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

Prof. E. W. Hulse, of Arkansas City, was in town last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

A. T. Shenneman has gone to Missouri to"bring in another horse."

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

Capt. McDermott, of Dexter, was the orator of the day at Cedarvale onTuesday last.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

J. C. McMullen and family, of Arkansas City, passed here last Tuesdayen route to the Centennial.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

Capt. J. S. Hunt was chosen by the assembly to collect Cowley Countyspecimens for the Centennial.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

The County Commissioners met last Monday and worked all day, and thenadjourned until next Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

Abe Steinbarger, of the Howard City Courant, shook the hands ofmany old friends at the Winfield celebration.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

More than one thousand acres of wheat were uncut this season in CowleyCounty for the want of machines in proper season.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

Mrs. D. T. Bligh and daughter, of Louisville, Kentucky, were in attendanceat the celebration. They are visiting friends in Sheridan Township.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

A foot race between Frank Speers, of Arkansas City, and a stranger wasrun here the other day. Of course the slow man won the race; they alwaysdo.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

The Grasshopper B. B. club played with the Winfield boys on the Fourth,and the score of nine innings stood twenty for the former to eight for thelatter.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

Dr. Graham and family have returned from the Centennial, and are heartilywelcomed home. Dr. Graham has many interesting items to relate about thegreat show.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

Uncle John Wilson, of Silver Creek, brought us a bunch of timothy lastweek containing the longest and fullest head that we have seen in the countythis year.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

The "Winfield Scalpers," or Hays and Wheeler Club, meet atthe Courthouse tomorrow evening at 7½ o'clock to perfect their organization.Every member should be present.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

H. C. FISHER, of Otter Township, came over Monday to look after roadmatters before the County Commissioners. He says the farmers over thereare contented with the crops, but not with the railroad prospects.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

BEN. MURPHY, who went to the Black Hills with T. A. Blanchard and others,in the spring, returned from Deadwood to this place a few days since. Poorhealth caused him to return. He presented us with rich gold quartz.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

MR. GEO. ROBINSON, another brother of Will C.'s, has just arrived fromIllinois. Of course, he is a school teacher. All of the Robinson boys are.He has made application to teach the Arkansas City school. We hope he willbe able to secure it.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

A red, white, and green (with shield and crown) Italian flag surmountsone corner of Boyer & Gallotti's clothing house, while the Americanstars and stripes adorns the other. Frank hasn't forgotten little Italyyet, tho' a resident of the States for the last nine years.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

CHARLIE HARTER is out again with a 2:95 trotting colt. When you see Charliewithout a fast driving nag, and a good appetite, you can just bet that themillennium has arrived. Jim Hill is authority for the latter clause of thissentence. Harter salts his onions at the St. Nick.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

TOM, or T. A. BLANCHARD, sends a letter to the COURIER force, in whichhe says: All the discovered mines at Deadwood are taken; that all the payingdirt is occupied; that provisions are very highflour $25 per hundred; thatpersons who are making a living in Cowley had better remain there.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

The Fourth of July is over at last, and Winfield's leading citizens haveresumed their usual vocationsplaying croquet and praying for a railroad!

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

The COURIER force had the pleasure of smoking with Jasper Cochran, oneof the newly wedded Centennial pair. Why can't such fellows get marriedoftener. The printer won't object.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

B. F. KECK, of Beaver Township, was severely bitten on the hand by hisdog one day last week in his endeavors to separate him from another dogwhich was going for him. His hand is badly swollen and will prevent himfrom work for some time.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

L. J. WEBB, Esq., of Winfield, delivered an able and eloquent discourse,to the Masonic fraternity, at the celebration last Saturday. Mr. Webb'saddress came in just after dinner, when everybody was in a good humor, andit was of course, well received.

Sumner County Press.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

The members of the 13th Judicial District Central Committee met at theoffice of the COURIER on Thursday (today) and issued a call for a JudicialConvention, which appears elsewhere. There were present Hon. R. H. Nichols,of Elk County; Col. C. J. Peckam, of Chautauqua County; Col. H. C. St.Clair,of Sumner; J. M. Balderston, of Sedgwick; T. B. Murdock, by proxy; W. P.Hackney, from Butler; and A. B. Lemmon, from Cowley.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

WIRT W. WALTON, local editor of the Winfield Courier, representedthat journal in Wellington last Saturday, and of course visited the PRESSfamily. Wirt is a racy and ready writer and the local columns of the Courierfairly sparkle with scintillations from his faber. In addition to his literarylabors, Mr. Walton fills the office of County Surveyor of Cowley, and wasalso Journal Clerk of the House last winter. Sumner County Press.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

RICHARD PAGE, an old resident of Arkansas City, died last Saturday atthat place from the effect of chewing tobacco saturated with strychnine.The poison had been carelessly put into his vest pocket by himself to becarried home for mouse poisoning and it came in contact with some tobaccowhich he afterwards chewed, with the fatal result. He leaves a wife andtwo children and considerable property for their support. He was universallyrespected and a large funeral attended his burial.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.


MARRIED. COCHRAN - STARK. On Sunday evening, at the Baptist parsonage,by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. Jasper Cochran to Miss Isabelle Stark.

It is with pleasure we give place to the above. We were afraid that theextreme modesty of our friend Jap. would keep him on the bachelor list tillthe years of "the sear and yellow leaf." But now the crisis ispast, the summer is ended, and another one of the boys is saved. The COURIERrejoices with the friends of the happy pair and wishes them a life of unalloyedpleasure.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

City Council Proceedings.
WINFIELD, KAN., July 3, 1876.

City Council met in regular session at the Clerk's office, July 3rd,1876.

Present: M. G. Troup, President of Council; T. B. Myers, C. A. Bliss,A. B. Lemmon, Councilmen; J. E. Allen, City Attorney; B. F. Baldwin, CityClerk.

Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

City Attorney presented Ordinance No. 60, for the protection of publictrees and shrubs growing in the city; the same being read and passed bysections. Vote on final passage wasayes, C. A. Bliss, T. B. Myers, M. G.Troup, and A. B. Lemmon. Nays, none.

Bill of H. Jochems, hardware for city, $2.83, was read, approved, andordered paid.

Bill of E. S. Bedilion, Clerk of District Court, for $3,00, fee bill,city of Winfield vs. S. Tarrant, was read and referred to finance committee.

On motion A. B. Lemmon and C. A. Bliss were appointed as a committeeto confer with the board of County Commissioners in regard to disposingof the city jail to the county.

On motion the Council adjourned. B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

A Proud Day for Winfield.
3000 People present.
A Procession reaching from Town to Country,
in which "Brave Women and Fair Men"
and everybody else joins.
Music, Speeches, Dinner, Toasts and a
Grand Hallelujah by 3,000 Citizens.
What they did, said, and how it was all done.

Tuesday, as the sun stole softly out and the grey streaks of morninglit up the eastern horizon, a hundred guns pealed forth the dawn of theNation's one-hundredth birthday. The firing had barely ceased when the roadsand by-ways for many miles around could be seen lined with sturdy yeomenof our county, all hurrying to Winfield to join in the festivities of "Theday we celebrate." Soon the streets, avenues, and vacant lots of ouryoung city were swarming with a moving mass of happy people. And still theycame till it seemed the Walnut Valley would scarcely contain the vast multitudethat were entering it from every side.


They came in wagons and carriages. They came on horse-back and they cameon foot. They came from the prairies and valleys, and from the towns andsurrounding neighbor hoods. Old folks, young folks, big folks, and littlefolks, all came. Everybody came and


and sweethearts, their friends and relatives, their neighbors and theirneighbor's children. They brought wagons full of baskets, and baskets fullof dinner. They brought everything they wanted, and were happy.


They made big preparations to celebrate the 4th of July. Held meetings,appointed good men on committees, and set them to work. They arranged aprogramme and furnished the funds with which to carry it out. They filledtheir baskets; invited strangers to help empty them, unfurled the starrybanner, burnt powder, turned the American Eagle loose, and were happy too.


They formed a processiona procession reaching from the center of townfar out into the countrya procession in which everything, from a countryeditor to the Congress of the United States was represented. Led by theWinfield Silver Cornet Band, and following, in the order named: By the Goddessof Liberty, the American Congress, the Sisterhood of States, and a long,unbroken line of Masons, Odd Fellows, Good Templars, Grangers, and citizensin carriages, wagons, and horse-back, the procession marched out to andaround the race track, back by way of Ninth Avenue to Main street, up Mainto 8th, across to Manning, down Manning to the brewery road, and thencealong it a half mile to the grove.

The Silver Cornet Band made a festive appearance in their sky-blue uniform,mounted on a wagon covered with the "red, white, and blue," drawnby four horses, as they led off in the procession to the tune of "HailColumbia" and other familiar hymns. The boys played well and added"fresh laurels" to their old wreath.


was represented in the person of Mrs. L. J. Webb, dressed in a beautifulwhite robe, from which glittered hundreds of golden stars. She wore a crownor head-dress, upon which was emblazoned the word "Liberty." Overher floated our country's flag, and around her, seated on the platform,were some of Winfield's leading men, representing the Congress of the UnitedStates. The wagon, drawn by four white horses, presented an imposing appearance.


agreeable to a suggestion of ours made a few weeks ago, was representedby about fifty ladies on horse-back. This, without doubt, was the most interestingand attractive part of the procession. The ladies, be it said to their credit,without a single exception, rode well, although several of them had notbeen in a saddle more than once or twice for years. They managed their steedswith an easy grace, entirely surprising to that male portion of thelookers on, who, so vainly imagine that they alone can sit and guidea horse correctly.

The States and Territories appeared in the order of their admission intothe Union. The "original thirteen" led off, with New Hampshirerepresented by Mrs. Hickock; Massachu setts, Miss Thompson; Connecticut,Mrs. Bliss; Rhode Island, _____; New York, Mrs. Mansfield; New Jersey, Mrs.Dever; Pennsylvania, Mrs. McClelland; Delaware, Mrs. Hunt; Maryland, ______;Virginia, Mrs. Klingman; North Carolina, ______; South Carolina, Mrs. W.D. Roberts; Georgia, _____; Vermont, Miss Jennie Greenlee; Kentucky, Mrs.Maris; Tennessee, Miss Mary Greenlee; Ohio, Mrs. Bedilion; Louisiana, Mrs.A. J. Thompson; Indiana, ______; Mississippi, Miss Sophia Loubner; Illinois,Mrs. Godard; Alabama, ________; Maine, Mrs. Bates; Missouri, Miss LizzieThompson; Michigan, Miss Clark; Arkansas, Mrs. Ireton; Florida, Miss EllaPierce; Texas, Miss Florence Prater; Iowa, Mrs. G. W. Martin; Wisconsin,Miss Mary Stewart; California, Miss Marks; Minnesota, Miss Mollie Bryant;Oregon, Mrs. Simpson; Kansas, Miss Allie Klingman, West Virginia, Mrs. T.B. Myers; Nevada, Miss Kate Millington; Nebraska, Mrs. Lemmon; Colorado,Miss Etta Johnson; New Mexico (Territory), by Miss Seely; Arizona, MissSue Hunt; Dakota, Mrs. Stansberry; Wyoming, Miss Robertson; Montana, MissSnow; Washington, Miss Norman, Indian Territory, by an Indian Squaw; Utah,by "Brigham Young and family," and Alaska, by Miss Hess.

Among the ladies who represented their respective States or Territoriesby costume suggestive of the wealth, products, or peculiar characteristicsof the people, we find, taking them in the "order of their admission"(we don't want to get into any trouble) that Miss Jennie Greenlee rode ahorse completely enveloped in a green cover, to indicate her preferencefor Vermont.

Mrs. Maris, for Kentucky, wore a blue riding habit, hat trimmed in bluegrass and bound in hemp, and carried a banner with the words, "DanielBoone, Henry Clay, Zach Taylor, Crittenden, and Breckenridge" on oneside and upon the other, the motto, "United we stand, divided we fall."

For Tennessee, Miss Mary Greenlee bore a banner with the "Home ofJackson, Polk, and Johnson" printed in large letters upon it.

Miss Highbarger, for Indiana, had printed in bold letters upon her saddleskirt this suggestive sentence, "Divorces granted in five minutes."

Another beautiful banner was the one carried by Mrs. Goddard, for Illinois,which bore the words, "The home of our martyred President."

The nine months' winter of old Maine was suggested by Mrs. Bates, ridingenveloped in a heavy set of furs.

For Florida, Miss Pierce held aloft a branch with a dozen live, genuineluscious oranges.

Miss Florence Prater, mounted on a wild looking colt without a saddle,carried an ugly looking revolver in one hand and swung a lasso with theother, just as they do down in Texas.

California, the "field of gold," was well characterized inthe rich costume and bright trappings of Miss Marks. Everything about herseemed to glisten with the precious metal.

Our Kansas, by Miss Allie Klingman, could scarce have been better. Hercostume, "lined and bound" with a bristling row of golden wheatheads, readily suggested the wheat growing state of the Union. Hat, habit,and horse were all arrayed in wheat. She did well by Kansas.

Miss Kate Millington rode a fine black horse richly caparisoned withboth gold and silver. Her black riding suit was also trimmed in the samemanner, and the name of her state printed in gold letters on her hat. Itwas not difficult to recognize in this brilliant costume, the leading miningState, Nevada.

Arizona, the silver district, was honored by Miss Sue Hunt's attractivehabit trimmed in that metal alone. It was very pretty.

The Colorado transformation, from a territory to a state, while the processionwas in motion, deserves special mention. Miss Ettie Johnson, a little girl,represented her in her chrysalis state by standing in the midst of "Congress"on the platform. Her pony followed close to the wagon all saddled, readyfor the word. It was given just as the procession moved up Main street,and Miss Ettie was lifted into the saddle and escorted back to the lineto her place in the sisterhood of States. It was certainly a rare pieceof public legislation and the originator of the programme shouldbe presented with a chromo.

The Indian Territory, by Samuel Davis, was a complete success. The angledescribed between his feet was just ninety degrees with a good-sized ponybetween them. That is the way Mrs. "Lo" rides; hence it was thatthere were no bidders for this character among the ladies. Sammie made agood squaw, and was lots of fun.

Utah, the home of "Brigham," was the last in the train. A littlerunt of a mule walked along between the legs of Charlie Floyd, Will Finch,and Allen Bates. The latter two, dressed in female harness, occupied theafter deck of the brute, while Brigham sat in front and steered the craft.It was the most comical representation in the "sisterhood," andwas properly placed in the rear.

The MASONS, ODD FELLOWS, GRANGERS, CITIZENS, etc., without regalia orany particular position, brought up the other end of the lengthy procession.


the order of the day was followed out strictly as per programme.

Music: By the Silver Cornet Band.

Prayer: By the Chaplain, Rev. Croco.

Song: Hail Columbia, led by the Glee Club, assisted by the entire audience.

After which came the reading of the Declaration of Independence by Prof.A. B. Lemmon, followed by vocal and instrumental music.

The oration of the day was then delivered by Rev. Rushbridge. More musicby the Band. Then followed an address, "The History of Cowley County,"by Wirt W. Walton, and some more music by the band.

Dinner was then announced and everybody joined in the exercise withoutregard to race, color, or previous condition of their appetites. It is hardlynecessary to say that this exercise was a success.


came songs by the Glee Club, music by the Band, and volunteer speeches.

To the toasts.

"The Patriots of 1776." Judge Christian, of Arkansas City,entertained the audience for twenty minutes, with a review of the heroesof Valley Forge and Bunker Hill. His speech was well received.

"The Day We Celebrate," was replied to by Mr. F. S. Jenningsin a manner creditable to himself, the toast, and the occasion. It was,in our opinion, the most brilliant short speech of the day. The audienceappreciated it, as was shown by their renewed acclamation.

Judge W. P. Campbell made one of his characteristic speeches in replyto the toasts: "Our Country." A man that would say that our countrywas retrograding in any manner whatever, after hearing the Judge's speech,ought to be banished forever.

To Dr. Headrick we were indebted for the eulogy on Cowley County, inresponse to the toast: "Cowley, the banner county of the State."He convinced his hearers that the toast was

literally correct.

Our county's greatest needa railroad, was responded to by Col. Manningin a manner as only a person could, whose time, money, and influence hasbeen used to bring about the era we all so much desire.

"Our Early Settlers," by Judge T. B. Ross, was a review ofthe pioneers of Cowley, of which he stands, figuratively, the oldest treein the forest. His speech was long and vocifer- ously applauded.

The regular proceedings of the day being over, the people resolved themselvesinto a committee of the whole, for pleasure, handshaking, and a generalgood time, and came back to town to watch the base ball game and other amusements.

In a few moments a band of outrageously dressed beings issued from theCourthouse, jumped upon wagons, horses, and oxen, and started up Ninth Avenueto the tune of "Yankee Doodle" and "Auld Lang Syne."As they rushed up the avenue, followed by wonderful crowds of people, horsesfrightened, men whooped, and women cried:


have come. The "band" consisted of a fife and drum, a yokeof oxen, three "niggers," and a big horn. The driver beat thedrum, the drummer the oxen, and they all yelled vociferously. A little negroboy, the whites of whose eyes could be seen a half-block, sitting on a drygoods box on the top of another wagon drawn by oxen, had on his back a placardwritten in large letters, "The God of Liberty." The ragged endof this motley crew was composed of masqued horsemen, Indians, Revolutionarysoldiers, wild border rangers, and hoodlums; all went whooping along together.The procession was headed by a masqued leader dressed in a bed-ticking suit,with an immense paste-board hat. He blew a long dinner horn and kept hishoodlums in good shape. They marched and counter-marched up and down thestreets for an hour, much to the amusement of the thousands of spectators,and then disappeared. The Calithumpians were a complete success.

This ended the day's enjoyment, after which came the


The "fire works" were not a complete success. The committeeon fire works were appointed to make a grand fizzle, not a success.They accordingly made a fizzle. It was not in accordance with the "programme,"nor with the wishes of the hundreds of people who lay around the courthouseand nervously watched the platform where the roaring rocket was expectedto scoot till a late hour that night. We don't see why the fire works didn'tcome. We know they didn't come, however, and the committee alone must bearthe blame.


With the single exception of the "firework" business, the entireprogramme was a complete success, from beginning to end. From the estimatesof careful observers, we find that there must have been nearly threethousand persons in attendance at Winfield's Centennial Celebration.They with one accord, we believe, will say that it was the biggest day thatour County has ever seen.


Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

A Victim.

One morning last week one of our citizens happened to mention somethingabout a sewing machine. It proved to be the most unfortunate remark he evermade. It had scarcely fallen from his lips till he was besieged in frontand stormed in the rear by a half dozen full- grown sewing machine agents.This town seemed alive with them.

A long legged, cadaverous representative of the "Howe" grabbedhim by the arm and proceeded to extol the merits of "the original eye-in-the-point-needlemachine."

On his left a "Grover & Baker" man clung nervously to thelapel of his coat and rapidly delivered himself of the following: "Theonly genuine thoroughbred lock-stitched, hemmer filler, tucker, back-acting,noiseless running machine in existence is the Grover & Baker. You payeighty dollars down and we take your note for the other half on sixty day'stime, secured by chattel mortgage, a deed of your house and lot, and a _______."

Here the citizen found he was in for it. With a look of terror on hisface, he broke away from his tormentors and rushed frantically down thestreet only to fall in the arms of a big, red-nosed Singer ambassador, whobegan his piece with: "I represent the only reliable sewing machinein the world. Our machines have taken premiums at Vienna, London, and theWorld's Fair. They are noiseless running, easy guiding, self-adjusting,double tracked, steel railed, all wood, and finely finished. We warrantthem not to break a thread, skip a stitch, ravel or run down at the heel.Buy one, make your wife a present, and your home henceforth will be a paradise."He tried to explain that he didn't want a machine, that it was all a mistake.But the hungry cormorant stuck to him closer than a brother.

He looked back, saw the Howe and G. & B. man accompanied by a "Wheeler& Wilson" linguist swooping down on him, while on the oppositeside of the street stood a "Family Sewing" hoodlum ready to expatiateupon his patent frilling, pleating, bias-cutting, combina- tion machine.

In despair he cried: "Villains, unhand me," as he tore himselfaway and rushed madly through the alley towards his peaceful home. Theyfollowed him. With tattered coat and disheveled hair he rushed in, boltedthe door, and fell into a chair. His wife bathed his head and put flannelsto his feet while the agents climbed the fence and recited in solemn chorus:"Ours is the only labor-saving, self-acting, temper-cooling machinein the world."

He came uptown Monday, bought a dog collar and a double barreled shotgun. His name is J. P. Short, and he says the next time that his wife sendshim uptown for a sewing machine needle and those agents tackle him,there will be funerals of a third grade order in our quiet little city.


Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

Ordinance No. 60.

An ordinance to protect public trees and shrubs in the City of Winfield.

SEC. 1. Any person who shall in any way injure or destroy any live treeor shrub standing or growing upon any street, sidewalk, avenue, alley, park,or public grounds within the corporate limits of the City of Winfield, shall,upon conviction, be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars.

SEC. 2. Any person having in charge or under his control or care, whetherhe be the owner or not, any cattle or stock of any kind who shall sufferor permit the same, or if the same shall injure or destroy, any live treeor shrub standing or growing upon any grounds within the corporate limitsof the City of Winfield, shall, upon conviction, be fined in any sum notexceeding twenty-five dollars.

SEC. 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect after its publicationin the Winfield COURIER.

Approved July 6th, 1876. D. A. MILLINGTON, Mayor.

Attest: B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.


On or near the celebration grounds, two small cloaks and a shawl. Thefinder will be liberally rewarded by leaving them at this office.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

$10.00 Reward

Will be given to the person finding and returning to me two gold fingerrings lost last Thursday. One is a single and the other a double ring. Lostsomewhere between Hill's restaurant and the celebration grounds.



Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876. Editorial Page.


The necessary steps are being taken to organize a Hayes and Wheeler Clubin this city. At a public meeting held at the Courthouse, on the eveningof the 16th inst., Capt. W. E. Tansey was chosen chairman and Wirt W. Waltonsecretary. The object of the meeting being stated, Capt. E. R. Evans presenteda roll containing the names of over sixty persons who had agreed to joinsuch an organization and provide themselves with a suitable uniform forcampaign and gala day purposes. Speeches were made by several prominentRepublicans. After which a committee was appointed to draft a constitutionand report at a subsequent meeting. Considerable enthusiasm is manifestedby the getters up of the club. It is thought the name of the club will be"The Winfield Scalpers."


Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876. Editorial Page.

If the editor of the Winfield Courier will turn to his files ofa recent date and will carefully read an editorial two and a half columnslong, devoted to the editors of this paper, he will feel ashamed of himself.We have more friends in Cowley County now than we had before that articlewas written. Just wait and see. Walnut Valley Times.

We certainly hope you have more friends than heretofore. The articlewas written to put our people on their own exertions and resources for arailroad, and to notify them that they could not depend upon the effortsof those whose interests were not in common with them. "The Lord helpsthose, etc."


Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876. Editorial Page.

314 Officers and Men Massacred.

In June last an expedition of about fifteen hundred Government troopsstarted into the Sioux Indian country, west of the Black Hills, to conquerthe hostile Indians. Gen. Terry had command of the expedition. Having informationof the location of about 25,000 Indians, Gen. Terry attempted to convergehis forces, which were in two detachments, upon the Indians on the 26thof June.

Custer had command of one column, of about nine hundred men. He cameupon the Indians in camp upon the Little Big Horn River, in Montana Territory,about two hundred miles northwest of the Black Hills, June 22nd, and atonce attacked them. Major Reno, in command of three companies, attackedthe Indians from one direction; Capt. Belton, in command of three companies,expected to, but did not get into the fight.

Custer, with five companies, containing over three hundred men, rashlyattacked the Indians at another point. The camp was three miles long anda mile wide. A portion of the Indians turned upon Reno and whipped him withheavy loss on both sides, but Reno retreated and was saved by the timelyaid of Capt. Belton's command, who joined Reno and all entrenched themselvesand fought the red skins from the 22nd to the 26th, when they were relievedby the remainder of Terry's command under Gen. Gibbon.

Of Custer's fight little is known. He attacked the Indians at anotherpoint. Not a man escaped to tell the sad particulars. Every officer andman was killed. There were 327 enlisted men, 14 commissioned officers, 2assistant surgeons, 5 citizens, and 3 Indian scouts. Among the killed areGen. Custer, Col. T. W. Custer, Col. McKeagh, Col. Yates, Lieut. Col. Cooke.The dead bodies were found and buried after the Indians left. It is a startlingand unexpected massacre. Great excitement prevails in the country over thenews, and especially in the war department. The Government is hurrying troopsthither from all quarters, and it is probable that some earnest work willbe done before long.


Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876. Editorial Page.

A Frightful Disaster.

The defeat of the United States troops, by the Indians, on the LittleHorn River, reported this morning, is the most crushing ever received byAmerican soldiers at the hands of Indians since St. Clair's defeat in 1691.In the fight with the Miamis, St. Clair lost, out of 1,400 men, 894 killed,wounded, and captured, and a disorderly retreat was made by the remainder.In the fight on the Little Horn about the same proportion of the forcesengaged were killed outright, and the remainder escaped sure destructionby the arrival of reinforcement. Up to St. Clair's time Braddock's defeatwas considered the most disastrous in the annals of Indian warfare. Braddock,1,460 men, lost 877 killed, wounded, and captured. In more modern Indianwarfare the only parallel to Custer's defeat, is that of Maj. Dade, in theFlorida war, where, out of a force of 108 men and officers, only two personsescaped.

In the battles cited, Braddock and St. Clair were surprised in the openfield and Major Dade fought behind a slight breast work, but in the fighton the Little Horn, our troops attacked the Indians on their own ground,and, it would seem, with some knowledge of the position, and were not onlydefeated, but, as far as the principal attacking force was concerned, annihilated.Never before in a fight with Indians were five strong companies of cavalry,in the expressive phrase of the frontiersman, "wiped out."

General Custer was a dashing fighter and had been far more fortunatein his campaigns against Indians than the average regular army officer.The mode of attacki. e., in two divi sionswhich proved so disastrous onthe Little Horn, was successful on the Washita in the fight at Black Kettle'svillage; but in the latter fight the Indians were surprised in the earlymorning, and fought on foot, while on the Little Horn they were mountedand evidently prepared. It would seem now, that Custer, elated with hisprevious good luck, made a mistake which has so often proved fatal before,he miscalculated the courage and resolution of the Indians. He adopted the"one to five" theory fashionable in the South at the outbreakof the Rebellion, and paid the penalty of his mistake by the loss of hisown life, and the lives of his kinsmen and of three hundred of his men.Commonwealth.


Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

C. C. HASKINS has been quite ill, but is up again.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

McBride & Green fired their brick kiln this week.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

Cord word sells for six dollars per cord on our streets.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

Jim Hill made $500 out of his various enterprises on the 4th.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

Thanks to W. W. ANDREWS for a copy of the Dead Wood (Black Hills) Reporter.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

MASTER DINE JOHNSTON has the smallest and neatest riding pony of anyboy in the valley.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

Dr. Ansul Gridley, the druggist of Oxford, was over viewing the metropolislast Saturday.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

Scott, of the Traveler, has gone to the Centennial. C. R. Mitchellwill edit the paper in his absence.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

Mr. Gallotti has received one of the rings advertised as lost last week.It was brought to him by an honest boy.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

BARNEY SHRIVER passed through town on Tuesday on his way to SheridanTownship with a bran new Dayton Pitts threshing machine.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

Suit has been brought against Winfield city for false imprisonment. Webb& Torrance, attorneys for plaintiff. It will be an interesting case.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

JUDGE WADE McDONALD made the eagle scream in English, Latin, and Frenchat Wellington on the 4th. Of course, he did it up in Centennial style.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

MRS. L. H. HOWARD has gone with her invalid daughter, Ida, to ColoradoSprings, in the hope that the climate and medical treatment to be obtainedthere may restore the girl to health.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

SAM. PHOENIX, of Richland Township, shook his jolly sides at the COURIERboys on Tuesday. He reports the oats in his neighborhood as being down withrust. Other crops look well.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

O. M. SEWARD, a recent graduate of Ann Arbor law school, and brotherof E. C. Seward, of this place, has arrived in Winfield and may decide topermanently abide in the "province of Cowley."

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

B. FRANK BALDWIN has added two splendid silver-mounted mirror-lined heavyshow- cases to his attractive furniture. The City Drug Store is as neatas a pin, and is presided over by one of the most accommodating boys inthe valley.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

In Wilson's history of Montgomery, we learn that our Sheriff, R. L. Walker,was one of the first three commissioners of that county. He was appointedby the Governor on the 3rd day of June, 1868. H. C. Crawford and H. A. Bethuramwere his associates.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

In our notice of the Sisterhood of States, last week, we unintentionallyomitted the name of Miss Ida Johnson. Miss Ida carried a little garden hoe,and thus we had Ida-ho(e) repre- sented. She rode gracefully and attractedmuch attention.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

It is to be hoped that no sewing machine agent in town will think thatthe article of last week, entitled "A Victim," applied personallyto him. It wasn't our intention to speak personally of anyone. In fact,we don't know the representative of the Buckeye from the McCormick. Keepyour temper, gentlemen.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

Many citizens of the southeast part of this county attended the Fourthof July exercises at Cedarvale. They report having a good time. The orationby Capt. McDermott was very fine, and several other speeches were up tothe standard. The people enthused much after the manner of our own celebration.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

WILL ROBINSON, cashier at Read's bank, showed us a curiosity the otherday. It was a twenty dollar Compound Treasury Note of date Aug. 15, 1864.It set forth that after three years from issuance, it would be paid, withcompound interest, at the treasury if presented. If not presented in Aug.,1867, interest to cease. It is worth just $23.88 now.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

Elizabeth J. Smith, Deceased.

As will be seen we give in another column space to the last tribute thather friends can pay, to the deceased, the late Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Smith wasa woman universally loved. She was everybody's friend, as attested in the"Memoriam," by her pastor. The neighborhood in which she livedhas lost a good mother, a devoted wife, and a zealous Christian.

Obituary Notice.

Mrs. Elizabeth J. Smith, consort of Solomon Smith, and a member of SilverCreek congregation, of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, died June 27th,A. D., 1876, at 2 o'clock and 40 minutes, A. M., at the residence of herhusband, on Silver Creek, in Sheridan Township, Cowley County, Kansas, aged50 years less 10 days.

The subject of this notice was born in Washington County, Kentucky, July9, A. D. 1826. When she was ten years of age, she lost, by death, the bestearthly friend a young girl can have in this worldher mother. Her fatherremoved, soon after, to Louisville, Clay County, Illinois, where she professedreligion and joined the church at the age of fifteen years, since whichtime those who knew her best testify that she has lived a consistent, warm-heartedchristian. Her father (the Rev. John Walls of Kentucky) not being a christianat the time she embraced the Savior, it is but due to her memory to say,that she prayed and plead with till he too sought for and found the pearlof great price through faith in the merits of the Saviour's blood, joinedthe society, and soon after entered the ministry in the Cumberland Presbyterianchurch, since which time he has borne the standard of the cross of Him whocalled him thereto. Though she has died in Kansas and he will, most likely,die in Kentucky, where he still lives, they will, no doubt, soon meet eachother on the bright plains of glory in sweetest personal recognition, togetherwith others dearly beloved, to be parted again never.

She was united in marriage with James R. Wilkinson, October 19, A. D.1843, who died April 22, A. D. 1849. She was again married February 7, 1850,to Solomon Smith, with whom she shared the toils and responsibilities oflife in the bonds of conjugal affection until taken by the blessed Master,whom she so much delighted to serve, from labor on earth to sweet rest inheaven. She was the mother of nine children, all of whom are livingsevendaughters and two sons. Two children, daughters, were by her first husband.It is gratifying to say that all her daughters are acceptable members ofthe church, following the pious example of their mother.

Her funeral services were conducted in the presence of a large congregationat what had been her earthly home by the writer, her pastor. The sermonpreached was upon a text selected by her husband at the hour of 10 o'clocka.m., June 28th. Her remains were then conveyed by a large procession ofsympathizing neighbors and friends and deposited in the grave by the handof real friendship to sleep till the resurrection. F. M. NANCE.


Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

The Fourth of July fire works committee were as sadly disappointed atthe non-arrival of the fire works in time for use at the celebration asanyone could be. They had ordered and paid for them, and they were shippedfrom Chicago June 16th, and arrived in Wichita July 1st. A teamster thatshould have brought them from Wichita July 2nd said they had not arrived.Another teamster, that went from here Monday morning especially for them,came back without them. And `twas thus that the fire works failed.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

At a meeting of the subscribers to the celebration fund, on Tuesday evening,it was decided that the fire works purchased for the Fourth be pyrotechnicallyexhibited on Saturday evening, the 22nd inst., at the place originally intendedfor their ascension. People living at a distance will please take notice.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

THROUGH the solicitation of friends we publish on our first page thisweek our Centennial History of the county. For the facts concerning Cowley'searly history, we are indebted to the "old settlers," among whomwe might mention Col. Manning, C. M. Wood, Jas. Renfro, Judge Ross, Dr.Graham, and others, of this neighborhood; Judge McIntire, H. C. Endicott,and T. A. Wilkinson, of Arkansas City; Capt. Jas. McDermott, of Dexter;S. S. Moore, of Tisdale; and J. W. Tull, through R. C. Story, Esq., of Lazette.For the courtesy of county, township, and city officers in placing at ourdisposal, books, records, etc., we are particularly grateful.

[Note: Centennial History of Cowley County can be found in July 13,1876, issue of Cowley County Democrat.]

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

The ice cream festival given by the goodly Methodists of the city, atthe Courthouse Tuesday evening, was largely attended. Socially, it was asuccess; whether financially, we have not been informed.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

W. J. BONNEWELL, of Vernon, paid the office his compliments Tuesday.He reports the wheat that is being threshed as turning out a very lightyield compared to anticipations. One field that yielded 35 bushels per acrelast year only returned 14 bushels this season. Several fields have provenequally light. The grain is better quality, but the heads are short.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.

LIST OF LETTERS remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, CowleyCounty, Kansas, on the 10th day of July, 1876.

FIRST COLUMN: Baily, Robert; Barrows, Margrette; Clark, Annie E.; Craig,James; Cook, R. S.; Davis, Robert M.; Dilen, Frank; Elkins, Stephen; Eeder,H. R.; Gifforn, John; Gray, Burch; Halyard, W. B.; Hess, Annie D.; Johnson,L. R.; Johnson, A. E.

SECOND COLUMN: Johnson, Mollie; Murdock, Samuel; McCulloch, Ruffus; Stewart,Erastus F.; Stewart, Robert; Stevens, Sallie A.; Service, Annie; Turner,M. B.; Worden, Mrs. J.; Wheeler, S. P.; Waugh, Henry S.; Whitney, Hattie;Wilson, Andrew; Wiseman, Henry.



Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

Congress will grant Mrs. Custer, wife of the late General, a pensionof fifty dollars per month.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

It is thought that Sitting Bull's band, in the fight with Custer, obtainedabout $20,000, the soldiers having just been paid.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

Congress will appropriate $200,000 for the construction of two militaryposts in the Sioux country.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

Rain-in-the-face, an Indian who had a personal grudge against Gen. Custerfor once forcibly arresting him on the charge of murder, is the one to claimthe horrible honor of killing the hero. The General slew six Indians withhis own hands, shooting three with his revolvers, and stabbing three ina hand-to-hand encounter. Rain-in-the-face shot Custer through the headand then cut his heart out of his dead body, put it on a pole, and a greatwar dance was held around it. The Indians claim to have lost seventy, amongthe number were many noted chiefs.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876. Editorial Page.


The COURIER will, during the year 1876, and as soon as the facts canbe collected, publish a very complete history of Cowley County, embracingtownship histories. The two editions already put out by the COURIER wereall taken and more called for, neither were they complete or satisfactoryto the compilers or public. With that history we intend to connect a mapof Cowley County. To accomplish this task will take time and money. We hopesomeone in each township in the county will collect information for us concerningsuch history and report to us by letter or by correspondence to the paper.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876. Editorial Page.


Elsewhere we publish a call for a Judicial District Convention, to beheld at Winfield, August 21st, to nominate a Judge, in place of W. P. Campbell,whose term of office expires this year. The apportionment is neither justor fair, but presume we have no other recourse than to abide the call. EldoradoTimes.

What is the matter with that apportionment, Mr. Times? Areyou fixing to bolt the nomination if you should fail to name the man? Fouryears ago Butler County attended a Judicial convention at this place andsucceeded in nominating a candidate for Judge from Butler County and thenat the election cast several hundred of a majority vote against him. Inthat convention Howard County had the same representation that Butler hadalthough exceeding it in population about one third. Butler County actedthen as though it considered itself the biggest end of this Judicial district;it has acted so ever since and intimates that it will continue to act so.Suppose you cast your solid vote against the republican nominee for Judgeand then suck your thumbs in despair. Either action would not hurt him nomatter who is nominated.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

A good deal of sickness in town.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

T. A. WILKINSON is selling fanning mills over the county.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

We noticed "Grandpa" Steele on the streets one day this week.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

New wheat sold in Wichita last Saturday for $1.95 per bushel.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

J. P. McMILLEN has gone to Colorado Springs in the hope of improvinghis health.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

HENRY E. ASP assisted the Democrat this week with some interestinglocal items.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

The typo made us say last week that Jim Hill made $500 on the Fourthinstead of $100.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

ROBERT WHITE has rented his farm in Pleasant Valley, and comes to townto learn city life awhile.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

SHENNEMAN has just returned from Missouri with some good horses, mules,and a new wagon for sale.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

W. P. HEATH, Esq., of Maple, called this week and told all about mattersand things up in the corner township.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

MRS. JOE STANSBERRY harvested twelve acres of Walker wheat, that threshedout forty bushels to the acre, last week.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

The old reliable stone mill has again got the best of that dam site.She is putting in her best licks to make up for lost time.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

W. H. GILLARD, one of the "head men" of Omnia Township, wentout of our office Monday with $2 less than he entered it with.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

SQUIRE HERBERT, of Silverdale Township, brought us some fine specimensof millet heads last week. They weigh a trifle less than a pound each.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

MISS NETTIE PORTER returned home Friday evening from a two years' collegecourse, at Normal, Illinois. Her many friends gladly welcome her back.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

WILSON has attached to his well a force pump and hose, with which heforces water through his stable and on to the sidewalk in front. It willbe convenient in case of fire.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

WM. FOWLER went from Arkansas City in a skiff down the Arkansas Riverrecently, making the trip to Ft. Smith in six days, traveling or sailing150 miles in one day. So says the Traveler.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

MESSRS. JENNINGS & BUCKMAN have their law office nicely fitted up,or down, rather, under Read's bank. It is cool and pleasant there at alltimes. Call and see them.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

JOHN NICHOLS has made quite a change in the appearance of the city barbershop. He has caused it to be repainted and papered, and everything is arrangedfor the convenience of his customers, even to a paper of pins on the wall.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

Last Tuesday Fred Hunt, Frank Finch, Ad. Powers, Ella Freeland, PellaBradish, Ella Walton, and Nettie Powers, as delegates, and G. S. Manser,as district deputy, went from Winfield to Augusta to attend the DistrictConvention of Good Templars.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

We "took tea" at the quiet little home of Judge T. McIntirelast Saturday evening while visiting the City. He has the prettiest flowergarden, the most cool and inviting arbor of forest trees, and the kindest"partner" of any old settler in the valley. He lives at home andstays where he lives. Of course, we carried away a nice bouquet of perennials.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

A new style of gospel is being preached at the Holland schoolhouse andother places in this and Sumner County by two or three traveling preachers,who call themselves Christ's disciples. They are reported as healing thesick and restoring the infirm to health. They wear their hair long, partit in the middle, and observe other unusual habits. Several converts havejoined them, five of whom were baptized in the Walnut, near Moore's mill,last Sabbath.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

The ladies of the Baptist church will furnish supper on Saturday afternoonin the building one door north of the old Post Office. Supper 25 cents.Ice cream and lemonade will also be furnished at a stand near the fire works.The patronage of all is solicited.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

DIED. John Dean, the only full grown child of Andrew Dean, who died nearWinfield recently, was drowned in the Arkansas down in the Indian Territoryon the 8th inst. A younger child in the same family died at the same placeon the 5th. Mr. Wiggins starts after the remaining three children soon.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

WM. MAY, of Silver Creek, was bitten by some unseen reptile last Fridaynight, and has suffered great pain and peculiar symptoms therefrom. He wasreaching into the hen-house after chickens and felt a bite on the back ofthe hand, but thought nothing of it until in a few minutes it began to stingand he grew deadly sick. On examination incisions, like the cut of the fangsof the rattlesnake, were discovered where he was bitten, as he supposed.

He grew so sick that he was unable to go for liquor, and having no otherhelp to send, other remedies were applied. His hand and arm are badly swollen,a strange feeling and stiffness pervades his whole system, while an eruptionappears on a portion of his body. He is improving however.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

The "equity court" convened at Arkansas City last Saturdayto hear certain facts in reference to a disputed corner between sections12 and 13 in township 35, range 4. The parties interested were Messrs. Skinnerand Kay. Kay claimed one hundred and sixty acres of land in the sectionas surveyed by the county surveyor. Skinner claimed one hundred and sixtyeight, as was supposed to have been surveyed by the U. S. Surveyor. Theyagreed to arbitrate the matter and entered into bonds to abide the decisionof the arbitrators. Esq. J. H. Bonsall, R. Hoffmaster, and Mr. Cline werechosen. Judge Christian appeared as attorney for Kay and W. P. Hackney forSkinner. Several witnesses were sworn, a majority of whom testified thatthe government corner had been standing there ever since they came to thecountry, which dated back to the survey. The witnesses for the other sideswore that several government corners had been moved in that neighborhoodand that there were no natural objects in the vicinity of this corner toshow that it was standing where the original survey placed it. The countysurveyor was called, the original field notes produced, and a plat of hissurvey presented and explained. The field notes and the old corner did notcorrespond by about eleven rods, so the arbitrators decided that the cornerwas not correct, and therefore awarded the land to Mr. Kay. They each nowhave the same amount of land, just what their respective patents call for,whereas before there was quite a difference. The procedure was under thenew law passed last winter and is an improvement on the old way. If justiceis what a man wants, an arbitration is the place to apply for it. If, likethe Irishman, "Be Jasus, justice is what we don't want," thengo into the courts.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

DIED. At his father's residence in Newcastle, Westchester County, NewYork, on the 4th day of July, 1876, NORMAN SHEATHER, of typhoid fever, inthe 24th year of his age.

The above was clipped from the New York Tribune of the 5th inst.and handed us by the bosom friend and old office mate of the deceased, Mr.Frank Gallotti. The sad intelligence fell like a gloom upon many young heartsin the county. "Bob" lived here during the years 1872, 1873, and1874, and was known and will be remembered by all of the old settlers upand down the valley as a kind hearted, jovial good boy.

We can scarce realize that our old room mate and boon companion has thuspassed so quickly away "to the bourne from whence no traveler returns,"and as the recollections of the happy hours we've spent together come swellingup from the past, we cannot write more, but with the numerous other friendsof the deceased we join in tendering to the grief stricken parents our mostcordial sympathy in this their hour of bereavement.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

DIED. July 14th, of congestion, Cora B., infant daughter of C. H. andPamela Kingsbury.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.

Exhibition of Fire Works and Balloon Ascension.

At a meeting held at the office of Curns & Manser, July 11, 1876,the committee on fire works were instructed to give a public exhibitionof the fire works on Saturday evening, July 22, 1876. All are invited. G.S. MANSER, Chairman of Committee.


From London.
June 25th, 1876.

DEAR FRIEND COURIER: This is one of England's most beautiful mornings.The sun is shining bright, the sky is blue, and the birds are warbling theirnotes in the trees opposite my window. The great bell in the churchalsoopposite my windowis just proclaiming the hour of seven, while all in thehouse are still sleeping. Everything is quiet in London this (Sunday) morning,and all that I can hear is the voice of the distant milk man, calling out,"milk below."

The reason of this quiet is that the people here turn night into day.On Saturday night, however, precisely at 12:30 every public house and ginplace is closed, every omnibus and every street car is stopped, so thatpeace reigns in the street of this mighty Babylon from 12:30 to 8 this a.m.

In one hour from now the rush begins. It almost seems that by a mutualunderstanding every Londoner sleeps up to the latest minute on a Sundaymorning. The omnibuses and street cars, on Sundays, commence running at8, and the public houses and gin places open at 1 o'clock.

Last Monday my father started off to visit the scenes of his childhood,and returned last evening. In all his journey he could not find one personwho recollected his family. So it appears that the Englishman too is imbuedwith the same spirit that is so prominent with Americansthat of wandering.Although every face was strange, he found the surroundings pretty much asit had lived in his memory for the last fifty-two years. He sat in the housein which he was born, looked at the place where his mother was accidentallydrowned, drank from the spring which quenched his thirst when a child, andsaw the many places where he played with his playmates.

There is a fine bridge built across the river Dart, and he distinctlyremembers his father taking him, about the year 1822, to see some men godown in a diving bell, while it was being built.

Notwithstanding his being an American stranger, the clergyman was verykindinvited him to lunch, which consisted of bread, cheese, meat, vegetables,port, and claret. After lunch he showed him his beautiful lawn, hot-houses,garden, etc.; in short, all England is one vast garden. The people takegreat delight in decorating with flowers, trees, shrubs, and tasty lawns.

And now I will tell you what they did with me during my father's absence.To begin with, I had no idea of what London was until I saw it, and as yetI have seen but an iota, but expect to before I leave. First, I was takento Madame Tusaud's extraordinary waxwork exhibition. There were kings, queens,princes, old and young, ancient and modern, thieves, robbers, and murderers,George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, and General Grant, alldressed in their proper clothing and looking as natural as life. I sat inNapoleon's carriage and Voltaire's chair, and handled the guillotine ofthe French revolution, with which Robespierre cut off the heads of 24,000persons in a few weeks. Next day I went to the Londoner's resort, the celebratedAlexandra Palace, and saw all sorts of wonderful things; sent some sheetmusic, book-marks, etc., which were printed and embroidered before my eyes,home to Winfield. On Thursday a.m. (for we are obliged to start early),we visited the houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, walked through theparks, Westminster Abbey, and sailed up the Thames to Chelsea, BatterseaPark, and in the evening rounded up by going to a minstrel exhibition. Nextday I went to the South Kensington Museum, where I saw the first steam enginethat ever ran in Old England, the "Puffing Billy," also saw modelsof all kinds of steam engines, steam ships, sailing vessels, gun boats,etc. All this was very interesting and instructing to me, as you can imagine.Upon the walls were magnificent pictures, portraits, and landscapes of everyvariety. Adjoining was a lovely park, in which was a memorial to PrinceAlbertthe most beautiful sight I have seen.

Saturday a.m. went through Billingsgate Market and the "Sub-way"under the Thames for a half-penny, or, as the Englishman says, a "hapenny."Today I went the rounds alone, and so this ends my sight seeing.

Next Monday a week father and I start for Paris.

Please send me the dear old COURIER, from the dearest place in the world.



Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 27, 1876. Front Page.


He was a very severe disciplinarian, and it was only by the most supernaturaldaring in the face of the enemy that he was able to maintain a place inthe esteem of his men. A story is told which will illustrate this, and whichwe have not seen in print. We have it from soldiers of the Twenty-thirdOhio, who were out on picket, and saw it. It was when Rosser("thisnew Savior of the Valley," Sheridan called him)followed the rear guardof the Army of Shenandoah so pertinaciously down the valley, after the advancein 1864. Sheridan was finally irritated at Rosser's impudence, as he keptpounding away at our pickets with his cavalry, in front of Starsburg, andfinally ordered Custer's division out, to drive him back. They passed throughour picket lines, Sheridan and his staff along, to see the thing start offright. Rosser's cavalry was drawn up within plain sight of our lines. Custerformed his cavalry for the charge, and then rode out towards Rosser, slowly,all alone. Custer was a very striking figure, with his long yellow hairfloating over his shoulders, his red necktie, his dashing Huzzar jacket,and wide-brimmed, bandit-looking hat thrown backward upon his head. He rodeslowly out, entire clear of his command, toward Rosser, many yards to thefront, then halted and lifted his hat, and made a royal cavalier saluteto Rosser, dropping his hat to the horse's side. He then rode slowly back,placed himself at the head of his command, and ordered the charge. The chargewas so sudden and impetuous that Rosser was swept before it like the wind,and he was followed at a run to Rood's Hill, miles distant, without everhaving a chance to reform, and with only one piece of his artillery left.Sheridan used to say, laughing, that one piece of artillery went over Rood'sHill so fast that only one wheel touched the ground.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

Tahlequah, the Cherokee capital, was established in 1839, and not a wellhas been dug in the town yet.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

Uncle Sam is going to station two regiments of cavalry along the RioGrande river to keep the Mexican thieves from coming over into Texas uponperiodical raids.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, and Black Moon, three noted chiefs of theSioux, are said to have been killed in the fight with Custer. It is alsoreported that the Indians admit a loss of nearly four hundred.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

The old Santa Fe trail is being surveyed from Leavenworth to Ft. Unionto ascertain the distance between the points. A suit against the governmentfor $2,000,000 is pending, the issue of which depends upon the length ofthe route.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

It is with great pleasure that we announce that J. B. Evans, of VernonTownship, proposes to identify himself with the Republicans of Cowley, andhereafter cooperate politically with the great national party. HeretoforeMr. Evans has been of the independent order, free to criticize or approvewhatever was bad or good in either party; but he thinks the times are uponus when every man who regards the national welfare should support Hayesand Wheeler and the auxiliary organizations of the Republican party. Mr.Evans is one of the best posted men in the county, and has few superiorsin this region as an original thinker and debater. He will be a very welcomeaccession.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.


On the 12th day of August a Republican County Convention meets at Winfield.At that convention a candidate for the State Senate from this county willbe nominated. At that convention five delegates from this county will bechosen to represent Cowley County in the convention that meets in WichitaAugust 18th to nominate a candidate for Congress. That county conventionwill also choose seven delegates to represent Cowley County in the Judicialconvention that meets in Winfield, August 21st, to nominate a candidatefor Judge of this the 13th judicial district. It is thus manifest that theconvention of August 12th is of no small importance. Unless the townshipcommittees should otherwise direct, the township meetings will be held August8th at 4 o'clock p.m., to select delegates to that county convention. Thenumber of delegates allowed each township can be learned from the call whichappears in this paper. The Republicans of each township should attend theseprimary meetings. They should select men as delegates who will reflect thesentiments of the Republicans of the township when they arrive at the countyconvention.

At the county convention a candidate for Senator should be nominatedwho is known to be sound politically and who will labor for the welfareof the people of Cowley County. Delegates should be selected to representCowley County in the Wichita convention who have no personal axes to grind;men who will act for the best interests of the county; men who have in viewalso the national credit, state reputation, and the maintenance of goodgovernment; men who will neither vote for love or hate, but with an eyesingle to acting wisely and well. And these suggestions are also applicableto the selection of judicial delegates. This is a government of the people.Let the citizens of Cowley take an interest in the exercise of these powers.We hope to see the time come, and that speedily, when Cowley will be pointedto as the typical commonwealth within the State; as being a most perfectmanifestation of a people governed by themselves. Then will each representativeman act and speak for those he represents and not for himself. Then willthe representative and the represented be each proud of the other, eachhave confidence in the other, each have great influence in molding the destiniesof our country.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

Choice candies at Jim Hill's.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

Green apples at the St. Nicholas.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

Farmers are busy plowing for wheat.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

ESQUIRE WALCK, of Maple, called this week.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

The Register of Deeds office has been reinforced.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

NEWMAN'S MILL at Arkansas City is running again.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

The Traveler improves during the absence of its editor.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

PROF. T. A. WILKINSON is building an addition to his residence.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

Leon Lippmann, one of the straightest republicans of the 89th district,is in town.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

See D. B. Emmert's law card in another column, and a more extended noticesoon.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

The rains of the past few days have made ten thousand bushels of cornfor Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

ERASTUS B. KAGER, Esq., passed through town Tuesday on his way home fromthe Centennial.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

MARRIED. Emma Chatfield, formerly of this county, was married July 3rd,inst., at Chicago, to a Mr. Henry Andrews.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

Master Frank Robinson, having returned from the Centennial with a velocipede,is the envied boy of the town.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

The Governor has authorized Col. Frederick, of Topeka, to organize aregiment of volunteers for the imminent Indian war.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

P. G. Seamonds and wife, parents of Mrs. Dr. Davis, are here from Kentuckyon a visit. Of course, they are pleased with Kansas.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

Dr. Davis has moved into the Menor's addition to Winfield, having purchasedand occupied the residence of Mrs. L. H. Howard.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

Thanks to T. A. Blanchard for a copy of the Deadwood Pioneer,from which we learn that one claim washed out $2,500 in one day.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

It's always either a feast or a famine. Three billiard tables runningin town now, and for the past six months there has been none.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

MISS ELLA WALTON, who for sometime has been connected with the Democratin this city, leaves for her home in Douglass County today.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

DR. MANSFIELD and his son, Harold, leave Paris for home about the 5thof August. A letter received yesterday was only fourteen days coming over.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

Citizens of Oxford and vicinity watched the combustion of our fireworkslast Saturday night. They were very pretty as seen from such a distance.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

The Baptist enterprises of last Saturday were a financial success. Thenet profits of dinner, supper, ice cream, etc., exceeded $65.00. Good forthe ladies.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

EHRET, of the "National," has the handsomest billiard tableever brought into the Walnut Valley. Lovers of the "Ivory" willgovern themselves accordingly.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

WINFIELD is the best pony market in the State. No less than 100 poniesand horses have been bought and sold on our streets within the past thirtydays.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

TELL WALTON was over from Sumner yesterday. He reports politics as warmingup. He thinks the Sumner County delegation will be divided between Campbelland Webb for the Judgeship. Sumner claims to have the votes that will elect.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

A new restaurant in town. J. O. WILKINSON is the proprietor and "Delmonico"is its name. Board $3.00 per week, meals 20 cents each, is what it givesthe public.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

The unusual length required for the sills of the COURIER BLOCK buildingnecessitated a special order being sent to the northern pineries. Mr. Marisfurnishes the lumber.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

The two small cloaks and shawl that were lost on the 4th are at thisoffice. The owner can get them by paying for the notices. J. W. Hamilton,of Sheridan, found them.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

It's refreshing to hear those old staunch Republicans, Messrs. Keck,Brown, and Morris, of Beaver Township, when they get together and proceedto "wallop" a Democratic opponent.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

The steamboat that has been expected at Arkansas City, at last accountswas detained at the mouth of the Arkansas River because the engines werenot strong enough to stem the current.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

BEN. MANNING, aged twelve years, was jumped by a vicious hog belongingto Mr. Hudson, on Tuesday last, and was knocked down and bitten in the handand arm before he could escape.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

S. D. KLINGMAN, of Winfield Township, took the premium wheat to the Wichitamarket last week. It is this year's crop and weighed 63½ pounds tothe bushel, being ½ pound heavier than any other wheat brought inthis season.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

JOHN BOWEN sold his farm, near Floral, last week, and will purchase anothernear New Salem P. O. If a man sells here, he don't go away. Once a citizenof Cowley, always a citizen, is the principle that actuates our sons oftoil.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

A very pleasant little party took place last evening at the comfortablehome of Mrs. S. B. Bruner four miles east of town. It was given in honorof the return of her daughter, Miss Kate Porter. Several from Winfield werein attendance.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

Notice John Easton & Co.'s new display "ad" this week.An experienced gun and locksmith has formed a partnership with Easton, andthey will hereafter conduct the business on the west side of Main street,near Green's law office. When you go on a sewing machine errand for yourwife now, you can amuse yourself with a game of billiards on their accommodationtable, which they have lately put in order.



SHOT-GUNS, REVOLVERS, AND RIFLES, Kept constantly on hand.

Repairing done neatly and to order. Special attention given to SEWINGMACHINES.

Don't send them away, but bring them to us for repairs. Everything froma Threshing Machine to a Knitting Needle mended with promptness, neatness,and dispatch.

We have a BILLIARD TABLE fitted up and run for the benefit of citizens.

Remember the place: Three Doors south of Read's Bank, west side Mainstreet, WINFIELD, KANSAS.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

While harrowing down weeds the other day, George Walker left his teamto get a drink, and on returning a few minutes afterwards, he could notfind them. They had hidden so effectually that George didn't do any moreharrowing that day. That's the kind of vegetation they have in the "GreatArkansas Valley."

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

JOSEPH MASON, of Pleasant Valley, has a team that was driven five hundredmiles this spring, from Iowa to Cowley County, Kansas, and has since thattime broke 55 acres of prairie sod, harvested 210 acres of wheat, cultivated15 acres of corn and done a large amount of running around besides. Mr.Mason did most of the driving. The team looks a little thin.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

At the regular meeting of the Hayes and Wheeler Club last Thursday eveningthe following officers were chosen: President, A. B. Lemmon; Vice President,Dr. John Headrick; Secretary, Wirt W. Walton; Treasurer, John E. Allen.The club list now contains the names of nearly every Republican in Winfield.Uniforms for fifty Scalpers will probably be ordered this week.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

As we go to press we learn that Tuesday night Nate Roberson's stage barnwas struck by lightning. Nine horses were killed and his barn, carriages,and coaches, worth in the aggre gate probably twenty-five hundred dollars,were entirely consumed by the fire. This is a severe loss to a hard workingcitizen. Nate left yesterday for Eldorado, the scene of the accident. Wewill give full particulars next week.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

M. A. FELTON and WILL ALEXANDER, who went to Wichita the 15th of thismonth, for the purpose of rafting lumber down the Arkansas, returned lastFriday evening, but left the rafts up the river some fifteen miles. Theybuilt two rafts, and putting 4,000 feet of pine lumber on each, startedon the morning of Tuesday, July 18th, but made slow progress, being on thesand bars a great portion of the time. Traveler.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

MR. J. C. FRANKLIN, having returned from the exposition, is replete withinteresting descriptions of the sights there seen. He went via Niagara andreturned by way of Washington. While in the latter place he visited twoor three day sessions of Congress and had the pleasure of hearing SenatorIngalls in his famous debate on the question of transferring the Indiansto the War Department. He also visited Arlington Heights, Washington Monument,and several public buildings.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

We learn that our much respected friend, A. E. BAIRD, has sold out hisstore at Elk City and removed to Winfield, where he purchased an interestin the large mercantile house of Harter Brothers. We are well acquaintedwith Mr. Baird, and know him to be one of the very best businessmen in Kansas,and we heartily congratulate the Harter Brothers upon their good fortunein adding to the firm so valuable and worthy member. We also congratulatethe people of Winfield and Cowley County upon the addition of so good amerchant and citizen. May you never regret the move you have made, "Gene."Courant.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

We learn that Messrs. Tolles and Endicott, of Grouse Creek, built a flatboattwenty-five feet long by six feet wide, and loaded it with 4,000 poundsof flour, started on Sunday morning down the Arkansas to find a market.This is just a trial trip, but if successful, it is their intention to shipall their flour in that direction. Traveler.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

We publish a history of Oxford Township, hastily prepared for the 4thof July by Judge Geo. T. Walton. The Winfield Courier also publishesthe history of Cowley County, written by his son, Wirt W. Walton. The IrentonCommercial, of Irenton, Ohio, publishes a synopsis of the historyof Lawrence County, Ohio, by his brother, Thos. A. Walton. Each were selectedby the different committees of their respective localities in the same week,as Local Historians, without their knowledge of the honor until after theirselection for the position. It is quite a compliment to the family, andrather a peculiar coincident. Oxford Independent.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

COL. J. C. McMULLEN, of Arkansas City, writes from the celebrated summerresort, Cresson, Pennsylvania, to his brother-in-law, E. P. Kinne, thathis child is improving in health. He describes the resort as a three hundredacre tract of land, situated on the highest point of the Allegheny Mts.,and beautifully laid out into walks, drives, natural and artificial. Thecurative properties of its mineral springs attracts hundreds to it everyyear. Its visitors are rich, gay, and fashionable, and their fine clothesand turn-outs contrast strangely with the plain suit of a western man. TheCol. is spending a pleasant summer, and hopes to return soon with his littleboy entirely recovered.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.


FOULTS - COMMONS. At the residence of the bride's father, near Thayer,Kansas, on the 20th inst., by the Rev. Shockley, Mr. Harry Foults and MissMaggie A. Commons.

That evidently means our printer, Harry, who so quietly folded his Sundayharness a few days ago and went east. It seems rather strange that so gooda printer as he should go on the Commons for a "take." The happypair are now permanent residents of Winfield.

LORE - DAVIS. At the resident of Mr. Best, July 19th, by Rev. N. L. Rigby,Mr. James Lore and Miss Samantha Davis.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

DIED. At Winfield, Kansas, Emma Jannette, daughter of John W. and FannieV. Curns, July 23, 1876, at 9 p.m., aged 1 year, 4 months, and 12 days.The funeral services at the M. E. Church, Monday afternoon, were attendedby a large body of sympathizing friends.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

The Fire Works.

Last Saturday wasn't the fourth day of July, in fact, but it was to allintents and purposes as far at least as the fire works were concerned. Theenergetic committee displayed good taste in their selection of the groundand the manner in which the stand was decorated. All the arrangements hadbeen made to have the display in another part of town, but on learning ofthe sickness of Mr. Curns' child, the committee moved the stand down onthe addition. The elements seemed to conspire against the committee. Nota breath of air was stirring. The American flag was run up, but after flutteringa moment, it wrapped itself tightly around the bare pole and refused tofurther unfurl. The shouts and enthusiasm of five hundred spectators couldn'tmake it believe that this was the fourth day of July. It was awful hot.In spite of the heat, however, quite a number of people were in from thecountry, and many from town were on the ground. The stand was gaily decoratedwith Chinese lanterns and ornamented with the Winfield Silver Cornet Band.They were both very pretty. The lanterns displayed Columbia and the bandplayed "Hail Columbia." About this time (sometime in the afternoon)a balloon was sent up. This was the opening gun, or more properly speaking,the opening balloon, as it opened and in consequence came down on both sidesof a fence over by the brick yard. Its aerial voyage was anxiously watchedby a gang of boys who wanted its "innards" for a circus sign.

After this came the fireworks. Each succeeding rocket was received with"Oh, my, how beautiful!" "Lovely," "Splendid,""The nicest one yet!" and similar exclamations by the fair sex,while the "other fellows," would greet them with such remarksas "Pshaw, that's nothing to what I've seen back in the States!"or "Why, in the town I came from we used to fire a thousand dollar'sworth every fourth," etc. The candles, rockets, wheels, and other infernalmachines were very prettysome of them indeed were grand. An attempt to describethem would be useless. Everybody enjoyed the display and the only regretby people or committee is that the works didn't arrive in time for the fourth.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.


Tarrant will commence (on Monday, July 31st) keeping boarders again,and will give good satisfaction for $2.75 per week. Give him a trial.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

For Sale.

One dozen Horses and Ponies, by R. B. Waite. Apply at room over Read'sBank.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.

For Rent.

Several Farms, containing from 50 to 100 acres, for wheat. Apply to R.B. Waite over Read's Bank.


Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876. Editorial Page.

From Silver Creek Township.

Now that the busy hum of the reaper is heard no more and our wheat issafe, we grasp the pen to write from Silver Creek.

The crops never looked better.

The corn fairly cracks as it looms up heavenward.

The wheat does not average quite as well per acre as last year's crop,but is of finer quality. There will be a large amount sown this fall.

The farmers expect a railroad to carry the next year's crop to market,and are intending to put out a large crop in anticipation of it. We wantan east and west road and then we won't say anything about the resumptionact for at least ten days.

Judge Gans preached to a large and appreciative congregation at the Brook'sschoolhouse last Sabbath.

Mr. Hall is building a very nice milk house over his spring. Jack Morrisis doing the stone work and Mr. Wilson and Browning are doing the carpenterwork.

We expect to give Hayes and Wheeler a rousing majority in November. SILASJEEMS.


Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876. Editorial Page.

From Sheridan Township.

Most of the farmers in our part of the county have put their wheat inthe stack, and are waiting for it to go through the "sweat" beforethreshing. Some have already threshed and are engaged in hauling their wheatto the "Kingdom of Wichita."

The old fogy idea of "no use for a railroad," is fast beingdriven out, and the cry now is, give us a railroad.

The corn is looking fine and promises a large yield.

Our roads are being put in good condition now by the farmers under thesupervision of J. W. Hamilton.

The Smith ford is passable again.

One day last week a party were seining in Silver Creek. We did not learnthe result.

There will be a Sunday school picnic on Silver Creek sometime in September.The Silver Creek Sabbath School is at the head of the affair.

The roll of the artillery is heard no more in the vicinity of Mount Contention;hostilities have been suspended and the treaty of peace has been signed,and now all that remains to be done is for it to be ratified.

The rattle and bang of the hammer and saw are heard in the suburbs anda new residence has been completed in Whipthemall's Addition.

There will be a meeting of the young men of Sheridan and Silver Creektownships next Sunday evening, immediately after singing, at the Jarvisschoolhouse, for the purpose of organizing a "Young Men's Tobacco ChewingAssociation." Applicants for membership must not be under ten yearsof age. No reference required. We have engaged the services of thoroughand experienced chewers from abroad, and with what local assistance we canobtain, expect to make the exercises interesting, instructive, and beneficial.Young men, let each and everyone of you avail yourselves of the golden opportunity.Each one must bring his own tobacco, for we will allow no begging. TIMOTHYPRY.


Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.

The heavy firing heard the other morning south of town was supposed tobe at Arkansas City. It was thought the steamboat had arrived. It provedto be two modern Nimrods that went out early to head off the game law.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.

The Foults Bros. are conducting a genteel barber shop, something notfound in every town in the valley. They always have clean towels, cleansponges, and keen razors. They can be found at their shop early and latealwaysat the post.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.

A COURIER office divan was occupied a few moments yesterday by Will D.Mowry, the genial proprietor of the Central Avenue House of Arkansas City.He came in to inquire about certain prospective investments in Benton Harbor,Michigan, which he is about to enter into.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.

ISAAC MOORE, Esq., of Dexter Township, will probably be a candidate forRepresentative before the Republican Convention of the 89th district. Heis well and favorably known in the southeast part of the county. He is nota chronic office seeker, which is a good point in his favor. Should he benominated, he will be elected.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.

MESSRS. JIM HILL and W. L. MULLEN have gone to Kansas City with theirherd of cattle.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.

A. H. SMITH, Postmaster at Otto, came over last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.

CAPT. T. W. MORRIS came over from Beaver Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.

A house and three residence lots in Winfield to trade for land. Applyat the office of Manning & Walton.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.

The Misses Stewart, in company with their brother, A. T., expect to startfor the Centennial next month.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.

MR. ASBERRY, of school district number thirty-seven, twenty miles eastof here, heard the anvils last Saturday night.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.

DR. J. A. MAGGARD, of Oxford, has formed a partnership with his brother,who has just arrived from the east.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.

E. A. HENTHORN, one of the jolly boys of Omnia, visited us today.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.

J. B. LYNN has purchased nine acres of land adjoining town, with a viewof engaging extensively in the hog business.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.

READ's bank is paying out silver as exchange. The new coin, which requiresthree to make a dollar, is attracting much attention.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.

Burt French and Geo. Ballou came in yesterday and told us all about the"Hamburg Massacre." They had just heard the news over in Windsor.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.

MEL. GRAHAM, one of the Ohio boys that has helped to make the TimberCreek Valley "blossom as the rose," wants the COURIER in his familytoo. So here she goes!

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.

Col. Alexander arrived home Wednesday evening from an extended trip throughthe east. He is looking hale and hearty. Centennial air evidently agreeswith him.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.

MR. J. W. MILLSPAUGH, one of the hard working, thinking farmers of Vernon,came in Saturday and gave us his news on "the situation." Of course,he's for Hayes and Wheeler.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.

At the meeting of the Winfield school board last Saturday, it was decidedto employ Miss Mollie Bryant to teach the primary and Miss Saint the intermediatedepartment, for the ensuing term.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.

The first of August was celebrated by the colored folks of this countynear Arkansas City. They had a pic-nic and dance. John Nichols and familyattended from this city. There are over sixty freed-men in Cowley.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.

A Sabbath School picnic will be held at Bradbury's grove, in Beaver Township,on Saturday, the 12th day of August, 1876. All are invited. A happy timeis expected. Rev. Rusbridge will address the assembly.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.

COUNTY ATTORNEY PYBURN has formed a law partnership with O. M. SEWARD,late of the Ann Arbor law school. The office of the new firm will be overGreen's drug store. Mr. Pyburn is well known and needs no introduction.Mr. Seward is an active young lawyer and an accomplished gentleman, andwe think the firm will succeed. Here's luck to it anyway.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.

DIED. On the 30th of July, of Summer complaint, Walter Austin, only childof J. and E. S. Swain, aged 5 months and 24 days.


Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.

From Pleasant Valley.

The picnic on Walnut, in the vicinity of Odessa schoolhouse, held onSaturday, July 29th, in which five Sabbath schools participated, was, inspite of the hot weather, a success. A better speech could not have beenlistened to than the one made by Professor Lemmon, of Winfield, on the occasion.Mr. Klingman gave a history of Excelsior school, and while he was able totruthfully boast of its being the first one organized on the divide, Mr.Hon, representing Pleasant Valley school, was enabled to inform the peoplethat his school was only a few weeks later in organizing. Mr. Mason thenstood up in behalf of the school at Brane's schoolhouse, and gave an interestinghistory of it in a few appropriate remarks.

The McDonaldites are getting to be quite numerous in the vicinity ofthe Holland schoolhouse. Five more were added to their number and plungedinto the water this week. Now the astonishing fact is that as Satan hascome to establish his kingdom on earth, so many can be found to enter in.They call themselves "followers of Christ," and claim to be healingthe sick and performing many miracles, but, the only miracle they have beenable as yet to perform, has been the cheating of some of our neighbors outof their bed and board for a few weeks. We are sorry that some of our goodcitizens are being thus misled, and hope that Brigham will soon call hischildren to some other field of labor. VERITAS.


Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.


At a regular meeting of the Brane Sabbath School, the following resolutionswere adopted.

Resolved, That we tender a vote of thanks to Prof. A. B. Lemmonfor the able and acceptable manner in which he addressed our joint SundaySchool picnic on the 29th.

Resolved, That a copy of the resolutions be furnished each ofthe Winfield papers.

Wm. CRABB, C. J. BRANE, S. W. CHATTERSON, Committee.


Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.

Items From the Traveler.

Some farmers were obliged to suspend work last Saturday, owing to theintense heat.

A. O. Hoyt received another letter from his father last Monday night.At the time of writing (July 24) he was at Pine Bluff, Arkansas, where theyhad been further detained by sickness of the crew. He now thinks the powerof their engine is sufficient to bring the boat up to this place.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.

C. R. Williamson left for Kansas City last Monday with four car loadsof two and three year old steers, owned by himself and W. L. Mullen, ofWinfield. Charley intends going to his old home in Virginia before returning,by which time he will have seen the side show at Philadelphia.


Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.

Our London Correspondence.
LONDON, JULY 12, 1876.

DEAR COURIER: The day after I last wrote you, I went alone to the CrystalPalace, and saw the great American circus man, Myers, drive a team of 40horses before his monster chariot.

The man who had the elephants in the ring the last time I was there,went in a cage with seven lions, and played with them, just as he wouldwith so many kittens, and another man acted on three turning poles in theair thirty feet from the ground (better than us boys do in Winfield).

On Tuesday we went to Hyde Park again, to see the Albert Memorial (themost magnificent thing in all London), went through Albert Hall; this timesaw all that was to be seen. The hall is enormous; will seat 20,000 persons.In the evening heard Adelina Patti sing. Truly wonderful is her controlof voice.

Tuesday my father and myself started for Paris at 6:45 p.m., and arrivedat Dover at 11 o'clock at night, where we took a steamer for Calais, beingtwo hours sail. The train for Paris did not leave until 7 o'clock next a.m.,so we went into the waiting room and stretched ourselves out on the seatsand went to sleep. While there we fell in with a Mr. McCarty from Iowa,who was importing horses from Paris to Iowa. There are horses in Englandand France that are three times as large, and can pull three times as muchas the horses in Kansas.

After going into a coffee house for breakfast, we took the train andarrived in Paris at 5 o'clock Friday evening; went to the British and AmericanHotel, and hired a room to sleep in, as is the custom here. When we askedthe girl for soap to wash (she could not understand a word of English),she made a great fuss, and we soon ascertained that everybody furnishedtheir own soap.

Mr. McCarty was our guide and took us first through a lovely street,called "Champs Elysse," with several rows of trees on either side,and a little back are beds of the most beautiful flowers I ever saw, fountainsplaying, and everything to make people enjoy life. We enjoyed it, I tellyou.

Here too is Cleopatra's needlea stone 74 feet high, and carved with Egyptianfigures and signs. It was taken from the Egyptians and brought there byNapoleon III, and is one solid stone.

Pretty soon we came to where a lot of chairs were set around, and weheard someone speak English, so we asked what it was, and were told thata band was going to play; we took a seat and paid three cents each.

On Saturday we took an early start and after strolling around awhile,ran upon a panorama of the siege of Paris. This is the most perfect paintingI ever saw (and I have seen a good many). It was so natural that you couldnot tell a real cannon from one that was painted. It is all life size, andone is supposed to be looking from the center of the city, which overlooksthe entire city; one can see all the earth-works, fortifications, ruinsof houses that have been set on fire or battered down, the shells of thePrussian cannon, the men at the cannon ready to fire them off, some goingoff, some being dismounted by the shells of the enemy, and some soldiersdragging another up to replace the killed, others carrying dirt to pileup where works have been knocked down, some carrying a wounded comrade toa place of shelter, and hundreds of other things beyond description. Ofcourse, none of the men moved, although I almost expected them to everyminute. Then far in the distance can be seen the smoke of the Prussian gunsas they send their shells into the city. Every inch of it looks just asnatural as though you were right thereso natural that when you come outof the building, you feel foolish to see what a small place you have beenlooking at.

We then went to the Triumphal Arch and ascended to the very top wherewe could overlook the city. This is a grand construction, being about 150by 75 feet.

From there we jumped into a street car and rode to the tomb of Napoleon,but it rained so hard that we could not tarry.

In the evening we attended a concert in the open air, under trees, withbushes growing around so people can't see in. Inside is a stage, with adressing-room at one end, and the orchestra in front, like a theatre. Thesinging was good, yet I could not understand a word; but two boys aboutmy size, and exactly like rubber, done some of the best performing I haveseen yet. We all sat with our hats off, which shows what kind of eveningswe have in Paris.

Saturday morning we started out with Mr. Hearsh (a resident of Parisand to whom Mr. McCarty had a letter of introduction), went to the vegetablemarket, which is enormous, and from thence to the Notre Dame Cathedral.Here was another piece of gold nearly as large as the one I saw in the Towerof London. When we went in the old Priests were chanting prayers and nobodyto listen to them; we asked why there was no audience, and Mr. Hearsh saidthere was no one went to church in Paris but a few old women.

The zoological gardens are nothing to what they are in London.

We then took a steamer and went up the Seine to Leuren and Tuleries.The largest, best, and most in quantity of pictures that we have seen anywhere,we saw here. Indeed, it would take two days to look them over hastily. Inanother room was all kinds of statuaryall ancient, and some brokenall kindsof old dishes, relics from somewhere. In the evening we went to anotherconcert, which was better, because it was spoken partly in English.

Monday morning we took our breakfast, paid our hotel bill, bid our friendsgood-bye, and started out to make our purchases for folks at home previousto leaving for London. At 4 o'clock we were on our way, and intended toleave the cars at Bologne and take the steamer for Calais, but we both wentto sleep and were landed at the latter place at midnight, and gave our lasttwo francs for two cups of the best coffee I ever drank, and arrived inLondon for breakfast.

From Calais to Dover, one and one half hour's sail, I was more sea-sickthen I was in crossing the ocean. HAROLD H. MANSFIELD.


Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876. Front Page.

A Crow Scout, the Only Survivor,
Describes the Horrible Slaughter.

The Helena (Montana) Herald, of July 15, gives the following accountof the slaughter of Custer and his troops, told by a Crow Indian scout knownas "Curley," who was attached to the ill-fated general's command,and whom the Herald believes to be the only survivor of that terribleoccasion.

Custer, with his five companies, after separating from Reno and his sevencompanies, moved to the right around the base of a hill overlooking thevalley of the Little Horn, through a ravine just wide enough to admit hiscolumn of fours. There was no sign of the presence of Indians in the hillson that side (the right) of the Little Horn, and the column moved steadilyon until it rounded the hill and came in sight of the village lying in thevalley below them. Custer appeared very much elated and ordered the bugleto sound a charge, and moved on at the head of his column, waving his hatto encourage his men. When they neared the river the Indians, concealedin the underbrush on the opposite side of the river, opened fire on thetroops, which checked the advance. Here a portion of the command were dismountedand thrown forward to the river, and returned the fire of the Indians.

During this time the warriors were seen riding out of the village byhundreds, deploying across his front to his left, as if with the intentionof crossing the stream on his right, while the women and children were seenhastening out of the village in large numbers in the opposite direction.

During the fight at this point Curley saw two of Custer's men killed,who fell into the stream. After fighting a few moments here, Custer seemedto be convinced that it was impracticable to cross, as it only could bedone in column of fours exposed during the movement to a heavy fire fromthe front and both flanks. He therefore ordered the head of the column tothe right, and bore diagonally into the hills, downstream, his men on footleading their horses. In the meantime the Indians had crossed the river(below) in immense numbers, and began to appear on his right flank and inhis rear; and he had proceeded but a few hundred yards in the directionthe column had taken, when it became necessary to renew the fight with theIndians who had crossed the stream.

At first the command remained together, but after some minutes' fighting,it was divided, a portion deployed circularly to the left, and the remaindersimilarly to the right, so that when the line was formed, it bore a ruderesemblance to a circle, advantage being taken as far as possible of theprotection afforded by the ground. The horses were in the rear, the menon the line being dismounted, fighting on foot. Of the incidents of thefight in other parts of the field than his own, Curley is not well informed,as he was himself concealed in a ravine, from which but a small portionof the field was visible.

The fight appears to have begun, from Curley's description of the situationof the sun, about 2:30 or 3 o'clock p.m., and continued without intermissionuntil nearly sunset. The Indians had completely surrounded the command,leaving their horses in ravines well to the rear, themselves pressing forwardto attack on foot. Confident in the superiority of their numbers, they madeseveral charges on all points of Custer's line, but the troops held theirposition firmly, and delivered a heavy fire, and everytime drove them back.Curley said the firing was more rapid than anything he had ever conceivedof, being a continuous roll, as he expressed it, "the snapping of thethreads in the tearing of a blanket." The troops expended all the ammunitionin their belts, and then sought their horses for the reserve ammunitioncarried in their saddle pockets.

As long as their ammunition held out, the troops, though losing considerablein the fight, maintained their position in spite of the efforts of the Sioux.From the weakening of their fire toward the close of the afternoon, theIndians appeared to believe their ammunition was about exhausted, and theymade a grand final charge, in the course of which the last of the commandwas destroyed, the men being shot where they lay in their position in theline, at such close quarters that many were killed with arrows. Curley saysthat Custer remained alive through the greater part of the engagement, animatinghis men to determined resistance; but about an hour before the close ofthe fight, he received a mortal wound.

Curley says the field was thickly strewn with dead bodies of the Siouxwho fell in the attackin number considerably more than the force of soldiersengaged. He is satisfied that their loss will exceed six hundred killed,beside an immense number wounded.

Curley accomplished his escape by drawing his blanket around him in themanner of the Sioux and passing through an interval which had been madein their lines as they scattered over the field in their final charge. Hesays they must have seen him, for he was in plain view, but was probablymistaken by the Sioux for one of their number, or one of their allied Arapahosor Cheyennes.

The most particulars of the account given by Curley of the fight areconfirmed by the position of the trail made by Custer in his movements,and the general evidence of the battle field.

Only one discrepancy is noted, which relates to the time when the fightcame to an end. Officers of Reno's command, who, late in the afternoon,from high points, surveyed the country in anxious expectation of Custer'sappearance, and commanded a view of the field where he had fought, say thatno fighting was going on at that timebetween 5 and 6 o'clock. It is evident,therefore, that the last of Custer's command was destroyed at an earlierhour in the day than Curley relates.


Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.

The truth about Custer is that he was a pet soldier, who had risen, notabove his merit, but higher than men of equal merit. He fought with Phil.Sheridan, and through the patronage of Sheridan he rose, but while Sheridanliked his valor and his dash, he never trusted his judgment. He was to Sheridanwhat Murat was to Napoleon. While Sheridan is always cool, Custer was alwaysaflame. He was like a thermometer. He had a touch of romance about him,and when the war broke out he used to go about dressed like one of Byron'spirates in the Archipelago, with waving, shining locks, and a broad, flappingsombrero.

Rising to high command early in life, he lost the repose necessary tosuccess in high command.

Why, I remember when were chasing Lee, and had him up against Appomattox,Custer rushed into the rebel lines and wanted Longstreet to surrender thewhole army to him. You see, Custer imagined that if he could frighten Longstreetinto a surrender, all he would have to do would be to turn over the wholerebel gang to Grant; but Longstreet, who had wonderful sense, quietly toldthe furious young man that he did not command the army to surrender it,and that Lee was off to see Grant on the same business.

Then Custer must rush into politics, and went swinging around the circlewith Johnson. He wanted to be a statesman, and, but for Sheridan's influencewith Grant, the Republicans would have thrown him; but you see we all likedCuster, and did not mind his little freaks in that way anymore than we wouldhave minded temper in a woman. Sheridan, to keep Custer in his place, kepthim out on the plains at work! He gave him a find command, one of the bestcavalry regiments in the service. The Colonel, Sturgis, was allowed to baskin the sunshine in a large city, while Custer was the real commander.

"A General," in Cincinnati Commercial.


Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.

Colorado became a State August 1st, by the President's proclamation.

Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.

Last night's papers contain unfavorable news from the troops that arefollowing the Sioux Indians.

Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.

Belknap was acquitted by the Senate last week. Thirty-five senators votedguilty, and twenty-five not guilty. Two thirds not voting guilty, he waspronounced innocent. Many of the senators voting not guilty did so on theground that the senate did not have jurisdiction.

Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.


More favorable reports are coming in as the stacked wheat is being threshed.The Devore brothers, in Pleasant Valley Township, threshed six acres ofwheat and obtained 296½ bushels of wheat. This did not include thescreenings and considerable wheat that fell out at the rear of the machine.This is 49½ bushels to the acre. Mr. Blackmore, of Liberty Township,last week threshed 25 bushels to the acre. Richard Courtwright, of OtterTownship, threshed 28 bushels of wheat to the acre.


Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876. Editorial Page.

Driven into their Holes and Smoked out.
A Chapter of History Worth Preserving.

Recap: Involved Winfield Township: Republican local hierarchy versuslocal Democrats and Independents (self-styled Reformers).

At meeting in Courthouse 45 "Reformers" tried to control theorganization of meeting called to obtain candidate for State Senator nominationfrom 88th representative district.

"Suddenly A. H. Green, a `leading Reformer,' took the floor andcalled the meeting to order and nominated as chairman one of his followers.. . . James Kelly, chairman of the Republican Township Committee, calledthe meeting to order and L. J. Webb nominated Capt. J. S. Hunt as chairman.A rising vote was called for, resulting in 39 for, 12 against Hunt, a fewnot voting. J. P. Short was chosen secretary. . . . The balloting commencedand a large number of names had been registered, all of which voted forwhat were known as the Manning delegates, whereupon `the Reformers' discoveredthat they were in the wrong convention. . . . Subsequently, and after nearly100 ballots had been cast, and many voters had retired from the hall, W.P. Hackney and two or three others returned to the meeting and complainedthat the call for the meeting was irregular and he thereupon gave noticethat on next Tuesday Aug. 8th at 4 o'clock p.m., the Republicans would holdanother meeting. He and Tansy denounced the resolutions [made voters pledgethemselves to support Hayes & Wheeler] as a gag and the meeting untimely,etc. Aligned against them: Prof. A. B. Lemmon, E. S. Torrance, L. J. Webb,Samuel Burger, and S. W. Greer.

The Cowley County Telegram dated August 4, issued on Monday morning,August 8, had the following article.


Within the past few days Cowley County has been the scene of more ofthat contemptible trickery and political intrigue and corrupt practiceswhich has made the leaders of the Republican party, in the county, so odiousin the sight of an honest people. And especially was Winfield the groundon which one of the dirtiest of these jobs was put up. Knowing that if themasses of the party were present at the primary convention, called for thepurpose of electing 10 delegates to the county and district conventions,to be held on the 12th of the present month, the delegates selected by them,and who would, without question, vote for their men, no matter how odiousthey were, or what their records were, would stand no show for election.So they hit upon a plan whereby their friends would be sure to be presentwhile the opposition would be busily at work on their farms and in theirshops.

The day set by the county central committee was the 8ththe call so readtheRepub- lican organ so stated in an editorial, and urged that upon that dayevery voter should turn out. Right in the face of this they quietly sendout their strikers to tell the "faithful" that they must comein four days earlier, as the convention would be held then and their presencewas needed. On the morning of the earlier day determined upon, a few posterswere posted up in out-of-the-way places calling a primary for that afternoon.So far their little plan worked well, but when the Republicans who wereopposed to this way of transacting business saw this, they went to workand gathered together a force sufficient to scoop them, which they wouldundoubtedly have done, had not one of the ring-leaders of the corrupt gangrushed through a resolution requiring that each man who voted should subscribea pledge to support the nominees on the National, State, and county ticket.The "gag" a hundred or more Republicans refused to swallow, andthey had it all their own way, electing their ticket by a majority equalto the number of their friends present. The whole proceedings were corrupt,illegal, and scandalous, and engineered by a set of political trickstersof whom the people of the whole county entertain feelings of the greatestdisgust. It is only a continuation of the corrupt practices they have beenfoisting upon the people as Republicanism for years pastand such a job aswill cause the honest voters of the county to repudiate their entire outfitat the polls next November.

The men who managed the affair are respectively candidates for StateSenator, County Superintendent, Probate Judge, Representative, DistrictJudge, and County Attorney. Let the voters spot them. . . .

On Tuesday, August 8, before 4 o'clock, Cliff Wood, A. H. Green, T. K.Johnston, John D. Pryor, N. M. Powers, Joe Mack, and 5 or 6 others who donot desire to have their names published, because they do not approve ofthe action taken, slipped over to the courthouse one at a time by differentroutes and pretended to hold a meeting. . . . A few minutes before 4 p.m.,Mr. Manning went to the courthouse to have the bell rung and upon enteringthe courthouse found that C. M. Wood was occupying a chair at the tableas chairman and John D. Pryor occupying another chair in the capacity ofsecretary. Mr. Manning took the floor and inquired if the meeting was organized,and to what style of proceedings it had arrived whereupon a "reformer"at once moved an adjournment, which was at once put and carried, and tenof the purifiers of Cowley County politics fled the room in such haste asto leave three or four others who had not fully comprehended the trick,sitting in wonder at the unseemly haste of those present, and expectingto have a chance to vote for delegates.

As soon as Mr. Manning entered the room a bystander rang the bell, whereuponnearly one hundred voters poured over to the courthouse. A meeting was organizedby electing S. D. Klingman as chairman and B. F. Baldwin secretary. Theaction of the "reformers" was related to the meeting. A committeeon resolutions was appointed, which soon reported the following, which wasadopted by sections, with but one dissenting voice to the first resolution.

They passed more resolutions, which endorsed the previous action taken.

Manning and his group won again!


Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.

Jim Hill has returned from his trip up north.

Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.

The people of Cowley County are taking political matters into their ownhands this year.

Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.

Mr. J. C. Franklin has purchased Nate Roberson's harness shop.

Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.

On last Monday Mr. John Weakly, son of Robert Weakly, while driving ateam of colts, which became frightened and ran away, was considerably bruisedupno bones broken, however.

Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.

Who are they? Three chivalrous men informed JOHN NICHOLS, the barber,that if he voted for Col. Manning, they would not have their shaving doneby him. O, noble ku-klux! What cheek, or cheeks to shave! Give us theirnames, John.

Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.

MRS. D. P. BLIGH and daughter, Lois, of Louisville, Kentucky, who havebeen visiting Mrs. Magnes and J. W. Hamilton and family, of Sheridan Townshipfor two months past, left for home last Monday. They have enjoyed theirKansas visit very much, and became very much attached to the country. Everyonewho was so fortunate as to meet Mrs. Bligh and daughter became attachedto them.

Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.

Last week in speaking of the action of the school board in referenceto employing teachers for the primary and intermediate departments of theWinfield schools, we omitted to mention the fact that Mr. George Robinsonhad also been engaged as principal. We did not understand at the time thatthe contract had been closed with him.

Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.


The following is a list of the delegates to the republican county convention,from the nine townships heard from.

Winfield: R. L. Walker, James Kelly, E. P. Kinne, M. G. Troup, T. B.Myres, C. C. Pierce, Nels Newell, Jno. Mentch, E. S. Torrance, and A. B.Lemmon.

Creswell: I. H. Bonsall, W. M. Sleeth, O. P. Houghton, Geo. McIntire,and Dr. Hughes.

Richland: D. Maher, M. C. Headrick, Alex Kelly, and Dr. Phelps.

Vernon: J. S. Woolly, Fred Schwantes, and J. W. Millspaugh.

Beaver: T. W. Morris and L. Bonnewell.

Pleasant Valley: C. J. Brane and S. H. Sparks.

Nennescah: A. B. Odell and Wm. Bartlow.

Liberty: Sam Pitt and E. C. Clay.

Omnia: E. A. Henthorn.

Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.

The Republican Caucus.

Last Saturday the Republicans of Winfield Township met in caucus at thecourthouse, at 4 o'clock p.m., and elected the following delegates to thecounty convention, to be held next Saturday in Winfield.

R. L. Walker, A. B. Lemmon, Nels. Newell, T. B. Myers, C. C. Pierce,M. G. Troup, E. P. Kinne, James Kelly, E. S. Torrance, and John Mentch wereelected delegates, and W. M. Boyer, T. L. King, John Weakly, S. M. Klingman,S. Johnson, H. L. Barker, G. W. Robertson, J. E. Saint, John C. Roberts,and A. Howland, alternates.

The vote stood 91 for the ticket elected and 9 for the ticket that wasdefeated. It is an able delegation and was very enthusiastically supported.

Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.

Richland Township Caucus.

Pursuant to the call of the township committee, the Republicans of RichlandTownship met in caucus at the Floral schoolhouse, Aug. 8, 1876, to electdelegates to the district and county conventions at Winfield Aug. 12, 1876.

On motion N. J. Larkin was chosen chairman and H. J. Sanford, secretary.

On motion Alex. Kelly, M. C. Headrick, Daniel Maher, and Dr. J. H. Phelpswere elected delegates and J. O. Vanorsdol, F. W. Bowen, N. J. Larkin, andS. D. Green were chosen alternates.

Mr. H. J. Sanford offered the following resolutions, which were adopted.

Resolved, By the Republicans of Richland Township assembled, thatthe present great need of the country is a railroad, and that we will supportno man for office who will not use his influence and voice to secure sucha result.

Resolved, That Col. E. C. Manning is the choice of the Republicansof Richland Township for State Senator, whom we believe will use his bestendeavors to secure to the county a railroad at the earliest day possible,and we therefore most heartily endorse him as a candidate for said position,and instruct our delegates to vote for him and use their united influenceto secure his nomination at the convention, to be held at Winfield, Saturday,Aug. 12, 1876.

On motion the convention adjourned sine die. N. J. LARKIN, Chairman.

H. J. SANFORD, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.

Vernon Township Proceedings.
VERNON TOWNSHIP, Aug. 8th, 1876.

Pursuant to notice over forty Republicans of Vernon met in caucus atthe Vernon schoolhouse today and elected J. S. Wooley chairman and J. B.Evans secretary. Enthusiastic speeches were made by Messrs. Millspaugh,Ware, Evans, Hopkins, Wooley, Schwantes, and others. The caucus then proceededto elect delegates to the County Convention, resulting as follows: Messrs.J. W. Millspaugh, J. S. Wooley, and F. W. Schwantes; after which the followingresolution was unanimously adopted.

Resolved, That our delegates are instructed to vote for and useall honorable means to secure the nomination, at the Senatorial Convention,of the Hon. Edwin C. Manning for State Senator; also to cast their votesfor delegates to the Judicial Convention who will support the Hon. W. P.Campbell for District Judge.


Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.

A Boy Shot and Killed.

While at Salt City yesterday, we learned the particulars of a sad affairthat occurred there last Friday evening. Frank Jones, a modern highwayman,whose name has been connected with several outrages along the border forsome years, deliberately shot and killed Joseph Lheurxe (Loury), a boy fourteenyears of age, on the streets of Salt City, last Friday evening. Mr. Lheurxe,accompanied by his son, had been at the blacksmith shop, when the boy startedacross to the dry goods store, passing in front of the drug store on hisway.

Just as he had reached the middle of the street, Jones called out froma window above: "Halt! Halt!" repeating it three times. The boy,of course, not knowing to whom he was calling, walked on, whereupon Jonesfired on him, the ball passing through the left lung and ranging down, lodgingnear his right side. The boy fell to the ground and was carried home andon Sunday morning expired. The gun used was a rifle of very large bore andcarried a terrible ball. It was kept in the upstairs room over the store,and was always loaded. The room was used, it is said, and generally consideredby the people of the neighborhood, as a saloon. Several parties were inthe room when the firing was done, and conflicting reports necessarily followed.The funeral of the boy took place Monday. Jones was arrested and taken beforeJustice Lett, Monday, and bound over to appear Wednesday for examination.Whether the shooting was done wilfully or accidentally, it is terrible,and Jones should be placed where such "accidents" will not occuragain.


Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.

City Council Proceedings.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, Aug. 7, 1876.

City Council met in regular session at the Clerk's office, Aug. 7th,1876.

Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; H. Brotherton, T. B. Myers, and M.G. Troup, Councilmen; J. E. Allen, City Attorney; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.

Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

Bill of E. S. Bedilion, Clerk of District Court, $3.00, fees in caseof city of Winfield versus S. Tarrant, that was referred to finance committeeat last meeting, was reported favorably, and on motion was ordered paid.

Bill of J. W. Curns, police judge, fees in case of city of Winfield versusJoseph Likowski, $8.95, was read, and on motion of Councilman Troup, wasreferred back to him for an itemized account in full.

Bill of Burt Covert, fees as marshal, $4.00, boarding prisoner, $1.50,total $5.50, was read, approved, and ordered paid.

Bill of Geo. Grey, $3.25, for removing nuisance from the city, was read,approved, and ordered paid.

Bill of Walter Denning, $25.00, services as city marshal from June 8thto July 8th, was read, approved, and ordered paid.

On motion of M. G. Troup, the Council adjourned. B. F. BALDWIN, CityClerk.


Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

Prof. L. B. Kellogg, of Emporia, once a resident of Cowley County, hasbeen nominated as a Republican candidate for representative from Lyon County.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

Advices from the Cherokee nation are to the effect that the governmentis in a very unsatisfactory condition. Chief Thompson's administration isvery unsatisfactory to the more intelligent class of Cherokees. He is fullblooded, of only moderate ability, and is in the hands of dangerous counselors.A vigorous effort is making to revolutionize the government, and its successis not improbable.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

Gen. Sheridan in his letter to Gen. Sherman, which was transmitted toCongress by the President on the 10th, asking for more troops, says thatGen. Crook's full strength is 1,744, and Terry's 1,873, and every post fromMontana to Texas has been stripped to make up these commands. He wants 100men to each company. The whole number of Indian scouts is 114, not as manyas the law allows. The Indians with Gen. Crook are not paid, and are notworth paying. They are with the troops merely to gratify a desire for Siouxblood.


Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876. Editorial Page.

Republican County Convention.

Last Saturday a Republican county convention met at Winfield and nominateda candidate for State Senator and chose five delegates to the Wichita Congressionaland seven delegates to the Winfield judicial conventions. Every townshipin the county was represented except Omnia. It was unmistakably a conventionof the leading men of Cowley County. A body of stronger men never assembledin southwestern Kansas. We are, or have been

acquainted with every U. S. Senator, Congressman, Governor, and StateOfficer of Kansas since its organization as a state, and can safely saythat last Saturday's convention contained among its delegates as able menas have ordinarily filled the various places that we have mentioned. Thisis not said in flattery, but because we know the men. That a county lessthan seven years old should be filled with a class of citizens from whosemembers every state office might be creditably filled and a respectableCongressional delegation made up is surely a matter of pride to every citizenwithin its borders. Every township in the county is Republican in politics;the mails come to its various post offices loaded down with first classreading matter; at every gathering of its people men are found who can presidewith ability and who are familiar with parliamentary law, and speakers arenumerous who discuss national and state questions intelligently and forcibly.

These evidences of a victory of mind over matter, of brains over bowels,of reason over passion, of liberty over license, are cause for congratulationand presage a great and proud future for our country.

The convention was not less remarkable for its ability and the intelligenceof its individual members than for the patience and stubborn resolutionof the majority against an able, wiley, but small and exasperated minority.The delegates from one township and a part of the delegates from two othertownships came to the convention very pronounced in their opposition tothe nomination of the person who was selected as the candidate for the StateSenate. Their hostility was inflamed at Winfield by the tongues of fiveor six of our own townsmen. Every artifice known to political bushwhackingwas discussed in caucus by this opposition. It was agreed to speak and voteand shout and hiss to carry their point and failing in this to withdrawfrom the convention. The magnanimous but inflexible and overwhelming majoritygave them an opportunity to carry out their programme to the letter andthen laugh at their folly. The vehemence of the efforts of the minorityrecoiled upon the actors; their impotence provoked pity. After the workof the day was over and a little time was given for reflection and conversation,a better feeling sprang up among old time friends and nearly all were readyenough to laugh at the scenes of the late conflict.


One variation of the programme agreed upon by the minority in the conventionon Saturday was, that at a signal certain townships should withdraw fromthe convention. Having utterly failed in all other maneuvers to baffle themajority, the convention had commenced to vote by ballot for a candidatefor State Senator, and no one's name had been mentioned as such candidate,when the delegates from Creswell arose and withdrew with as much demonstrationas possible, then followed Bolton, then up jumped a Democrat from Silverdale,and said, "Here goes Silverdale," but said Democrat was not adelegate; then out walked a man from Windsor, saying, "Here goes Windsor,"but he was not a delegate either. The magnanimous convention had given hima seat by courtesy to fill the place of an absent delegate. The regulardelegates from Windsor remained in the convention. The regular delegatesfrom Silverdale arrived shortly after this scene (they had been accidentallydelayed) and took their seats in the convention and repudiated Mr. Democratwho attempted to carry Silverdale out of the convention.

T. K. Johnston, a bitter personal enemy of the person who was a Senatorialcandidate, who led the bolt in the Winfield Township meeting, had been aroundamong his bogus delegates on Saturday forenoon and warned them to be presentat 1 o'clock. He proposed to coax them into the convention and then leadthem out. But they would not go in for him, and if they had been in, theywould not go out for him. In fact, several men put upon the T. K. Johnstonticket as delegates had not been consulted about the matter and would haveno part in his quarrel.

As to Creswell and Bolton townships, the only townships in the countythat bolted the convention, this can be said with truth: their action wasprompted by the local jealousy of the citizens of Arkansas City towardsthe nominee for State Senator. That jealousy is without warrant, and thesuspicion bred of it should vanish. We feel sure that in the fall electionCreswell and Bolton will give the Republican ticket a good majority, andthe nominee for State Senator a very handsome vote, if not a majority overwhoever may enter the field against him. "Let us have peace!"


Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876. Editorial Page.


The Republican county convention convened at the Courthouse, in Winfield,on Saturday, August 12th, at 1 o'clock p.m., and was called to order byA. B. Lemmon, chairman of the Republican county central committee. R. C.Story was elected temporary chairman and James Kelly secretary. A committeeon credentials was appointed, consisting of Messrs. E. S. Torrance, J. W.Tull, A. B. Odell, T. R. Bryan, and S. M. Jarvis. The committee reportedthe following persons as having been duly elected as delegates and alternatesto the convention.

Silver Creek Township: Delegates, S. M. Jarvis and Z. W. Hoge. Alternates,H. Smith and A. P. Brooks.

Spring Creek: Delegates, F. M. Nance and R. P. Goodrich.

Pleasant Valley: Delegates, S. H. Sparks and C. J. Brane.

Nennescah: Delegates, A. B. Odell and Wm. Bartlow.

Beaver: Delegates, T. W. Morris and L. Bonnewell.

Dexter: Delegates, J. D. Maurer, T. R. Bryan, Jno. Wallace, and G. P.Wagner. Alternates, W. W. Underwood, J. H. Service, T. A. Creager, and O.P. Darst.

Maple: Delegates, H. H. Seiberd and W. B. Norman.

Otter: Delegates, J. J. Smith and B. Hockett.

Harvey: Delegate, R. C. Story.

Tisdale: Delegates, S. S. Moore and A. B. Scott.

Vernon: Delegates, J. S. Wooly, J. Millspaugh, and F. W. Schwantes.

Sheridan: Delegates, Barney Shriver and E. Shriver. Alternates, J. W.Hamilton and R. R. Longshore.

Rock: Delegates, Frank Akers, A. V. Polk, Hiram Fisk, and C. H. Eagin.Alternates, J. C. McGowan, E. G. Willitt, L. J. Foster, and R. P. Akers.

Richland: Delegates, Alex Kelly, M. C. Headrick, Danl. Maher, and J.H. Phelps. Alternates, J. O. Vanorsdal, F. W. Bowen, N. G. Larkin, and S.D. Groom.

Bolton: Delegates, W. E. Chenoweth, Frank Lorry, and Will Thompson. Alternates,H. B. Pruden and Strong Pepper.

Windsor: Delegates, C. W. Jones, D. Elliott, and J. W. Tull.

Creswell: Delegates, I. H. Bonsall, Nathan Hughes, Geo. McIntire, O.P. Houghton, H. D. Kellogg, and Wm. M. Sleeth. Alternates, A. A. Newman,R. A. Houghton, T. C. Bird, W. H. Speers, Elisha Parker, and W. S. Hunt.

Winfield: Delegates, R. L. Walker, A. B. Lemmon, Nels. Newell, T. B.Myers, C. C. Pierce, M. G. Troup, E. P. Kinne, Jno. Mentch, James Kelly,and E. S. Torrance. Alternates, W. M. Boyer, T. L. King, Jno. Weakly, S.D. Klingman, S. Johnson, H. L. Barker, G. W. Robertson, J. E. Saint, JohnC. Roberts, and A. Howland. E. S. TORRANCE, Chairman.

A. B. ODELL, Secretary.

On motion the report of the committee was adopted.

Subsequently the following delegates presented credentials and, on motion,were admitted to seats in the convention: E. C. Clay from Liberty, L. Lippmannand Ben. French from Silverdale, and D. W. Willy from Cedar Township.

On motion B. H. Clover was allowed a seat in place of delegate Jones,who was absent.

On motion the officers of the temporary organization were made permanentofficers of the convention.

On motion the convention proceeded to nominate, by ballot, a candidatefor State Senator. The result of the ballot was as follows: E. C. Manningreceiving 42 votes; C. R. Mitchell 5 votes; I. Moore 1 vote. E. C. Manninghaving received a majority of all the votes cast was declared duly nominated.

On motion the following named persons were selected, by acclamation,as delegates to the 3rd District Congressional convention: L. J. Webb, R.L. Walker, J. B. Evans, M. G. Troup, and E. C. Manning; and the followingnamed as alternates: L. Lippmann, J. W. Millspaugh, S. S. Moore, T. W. Moore,and A. B. Lemmon.

On motion the following named persons were elected as delegates to the13th Judicial convention: W. B. Norman, T. R. Bryan, E. Shriver, S. M. Jarvis,Dan Maher, E. S. Torrance, and D. Elliott. Alternates: S. H. Aley, C. R.Mitchell, T. A. Wilkinson, S. S. Moore, L. Lippmann, A. V. Polk, and A.B. Lemmon.

On a rising vote the following resolution was unanimously adopted bythe convention:

WHEREAS, For the first time in the history of Cowley County, theRepublicans thereof are called upon to nominate a candidate for the officeof State Senator to fill said office for the next four years from said countyin the Senate of Kansas, and

WHEREAS, during the term of four years next ensuing, for whichthe said Senator from Cowley will be elected, there will occur the electionof two United States Senators by the legislature of the State of Kansas,and

WHEREAS, the honor of our State, and particularly of the Republicanparty thereof, has heretofore been sadly tarnished by the open, notorious,and unscrupulous use and receipt of money in aid of the election of UnitedStates Senators by the legislature of the State of Kansas; therefore beit

Resolved, by the Republican party of Cowley County that everyconsideration of public policy and political integrity imperatively demandsthat our representatives in each house of the State legislature, at thetime of such approaching United States Senatorial elections, should be menagainst whom character for personal probity and political integrity noteven the breath of suspicion has ever blown. And, be it further

Resolved, that as the Republican party of Cowley County numbers,within its membership, hundreds of men whose characters are as spotless,both personally and politically, as the new fallen snow, and whose abilitiesare fully adequate to the honorable and efficient discharge of the dutiesof State Senator, we will therefore, in the coming contest for that importantand honorable position, support no candidate therefor whose past and presentpolitical as well as personal history will not bear the closest scrutinyand most unsparing criticism when viewed in the light of the foregoing resolution.

On motion the convention adjourned sine die. R. C. STORY, Chairman.

JAS. KELLY, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

That was a red-hot convention last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

Prof. Hulse will not return to Cowley County soon.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

The work is progressing on the Presbyterian church.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

Dr. Graham is putting up an office next south of Bliss' store.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

The brick work upon Manning's new building is progressing finely.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

The brick for the Presbyterian church are burned ready for use.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

Prof. Wilkinson is putting up a substantial addition to his residence.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

Charley Black and wife are expected home next week from the Centennial.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

MESSRS. MULLEN and WOOD have sold their drove of fat hogs to a KansasCity buyer.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

M. L. Robinson is building an addition to his house which very much improvesits appearance.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

James Kelly and W. W. Walton have gone to Topeka to represent the northdistrict of Cowley in the State convention.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

MESSRS. JENNINGS & BUCKMAN yesterday had their first legal tilt sincetheir location here. It was a trespass case before Esq. Boyer.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

A farm to lease for one or more years, situated on the Arkansas, 6 mileswest of Winfield. Inquire of E. R. Evans, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

We learn that the little girl of Lyman M. Brown, whose arm was brokensometime since by being thrown from a horse, is getting along very finely.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

Leon Lippmann and R. Maurer were chosen at the Dexter convention lastFriday to represent the south district of Cowley in the State convention.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

Easton & Co.'s billiard hall is gaining in popularity every day.They have added fresh apple cider to the list of attractions, and have "pop"on the regular bill of fare.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

At a special meeting of the board of county commissioners recently, Mr.George Robinson was appointed school examiner in the place of Prof. Hulse,who has removed from the county.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

Those people who counted on Dexter Township as one of the bolters weresadly mistaken. Hon. T. R. Bryan settled the question for them in one ofthe best speeches in the convention.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

Sam Myton, the hardware king, has just received two dozen new wagons.They are spread all over town, reaching from his store to the brick yard.The majority of them are "Baine's manufacture."

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

Last Sunday morning Dr. Davis, assisted by Dr. Headrick, performed asurgical operation on a child of a Mr. Turner, from Grouse Creek. The operationconsisted of straightening a "club foot" and was entirely successful.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

Considerable sickness prevails in this vicinity among the children. Withinthe last few days we have heard of several, among the number are the littleones of O. N. Morris, J. W. Curns, F. M. Freeland, and L. J. Webb.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

At the convention held at Dexter last Friday by the Republicans of the89th representative district, Leon Lippmann and Roland Maurer were electedas delegates to the State convention. They are instructed for Hon. Jno.Guthrie for Governor.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

MAX SHOEB is the most enterprising blacksmith in southwestern Kansas,if appearance indicates anything. His immense blacksmith and wagon shophas received an exterior finish at the hands of Mr. T. Robinson that makesit look like a brown stone front on Wabash Avenue, Chicago.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

The many friends of Mrs. W. M. Boyer will be pained to learn that thereis little hope of recovery. Her husband starts east in a few days to bewith her in her affliction. It will be remembered that something like ayear ago she ate some canned lobsters here in Winfield, by which she waspoisoned, and from which she is not likely to recover.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

Just before going to press we learn that Mr. S. S. Majors has disposedof the City Hotel. Mr. Robert Hudson, formerly proprietor of the ValleyHouse, being the purchaser, will take possession on Tuesday next. Sid. has,during his stay in this city, conducted the City Hotel with credit to himself,to the house, and to Winfield, and his many friends sincerely regret hisgoing out of the hotel business in this city. Mr. Majors informs us thathe intends returning to his farm some four miles west of Arkansas City.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

For some time past the friends of Andy Gordon, of the firm of Shoeb &Gordon, blacksmiths, and the friends of McDonald, the horse shoer of theSouthwestern Stage Company, have been discussing the merits of Andy andMc., as to which was the fastest workman. The question was settled lastFriday by a contest between the two, lasting one hour. Andy came off victorious,heeling and toeing seventeen shoes while Mc. quit at fifteen. For the informationof the uninitiated we will say that ten shoes an hour is "boss-work."

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

Dr. J. W. SNYDER, late of Elk City, Montgomery County, Kansas, calledupon us last Saturday. He is a resident of Lazette, in this county, wherehe is practicing his profession. We cordially welcome the Doctor to fullfellowship into the ranks of good fellowship in Cowley, and hope his newfield will be useful and profitable. We have never met the Doctor before,but will take the responsibility of guaranteeing him as a first-class citizen.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

MAPLE CITY is a village of five or six houses in Spring Creek Township,ten miles south of Dexter. The country round about it is rich and well settled.An industrious and intelligent people center there for business and mail.A blacksmith and wagon shop is located there. A good schoolhouse for educationaland religious purposes is erected. A mercantile house is badly needed there.A merchant would do well to go in at that place now, and stick by it. Agood steam grist mill would do well there also. Coal is handy and waterplenty. For any further information concerning the place, address R. P.Goodrich, Maple City.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

Last Thursday this school district was the scene of an exciting contestover the election of District Clerk for the next three years. Our citizensshowed clearly that they were in favor of "reform" with all thatthe word implies. Messrs. B. F. Baldwin and John Pryor were put in the fieldby their respective friends and from the time the balloting began, whichwas about three o'clock, until the polls were closed at six o'clock, therewas "hurrying to and fro" by the voters of the district, maleand female, in the interest of the favorite boys. More than 250 votes werecast and when counted out, John Pryor was declared elected by sixteen majority.Neither of the candidates attended the meeting, and from what we saw, weshould say they were the most disinterested parties in the district as tothe result.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

Winfield Scalpers.

Notice to all members of the Hayes & Wheeler Club that 40 suits ofuniform will be at the club room at its next regular meeting on Thursday,Aug. 17, 1876.

E. R. EVANS, Chairman of Committee.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

Shocking Calamity.

THREE DEATHS. On Monday last our community was shocked by the sad newsof the drowning of three children near John Rhode's residence, four milesnortheast of town. The circumstances are as follows. Mr. James McClure,of Vernon Township, attempted to cross Cedar Creek with a team and wagon,accompanied by his wife and five children. The recent heavy rain had swollenthe stream to an unusual height.

Mr. McClure was unacquainted with the ford and did not think the watertoo deep for safety and drove into the stream. The team at once lost itsfooting and the current carried the box off from the wagon with its preciousburden. The box soon upset and all were thrown into the raging torrent.Mr. McClure made super-human exertions to save his family, and carried twochildren to the shore. The wife clung to a bush while the father vainlysought in the waters for his remaining children. He struggled in the watersfor what he supposed to be a child, but proved to be only a shawl, and wouldhave never got to shore again, except for the timely aid of John Rhodesand son, who rescued him and wife. The three youngest children were drowned,aged three and two years and an infant four months old. The team was drownedand fifty dollars in money and some other effects were lost. The harnessand wagon were recovered. In the evening the body of one of the childrenwas recovered, and on Tuesday morning the remaining bodies were found bythe neighbors who had turned out in search of them.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

Musical Concert.

The Presbyterian choir, assisted by other singers and instrumental music,will give a concert at the courthouse next Tuesday evening, Aug. 22nd, forthe benefit of Rev. Croco, the pastor in charge. We have been permittedto be present at a rehearsal, and assure our readers that the prospect isthat the entertainment will be good. Give them a full house.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

Eighty-Eighth District Convention.

Pursuant to call the delegates of the 88th Representative District metin Republican convention at the courthouse, in Winfield, at 10 o'clock a.m.,Saturday, August 12, 1876.

R. C. Story, of Harvey Township, was elected temporary chairman, andC. H. Eagin, of Rock Township, temporary secretary.

On motion a committee on credentials was appointed, consisting of onedelegate from each township present, to be named by the delegates themselves.The following named gentlemen composed the committee: E. S. Torrance, ofWinfield; Alex. Kelly, Richland; J. W. Tull, Windsor; J. S. Woolly, Vernon;A. B. Odell, Ninnescah; and A. V. Polk, of Rock. Pending the report of thecommittee, Capt. James McDermott being called, came forward and made a briefspeech, which was enthusiastically received, after which, a few remarks,in response to a call, were made by the temporary chairman.

The committee on credentials then submitted the following report.

"Your committee on credentials beg leave to report the followingnamed persons entitled to seats as delegates in the convention.

Vernon Township: J. S. Wooly, F. W. Schwantes, and J. W. Millspaugh.

Winfield: R. S. Walker, A. B. Lemmon, Nels. Newell, T. B. Myers, C. C.Pierce, M. G. Troup, Jas. Kelly, E. P. Kinne, John Mentch, and E. S. Torrance.

Harvey: R. C. Story.

Rock: A. V. Polk, Frank Akers, J. C. McGowan, and Charles Eagin.

Windsor: C. W. Jones, D. Elliott, and J. W. Tull.

Richland: Alex. Kelly, M. C. Headrick, Daniel Maher, and J. H. Phelps.

Tisdale: S. S. Moore and A. B. Scott.

Nennescah: A. B. Odell and Wm. Bartlow.

Sheridan: E. Shriver and Barney Shriver.

Maple: W. B. Norman and H. H. Siverd.

Silver Creek: S. M. Jarvis and Z. W. Hoge.

On motion the report of the committee was adopted.

On motion the officers of the temporary organization were made the officersof the permanent organization.

The object of the convention being to elect two delegates and two alternatesto attend the Republican State convention on the 16th inst., at Topeka,a ballot was had resulting in the election of James Kelly and Wirt W. Waltonas such delegates, and A. B. Odell and J. P. Short as such alternates.

There being no further business before the convention, on motion adjournedsine die.

R. C. STORY, Chairman.

CHAS H. EAGIN, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, CowleyCounty, Kansas, on the 16th day of August, 1876.

FIRST COLUMN: Allen, Mrs. Martha; Armstrong, Oliver; Benjamin, B. F.;Barns, J. S.; Brown, Miss Francis; Carter, Hiram; Field, F. W.; Freeman,Van; Freeman, Ira; Freeman, Henry; Emerson, Miss Lizzie; Galley, Thomas;Galley, Eveline.

SECOND COLUMN: Huffman, Lewis S.; Hutchison, Geo.; Johnston, Ella A.;Lewis, Amy A.; Pickett, Mrs. E. T.; Rutherford, John; Roberts, Nathaniel;Roberts, Margaret; Stevens, George R.; Sargent, Sadie C.; Turner, Mrs. SarahF.; Wilson, Daniel J.; Whitney, E.


Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

DIED. On Monday, August 14th, at 2 o'clock a.m., Cornelia S., infantdaughter of T. E. and Julia A. Gilleland, aged 6 months and 18 days. Thebereaved parents have our heart-felt sympathy.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

DIED. On Thursday morning, August 10th, of cholera infantum, Howard B.,infant son and only child of Mr. W. M. and Annie J. Allison. The funeralservices at the M. E. Church, conducted by Rev. Croco, were largely attended.After which a beautiful casket, containing the remains of the light andjoy of another household, was tenderly laid away by sympathiz ing friendsin the city cemetery.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

Take Notice.

Having sold my harness shop and wishing to move, I hereby request allpatrons indebted to me to call and settle before Sept. 1st, 1876. Billsnot paid by that time will be left with my attorney for collection, so comeand pay up and save costs. Jacob Reihl will receive payments in my absence,at my old stand.


Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.


Miss E. Jennie Gowen, music teacher from Chicago, Illinois, will be inWinfield on or about August 21st, prepared to give instructions in vocaland instrumental music. Those desiring to make engagements with her willplease leave their names at Mrs. Dr. Mansfield.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.


A good milch cow. Apply to H. D. Gans at the courthouse, Winfield.


Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876. Last Page.

Its Resources and Natural Advantages.

We are daily in receipt of letters inquiring about Cowley County andrequesting information about this country. To supply this demand and savewriting so many letters we present herewith some of the characteristicsof this county and its chief advantages.

Cowley County is situated on the south line of the State, bordering onthe Indian Territory and one hundred miles from the east border of Kansas.

It was organized in February 1870. It then contained 700 inhabitants.The present population is 10,000.

This county is on the Osage diminished Reserve lands and has been opento the actual settler in quantities not exceeding 100 acres at $1.25 peracre. There are 150,000 acres of good land in the county now for sale onthe same terms.

No railroad grants cover any part of the soil of this county. The questionof title is in no respect complicated by the conflicting claims of railroadcorporations.

The rapidity with which the country has settled and the permanent characterand extent of the improvements are marvels to all observers, and speak moreimpressively than words can express of the industry and enterprise of thecitizens.

A few words as to the typography, soil, climate, etc., may not be uninterestingand possibly may prove of great service to the immigrant into our rapidlygrowing common wealth and to those in other states who contemplate "goingwest."

Cowley is one of the large counties of the state; being thirty-threemiles square. It lies west of Elk and Chautauqua, south of Butler, and eastof Sumner counties.


The Arkansas River flows along its western border. The Walnut runs throughits entire extent from the north to the south, about ten miles east of thewest line, and forms a conflu ence with the Arkansas near the State line.The Grouse Creek is a large stream, in the eastern part of the county, flowingfrom the north, and is a tributary of the Arkansas.

These streams with several important tributaries, as the Rock, Timber,and Silver Creeks, are all heavily timbered, and make the county one ofthe best watered and timbered counties in the State. The chief timber isoak of several varieties, elm, hackberry, cottonwood, mulberry, and sycamore.The streams are all rapid, and save the Arkansas, clear, with rock or gravelbeds. The Walnut, Timber, and Grouse furnish unlimited water-power.


The editor of the American Agriculturalist, says: "The soilis a deep black loam, resting on a lighter colored subsoil, consisting ofloam, clay, and gravel, both soil and subsoil, being so porous that surfacewater readily passes through them, and in no case is there any difficultyexperienced in crossing with horses and wagons or stock, any water coursesor beds of streams. Teams may be driven across springs or creek bottomsfearlessly without danger of miring. This porosity of the soil, while ittenders it capable of being plowed or worked immediately after the heaviestrains, at the same time keeps constantly moist by evaporation from belowand protects it from drouth. Within six hours of the cessation of a rainin which we judge at least three inches of water fell, I saw farmers breakingsod and cultivating young corn. The crops of corn, oats, rye, spring andfall wheat, potatoes and garden vegetables, which I saw growing on bothold and new breaking, in various localities in the valley, are equal toany that I have ever seen anywhere during many years' experience. I knowof no part of the country possessing a more attractive soil for the farmerthan this."


Acres in this county, 718,080; taxable acres, 358,923; under cultivation,101,308.33; cultivated to taxable acres, 28.22 percent; increase of cultivatedacres during the year, 32,180.33. . . .

Dairy Products. Cheese manufactured in 1875, 300 lbs. Butter manufacturedin 1870, 4,412 lbs.

Farm Animals. Number of horses, in 1870, 791; in 1875, 3,736; increase,2,945. Mules and asses, in 1870, 60; in 1875, 569; increase 509. Cattle,in 1870, 1,918; in 1875, 11,876; increase, 9,959. Sheep, in 1870, 1,430;in 1875, 1,726; increase, 506. Swine, in 1860, 234; in 1875, 8,002; increase,7,598.

Dogs. Number of dogs in the county 1,477; number of sheep killed by dogs,13; number of sheep killed by wolves, 12.

Horticulture. Acres of nurseries, 255.18; orchards, 1,759.12; vineyards21.88.

Agriculture. Number of stands of bees, 14; pounds of honey, 130; wax,10.

Fences. Stone, 13,909 rods, cost $31,295. Rail, 124,189 rods; cost $176,969.32.Board 32,187 rods, cost $53,024.40. Wire, 17,000 rods; cost $12,750. Hedge,135,986 rods; cost, $67,993. Total rods of fence, 323,220; total cost $342,031.97.

Water Powers. The Walnut furnishes good and reliable water power, exceptfor a short period during the driest part of the season. Three mills arenow supplied.

Manufactures. Creswell Township, steam saw mill and two water power gristmills; capital not given. Spring Creek Township, steam lumber and gristmill; capital $1,700. Winfield Township, steam saw mill, three water-powergrist mills; capital $44,500; one brewery. Lazette Township, one grist andone saw mill; capital not given. Silverdale Township, one saw and one gristmill, capital not stated.

Banks. Arkansas City Bank, Arkansas City; Cowley County Bank, ArkansasCity; banking house of M. L. Read, and Winfield Bank of J. C. Fuller, Winfield.The total amount of capital of these banks is $51,300.

Business Houses of Principle town. Winfield: Agricultural implementsand wagons, 4; books, periodicals, and stationery, 2; boots and shoes, 1;clothing and tailoring, 1; dry goods, 4; drugs, oils, and paints, 9; furnitureand upholstery, 3; groceries, 7; gunsmiths, 1; jewelry, clocks, watches,etc., 3; lumber, 4; millinery, 5; merchandise (general county store) 13;saddles and harness, 4; sewing machines, 4; hotels, 3; restaurants, 3.

Newspapers. There are four weekly papers: The Winfield Courierand Plow and Anvil, Winfield; Cowley County Telegram, Winfield;Arkansas City Traveler, Arkansas City.

Schools, etc. Organized school districts, 108; schoolhouses, 58; valueof school buildings and grounds, furniture and apparatus, $63,476.

Churches. Presbyterian: Organizations 3, membership 116, church edifices2, valuation $7,000. Congregational: Organizations 1, membership 31. Baptist:Organizations 10, membership 321, church edifices 1, valuation $2,000. Methodist:Organizations 6, membership 218, church edifices $2,500. Catholic: Organizations2, membership 200.

Libraries. One public and seventy private libraries, aggregating 4,631volumes, are reported in six townships of the twenty-two in the county.

Unimproved lands are worth from $1.50 to $6.00 per acre.


Cowley County was organized in 1870. Named in honor of Mathew Cowley,First Lieut. of Co. I, Ninth Kansas Cavalry, who died in the service, August,1864, at Little Rock, Arkansas.

Square miles, 1,112. Population to square mile, 806. Population in 1869,16; in 1870, 1,175; increase in one year, 1,159. Population in 1875, 8,963;increase in five years, 7,804; increase in six years, 8,789.

By the census of 1876 the population is 10,020.


Beaver: 376

Creswell: 727

Liberty: 295

Omnia: 138

Richland: 545

Silver Creek: 242

Tisdale: 387

Winfield: 1,201

Bolton: 537

Dexter: 410

Maple: 257

Otter: 427

Rock Creek: 659

Silver Dale: 301

Vernon: 512

Cedar: 200

Harvey: 281

Ninnescah: 266

Pleasant Valley: 291

Sheridan: 284

Spring Creek: 218

Windsor: 416

NATIVITY. Born in the United States, 8,550; in Germany, 91; in Ireland,59; in England and Wales, 75; in Scotland, 20; in Sweden, Norway and Denmark,22; in France, 8; in British America, 119; in countries not specified, 5.

SEX. Males, 4,839. Females, 4,124.


Alabama: 9

Arkansas: 57

California: 18

Colorado: 7

Connecticut: 14

Georgia: 5

Illinois: 1,891

Indiana: 911

Iowa: 1,150

Kentucky: 353

Louisiana: 4

Maine: 38

Maryland: 8

Massachusetts: 18

Michigan: 142

Minnesota: 89

Mississippi: 11

Missouri: 1,309

Nebraska: 55

Nevada: 10

New Hampshire: 3

New Jersey: 13

New York: 83

North Carolina: 25

Ohio: 492

Oregon: 8

Pennsylvania: 125

Rhode Island: 2

Tennessee: 69

Texas: 50

Vermont: 2

Virginia: 38

West Virginia: 17

Wisconsin: 191

Dist. of Columbia

and Territories: 25

Germany: 10

Ireland: 3

England and Wales: 8

Sweden, Norway,

Denmark: 2

Other South European: 2

British America: 71

Born in Kansas, 1,607; not otherwise stated, 23.

Occupation. There are 1,969, or 82.1 percent, engaged in agriculture;176, or 7.3 percent, in professional and personal service; 84, or 3.5 percent,in trade and transportation; 168, or 7 percent, in manufacturing and mining.

County Seat. Winfield, the county seat, is 144 miles in an air line fromTopeka, in a southwesterly direction.

Face of the Country. Bottom lands, 33 percent; upland, 6 percent; forest,6 percent; prairie, 94 percent. Average width of bottoms: Arkansas Riverfive miles, Walnut two miles, Grouse, Dutch, and Rock Creeks one mile each.General surface of the country west of the Walnut, smooth and level, withvery slight undulations; the eastern part of the county is undulating, andalong the streams bluffs.

Timber. Width of timber belt of the Arkansas, one-eighth of a mile. Varieties:Cottonwood and Sycamore. On the Walnut, one-quarter mile; walnut, oak, andhackberry. On Grouse Creek, one-quarter mile. On Timber and Rock Creeks,one-eighth of a mile. Varieties: walnut, oak, and hackberry.

Principal Streams. Arkansas River, running southeast; principal tributaries,Walnut and Grouse, running south. Tributaries of the Walnut are Rock, Dutch,Timber, Maple, Crooked, Posey, and Black Crook Creeks; tributaries to Grouse,Silver, Plum, Crab, Turkey and Cedar Creeks. The country is well suppliedwith springs. Good well water, east of Walnut, 15 to 25 feet; west of Walnut,15 to 40 feet.

Coal. Coal has been found in the southeastern part of the county, butnone has been developed of any consequence.

Building Stone, etc. East of the Arkansas, inexhaustible quantities ofbest quality of magnesia limestone are found.

Railroad Connections. No railroad yet constructed.

The marketable wheat crop of this year will be sold at Wichita, the nearestrailroad point, forty-three miles distant from Winfield, at an average priceof one dollar and ten cents per bushel. A man with team enough to do thework can break up the prairie of a hundred and sixty acre farm during themonths of June and July, and can sow the same in September with winter wheatand harvest enough grain therefrom the next June to pay for his land atten dollars per acre, after having paid all his expenses, and allowed himselfa reasonable compensation for his own labor.

During 1877 a railroad will be constructed into this county, which willadd to the market facilities of this region.

No danger need be apprehended from Indians. The county has been settledfor six years and not an Indian outrage has been committed in its borders.

The grasshoppers, chinch bugs, and other pests are no more numerous thanin other localities west of the Missouri River. The first named have nevervisited this locality but once and then they came too late to do much harm.The region of their origin lies hundreds of miles to the northwest, andas they move south, whenever they move at all, they either distribute themselvesover the region north of us entirely or arrive so late in this localityas to do no harm. They have moved out of their northwest homes three orfour times in the past twenty years and only twice did they get into SouthernKansas.

Farm hands command from fifteen to twenty-five dollars per month accordingto the season. Mechanics' wages are not so high as in the cities. Men withmoney can make money very fast here. Persons without money can make moneyfaster than in any locality that we know of in the States east of us. Moneybrings from twenty to fifty percent per annum interest. Professional menare not particularly needed. There is at present a full supply. Farmerswith means are needed; those without means are welcome. No fences are requiredto raise crops. A herd law requires stock owners to take care of their cattle,horses, hogs, and sheep. You will drive miles and miles along the road withfields on either side and no fences. Stock does well here, but every manmust take care of his own. Household help is very scarce. Girls invariablyplace themselves in the matrimonial market upon arriving in this localityand are soon doing business on their own hook. Two or three hundred veryhomely, hump-backed, flat-chested, cross-eyed girls could find constantemployment in the kitchens of this county.


Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876. Front Page.

The Murdered Journalist.
From the Cincinnati Enquirer.

Leander P. Richardson, correspondent of the Springfield Republican,who was killed and scalped by the Indians at Little Horn, was a son of thelate Albert D. Richardson, war correspondent of the New York Tribune,and the writer of several interesting books. The latter, it will be remembered,was shot some years ago by a lawyer named McFarland, who accused him ofestranging his wife from him. Mrs. McFarland had previously secured a divorcefrom her husband, and was married to Richardson by the Rev. Henry Ward Beecherwhile Richardson was on his death bed. Young Richardson had no liking forthe public schools and was sent to a military academy at Farmington, Maine.He afterward learned to set type and worked as a compositor, then in theTribune counting room, and for awhile as a reporter on the ChicagoInter-Ocean.

For awhile he assisted his uncle in editing the Boston Congregationalist,and then accepted a position on the Springfield Republican, intendingto visit the Indian country, and afterward take a trip around the world.The death of the father was less bloody than that of the son, the latter'sbody having been pierced with at least twenty bullet holes and otherwiseterribly mutilated. Mrs. McFarland Richardsonbetter known as Abby Sage Richardsonisstill living, but is said to have a hard struggle to maintain herself byliterary labor and dramatic readings. McFarland is a skeleton of his formerself, and is said to be on the verge of lunacy. He was for years very dissipated.Young Richardson was a son by his father's first wife.


Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876. Front Page.

Gen. Custer.

Custer was the youngest major-general ever commissioned in any army ofancient or modern times, and was more rapidly promoted than any man in militaryhistory. In two years after he graduated from the Military Academy, he wasin command of a division of an army, and received his commission as a major-generalbefore he was twenty-three years old. He captured more cannon and flagsthan any man during the war.

"That man will die at the head of his command," said GeneralMeade, one day during the dark days of our civil war, when he had seen GeneralCuster draw his sabre and lead a gallant charge.


Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

Hon. E. C. Manning, editor of the Winfield Courier, will be acandidate for State Senator from Cowley County. He is an able man and anexperienced legislator.

Sumner County Press.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

J. B. Hickok, alias "Wild Bill," known in Kansas and the Territoriesas a scout of some prominence in early days, was killed in a saloon at Deadwood,on the 2nd inst., by one Bill Sutherland, whose brother Bill killed at FortHayes, Kansas, some years since.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

An order has been issued from the War Department to hasten the recruitingof twenty five hundred men for cavalry regiments. The principal recruitingstations are at St. Louis, Chicago, Indianapolis, Buffalo, Boston, and NewYork. Branch offices have been opened in several western cities, in orderto secure the number of men as soon as possible.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

There is a growing conviction in the West that the military authoritieshave greatly underestimated the strength of Sitting Bull's army. A frontiersmanwho has lived among the Sioux Indians for years, writes that at the LittleBig Horn fight, 15,000 Indians were opposed to Custer's handful of cavalry,and that 700 were killed and 300 wounded before the last soldiers bit thedust. Two hundred of the wounded Sioux, he says, are in camp on PorcupineCreek, about fifteen miles from Standing Rock. This information he obtainedfrom the Indians, and he believes their statements.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.


Some of the gentlemen who opposed Mr. Manning's nomination as State Senatordid so on the pretense that the convention was held too early. If we aretoo early here other districts in the State are in the same fix. No lessthan six Republican candidates for the Senate have already been put in nomination.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

E. C. Manning was made permanent chairman at the Wichita CongressionalConvention. At the Republican Delegate Convention of the 13th Judicial District,which met at Winfield Courthouse August 21, 1876, called to order by A.B. Lemmon, chairman of the Judicial Committee, it was determined that thefollowing were entitled to seats in the convention from Cowley County: W.B. Norman, E. S. Torrance, S. S. Moore, Dan'l. Maher, D. Elliott, E. Shriver,and S. M. Jarvis. Hon. W. P. Campbell was declared unanimous choice of theconvention for Judge of the 13th Judicial District. E. S. Torrance of CowleyCounty became a member of the Central Judicial Committee for district.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

We learn that the Republicans of the Twenty-seventh Senatorial District,embracing Cowley County, at their convention at Winfield last Saturday,nominated Col. E. C. Manning as a candidate for the State Senate. The votein the convention stood 44 to 5. It will be remembered that he was the regularnominee last fall for representative, but declined to run. They have takenhim up again, this time for the Senate, and will elect him by a good roundmajority. It is an excellent nomination. We have known Manning for fifteenyears. He is an old Kansan, and we rejoice at his success. Commonwealth.


Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876. Editorial Page.


The nomination, by the Republican State Convention, of our townsman,Prof. A. B. Lemmon, as a candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction,was not only a surprise to him and to his opponent, but also to the Stateat large. But the Republicans of the State can feel assured that it is nomistake that he is upon the ticket. He is not only competent to fill theoffice, but he is a practical man. It is due the great party which willsupport him in the coming election to state something of his history.

Aged only twenty-nine years, born in Harrison County, Ohio, reared andeducated in Iowa. After a course of study at Howe's high school, at Mt.Pleasant, Iowa, he became the principal of the public school at Brighton,Iowa, at the age of nineteen. He there earned the means to put him intothe Iowa State University, from which he graduated at the head of his classin June, 1869. Going directly to Arkansas he organized the public schoolsat Ft. Smith, and remained there two years. Resigning his position therein the spring of 1871 he came to Cowley County and purchased a farm andlabored thereon that season. In the fall he was appointed superintendentof the city schools of Independence, and was very successful in that position.Returning to Winfield last summer, at the request of the school board, hetook charge of the graded schools of this city for the year ending lastJune. The Prof. having determined to leave the schoolroom for the courtroomwasadmitted to the bar at the last term of court in this county. He is at presentteaching an interesting normal class in this place, and as soon as released,will be heard from on the stump in favor of the straight ticket, in whichposition he can take care of himself.


Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876. Editorial Page.

From Sheridan Township.

EDITOR COURIER: Your paper is still a welcome visitor. I love to peruseits pages as it is the best county paper ever published. I see in last week'sissue a piece from one of your correspondents, to-wit: Timothy Pry, in regardto Mount Contention, and as he is not so well posted as he might be, thoughtit would be a source of comfort to its many readers to be better posted,I give you a short sketch of the proceedings of one month ago. As I said,the two great combatants were James the deacon and Wm. Whipthemall. Theyhave ever since been beating up for volunteers to have the case amicablysettled.

On last Saturday at half past three o'clock p.m., the house was calledto order by Eld. Kerr, of Oxford. After the proceedings of one month agowere read and approved, it called into question the foregoing disturbance,when James the deacon would not stand fire and took the wings of the morning,with his army staff and fled to the cliffs and rocks of Timber Creek, thereto lie in ambush.

As they went they sang "Washington's Retreat." Whipthemallstood his ground and marched upon him in double file to the number of twentystrong. They gave him twenty shots and killed him instantly. The enemy wasabout three to one against him. After his death the enemy retreated backin good order, singing to the tune and words of "John Brown's bodylies mouldering in the grave." But the battle is not over yet. Therewill be many more that will be killed yet, as the one hundred vigilanteshave threatened to take it up. They had better look out or they may havea thousand and two to contend with. I will close, claiming it my privilegeto rectify mistakes and to give the many readers the transactions and proceedingsof our township.

P. S. Friend Timothy will not take offense, as I do not mean any. Yourstruly,



Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

Custer's Last Trail.

Some Cheyenne Indians coming from the north to their agency in the IndianTerritory gave to Agent Miles the following account of Custer's fight withSitting Bull.

"The soldiers first came upon a camp of about fifty lodges on theRose Bud, who being appraised of his approach, made a hasty march to theLittle Big Horn, going into camp at the extreme north end of the main Siouxand Cheyenne camp. Custer, crossing the Rose Bud, discovered the desertedcamp and took the trail, attacking the last mentioned camp just before daylight,killing some men, women, and children, the camp stampeding or retreatingin the direction of the main camp. Just at daybreak Custer came down onthe camp with a charge, but in the meantime his attack had been soundedthroughout the entire camp, and preparations had been made for his reception.Custer led the charge from the camp of fifty lodges in the direction ofthe main village, but was met with such a terrific fire from the Indianswho had by this time gained superior advantage from the hills, as to forcehim into and across a big "slough," or "bayou," a pointwell known to all the northern Indians, in which many of his horses miredand sixty of his men were killed and afterwards dragged out by the Indians,and stripped of all valuables and generally scalped.

Custer, with the balance of his troops, endeavored to cross the riverand make his way out through the hills on the opposite side of the river,but was unable to do so on account of the steepness of the bank. Failingin this, and as the Indians believe, fully realizing the trap into whichhe had been drawn, he recrossed the river thinking that he might possiblycut his way back through the Indian camps and escape by the way he camein, but the Indians claim to have forty warriors to every man of Custer's,and once demoralized, was an easy prey to the enraged Sioux and Cheyennesonly waiting to exterminate the whole party. After the return from the attemptto cross the riverthe struggle was a hand to hand fightCuster leading hisband to the right and then back down the river to the point where they werefirst forced into the "slough," where they were so completelysurrounded so as to be unable to escape in any direction, and most of thoseremaining were dragged from their horses and killed. Custer and a few othersdid succeed in riding through and over his enemy, and reached an eminencenear by only to be met by thousands on the surrounding hills where he metthe same fate of his whole command.

The Indians say that after the troops were driven into the "slough,"they were completely demoralized and were an easy prey, showing or givingbut little resistance; each one seemed trying to escape instead of tryingto fight.

They report that Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull were not killed, and thatless than sixty Sioux and Cheyennes were killed, the greater portion beingkilled during the first fire before day-break. The whole engagement didnot last more than one hour from the time of the first charge."


Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

Plenty of rain now-a-days.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

Lightning rod wagon in town.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

Shenneman has again returned.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

The stage barn has a lightning rod.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

Tomatoes are high and scarce in this market.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

MR. DEVER has quit traveling with his peddling wagon.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

Will Cowley County ever have another agricultural fair?

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

Lippmann's mill is sending a great deal of lumber to Winfield.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

County Treasurer Bryan is putting an addition to his residence.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

MR. MANNING gave employment this week to twenty-three hands and fiveteams.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

SCOTT, of the Traveler, has returned from the Centennial readyfor business once more.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

DR. MANSFIELD will return home this week and resume the practice of hisprofession.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

Apples sold from wagons on the street this week at one dollar and fiftycents per bushel.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

There is an illicit distillery running in Cowley County. Who knows itswhereabouts?

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

MR. ROBERT HUDSON took possession of the City Hotel last Monday.


ROBT. HUDSON, Proprietor.
Good Sample Rooms for the Accommodation of
Commercial Men.

The House will be run in better style than ever before.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

The recent rains put the Walnut past fording this week. How about thatbridge below town?

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

MR. VANDEVENTER is preparing to erect a fine residence upon his farmadjoining town on the north.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

A. J. THOMPSON, one mile east of town, threshed his wheat last week andobtained twenty bushels to the acre.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

W. M. BOYER started east last Sunday morning, called suddenly to hiswife's sick-bed by a telegraph dispatch.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

We learn the painful news that Mrs. James McClure, who lost three childrenby drowning last week, is temporarily insane.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

The concert given for the benefit of Rev. Croco was a pleasant affair,and the proceeds, above expenses, exceeded $18.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

It is rumored that the Democrat will go east soon, with bag andbaggage. It will probably pull up at Cedarvale, Chautauqua County.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

On the road coming from Wichita yesterday, we met 21 teams loaded withCowley County wheat. And still we have no railroad.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

"MORTAR" and "more hard brick" have been ringingthrough the COURIER halls for a week to the utter disgust of all well regulatedprinters.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

A farm to lease for one or more years, situated on the Arkansas, 6 mileswest of Winfield. Inquire of E. R. Evans, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

The new building being erected just south of Bliss & Co.'s storeis to be occupied by Drs. Graham and Hare. It will be completed this week.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

J. W. Millspaugh, Esq., of Vernon, collected quite a subscription fromour citizens as a donation to Mr. James McClure, who lost his team and moneyin Cedar Creek last week.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

J. N. ALLEN, JNO. HARCOURT, and MESSRS. DANIEL MELVIN and WM. LAKIN,all of Mt. Pulaski, Illinois, arrived in Rock Township yesterday. They arerelatives of Messrs. Dawson and Harcourt of that township, and old friendsof W. P. Hackney. We hope they will conclude to locate in Cowley.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

Where is that man who guaranteed that the expenses of the Fourth of Julycelebration would be paid? We know a bill or two that is not paid.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

From a private source we learn that the engineers are upon the proposedrailroad line from Humboldt to this place. They are sent out by the companythat is building the road from Ft. Scott to Humboldt.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

MR. J. C. FRANKLIN, having purchased the harness shop formerly ownedby Nate Roberson, intends continuing the business at the old stand, wherecan be found anything generally kept at a first class harness shop.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

A very pleasant little party was given by Mrs. Dr. Mansfield at her residencelast evening. It was attended by the elite of our city. Music, dancing,and agreeable "small talk," we suppose, was largely engaged in.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

J. C. FULLER and family returned last Friday from the Centennial in goodhealth and spirits. He visited many old friends during his trip, besidestaking in the big show. He was very cordially welcomed home.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

FRANK JONES, the man who shot Joseph Lheureux, at Salt City, and whowas to have had a preliminary examination last Wednesday, before John J.Letts, Esq., was released without an investigation. Sumner Press.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

The Normal Institute now in session is in a very flourishing condition.Forty teachers are now in attendance and more are dropping in every day,with the prospect that the number will be run up to sixty. Prof. Lemmon,assisted by Geo. Robinson, has charge. R. C. Story is expected this weekto help in conducting the institute.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

JAY BRYAN, a six year old son of Hon. T. R. Bryan, of Dexter, was seriouslyinjured last Friday by falling from a loaded wagon, that was in motion,and being struck across the chest and shoulders with the wheel. The ladsays the wheel ran over him, but his father thinks the boy must have beenpushed from under the wheel as it moved forward; otherwise, the wagon wasloaded heavy enough to have had fatal results.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

A very arbitrary circular was issued by the Atchison, Topeka and SantaFe railroad, to shippers and freighters, under date of Aug. 7th, which providesthat all cars must be loaded up to 23,000 pounds, and not over 24,000.

The railroad reserves the right to send any or all of its own cars loadedwith bulk grain to elevators at Kansas City or Atchison, where it will betransferred at the expense of the shippers, to the cars on the other roads.

We cannot see the justice of that, nor any excuse, unless the road isso short of cars that it cannot do otherwise, and then it should load onlyforeign cars for their respective roads. Another requirement of the circularwill work a hardship to small dealers and to farmers who may want to shiptheir own grain, and it is this that preference must be given to those havingelevators or warehouses, and that cars will only be supplied which are tobe loaded for the next regularly out-going train. One cent per bushel ischarged for transferring grain through an elevator and two cents per bushel,with storage free, for shelling, cleaning, and weighing corn.

We suppose there have been abuses upon both sides, but a great corporationlike the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad should at least favor thefarmer, in reaching the main markets direct, should favor them to the exclusionof even elevators and grain dealers. We may not fully understand the fullpurpose of the circular, but we well understand that it is to the road'sbest interest to encourage the small grain raisers of this valley to itsutmost, as elevators and grain buyers will take care of themselves. WichitaEagle.

The foregoing is another good reason why we should have a road intoCowley from the east.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

DIED. On Monday, the 21st inst., D. CLARK, youngest son of F. M. andLaura Freeland; aged 2 years, 2 months, and 17 days. In their bereavementthe parents have the sympathy of many friends, some of whom well know theirloss and grief.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

Sunday School Pic-Nic.

There will be a Sunday School pic-nic near the Jarvis schoolhouse, onSilver Creek, above the Saunders crossing, on Friday, September 1st, at10 o'clock a.m. Prof. Hickok and others, not connected with the school,are to be present. A general invitation is extended to the public.


Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876. Editorial Page.


A prominent physician of Sherman, Texas, called on us yesterday, andfrom him we learn the following facts in regard to the political situationin that portion of the "Lone Star State," and the methods whichthe Democrats are employing to decrease the Republican vote. We withholdthe gentleman's name for the present, at his request, for reasons whichhe fully explained and which would be satisfactory to any man.

He states that since the nomination of Tilden and Hendricks, the old"chivalric" spirit of Southern Democracy has manifested itselfagain in Sherman and vicinity. From four to eight colored men are knownto have been assassinated by masked "chevaliers." Two cases areespecially noteworthy. Rev. Mr. Geylord, a ripe scholar, in the employ ofthe Presbyterian church for the education of the colored people of Texas,was a victim of these Ku-klux desperadoes. His only offense was a littlenegro blood and his avocation. This gentleman was taken from a carriagein broad day-light, by masked men, hurried to a livery stable, and killedin cold blood.

John Robinson, another intelligent and leading colored man, was killedin the streets of Sherman in daytime by masked assassins. And the bloodywork continues day after day and night after night. Five or six prominentcolored citizens are known to have been shot, and it is impossible to tellthe number of murders that have not come to light.

This gentleman, who is an old citizen of Texas and a life-long Republican,has written to Gov. Cook and the Attorney-General of the State concerningthese outrages (which the rebel newspapers have carefully endeavored tosuppress) and has received letters from both in reply, which he now hasin his possession. Neither of these high officials suggest any remedy exceptthe interference of the general governmentwhich the Democratic press wouldat once denounce as "Caesarism." The local authorities have donenothing. No arrests have been made, and there has been no attempt to arresta single murderer.

Our informant states that he read the Attorney-General's reply to hisletter before the Sherman Republican Club, and when this was generally known,it created quite a breeze among the Ku-klux night ravens. His life was threatened,and he was compelled, in self- defense, to arm himself and his family. Finallyit became evident that he must leave the country or be a victim to the bloodthirsty Ku-klux. After making some business ar rangements, he left Shermanin the night, with his widowed sister and son, arriving in this city yesterdaymorning, and is now staying at Mr. Roberts', on Jones St. He was drivenfrom Sherman by threats of violenceand this is called a free country whereevery man is entitled to protection and equal rights under law!

This gentleman believes that there will be 400 or 500 politicalmurders in Texas before the Presidential election. The same spirit and motivethat made the Hamburg massacre possible prevail in the rebel Democracy ofTexas, and the inevitable result will be the assassination of hundreds ofcolored and white Republicans. Thousands of Republicans would leave Texastoday if they could dispose of their property.

During the conversation we suggested that many persons might call thisa "bloody-shirt" story, gotten up for political effect. He said:"No man who is a man will say "bloody-shirt" to me. My onlydaughter was killed by masked ruffians sometime ago, for no other reasonthan that she taught school, and had enough independence to express hersentiments. It was in the evening at the close of school hours; she waskilled in front of the school house. This is a terrible reality. It hascome near me, and no man dare make light of such a sacrifice.

Fort Scott Monitor.


Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

Judge Campbell's re-nomination seems to please everybody. He has madea good Judge, and what is still better, the people know it.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

The Springfield Republican truthfully remarks: The "bloodyshirt" will cease to be a formidable political ensign the day our Southernbrethren cease furnishing the blood. And not before.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

Col. C. C. Carpenter has been ordered to report at Fort Leavenworth forinstructions relative to raising volunteers for the Indian war. Carpenteris too well known in the west to require introduction. He is a brave andgood soldier, and during the war commanded Gen. Fremont's body-guard, the"Jessie Scouts," in Missouri and Virginia. A few weeks ago hewrote to Gen. Sherman, tendering his services to raise a regiment of Indiansfrom the Indian Territory. He proposes to enlist every redskin of any tribereporting to him at Chetopa or Baxter Springs, and all the white frontiersmen,buffalo hunters, and plainsmen that may choose to join him.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.


Much inquiry is made about the Cherokee land that is in market for actualsettlers under a recent act of Congress, and there seems to be a very generalmisunderstanding about it. The land referred to is a strip of land aboutthree miles wide, in this State, adjoining the south line thereof, and extendingfrom the southwest corner to nearly or quite the west line of the State.In 1871 or 1872 it was opened for settlement; until 1875 it so remained,during which time nearly all the valuable land was occupied by actual settlers,Most of them proved up, some did not. The land was then offered for saleto bidders. In this way some of it was sold. Now it is again open to settlement.There is not much valuable land on the strip east of the west line of SumnerCounty.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.


Below we copy a couple of extracts from the Lawrence Journal,with the timely remarks of the able editor of the Walnut Valley Times.But the Journal is not at all consistent. Here is what it says ofthe convention.

"It is not often that political conventions rise to the best demandsof the times in a nomination like this. We accept it as a most happy omen.It means that hereafter brains shall count for something in Kansas, thatthe governor of an expanding, growing, powerful young commonwealth of threefourths of a million of intelligent people shall be himself a leader. Thetime has gone by for ambitious mediocrity, and third rate ability to thrustitself forward for positions which only the best of talent and intellectis competent to fill. There isn't a man of spirit and capacity in the Statewho is not interested in just such a change as this."

If the convention "rose to the best demands of the times" inthe selection of a candidate for Governor, we can assure the Journalthat it stayed "rose" in the selection of Prof. Lemmon.

"The nomination of Mr. Lemmon for State Superintendent, vice Gen.Frazer, is a surprise and a misfortune. There should be some means devised,if possible, for taking this office out of politics. It is too importantan office to be committed to the uncertain chances of a great State Convention,near the tail of the ticket, when members are tired out with long sessions,impatient and anxious to get through and go home." Lawrence Journal.

We presume Mr. Lemmon's nomination is a surprise to the editor of theabove paper, who as chairman of the Republican State Convention of two yearsago, sat in his chair and if he did not assist, at least allowed the clerksto count Mr. Frazer in and H. B. Norton out of the State Superintendent'soffice. It is also a misfortune to the 2nd Congressional District becausethey were not able to gobble up every office on the State ticket. We wishto say to the editor of the Journal that Allen B. Lemmon has morebrains, more horse sense, and is every way better qualified for the officeof State Superintendent than John Frazer. He has had practical experiencein teaching the common schools of our State; and for one we are opposedto putting an educated snob into office when we can get a plain, commonsense, practical man for the position. And then Professor Lemmon has notonly a collegiate education, but a thoroughly classical one. We will venturethe assertion that you don't know what you are talking about, Mr. Journal.Mr. Lemmon is all right and will make as good a State Superintendent aswe have ever had. Walnut Valley Times.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

The nomination of Mr. Lemmon for State Superintendent, vice Gen. Frazer,is a surprise and a misfortune. K. C. Times.

Not a bit of it. The nomination of "Gen." Frazer two yearsago with a majority of three against him, was a surprise to everybody whodidn't understand Dwight Thatcher's peculiar tactics. No, gentlemen, theconvention made no mistake when they placed on the ticket a young, live,practical educator in the place of an old fossil figure head like Gen. Frazer.Had Gen. Frazer the first drop of manly blood in his veins, he never wouldhave accepted a nomination, knowing, as he must have known, that Prof. Nortonwas the choice of the convention. Allen B. Lemmon will never allow a bogusbond to pass through his fingers, as did Gen. Frazer in the Lappin business.The way Prof. Lemmon will clean up and straighten out that office beforehe is there a year will surprise you more than ever.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.


The following very flattering notice of the Republican Senatorial candidatein this, the 27th district, is taken from the Atchison Champion.The COURIER will not wait to see it appear in the Traveler or Telegram,but gives its readers the benefit of the opinion of a disinterested journalist.

"Col. E. C. Manning, editor of the Winfield Courier, hasbeen nominated for State Senator by the Republicans of Cowley County. Hehas served in both the Senate and the House, and has also been Secretaryof the Senate. He is a vigorous writer and an energetic, influential, andindustrious legislator, and has as wide an acquaintanceship throughout theState as any man within its borders. He has, we think, been a resident ofKansas for fully twenty years, and has been in the newspaper business inMarshall, Riley, and Cowley counties. He will make a valuable member ofthe Senate."


Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

The Traveler supports Prof. Lemmon with a vim.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

What has become of the Butler County railroad?

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

Millington, Fuller, Kelly, and Buckman are the champion croquet players.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

Judge Gans was called suddenly to Olathe last week to attend the death-bedof a sister.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

The County Surveyor is off on a road surveying expedition in the eastpart of the county.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

Mr. Todd, one of the bricklayers on Mr. Manning's building, was laidup this week by a fall.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

Rev. C. J. Adams and wife, of White Cloud, are visiting relatives andfriends in this vicinity.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

Col. Manning's new brick is progressing finely, and will be finishedon or about the first of October.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

Frank Gallotti left yesterday morning for Chicago, where he intends buyinga large stock of clothing.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

Vernon post office has been discontinued. The mail for that place willbe delivered at the Winfield office.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

R. C. Story's name is mentioned in connection with the office of Superintendentof Public Instruction.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

A brother of M. G. Troup is here, viewing the country over. He is a printer,and consequently a good fellow.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

Fred C. Hunt is engaged in Baldwin's City Drug Store, for a season. Fredis a good clerk in any kind of a store.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

The Hayes and Wheeler club talk of giving a Grand Social Ball in theCOURIER Block building as soon as it is finished.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

HARRY McMILLEN says that his father is fast regaining his health. J.P., when last heard from, was rusticating in northern Colorado.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

ROBERT WEAKLY is turning over ten acres of wheat ground daily. He expectsto sow three hundred acres this fall on his Lone Elm farm.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

The road at the crossing of Black Crook, east of town, is in a bad condition.If the Supervisor don't fix it at once, we'll call attention to it.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

The Cowley County Democrat is a thing of the past. Mr. McIntirewill go east for his health. Mr. Allison has purchased the material of theoffice.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

It was not Wm. Hudson that bought out the City Hotel. Will still watchesthe wheels and wheels the watches into time down at the city jewelry store.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

The familiar face of our friend, M. L. Read, Esq., is again seen aroundthe town. He has just returned from the Centennial visit. He has been goneseveral months.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

J. L. KING has the champion ducks, as far as heard from. Two ducks havelain one hundred and forty eggs since the egg season set in. We have thisfrom good authority.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

The Scalpers took their first drill last Tuesday night by moonlight.Capt. T. B. Myers was drill master.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

WILL SMITH has sold out his interest in the grocery store to K. H. Midkiff,an experienced young salesman, and the firm will hereafter be known as McGuire& Midkiff. The business will be conducted at the old stand. The newfirm deserves success.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

JOE HOUSER, of Rock, gave us his views concerning the coming campaignlast Saturday. Having been "brought up" in Kentucky, Joe knowswhat it is worth to be a Republican.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

LOWELL H. WEBB, a cadet midshipman of the U. S. Naval Academy, at Annapolis,Maryland, is visiting his brother, L. J. Webb, of this city. Mr. Webb wasadmitted into that honored school in the fall of 1874, from the 2nd CongressionalDistrict. He has a walk and mien suggestive of the strict military disciplinegoverning that institution.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

The social last Friday night, at the residence of Dr. Black, was, weunderstand, a very enjoyable affair. Mr. Black and his accomplished lady,assisted by Rev. Croco, did the honors.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

The Republicans of Osage County will make D. F. COON, of Carbondale,their next Clerk of the District Court. Dave formerly resided, and now owns,a fine farm in Richland Township, this county. For the past two years hehas been engaged in teaching in Shawnee and Osage. He is a successful teacherand will make a good clerk.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

VIN B. BECKETT, the old "local" of this paper, has been heardfrom. He is conducting a Sunday school paper at College Springs, Iowa. Allthe old COURIER boys have turned out well. Steinbarger is running a Republicanjournal, Doud a Democratic sheet, and Beckett a Sunday school paper.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

Why can't we have a Hayes and Wheeler flag-raising? We'll bet a year'ssubscription if the club will only appoint Jerry Evans to find a suitablepole and lay it on Main street, that he will do it in less than 24 hours,and with less than $5 expense.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

Since seeing the Hayes and Wheeler uniforms, it's a wonder to us, howthey can be furnished so cheaply. The uniform consists in a three-corneredContinental hat, trimmed with a rosette; a loose-cut, oil cloth coat linedand edged with white; a handsome sash and a lamp, painted red, white, andblue, the handle of which is decorated with a H. and W. flag. The hat andcoat are black; the sash striped with red, white, and blue. Altogether,it is a very pretty uniform and the boys present a fine appearance withthem on, "when their lamps are trimmed and burning."

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

The last, though not the least (?), to report from a Philadelphia sojournis that prince of good fellows, Charles C. Black. He has done more to advertiseour county than any person who has been east from here this summer. He distributedhundreds of cards and answered thousands of questions concerning the growthand prospects of the Great Southwest and Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

At the laying of the southeast cornerstone of the COURIER BLOCK buildinglast week, a tin box containing the "Centennial History" of thecounty, as published in the COURIER last January, the Historical addressdelivered at Winfield on July 4th, and several other interesting lettersand papers to lineal descendants and curiosity hunters was deposited byCol. Manning. The COURIER "local" wrote a letter to his successorof the year 1976, giving a synopsis of the difficulties attendant upon conductinga readable local paper in the nineteenth century, when every cross-roadscorrespondent thought himself, by nature formed, a poet laureate.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

MARRIED. On Sunday evening, August 27, 1876, at the residence of thebride's mother, by the Rev. J. C. Adams, Mr. James Holloway and Miss KatePorter, both of this county. "No cards."

Another member of the Winfield Bazique club provided for. The COURIERjoins with their many friends in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Holloway a long, happy,and prosperous life.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.

Fall Barley.

Some choice fall barley for sale at Houghton & McLaughlin's and S.P. Channell & Co.'s, Arkansas City.


Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.


Five or six fellows, in Winfield, who are "as good a Republicanas you are," have struck a new lead in their opposition to E. C. Manningas a Senatorial candidate.

They are the same men that opposed his nomination so violently in theSenatorial convention. This new dodge is to drag the next county conventioninto a consideration of the Senatorial candidacy. They think of trying toget a county convention, called for one purpose, to consider a questionthat is not before it for consideration.

A movement of this kind, if successful, would put two Republican candidatesin the field, and the Democracy would walk in and elect their Senator.

But there is another phase to the matter. The bitter and unscrupulousleaders of the Democratic party, men who hate a Republican because he isa Republican, men who would sink the county for the sake of defeating aRepublican, this class of men are at the bottom of this new dodge, and areusing a few bush-whacking fellows who are "as good a Republican asyou are," to work the matter up in a sly way. These "as good aRepublican as you are" fellows, these men who spend all their timewalking the streets of Winfield "fighting" somebody, these menwho care more for personal spite and personal promotion than they do forharmony and prosperity in the county, will find they have taken a very largecontract.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876. Editorial Page.

The Tisdale Hurrah!

EDITOR COURIER: Last week the Tilden and Hendricks club, of Tisdale,challenged the Hayes and Wheeler club of that place to a joint discussionof the political questions of the day. The Democrats selected for theirchampion J. Wade McDonald, and the Republicans the Hon. James McDermott.Last night the discussion took place in the schoolhouse at Tisdale. Thehouse was crowded and there were enough people outside to fill another houseof the same size.

The Hayes and Wheeler club of this place attended the meeting in uniform.McDermott opened the ball, and from the time he commenced until the timehe ended, every sentence was a "red-hot" shot into the camp ofthe enemy. The history of the Democratic party, its frauds and corruptions,were completely shown up. McDonald, who, as everybody knows, is the oratorof Cowley County's Democracy, followed, but there was no "discussion."He did not answer a single statement made by McDermott, but simply said,"I deny, where's your proof?" The old worn-out story of "Grant'sfrauds," "Caesarism," "Military interference and bayonetrule," and a heart-rending appeal for the rights of the "SovereignStates" of the South, closing with a denunciation of the removal ofT. K. Johnston from the Winfield post office and the appointment of Kellyin his stead constituted his speech.

McDermott, in replying, reminded him that he had forgotten about theremoval of the maimed Union soldiers by the rebel House and putting in theirplaces rebel soldiers, and gave proof of all his assertions to be mattersof record in the archives of the National Capitol, and known by the Americanpeople to be true. In fact, McDermott, instead of being "skinned,"as was anticipated by the Democrats, was the party who performed the operation,and his opponent was the victim.

The Democrats of Tisdale are not likely to want any more discussions.


Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876. Editorial Page.


While we were at Topeka, last week, we met Judge Sears, the attorneyfor the M. K. & T. railroad, and had some talk with him in regard torailroads. He said the road leading via Humboldt, through Wilson and Elkcounties, thence to Winfield, would surely be built and running within eighteenmonths; that the arrangements were now made and the money ready; that roadwas now a fixed fact.

Now we take it for granted that this is true; hence we argue that theL., L. & G. road, or the one at this time being built to Oswego, inLabette County, must of necessity pass through Chautauqua County at or nearthis point (Peru) on the way to Winfield or Arkansas City; the one cannotlong remain at Independence, nor the other at Oswego; both must have anoutlet to some point west in order to get the cattle trade, and the immensewheat and corn crops already awaiting transportation to market. It behoovesus therefore along the route in Chautauqua County to be up and doing whilethe day lasts, and not let this opportunity pass to secure a road eastwardand westward through this part of our county. Certainly a railroad of allthings else is most needed by us at this time. Let us all turn out thenthis evening and put the ball in motion by a rousing big meeting of allcitizens in this part of the county at Peru, and show that we are in earnestin this matter. Chautauqua News, Peru.


Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876. Editorial Page.

From Tisdale.
TISDALE, SEPT. 1, 1876.

EDITOR COURIER: Tisdale has long been on the quive vive for somethingsensational, and for want of facts to talk about, the gossipers have lettheir tongues loose, and talked about what might be, or according to theirtheory, what ought to be, and if they had the opportunity what actuallywould be, thus showing by their talk and scandal of others what they actuallyare themselves. But we pass over the imaginary and come to the real.

On Monday night last J. D. Newton and Mrs. Phil Hedges left for partsunknown. It seems that Newton left home on Monday night, stating to hiswife that he was going to Winfield to buy groceries, as the threshers wereexpected to be at his place in a few days. He left and has not returned.Phil Hedges left on Monday morning to assist Hall and Handy with threshing,intending to be absent till Tuesday night. On Tuesday night he found nowife to welcome. Upon examination he found her trunk gone, and the cow hadnot been milked while he was gone. Let us imagine, for a moment, the painfulposition of Mr. Hedges. Not till morning did the dreadful fact come to hismind that his wife had gone. Mr. Hedges is one of the best citizens in thisneighborhood. He is a man of undoubted honor, and has the greatest sympathyof the public. Newton leaves a wife and three children, almost unprovidedfor. Mrs. Newton is a quiet, inoffensive woman, and for a short time backhas lived in continual fear of her life, her husband having threatened tokill her on several occasions. Newton is a man of no mindof little knowledgeof the worldand altogether the last man that the public would ever havethought would have gained the affection or the seduction of a woman likeMrs. Hedges. Strange things happen in this world. I wonder if our socialslast winter did not help matters a little. BEECHER.


Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

Judge Gans is building a residence in the north part of town.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

James Kelly has been confined to his bed by ill health this week.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

Prof. Bacon, of Arkansas City, is taking notes at the Teachers' Institute.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

The doors of the Lagonda House will be opened once more on or about the12th inst.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

AMOS SANFORD, whom our citizens will remember as the peoples' attorneyin the Winfield townsite law suit, is dead.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

NATE ROBERSON removed this week to Eldorado, where he will engage inthe harness-making business.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

MR. J. F. McMILLEN has returned from his trip to the mountains, wherehis health was greatly improved. He returned sooner than he intended onaccount of business matters.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

MISS EMMA SAINT, sister of our whilom friend, J. Ex., has recently arrivedfrom Illinois. She has been engaged to teach the intermediate departmentof the Winfield schools.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

We learn from Mr. McMillen that Mr. Howard, formerly of this city, isrunning the Howard House, a large brick hotel in Colorado Springs, Colorado,and is doing a very good business.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

MR. J. W. JOHNSTON has built an addition to his cabinet shop, which giveshim more room for his immense stock of furniture and also helps the appearanceof the whole building.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

We see by the communication of "Scalper No. 2" that the "unterrifiedlook upon the removal of T. K. Johnston from the post office as a fraudupon the Democratic party." We thought so.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

MASTERS FRANK FREELAND, BEN MANNING, WILLIE McCLELLAN, and JOHNNIE HUDSONhave the thanks of the COURIER office boys for several nice melons.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

JOSEPH STANSBERRY left the Black Hills three weeks ago and arrived homelast Tuesday-a-week. He brought some gold home with him, and is lookingvery well. He reports the Cowley County boys mostly doing well.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

W. G. McCULLOUGH, a resident of Australia, called upon us last week,in company with Rev. Rigby. He is a man of culture and capital, and is viewingthis locality with the intention of locating an extensive stock ranche.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

The COURIER editors are very busy outside the office, one attending tohis building and marketing his wheat, the other surveying. This kind ofemployment has so engaged them that the paper has been somewhat neglected.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

Last Saturday, at Dexter, the Republicans had an enthusiastic time raisinga flag pole, hoisting flag and streamers, making speeches, and warming upfor the campaign. Dexter Township will render a good account at the comingelection.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

MR. MANNING threshed ten acres of Little May wheat last week that yielded28½ bushels to the acre, machine measure. He also threshed from athirteen acre field 23 bushels to the acre. Mr. Holmes, living south oftown, threshed 30 bushels to the acre.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

EXPLOSION. On Tuesday night, of last week, in Green's drug store, oneof the coal oil lamps in the chandelier caught on fire and exploded. Thefire was soon extinguished by destroying one or two pieces of bed clothing,and applying a bucket of water. No damage done, however, excepting the counterbeing considerably scorched and the glass broken out of the show-case.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

MR. J. C. FRANKLIN, who has purchased the harness shop, intends continuingthe business at Nate's old stand, where can be found anything generallykept at a first class harness shop.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

The editor of the Telegram, late nominee for Secretary of Stateon the Independent ticket, is totally deranged. The removal of his namefrom the ticket by the committee has entirely upset his flighty brain. Heis constantly watched by his friends, and is not accountable for what hesays or does. None feel more sadly over his misfortune than we.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

Everybody should be on the guard next Saturday, the 9th, and see thatdelegates are not elected to the county convention who are under the controlof a certain noisy rebel here in Winfield. Let him attend to his own politics,but do not allow him to manage ours.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

We were pleased a few days ago to see the familiar face of our neighbor,Dr. Mansfield, again on our streets. The Dr. and his son returned home fromtheir European trip looking healthy and well and much gratified with theresult of their travels. It will be seen by noticing the Doctor's card inanother column that he proposes to resume the practice of his profession,and we have no doubt but that he will be welcomed in many a household wheremedical aid is needed, as he is no stranger among us and is well known tobe a physician of considerable experience.

Professional Notice.

Having returned from my European tour, in compliance with the wishesof many of my old patrons, I propose to resume the practice of my professionin all its branches, both in town and country. Special attention given tosurgical and obstetrical cases, day and night.


Examining Surgeon for the U. S. Pension Department, and late SurgeonU. S. Army.

Winfield, Kan., Sept. 6, 1876.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

SID MAJORS informs us that he has leased the Lagonda House, and willbe ready for business by the 20th inst. Sid is the best landlord that hasever been in Winfield, and he will no doubt make the running of this housea complete success. The house has been recently remodeled, repainted, replastered,and papered, and Mr. Majors proposes furnishing it from the floor of thecellar to the ceiling of upper story with bran new furniture and "fixtures."The house will no longer be run as the Lagonda, but as yet we have not learnedthe name by which it will hereafter be known. We, with his many commercialtraveling friends, as well as those at home, wish him success.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

Major John D. Miles, agent of the Cheyenne and Arapahos, came up fromthe Territory last Monday accompanied by his daughters. The Major latelywrote a very succinct and graphic account of Custer's last battle, whicharticle was accompanied by an accurate plan of the battle and publishedin the Lawrence Journal. The Major informed us that he got the accountfrom some of his own Indians, who were upon the ground. Nearly three hundredreturned in one body, about two hundred in another, and three in another.What puzzles us is how these Indians, belonging to Major Miles' agency inthe Indian Territory, found out that the United States troops were aftertheir brothers nine hundred miles away to the north. We believe the Major'sIndians disclaim taking any part in the Custer fight, but of course theydid. Wichita Eagle.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

A Call.

The Republicans of Winfield Township will take notice that a meetingof the Republican voters of said township will be held at the Courthouseon Saturday, the 9th day of September, at 3 o'clock p.m., for the purposeof selecting delegates to attend the county convention, called for Saturday,the 16th of September, 1876. Also, to elect ten delegates to the 88th RepresentativeDistrict convention, to be held September 16th, at 10 o'clock a.m.

JAMES KELLY, Chairman of Committee.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

LIST OF LETTERS remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, CowleyCounty, Kansas, on the 6th day of September, 1876.

FIRST COLUMN: Black, C. R.; Burgess, W. M.; Brown, Solomon; Campbell,Mrs. Molidan; Dainwood, R. S.; Egbert, E. C.; Gibbons, Samuel; Green, H.H.; Gadberry, Mitton; Johnson, Welba; Lyon, Charles N.; Lackey, Mrs. Misouria;Meseer, Solomon R.; Macamie, Annie; Magginnes, T.

SECOND COLUMN: Martin, Cathrine; McDloun, Robt; Porter, Peter; Porter,Rosannoh; Preice, Mrs. D. W.; Parks, W. H.; Philips, John C.; Rickwey, Wm.;Roberts. C. C.; Ralston, T. B.; Rief, John; Whitney, Miss Hattie; Wound,Thomas; Wells, Lafe.



Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

GROUSE VALLEY, Sept. 1, 1876.

Items, like dogs that have paid their taxes, are scarce in this partof the vineyard.

Farmers are busy turning the soil for fall wheat. There will be moreacres of wheat sown this fall than ever before. Near the Star Valley schoolhouse,in Dexter Township, double the former acreage will be sown. Jas. Fogle willsow 80; Levi Bullington, 90; Geo. Ballou, Geo. Gardenhire, and Dempsy Ellioteach 100, and many others whose names we cannot now give will sow largequantities. Their present wheat crop is in the stack or bin, and will thererest until the sound of the locomotive or the voice of the wheat buyer saysone dollar per bushel.

The people in this neighborhood want a railroad. They want one badly.They want one from the east, and will do anything that is reasonable tosecure one from that direction. Hauling wheat to Wichita a few trips changesa man from anti-railroad. One or two more crops and the people of the eastpart of the county will gladly herald a railroad, even though it may notrun directly in front of each man's door. They have it here that Winfieldonly seeks a road up and down the Walnut Valley. It is a narrow prejudicethat will father such an idea. Winfield wants a railroad from the east asbadly as does Dexter or Lazette. She would be glad to get a road from anydirection, whilst there are other towns in the county that are jealous ofall the others when they make a move in any direction or advocate theirown single interests. Whether north, northeast, or east, we must, as a county,become more united or we can expect no railroad within the next three years.

Dexter will have a Hayes and Wheeler flag pole raising tomorrow. Capt.McDermott and others will address the people. Dexter is always ahead. Thiswill be the first pole of the kind raised in the county. The Republicansof this valley are awake and "when the November ides roll around,"(that's hackneyed, but stump-orators all use it) they will send up theiraccustomed four-fifths majority in Dexter Township.

We will write from Otter Township soon. W.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

Normal School.

The following are the names of teachers attending the Normal School atthis place.

From Cedarvale: Oscar J. Holroyd; Lizzie Conklin.

From Winfield: Wm. J. McClellan; J. K. Beckner; Rachel Nauman; Kate Gilleland;Maggie Stansberry; Sallie E. Rea; M. J. Huff; C. A. Winslow; Amy Robertson;Mary E. Lynn; Lusetta Pyburn; Mrs. Bell Seibert; Nannie McGee; Sarah E.Davis; O. S. Record; Byron A. Fouch; Mary A. Bryant; Mina C. Johnson; MattieRoberts; Emma Saint.

From Arkansas City: Xina Cowley; Anna O. Wright; Kate Hawkins; StellaBurnett; Adelia DeMott; Georgiana Christian; Laura E. Turner; Lizzie Landis;Jefferson Bowen.

From Lazette: George Lee; M. L. Smith; Lucy Bedell; Kate Fitzgerald.

From Tisdale: Ella Wickersham; Gertie Davis.

From Canola: Mary E. Buck; Anna Buck.

From New Salem: Belle Wren.

From Little Dutch: Helen Wright.

From Dexter: Mary J. Byard.

From Polo: Mrs. Sarah Hollingsworth.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

A COUNTY TEACHERS' INSTITUTE will begin at the schoolhouse in Winfield,Monday, September 11, 1876, and continue four days, followed by a teachers'examination, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 15th and 16th. The examination willbe principally written.

T. A. WILKINSON, County Superintendent.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

Silver Creek Township Convention.

The Republicans of Silver Creek Township will meet in convention at Moscow,Saturday, September 9th, at 7 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of electingdelegates to the County convention, to be held in Winfield, September 16,1876.

By order of Township Central Committee. S. M. JARVIS, Chairman, Committee.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.


If you are indebted to McMillen & Shields, you will please call andsettle immediately and save trouble and expense, as we must have money,so do not wait for further notice, for we mean what we say, and we meanyou.


Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

Take Notice.

All persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please settle by September20th, as I must have money. JOHN CASPER.

Floral, Kansas, Sept. 5th.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

Webster's Unabridged Dictionaries.

Prof. Wilkinson has made arrangements whereby he can furnish the abovenamed books to every school district in the county and to any parties whomay want them, at low figures.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.

City Council Proceedings.
WINFIELD, KAN., Sept. 4, 1876.

City Council met in regular session at the Clerk's office, Sept. 4th,1876.

Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; H. Brotherton, C. A. Bliss, and M.G. Troup, Councilmen; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.

Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

Bills of George Grey, one for 40 cents and one for 50 cents, total 90cents, for removing nuisances from the city, were read, and on motion, approvedand ordered paid.

Bill of C. A. Bliss & Co., for well rope, 90 cents; bill of WalterDenning, for services as city marshal, $25.00; bill of B. F. Baldwin, forservices as city clerk, $20.00; and bill of J. W. Curns, Police Judge, feebill, in case of City of Winfield vs. Joseph Likowski, for $9.45, were allread, approved and ordered paid.

Bill of R. A. Burns, $4.00, for care of one Hudson, a pauper, was readand, on motion, the council recommended that the county commissioners paythe same.

The councils committee on fire department submitted the following report:

To the Mayor and City Council, Winfield, Kansas.


Your committee on fire department beg leave to submit the following recommendations:

1st. That the City Council take immediate steps to procure, for the useof the city, one "Little Giant" chemical engine, two dozen rubberbuckets, one two-wheel truck for ladders, and the necessary equipage fora hook and ladder company.

2nd. That a convenient and safe place be secured, in which to keep theengine and other apparatus belonging to the fire department.

3rd. That a fire company be organized which shall become familiar withthe management of the engine, and in case of a fire shall have entire controlof all the machinery of the department and shall use the same as the officersof said company shall direct.

4th. It shall be the duty of the city marshal to see that the equipmentsfor fighting fire be kept safe in their proper place and ready for use atany time. Respectfully submitted,

A. B. LEMMON, C. A. BLISS, Committee.

The report being read, on motion, was received by the council.

On motion of M. G. Troup, the fire committee were instructed to purchaseone "Little Giant" chemical engine, No. 3, also one dozen rubberbuckets for the use of the city.

On motion, the committee were also instructed to ascertain the cost ofa truck, with hooks, axes, ladders, and all necessary equipage, to be gottenup and purchased here at home; were also instructed to find a suitable room,and probable cost of a room, where an engine and equipage can be kept safe,and to report on each at the next meeting of the council.

On motion, the council instructed the city attorney to prepare an ordinanceproviding for the organizing of a fire company in the city, and presentthe same to the council at its next regular meeting.

On motion of H. Brotherton, Council adjourned. B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.


Owing to the circumstance of my nomination as the Republican candidatefor State Senator in this District, I am placed in an unpleasant positionas the editor of the Republican paper of the county. This situation is broughtabout by the personal attacks that are being made upon me by malignant enemies.I desire to meet those men in public discussion, and hence cannot give theCOURIER the attention it requires during the canvass. That I may be freeto assist personally in canvassing the county, for the whole ticket, Mr.Wirt W. Walton will assume entire editorial control of the COURIER untilafter the election, at which time I shall resume, in part, the editorialduties. E. C. MANNING.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876. Editorial Page.


In assuming editorial control of the COURIER we have to say, that itwill still continue to be the fearless outspoken Republican journal thatit has been in the past. We shall support the Republican ticket from Presidentdown to road overseer. Our criticisms of the opposite party shall be fair.Personalities during the campaign will be precluded from our columns asfar as possible. This county is largely Republican and we believe in keepingthe party intact. Knowing that in unity there is strength, we shall do allwe can to help harmonize the difference in the party, and bridge the breachthat is daily being made wider among the leaders.

The success of our party this fall is worth more to us than the gratificationof personal jealousies. If we work together, our success is assured. Willthe Republicans of Cowley County stand by us? We think they will.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876. Editorial Page.

Satanta, the aged Kiowa chief, now confined in the Texas penitentiary,was so overjoyed on hearing of the slaughter of Custer and his command thathe begged to be allowed to go to the assistance of Sitting Bull, and couldhardly conceal his rage when his request was denied.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

The disaffected Republicans in the county convention of next Saturdaywill attempt to repudiate the action of the Senatorial Convention. Theycould not control the former convention, hence denounce it as a fraud. Thesesame men are running the Democratic central committee, or why should theirconvention be postponed. They do not want the Republican candidate for Senatorto go before the people. They seek to kill him in convention. They are afraidif he makes a personal canvass that the people of this county will see whoare the liars, the frauds, and perjurers. All we want is fairness. All weask is to allow Col. Manning to appear before the jury, the voters of thiscounty, and let them vote him up or vote him down, as they in their wisdomwill do. We are for him, and we do not propose to allow any power, corporate,spiritual, or physical, to keep us from voting for the straight nomineein November.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.


EDITOR COURIER, Dear Sir: I wonder if the people of this county fullyunderstand the animus of the opposition in this place, to Col. Manning?Nobody doubts but that he would make an able, energetic, faithful workerfor the interests of his constituents. But there is a certain bank and brokerfaction here, which never will consent that any man whom they believe willdo anything to ameliorate the condition of the poor shall be placed in aposition where he can be of any service to them. Who are they, who are sofearful lest Col. Manning be elected to the State Senate this fall?

Read & Robinson, bankers; R. B. Waite, S. D. Pryor, James Jordon,Curns & Manser, money lenders; with such fellows as A. H. Green andW. P. Hackney, attorneys. It is the same faction that are so violently opposedto the election of Judge Campbell.

Why do they oppose Judge Campbell? Because in every case of the foreclosureof their cut-throat mortgages, Judge Campbell, so far as he can do so legally,throws the strong arm of the law around the poor man. These men want theusury laws abolished; and consequently will not consent that any man goto the legislature who they cannot use for that purpose.

They are afraid that Manning will be able, in some way, to do somethingto cut down their three percent per month. They will not consent that Manningshall go to the legislature, lest in some way he may obtain such legislationas will make it possible for Cowley County to secure a railroad. This threepercent ring do not want railroads. They do not want anything that mightby any possibility cut down interest on money below the present ruinousrates.

For these reasons these money changers and extortioners will spare neithertime nor money, will stop at no slander or abuse to defeat both Col. Manningand W. P. Campbell. Hundreds of people in Cowley County are already beginningto feel the grip of this soulless money power at their throats. Will theystand still and allow themselves to be choked to death without an effort?CITIZEN.


Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876. Editorial Page.

From Tisdale.
TISDALE, Sept. 11, 1876.

DEAR COURIER: Tisdale is not only the center of the county, but it appearsto be the center of attraction just now. Politics are all the rage withan occasional sensation of slander. Hardly had the pen of "Beecher"been laid away to rest after describing the late Newton scandal, until hisbetter-half, from some cause, to us unknown, left his bed and board, and,at this writing, still refuses to return, and Beecher now has the sympathyof those who but a week ago were sympathizing with Hedges and Mrs. Newton.

"Scalper No. 2" was right in his prediction that the TisdaleDemocrats would not want any more discussions. They are free to confessthat their champion of Democracy was badly cleaned out by the gallant Captainof the Grouse. They are so badly demoralized, that in an attempt to holda Democratic caucus, last Saturday, but three men were present, and oneof them declared his intention to vote for Hayes and Wheeler. The Hayesand Wheeler club is doing good work, the false statement of the Telegramto the contrary, notwithstanding. Already those who were talking Cooperare coming up manfully and joining the Hayes and Wheeler club, bound tostick to the party of freedom and true reform. The true Republicans of Tisdalecannot be persuaded from the party by petty spite or personal ill will.

I see by the last issue of the Telegram that the statement ofthe COURIER that the editor of the Telegram was totally derangedis fully corroborated. Will has already begun to imagine that there areghosts in Winfield. I am not the least surprised that he should imaginestrange sights and sounds in his immediate vicinity. The old adage that,"those whom the gods would destroy they first make mad," may provetrue in his case. We know he has been mad for sometime, and that he is aboutto be destroyed wholly, we can easily foresee.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876. Editorial Page.

The Bonds to be Immediately Voted and Work to Commence.

On Saturday last a railroad company was organized and a charter procuredfor the construction of a standard gauge road from a point at or near Elinor,in Chase County, via the counties of Chase, Butler, and Cowley, to the northline of the Indian territory, near the mouth of the Walnut River. The numberof Directors are ninesix representing the A., T. & S. F. Railroad Company,and three representing our proportionate share of the stock in said organization.This is called the ELDORADO & WALNUT VALLEY RAILROAD COMPANY.

In connection with this there was also organized a company for the constructionof a standard gauge road from a point on the proposed Eldorado & WalnutValley Road near the north line of Butler County, via Eureka in GreenwoodCounty to the north line of the Indian Territory near where the Caney Rivercrosses said line. The same men representing the A. T. & S. F. Companyin the first road are directors to this one.

The distance from a point near Elinor via Cottonwood Falls to the southline of Chase County is 23 miles. The distance from the north line of ButlerCounty to Eldorado is 24 miles. The distance from the proposed junctionof the two roads to Eureka is 22 miles. Total number of miles or road tobe built, 69. Eldorado Times, September 8th.


Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.


People will never tire of reading of the sad fate of Custer. Here isthe latest, from Minnesota, dated Sept. 7.

The Pioneer Press and Tribune will tomorrow publish an interviewwith an old trapper named Ridgely, who claims to have witnessed the Custermassacre, being a prisoner in Sitting Bull's camp and seeing every movementof the troops. He was taken prisoner last March and kept in the camp ofthe Indians ever since until the Custer massacre; he was treated kindly.He says Sitting Bull organized not to fight the whites, but to drive minersfrom the hills. Previous to Custer's attack mounted couriers had for eightdays watched his forces, its division into squads being noted with extremedelight. Ambuscades were immedi ately prepared, and while the Indians stoodready for attack, many of them clambered on the hillside overlooking Custer'sline of march.

The Indian camp was divided by bluffs, many of which ran towards theRosebud and in the direction of one of the available fords on the riverto the camp. By this ford Custer followed to the water's edge. There werebut 25 Indians visible to Custer, but there were 75 double lodges behindthe bluff not visible. Custer attacked the smaller village and was immediatelymet by 1,500 or 2,000 Indians in regular order of battle. Every movementwas made with military precision.

Custer began the fight in the ravine near the ford and fully half ofhis command seemed to be unhorsed at the first fire. The soldiers retreatedtoward him and in the rear were shot down on the way with astonishing rapidity,the commanding officer falling from his horse in the middle of the engagement,which commenced at 11 a.m. and did not last more than 45 minutes.

After the massacre of Custer's force, the Indians returned to camp withsix soldiers, and these six were tied to stakes at a wood pile in the villageand burned to death. While the flames were scorching them to death, Indianboys fired red-hot arrows into their flesh until they died. Sitting Bullexultingly remarked that he had killed many soldiers and one damned general,but did not know who he was.

The squaws then armed themselves with knives and visited the battlefield,robbed and mutilated the bodies of the soldiers.

While these soldiers were being burned, the Indians turned their attentionto a force, evidently Reno's, attacking the lower end of the village. Ridgelysays Custer's command had been slaughtered before a shot was fired by Reno'sforce, attacking the lower end of the camp about 2 p.m. The Indians returnedin the evening, and said the men had fought like the devil, but they didnot make a statement of their losses. They said the soldiers had been drivenback twice, and then piled up stones and the attack was unsuccessful.

The prisoners were kept burning over an hour, but Ridgely was not permittedto speak with them, and so is unable to know who they were. One was notablefrom small size and gray hair and whiskers.

Reno killed more Indians than Custer, who fell in the midst of the fight,and two Captains, it is believed Gates and Keough, were the last to die.Right after the massacre the Indians were wild with delight. Many got drunkon whiskey stolen from the whites. The squaws performing duty as guardsfor the prisoners were becoming drowsy. Ridgely and two companions escaped,secured ponies, and began the long journey homeward. The party ate gameand laid in the woods four days to avoid the Indians. On their way the horsestumbled, breaking Ridgely's arm, but the party finally reached Ft. Abercrombie,and thence Ridgely came here. He describes Sitting Bull as a half breed,large size, and very intelligent, with a peculiar gait.


Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

FRANK GALLOTTI has returned.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

Where's the man that satirized the "Noble Dozen?"

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

Jim Hill has the first Michigan apples of the season.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

Next Monday will be the "first day" of the Winfield city school.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

Linus S. Webb has a "corner" on a case in the Wichita Eagleoffice.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

Miss Veva Walton, of Oxford, is attending the Teachers' Institute.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

Dr. Mansfield keeps the "Truly Good" cigar. As the name implies,it is good.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

That Telegram ghost story is thin. Jim Hill says there is no hauntedhouse in town.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

J. P. Short is "running" Boyer & Gallotti's clothing storeduring the absence of the firm.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

Hon. James McDermott spoke to a large and enthusiastic audience at Lazettelast night.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

Fred C. Hunt has taken up the yard stick again; this time for the popularfirm of McMillen & Shields.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

WILL HUDSON has moved the City Jewelry Store to the rooms formerly occupiedby Mrs. Kennedy.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

W. C. Hayden, one of the red-hot Republicans of Ninnescah, came in yesterday.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

Masters Walter Johnson, Frank Robinson, Dine Johnson, and Ritchie Mansfieldeach have a three-wheeled velocipede.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

The Republican central committee, of Otter Township, is N. Belville,chairman, and G. Hosmer and B. Hockett, members.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

What is the matter with the New Salem post office? It takes from sevento ten days to get mail from Winfield to Floral now.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

The Express Office has been removed to the COURIER editorial rooms. Itis now adjoining the post office, which will be of great convenience tothe public.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

The many friends of Rev. J. E. Platter will be pleased to learn thathe will be with them again next Sabbath. He will preach in the courthouseat the regular hours.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

BIRTH. Our popular liveryman, A. G. Wilson, steps around like "oneof the boys," lately. We can't account for it unless, as it has beenhinted, that ____ well it weighed nine pounds.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

ARTHUR SMITH, the Democratic postmaster of Otto, in this county, saysthat he can't go Tilden and Hendricks. He is for Hayes and Wheeler "first,last, and all the time."

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

The farmers in the vicinity of Floral post office, on account of thehigh wind last week, stacked their hay by moon-light. This is somethingnewmake hay while the moon shines.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

The Baldwin Bro.'s of Omnia Township will have some extra fine sorghummolasses to sell at Lynn's store next Saturday. Price 50 cents per gallon,in quantities to suit the purchaser.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

O. Johnson, of Indianapolis, Indiana, a brother of our genial friend.T. J., of this township, is out on his first visit to this county. He expresseshimself as being well pleased with the West.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

BIRTH. "Bring in another horse," for sure, this time. WillRobinson, another one of Winfield's liverymen, numbers his family by counting"one, two, three." It's a boy or a girl, we don't know which.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

TELL WALTON, accompanied by his brother, of Parsons, started for theIndian country last week to buy ponies. They go via the Osage Agency tothe Chickasaw Nation, and will be gone some weeks.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

MISS DOLLIE MORRIS, who is quite well known among the young folks here,accompanied by Miss Garvey, of Topeka, arrived last Thursday. She is downpaying her brother O. N. her annual visit.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

S. C. SMITH, Esq., has again put in an appearance. His visit is synonymouswith that of the "Rocky Mountain locusts." He came from the eastand they from the west. His large land interests will keep him here fora few weeks.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

REV. McCUNE, United Brethren minister, has arrived in Winfield. He willdevote himself to the organization of a church in this vicinity. There areseveral of his denomination in the county.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

BAD LUCK. Mr. S. Kennedy, who lives in the south part of town, on hislast trip to Wichita had a small son with him, who fell under the wagonand had his leg broken. On his return home one of his mules died suddenly,thus breaking a very valuable team.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

We learn from a reliable gentleman that the question of removing thatcornerstone of the new Presbyterian church is being agitated by some ofthe church solons. They find that many persons refused to pay up their subscriptionssince the church building is made to rest upon a five dollar Confederatebill.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

A. W. SPALDING, an old resident lawyer of Atchison, but of late yearsgeneral agent for the Franklin Insurance Co., of Philadelphia, paid us avisit this week. We remember the Judge when he and York held conferencetogether in the Tefft House corridors concerning a Mr. Pomeroy. He talksof locating an agency at this place.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

JETHRO COCHRAN and Dr. Davis own adjoining farms near town. They haveboth claimed a certain spring or well. The line was run the other day andit crosses the well precisely in the middle. If we didn't know the CountySurveyor intimately, personally we might say, we might be inclined to thinkthat it was not "a singular coincidence."

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

For delegates to the Republican convention of the 88th Representativedistrict: N. C. McCulloch, J. H. Hill, G. S. Manser, J. S. Hunt, W. D. Roberts,Chas. Love, W. G. Graham,

J. M. Baer, G. W. Arnold, E. G. Sheridan. Alternates: I. W. Randall,W. E. Christie, Perry Hill, J. H. Curfman, A. B. Lemmon, Z. B. Myers, A.Howland, J. J. Plank, E. P. Hickok, and Thos. Dunn.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

The following are the delegates to the Republican county convention forWinfield Township.

Delegates: J. D. Pryor, W. P. Hackney, J. S. Hunt, C. M. Wood, H. Brotherton,G. W. Robertson, Joel Mack, E. C. Seward, Geo. Youle, W. D. Roberts.

Alternates: W. C. Robinson, R. H. Tucker, J. H. Curfman, B. B. Vandaventer,John Park, C. A. Seward, Geo. Bull, Frank Hutton, J. L. M. Hill, A. B. Lemmon.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

The City Hotel has a new register and blotter. The blotter contains theadvertising cards of Messrs. Webb & Torrance, Wm. and Geo. Hudson, M.L. Read, J. D. Pryor, John Nichols, W. G. Graham, J. M. Reed, A. G. Wilson,B. F. Baldwin, Joe Likowski, Henry Jochems, J. B. Lynn, W. B. Gibbs, McGuire& Midkiff, and Hill & Christie. It the neatest register in the valley.Mr. Hudson is starting off on the right foot this time.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

H. T. FORD, who has been in the mercantile business here for two years,was arrested last Saturday and lodged in jail on the charge of disposingof his property with intent to defraud his creditors. A. G. Wilson, an endorserof one of his notes, made the affidavit and Ford was committed. Monday morningWebb & Torrance applied to Judge Gans for a writ of habeas corpus,which was not granted. Mr. Torrance is now in Chautauqua County before hishonor, Judge Campbell, on the same business. Hackney & McDonald areattorneys for the creditors.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

One of the finest springs in this county, and there are a great manygood ones in Cowley, is owned by D. L. TAPLIN, one-half mile east of Dexter.It bursts out from a limestone bluff and rushes down a deep canyon intothe Grouse Valley. Dave has built a good milk house over the spring andmade many other improvements around it. The stream flows through a twentyacre pasture, furnishing water for a herd of blooded cattle and a smallflock of sheep. It is estimated that not less than 430,000 gallons of waterflows from this spring every twenty-four hours. Mr. Taplin owns one of thebest upland farms in Cowley County, and is consequently happy.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

JONESBOROUGH is the latest candidate in the county for public favor.It's a new burg on the Grouse, one and a half miles below Lazette. It hasa dry goods, grocery, and general country store, run by C. W. Jones, forwhom the town is named, a steam saw mill owned by Ward & Fitch, Carpentershop by Mr. Gates, a blacksmith shop by ____, and hotel in process of erectionby Mr. Craft. This hotel is 20 x 40 feet, has a large dining room, parlor,office, kitchen, and eight bedrooms. When completed it will make a comfortablehouse to stop at. There is considerable travel on the Independence roadat this point, which makes Jonesborough a good trading post. Its nearnessto Lazette prevents it from having a post office.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

"BRUTUS" writes a letter to the Traveler this week.Considering the fact that this same Brutus was an out-spoken Manning manup to the time of the Senatorial convention, his harangue sounds well. Heowes what little political prominence he has obtained in this county toManning and his friends. After solemnly promising and averring for monthsbefore that he would support Col. Manning, should he get the nomination,now he howls about corruption; and, under a nom de plume, stabs himin the back. "But Brutus was an honorable man," so said Mark Anthony,even though he did kiss Caesar and stab him in the back at the same time.The name of Brutus is well chosen. His mantle could not have fallen on moreappropriate shoulders.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

F. M. FRIEND will leave on Monday for St. Louis and Chicago, and willappreciate any little commissions in his line. Call immediately.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.


ED. COURIER: In last week's Telegram appeared a local in regardto some words that, it is said, were uttered by one of the members of theHayes and Wheeler Club. In the article referred to, the person says thata member of the club yelled out, as the club was starting for Tisdale, "Hurrahfor hell!" in front of the M. E. church while a prayer meeting wasin progress. We beg leave to say that the assertion is a base lie, toldfor political capital and through copperhead venom. One of the members didsay the above, which he does not approve of, but did not say it anywherenear a place of worship, nor did he say it to slander anyone. If it hadbeen a copperhead outfit, nothing would ever have been said about it. Butwe consider the source.

Concerning the other local, in regard to the "enthusers" and"strikers," who are said to have gone along with the Scalpersfor the purpose of cheering the Republican speaker. We can only say thatit is another copperhead "cud," chawed up by the enemies of trueDemocracy and given to the Telegram to be swallowed and then spitout broadcast over the county. Those who were "mostly boys" willturn out to be Hayes and Wheeler men in November. HALF TWAIN.

N. B. I have since learned that the individual who was most annoyed bythe lively demonstration of the Hayes and Wheeler Club, a week ago last(Wednesday) night, was a rebel officer at Andersonville Prison. "Somote it be." We knew there must be something wrong. H. T.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.

Township Conventions.

The Republican voters of Pleasant Valley met at Odessa schoolhouse, Saturday,September 9th. W. J. Keffer was chosen chairman and Samuel Watt secretary.The following resolutions were adopted and signed by all the voters present:

Resolved, That we will support no man for a county office whois not known to be a true Republican, and further that the votes of nonebe received here but those who pledge themselves to vote for Hayes and Wheelerin November next.

On motion Calvin Dean and B. W. Sitter were chosen delegates and J. H.Murdock and C. J. Brane alternates to attend the 89th Rep. district conventionto be held at Dexter, Sept. 23rd.

On motion Albert Dean and Saml. Watt were chosen delegates, and J. Masonand W. J. Keffer alternates to the county convention held on the 16th. Amotion was made and carried to recommend a man from Pleasant Valley Townshipfor the office of Probate Judge. The names of C. J. Brane and Calvin Deanwere mentioned and the meeting adjourned.

SAM. WATT, Secretary.

Pursuant to call of the county Central Committee, the Republicans ofRock Township met at Darien Schoolhouse on Saturday, Sept. 9th, at 4 o'clockp.m., organized with Reuben Booth, Sr., Chairman, C. H. Eagin, Secretary.The following Preamble and Resolution was adopted:

WHEREAS, In former primary elections held at Darien schoolhouse by theRepublicans of this township, certain Democrats have participated for thepurpose of creating dissension and disorganization in the party, thereforebe it

Resolved, That no person shall be allowed a vote in this electionunless he first pledge himself to support Hayes and Wheeler for presidentand vice president of the United States.

The following named persons were chosen delegates: Reuben Boothe, Chas.H. Eagin, Wm. White, and J. M. Barrack. Alternates: J. Foster, Wm. Weber,J. W. Medor, and Andrew Dawson.

By order of the township central committee, the above named delegateswere instructed to represent the township in both representative and countyconventions.


CHAS. H. EAGIN, Secretary.


Delegates to the County Convention, L. Lippmann and Wm. Butterfield,and to the District Convention at Dexter, B. A. Davis and L. Lippmann.


At the Republican primary last Saturday Enos. Henthorn was elected adelegate to the County Convention, after which speeches were made and aHayes and Wheeler Club was organized. R. S. Strother was elected President,W. A. Gillard, Vice President, and J. Messenger, Secretary. The Republicansare alive in that township.


The Republicans of Windsor Township met in convention at Lazette, Sept.9th, 1876, and elected the following delegates to attend the county conventionat Winfield, Sept. 16th, 1876: S. M. Fall, C. J. Phenis, and I. N. McCracken,delegates. The following delegates were chosen to attend the district conventionat Dexter, Sept. 23, 1876: C. W. Jones, J. W. Tull, and R. W. Jackson. Thefollowing named gentlemen were chosen to fill the township offices: Justicesof Peace, C. W. Jones and A. J. Pickering; Trustee, John Brooks; Constables,Wm. Fritch and J. W. Tull; Township Clerk, S. Tylor; Township Treasurer,Joseph Sweet; Road OverseersDistrict No. 1, E. Rockewell; No. 2, Pike Evretts;No. 3, E. M. Freeman; No. 4, T. B. Washam; No. 5, J. W. Hiatt.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.


We visited the south part of Otter Township recently. It is a part ofour county so removed from the political centers, Winfield and ArkansasCity, that the people of that region live peaceful and happy. Its citizensare farmers and stock raisers. They herd cattle on the hills and plow themellow soil of the valleys. They raise enough corn and wheat to supply themselvesand always have a little to sell.

They want a railroad. One from Independence to the Arkansas River wouldsuit them best. Their trading point is Cedarvale, a live little town overin Chautauqua. They vote and pay taxes in Cowley, but spend their shekelsin another county.

Among the many good fellows we met in Rock Creek Valley, we might mentionJake Smith, John Frazee, Dick Courtright, John Weiss, H. C. Fisher, HighSartin, William Craig, Thomas Slater, William Lewellen, and others.


Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

His Pursuers put to Flight!
His Opponents Reconciled.
The Senatorial Nomination Ratified.
The Nominee Vindicated!
Glory Enough for One Day.

The scenes at the Courthouse last Saturday will never be forgotten bythe participators and the witnesses. That convention will go into historyas the most remarkable that ever assembled in Southwestern Kansas. Strongmen alternately wept and cheered. Men who went there for a moment, simplyto "see," remained till night, as though held by a magic spell.Enemies, opponents, and friends alike sat for two long hours and listenedto the electrifying speech of the man whose name heads this article, andat its conclusion arose and gave three long, loud, hearty cheers for E.C. Manning.

Ever since the nomination of Col. Manning for the State Senate his enemieshave been at work, secretly in some localities and openly in others, tryingto create a sentiment against him which would ultimately result in his withdrawalfrom the race. As we said in last week's issue, they were afraid to allowhim to appear before the people and vindicate himself. They wanted to repudiatehis nomination, and yet not give him an opportunity to be heard. They secretlyset to work. They organized an anti-Manning ring, with Winfield as the center,and the outer limits of the county its circumference. They selected a leaderand invited everyone, regardless of party, to join them. They sent ambassadorsinto every township to help carry the primaries and influence them to sendup anti-Manning delegates to the County Convention. Teams could be seenleaving and returning to the office of the chief at all hours of the night.The primaries were held, and it was ascertained that two or three townshipshad elected anti-Manning delegates, besides the two townships that had boltedthe convention that had nominated him. The "antis" were jubilantand more courageous. They held midnight caucuses and daily conferences.

The leaders residing in Arkansas City met the Winfield delegation andagreed upon a plan of action. They telegraphed it to the lesser lights;"Annihilation of Manning and all his friends" was their watchword.The cry was taken up and resounded from the Flint Hills to the muddy Arkansas.

Staunch friends hitherto, quaked with fear. Brave outspoken leaders wantedto compromise, but the "antis" were merciless and would offerno quarter. The Traveler held up its clean hands in holy horror andrepeated the old worn out charges of bribery and corruption against Col.Manning. Its editor thought he saw a tidal wave, and he jumped for it. Hestruck on a rock below the water line, as the sequel will show.

Saturday, long before the hour of convening, the courtroom, halls, andjury rooms were crowded with leading men from all parts of the county. Therewere at least five hundred people in and about the Courthouse when the conventionwas called to order. By intuition it would seem the "antis" arrangedthemselves in one part of the hall, leaving the remainder for the otherdelegates. Temporary officers were chosen and proper committees appointed.The committees retired from the room. Everything was quiet. A kind of deathlessstillnessa stillness portentous of a coming storm seemed to pervade theatmosphere during their withdrawal from the hall. The chief of the "antis"had counted hands and was satisfied with the result. He calmly took a seatand cast his eyes admiringly upon his forces who were systematically arrangedin the rearthose with the strongest lungs and largest feet in frontreadyto cheer at the word. The committee on credentials reported, and after alittle skirmishing, the report was adopted. The temporary organization wasmade the permanent, and then the chairman of the committee on order of businessreported that a nomination for County Attorney should be first made, followedby the other officers, to be named. The "antis" on the committeepresented a minority report in the shape of a resolution, asking Col. Manningto withdraw from the Senatorial nomination. This was their "order ofbusiness," in fact, the only purpose for which they were there.

At this juncture Mr. Manning arose and requested that the conventionproceed with the regular business before it, make its nominations, electa county central committee, and then "go through him" at its leisure.The majority report was adopted and the convention named the candidatesof its choice. The "antis," still belligerent, were the firstto open fire.

The charges, as published in the Traveler, of the 13th, were readand commented upon. These, it was thought, would be enough to frighten thelittle band of patriots in the west to an unconditional surrender.

In answer to the cry, "Where's the man that made these charges?"their author drew himself up, folded his arms, and with an annihilatinglook and tragical mien, intended to strike dire consternation in the ranksof the "minority," slowly said, "I AM THE MAN!" Thiswas followed by an exultant yell from his backers. Twenty men from the otherside arose simultaneously, and for a few moments the air was filled withcries, anathemas, and moving hands that boded no good to this self-styledleader.

The scene beggars all description. The "antis" saw what wascoming; they saw that they had awakened a sleeping lion without his keeper.The "antis" moved to adjourn, but the cries of "No! No!""Let's hear Manning!" rang out from all sides. The effort to adjournbrought Manning to the rostrum. He dared them to adjourn, after making thosecharges, and not allow him an opportunity to speak in reply. The motionto adjourn was voted down. So they were forced to remain and meet the issuethey had courted. Order was restored, and Col. Manning began at "No.1," and boldly and fearlessly answered every charge that maligningenemies had bandied over this county for the past five years. He took themup one by one and went through them as only a man could do, who knows inhis heart that he is innocent.

In answer to the "ninth charge," of having demanded money froma certain candidate for his vote in the U. S. Senatorial contest of 1871,he opened and read a letter from the Hon. gentleman himself, pronouncingthe charge as false from beginning to end. This was received with the wildestapplausecheer after cheer went up from that vast assembly, shaking the oldCourthouse from cupola to foundation. It was the most complete and thoroughvindication a man ever had. Everybody was wild with excitement.

"Three cheers for Manning," were proposed, and amidst the wildesthurrah, joined in by both friends and opponents, the convention adjournedsine die.


Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876. Editorial Page.


The nominees of last Saturday's convention are too well known in thiscounty to need more than casual mention here. Our candidate for COUNTY ATTORNEY,Capt. James McDermott, is one of the ablest lawyers in this district. Hislegal ability was recognized by the House of Representatives of 1873, whenit appointed him a member of the Judiciary, its most important committee.He is an enthusiastic Republican, an able speaker, and one of the most fearlessand outspoken men in defense of his principles that has ever taken the stumpin the Southwest. Capt. McDermott can take care of himself before the baror before the people. He will be elected, without doubt, and criminals mayas well take warning.

For PROBATE JUDGE we have H. D. Gans, the present incumbent. Judge Ganshas filled the office for the past two years with signal ability, hencehis renomination. He is an honorable man, and one in whom the people haveimplicit confidence. His experience in the past will better befit him forthe duties of the coming term. He will be elected by a large majority.

Ed. S. Bedillion, the present incumbent, was renominated by acclamationfor the office of CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT. Since occupying that positionhe has attended strictly to its duties, and his records are full and complete,without blur or blemish. He is competent, worthy, and industrious, and hebrings to the office rectitude of purpose and first- class abilities. Hewill sweep the county by an unprecedented majority.

FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION we have R. C. Story, of HarveyTownship, one of the most enthusiastic and efficient educators in the State.Mr. Story is a graduate of Ann Arbor, one of the best schools in the world.He is a thorough and accomplished gentlemana man in whom the people of hislocality have the greatest confidencea man whom the people of the entirecounty will as gladly support for a second or third term as we do for thefirst.

In the convention he voted for his opponent, W. C. Robinson, a citizenof whom Winfield is justly proud, and for whom the Winfield delegates worked,and still Mr. Story carried away the blue ribbon.


Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876. Editorial Page.


It is with no small degree of pleasure that we place the name of Mr.Webb on our ticket as the nominee of the Republicans of the 88th district,for the honorable position of Representative. He was nominated by last Saturday'sconvention by acclamation, without a single dissenting voice. This was atribute to his worth and ability that his friends will ever appreciate.We have known him for six years. As a lawyer he stands at the head of thebar in Southern Kansas. For the last nine years he has practiced in allthe courts of the State with unmeasured success. As editor of one of thepioneer newspapers of Cowley, he did noble service in helping to build upthe county to its present proud position. No public enterprise has beeninaugurated in this valley without receiving aid at his hands. He is young,enthusiastic, and energetic, and, if elected, will make a leader in theKansas House of Representatives of 1877. The people of the 88th districtknow Leland J. Webb. They believe in him, they have faith in him, and theywill elect him by a rousing majority in November.


Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876. Editorial Page.


By reference to our advertising columns voters will see that two propositionsto amend the constitution were submitted by last winter's legislature fortheir consideration in November. They should be studied carefully. The onein reference to the election of County Commissioners will especially commenditself to the intelligent voter. One reading and a moment's reflection willdetermine their effect. That they are excellent measures and will receivea large vote in this county, we cannot but believe. We hope that our voters,without regard to party, will see that their ballots have the words "Forthe Amendments" printed or written upon them. They are, in our opinion,unexceptionable propositions and should be confirmed by the people at thepolls.


Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876. Editorial Page.

In a very able article in last week's Walnut Valley Times, headed"Something Must Be Done," among other good things, Bent Murdocksays:

"If our delegation in Congress could be made to see the importanceof the opening up of a national highway through the Indian Territory fromthe mouth of the Walnut River, this would make our valley an objective pointfor new lines of road."

Col. Manning and Mr. Webb have both pledged themselves to vote for noman to the U. S. Senate who will not use his best efforts to secure sucha desired communication with the Gulf and South Pacific railroad.


Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

Four Indians were judicially hung to death at Ft. Smith on the 7th, making15 persons executed on that spot within a year by sentence of the same judge.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

B. F. Baldwin, S. S. Moore, R. C. Story, H. H. Siverd, and Daniel Maherwere appointed members of the Republican Central Committee, for the 88thRepresentative district.


Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876. Editorial Page.


Pursuant to call of the County Central Committee, the delegates to thecounty convention met in the courthouse, in Winfield, on Saturday, Sept.16th, at 11 o'clock a.m., and organized by electing Capt. J. S. Hunt temporarychairman and C. H. Eagin temporary secretary.

On motion the convention adjourned to meet at 2 o'clock p.m.

2 p.m.; convention called to order; Capt. Hunt in the chair.

The committee on credentials being called submitted the following report:Your committee on credentials find that the following named gentlemen wereduly elected as delegates to this convention, and all are entitled to seatstherein.

Beaver Township: L. K. Bonnewell, C. W. Roseberry.

Bolton: Frank Lowry, W. Thompson, W. E. Chennoweth.

Creswell: N. Hughes, I. H. Bonsall, Geo. McIntire, O. P. Houghton, H.Kellogg, and W. M. Sleeth.

Cedar: W. A. Metcalf.

Dexter: James England, T. R. Bryan, E. Creager, Willis Elliot.

Harvey: R. C. Story.

Liberty: F. McGinnis, Justus Fisher.

Maple: Wm. B. Norman, H. H. Siverd.

Nennescah: Wm. Bartlow, A. H. Beck.

Omnia: E. H. Henthorn.

Otter: H. C. Fisher, Geo. Childers.

Pleasant Valley: Sam Watt, Albert Dean.

Rock Creek: Reuben Booth, Chas. H. Eagin, J. M. Barrack, Wm. White.

Richland: Sam Phenix, J. O. Vanorsdol, Amos Jarvis, W. F. Bowen.

Silver Creek: John Clover, Wm. May.

Silverdale: L. Lippmann, Wm. Butterfield.

Spring Creek: A. Wiley, S. B. Callison.

Sheridan: S. W. Graham, F. M. Small.

Tisdale: J. F. Thomas, S. S. Moore.

Vernon: J. S. Wooley, D. M. Hopkins, J. B. Evans.

Windsor: S. M. Fall, C. J. Phenis, J. N. McCracken.

Winfield: J. D. Pryor, W. P. Hackney, C. M. Wood, G. W. Robertson, JoelMack, E. C. Seward, Geo. Youle, H. Brotherton, W. D. Roberts, J. S. Hunt.

On motion the report of the committee on credentials was adopted.

On motion A. H. Green was allowed to vote as proxy for E. C. Seward,principal, Frank Hutton, alternate.

The committee on permanent organization reported J. S. Hunt as chairmanand Chas. H. Eagin as secretary, and John D. Pryor as assistant secretary.

The committee on the order of business submitted two reports.

The majority read as follows:

A majority of your committee recommend the following order of business,viz: 1st, nomination of county attorney; 2nd, nomination of probate judge;3rd, clerk of district court; 4th, county superintendent of public instruction;5th, secretary of county central committee.

Signed, WM. B. NORMAN, S. S. MOORE, R. C. STORY.

The minority report read as follows:

A minority of your committee recomend, 1st, that in view of the seriouscharges made against the political character of Col. E. C. Manning, thenominee of the Republican party of Cowley County for State Senator, thathe be removed and that the central committee of the Republican party ofsaid county immediately call a new convention to nominate a candidate inhis place, and recommend the passage of the accompanying resolution.

Resolved, That E. C. Manning, the Republican nominee for the officeof State Senator be, and he is hereby requested to said nomination, andthat the County Republican committee immediately call a new convention tonominate some other man in his stead.

2nd. That a county central committee, consisting of one member from eachtownship, be selected by the delegates from the respecting townships, andtheir names reported to the secretary.

3rd. That in election of candidates, the clerk call the roll of townships,and as each township is called, the chairman of the delegation rise in hisplace and renounce the vote of the township.

4th. That we nominate a candidate for county attorney.

5th. That we nominate a candidate for clerk of district court.

6th. That we nominate a candidate for superintendent of public instruction.

7th. That we nominate a candidate for probate judge.

That we nominate in the order named.


The majority report was, on motion, amended so as to include the secondclause of the minority report, which gave each township one member of thecounty central committee, and the report was adopted.

The nomination of county attorney being next in order, the names of JohnE. Allen and James McDermott were offered as candidates. The ballot resultedin favor of McDermott by a vote of 32 to 30. On motion the nomination wasmade unanimous.

Next in order was probate judge, which resulted in favor of H. D. Gansover S. M. Jarvis. Vote stood 36 to 26.

Clerk of district court, E. S. Bedilion, was nominated unanimously byacclamation.

For county superintendent, the candidates were W. C. Robinson, of Winfield,and R. C. Story, of Harvey Township; result in favor of Story, 35 to 26.

The following named gentlemen were selected members of county centralcommittee.

Beaver: C. W. Roseberry.

Bolton: J. C. Topliff.

Creswell: C. M. Scott.

Cedar: W. A. Metcalf.

Dexter: Jas. McDermott.

Harvey, S. S. Newton.

Liberty: Justus Fisher.

Maple: W. B. Norman.

Nennescah: Wm. Hayden.

Omnia: Wm. Gillard.

Otter: R. R. Turner.

Pleasant Valley: Albert Dean.

Rock Creek: Chas. H. Eagin.

Richland: J. O. Vanorsdol.

Silver Creek: S. M. Jarvis.

Silverdale: L. Lippmann.

Spring Creek: R. P. Goodrich.

Sheridan: Henry Clay.

Tisdale: J. F. Thomas.

Vernon: J. S. Woolley.

Windsor: B. H. Clover.

Winfield: T. K. Johnston.

J. S. HUNT, Chairman.

CHAS. H. EAGIN, Secretary.

J. D. PRYOR, Assistant Secretary.


Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876. Editorial Page.

Southern Kansas will be represented in the State Senate during the nextfour years by abler men than ever before. Think of Col. D. Grass, of Independence,Mr. Benedict, of Fredonia, Col. R. H. Nichols, of Howard City, Bent Murdock,of Eldorado, Col. E. C. Manning, of Winfield, and John Kelley, of Wichita,six of the ablest legislators in Kansas, standing in one corner of the SenateChamber, and smilingly saying, "Come to us!" Will the balanceof the Senate "buck" at them? We think not. We venture the assertionthat there is not a section in the State that will produce six members thatwill any ways near compete with those of this part of Kansas. HowardCity Courant.


Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876. "Personals" Page.


Having been named by the Republicans of this, the 27th senatorial district,as the candidate for State Senator, I feel it to be a duty I owe the partyto which I belong and to the men who have placed me in nomination to contradictthe lies that have been in circulation about me for five years. So longas I was a private citizen, it was not worthwhile to confront the liarsor chase down the lies that have cursed the earth and poisoned the air ofCowley. To this end on Monday, Sept. 11th, I sent the card which appearsbelow to the editor of the Traveler.

Instead of publishing the notice and then attending the meeting in person,or having someone do so, to face me with the falsehoods which he publishes,he takes the dishonorable course of refusing to meet me in open field, butputs the following stuff into his paper and sends it to hundreds of readerswhom I can never meet. He further refuses to publish my reply. Could a manbe more unfair? Could a pretended Republican be more dishonorable?

[From the Traveler, Sept. 13th.]

We received from E. C. Manning, and by his request, publish the followingnotice:


"I will address the voters of Silverdale Township at Lippmann'sMill, Saturday evening, Sept. 23, 1876. At that time I respectfully challengeall persons who have aught to say against me to be present, and make theircharges publicly, that I may answer them


We have not the time, nor do we think it necessary, to follow Mr. Manningover the county and make charges that have been through the courts and beforethe people sufficiently often and long enough to condemn him to every honestvoter; but, since he asks for charges, and openly challenges any and allto make them, we have a few to make:

[Charges by Scott followed by answer of Manning.]

1. As he pretends to be a true Republican, and is for reading outany of the party who are in opposition to him, we charge him with boltingthe party in 1870, resulting in the defeat of his election; and afterwardsfraudulently manipulating the throwing out of the votes of six precincts,in order to gain his aim and thereby defeating the person really elected,against the will of the people.

The first charge is not true. I refer to W. Q. Mansfield, who was deputycounty clerk at the time, for proof of my denial. Also to any of the earlysettlers of this county who are familiar with the facts.

2. We charge him with being interested in and connected with the bridgeswindle at Winfield, as published in the Telegram of Oct. 2nd, 1873.

The second charge is not true. I refer to D. A. Millington, J. P. Short,and O. P. Boyle, who were the township officers of Winfield Township atthe time for proof of my denial.

3. We charge him with opposing the proposition to vote aid to theKansas and Nebraska railroad company, until after he had extorted a bondof $1,000 from the president and secretary thereof.

The third charge is not true. I challenge any evidence to prove the truthof the charge.

4. With his attempt to have the $150,000 bonds of Cowley County issuedto the Kansas and Nebraska railroad company after he knew the company hadbecome bankrupt, and there was no possibility of the road being built.

The fourth charge is not true. I refer to Frank Cox, J. D. Maurer, andO. C. Smith, who constituted the board of county commissioners at the timethe subscription book of the Kansas & Nebraska railway company was presentedto the board, for evidence to prove the truth of my denial.

5. With mutilating the records of the Probate Judge, in the case ofhis pretended marriage license.

The fifth charge is not true. For information on this subject, I referto Judge H. D. Gans.

6. With his unscrupulous manipulation of the primary meetings in Winfieldand other townships, resulting in his present nomination.

The sixth charge is not true. For the proof of its falsity I refer tothe voters of Winfield and those "other townships."

7. With the refusal to pay his promissory notes in the hands of poorfarmers, while he has abundant means so to do.

The seventh charge is not true. I never refused to pay a promissory notein my life that I had given.

8. We charge him with joining the Grange for political purposes, andpretending to organize a "Farmers' Saving Bank" for the same end,which he pocketed after his withdrawal from his nomination, stating thatit was "simply to catch votes."

The eighth charge is not true, neither in word or spirit. I challengethe author to prove it to be true.

9. We repeat the charge of his having demanded $1,000 of Sid Clarkefor his vote for him as United States Senator.

The ninth charge is not true. It is an old lie, told with a batch ofothers, for the purpose of throwing Alexander Caldwell out of the U. S.Senate. No man of the three hundred or more who were present at the courthouselast Saturday afternoon and heard the whole history of my action in thesenatorial election of 1871 stated, with the circumstantial evidence cited,followed by Sidney Clarke's letter dated September 10, 1876, pronouncingthe charge false, does believe, or can be made to believe, that charge number9 is true.

10. We charge him with selling his vote to Caldwell as sworn to byManning himself, before the Caldwell investigating committee at Washington.

The tenth charge is not true. On the contrary, it is a bold impudentlie, and Mr. Scott knows it to be a lie. In fact, he either knows that thecharges made are lies, or knows of no evidence to justify them. Mr. Scottis a weak, foolish, unprincipled creature. He has made trouble in CowleyCounty ever since he fled from Emporia. His power to do harm is fast waning.His unreliable character is so well known that the public is ever upon itsguard in its intercourse with him.


Having been fairly nominated by the Republicans of the county, and beingready at all times to meet in public discussion any criticism upon my politicalrecord or personal honor, and hoping to be of service to our county in thefuture, which sadly needs an active servant for the next few years, my enemiesmay consider me "in for three years or during the war!"


[Note: With reference to Charge No. 3

A check was made of "Marriage License" of Edwin C. Manningand Maggie J. Foster in Cowley County Courthouse.

Document shows that T. H. Johnson was Probate Judge and W. M. Boyerwas Justice of the Peace. Boyer acted as witness.

Marriage License shows: Cowley County, State of Kansas, Jan. 1st, A.D. 1874, To any Persons Authorized by Law to Perform the Marriage Ceremony,Greeting. You are hereby authorized to join in Marriage Edwin C. Manningof Cowley County, aged 31 years, and Maggie J. Foster of Cowley County,aged 21, and of this License you will make due return to my office withinthirty days. (Signed) T. H. Johnson, Probate Judge.

And which said Marriage License was afterwards, to-wit: on the 30th dayof January, A. D. 1874, returned to said Probate Judge, with the followingCertificate endorsed thereon, to- wit:

STATE OF KANSAS, Cowley County. ss.

I, William M. Boyer, do hereby certify, that in accordance with the authorizationof the within License, I did on the 3rd day of January, A. D. 1874 at Winfieldin said County, join and unite in Marriage the within named Edwin C. Manningand Margaret J. Foster. . . . .

Witness My hand and seal the day and year above written. (Signed) W.M. Boyer, Justice of the Peace.

ATTEST: T. H. Johnson, Probate Judge.

Note: The name Edwin appears to have been "messed with".

Across the face of this "Marriage License" is the followingpenned statement.

"The license of which this purports to be a copy was issued inthe month of November, 1873, to Charlie A. Craine and Maggie J. Foster,and the dates together with the name of Charlie A. Craine were erased bysome person unknown to me and without my knowledge and consent and the nameof Edwin C. Manning was inserted. I never at any time issued a license toEdwin C. Manning and Maggie J. Foster.

"T. H. Johnson, Probate Judge, Cowley County."


Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

September weather never was milder.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

Don't read this week's COURIER in a minute.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

Prairie chickens near town are growing wild.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

A large amount of hay is being put in the stack.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

JOHN NICHOLS and the Foults Bros. did a rushing barber business lastSaturday.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

DR. HUGHES, one of Creswell's old "stand-bys," was at the Courthouseon the 16th.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

MR. HUDSON, of the City Hotel, claims to have the only spring beds inthe valley.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

Cowley County will have over fifteen thousand bushels of corn in cribnext month.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

J. C. BENNETT occupied a central chair at the center table of the Centrallast Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

J. B. LYNN & Co. report over five hundred dollars as their cash tradelast Saturday.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

Five hundred and sixty bushels were threshed from Fuller's wheat stackslast Monday.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

Nennescah went solid for Webb. That old wheeler, Wm. Bartlow, and A.H. Beck did the voting.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

This time, "as usual," Leon Lippmann came up from Silverdale.His colleague was Esq. Butterfield.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

SHERIFF WALKER started for Osawattomie, last Tuesday. He took Scott thelunatic with him.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

COL. QUARLES, who for some time past has been "under the weather,"is able to be on the street again.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

JOHN M. REED is preparing to build a neat little residence on seventhstreet, near the Baptist church.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

Improvements are going on all over town. At least twenty new buildingsare under process of erection.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

DR. HARE left for Kansas City, yesterday, his old home. He will takein the Exposition there before he returns.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

Justice Fisher and T. Maginnis, two of Liberty's leading lights, answered"roll call" at the convention last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

MR. FULLER threshed his wheat this week. It turned out 16½ bushelsto the acre. How's that for sod wheat?

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

JOHN E. ALLEN came within a few votes of being victorious last Saturday.The vote stood McDermott 32 and Allen 30.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

CAPT. CHENOWETH, Frank Lorry, and J. C. Topliff represented the bannerwheat raising township in the convention.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

The cattle interests of Cowley had to have a representative, so SpringCreek sent up A. A. Wiley, and Cedar, W. A. Metcalf.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

Who came down from Omnia to both circuses? Why, Enos Henthorn of course.The Republicans up there know who to bet on.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

Esq. I. H. BONSALL, the pioneer photographer of Arkansas City, left hiscameo long enough to attend the convention last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

Notice the new card of Mr. J. C. Franklin, harness maker. He has justreceived a large stock of new goods in his line.


J. C. FRANKLIN, Proprietor.
Winfield, Kansas.

He keeps a stock of Harness and Saddles, which he is selling at bottomprices. All orders promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed.

Repairing done with neatness and dispatch.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

J. W. FUNK, of Rock, paid his Winfield friends a "financial"visit yesterday. He says he is "square" with the town now. Johnis always on the square.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

The Tisdale Republicans believed in "letting well enough alone,"so they sent in that old "wah hoss," Sim Moore, and Flem Thomasto keep him in check.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

An interesting communication from the pen of Rev. Platter on the subjectof railroads may be found in another column. Every farmer and businessmanshould read it.

Note: Platter's communication was not in this issue.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

Considering the fact that he wasn't a candidate, W. C. Robinson got avery complimen tary vote for the nomination of Superintendent of PublicInstruction last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

They tried to make capital by saying that H. C. Fisher and his colleaguewere not Republicans. They came up from Otter Township as delegates allthe same, andMcDer- mott is happy.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

We are "chuck full." Proceeding of the District Convention,and other matter, will appear next week.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

A farmer from Beaver Township suggests that the people have less fearsof the grasshoppers in his locality than they have of the cut-throat threepercent mortgages that are troubling them.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

BIRTH. The proprietor of the old reliable stone livery barn seems tobe determined not to be outdone by his competition. This timeit's a girl.Two boys and one girl and all of our liverymen happy.



Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

WM. MAY and JOHN CLOVER, of Silver Creek, and Frank Small and Lew Graham,of Sheridan, made a gallant fight for Sam Jarvis and the judgeship. Theywent down with him with colors flying.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

MAPLE Township was there too. W. B. Norman answered the roll occasionally,for half of her. Some of the "antis" will remember Capt. Seibert'slinen coat and fearless speeches after the nominees have all taken the oathof office.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

Services of the M. E. church Sunday next, in the morning, at 11 o'clock,when all the members of the church, especially, are requested tobe present. Evening services at 7:30 o'clock. J. S. RUSBRIDGE, Pastor.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

MRS. KENNEDY has just received and opened out a large stock of fashionablefall millinery goods, which she is offering as cheap as the cheapest. Thisis the first fall stock brought in the market. Go and see them at her oldstand, east side of Main street.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

MR. PATTEN, of Cedar Township, informs us that a horse was stolen recentlyfrom his neighbor, Mr. Quigly, and sold in Coffeyville to a liveryman. Thethief was pursued but not captured. The horse was recovered. Why not organizea vigilance committee, gentlemen?

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

As a general thing, S. M. Fall, of Lazette, don't take much interestin politics, but last week he consented to come over with Charlie Phenisand Mr. McCracken and give R. C. Story a "lift." They succeededin lifting him above all other candidates, and consequently went home happy.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

STEPHENS, McPIKE & ALLEN's jolly ambassador was down this week interviewingour equine venders. He reports having met seventy-six teams loaded withwheat on his way from Wichita to Oxford last Monday.

And still we have no railroad.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

It is but justice to Mr. Isaac Moore, of Dexter Township, to say thathe is not a Republican, as a recent local in the COURIER would indicate.Furthermore, he is not a candidate for any office. He is simply a farmerand a good citizenwith Democratic principles. We had been misinformed.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

NOTICE the card of the Central Hotel in this issue. Sid Majors has changedthe name of the old Lagonda, and will now run it as the "Central House."We liked the name of Lagonda. It has been "music to our ears"for four years, but we don't object to the change. Sid will make it thebest hotel in the Walnut Valley.


SID S. MAJORS, Proprietor.
Winfield, Kansas.

This House, formerly the Lagonda, has recently been thoroughly renovatedand remodeled, and is furnished throughout with brand new furniture.

Stages arrive and depart daily.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

The teacher's social at the courthouse last Friday night was a very pleasantaffair. Duets, quartettes, promenades, and a general effort on the partof everybody, to try to get acquainted with everybody else, seemed to bethe order of the evening. The institute's reporter writes it up in bettershape than we can, so we "respectfully refer" you to her column.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

That was a very handsome vote that our young friend, S. M. Jarvis, receivedfor the nomination of Probate Judge. He is a worthy citizen, a staunch Republican,and if nominated, would have made a live race for the position. He has studiedlaw under Mr. Pyburn for the past ten months and has made good advancement.Office or no office, Sam's a Republican all the same, and he'll be heardfrom before the campaign is ended.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

From the Burlington Patriot, of the 13th, we clip the following.

"A week ago today Louis Harter narrowly escaped death on the NorthMissouri railroad, at the town of Sanisbury. Four or five passenger carswere wrecked, and he lost his hat and had his clothing partially torn off,but escaped without severe injury. Four persons were killed and a numberwounded."

That was evidently our Louis Harter, who is now east purchasing fallgoods for the New York Store.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

Dried Apples.

12 pounds for $1.00, at C. A. Bliss & Co.'s.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

Farmers, protect your hay from prairie fires. You all know that thesefires are likely to spring up at any time and sweep the face of the countryfor miles. Plow around your stack yards or burn a wide fire guard entirelyencircling them. There are annually destroyed in this county over ten thousanddollars worth of property through neglect of these little things. See atonce that the result of your summer's labor is safe.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

MRS. N. J. ROSS has just located in Winfield and is prepared to do allkinds of wax and hair work, such as wax fruit and flowers, water lilies,wax pictures, hair jewelry, vest chains, and hair switches, curls, and puffs,and also landscaping in hair. Hair made into switches for fifty cents perounce. Orders received at her residence, opposite the residence of the CountySuperintendent of Public Instruction. Produce will be taken of people fromthe country for work.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

MR. HARTER, of the New York Store, is now in New York City buying hisfall stock of goods. He is making a very large purchase. He will be homenext week at which time the New York will have an "opening day"and these goods will be offered to the public at prices that will defy competition.Mr. Harter's acquaintance in the east has given him the advantage of buyingat low prices; consequently, the goods can be sold at correspondingly reducedfigures. Don't make your fall purchases till you visit the New York Store.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

The Central Hotel has been refitted and repainted from top to bottom.New furniture, new beds, new carpets, and new everything meet the eye ofthe visitor as he traverses the halls and rooms of this house. The wallshave been hung with bright colored paper from cellar to garret. New silverwaredecorates the dining room tables; the parlors have been newly furnished;in fact, the house has been remodeled from one end to the other, as onlyan experienced Boniface like Sid Major can arrange one. A good hotel iswhat Winfield has long needed. We have one now, and are proud of it. Can'tyou give the young folks a little "house warming," Sid?

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

Last Saturday was the liveliest day Winfield has seen since the 4th dayof July. Not less than two thousand people were on the streets between thehours of 10 and 6 o'clock. The sidewalks were jammed all day, with peoplegoing hither and thither. The out streets and squares were occupied withteams till it seemed there was not room for more. Our merchants report alively trade all day. The hotels and restaurants were crowded.

The county convention attracted a great many, while the circus drew therest. Nine-tenths of the trading was done on a strictly cash basis becausemen haven't the courage to ask for credit and go to a circus the same day.The weather was mild, and everybody seemed to have a pleasant time.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

Petit Jury List for Oct. Term of Court.

Wm. Morrow, Sheridan Township; G. S. Story, Maple; J. C. Roberts, Winfield;Rudolph Hite, Dexter; J. R. Thompson, Richland; T. B. Myers, Winfield; HiramBlenden, Spring Creek; J. C. Campbell, Windsor; D. Francisco, Silverdale;A. S. Capper, Nennescah; S. D. Tolles, Pleasant Valley; Jas. Aley, Otter.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.

Minutes of the Cowley County Teachers' Institute.

Agreeable to the call of the County Superintendent of Public Instruction,the teachers of Cowley County met in annual institute on Monday, Sept. 11th,at 9 o'clock a.m. On account of sickness in his family, Mr. Wilkinson wasunable to attend, and the duty of conducting the Institute devolved on Prof.A. B. Lemmon.

The Institute organized by electing the following officers: President,Mr. D. M. Snow; Vice President, Mr. H. M. Bacon; Secretary, Miss M. A. Bryant.Messrs. Robinson, Bacon, and Millard, and Misses Cowles and Roberts werechosen a committee on query box.

The summary of the work done by the Institute during the four days sessionis as follows: Prof. Lemmon delivered a series of lectures on school management,taking up and developing plans for the organization and government of schools.In connection with these lectures, the teachers were led to take a partin the discussion of the theories and plans advocated by the lecturer. Thisexercise was heartily appreciated by all, and it is hoped it will lead ourteachers to a more careful and thorough study of their work.

Mr. Robinson led the teachers in three interesting lessons in geography.A complete outline was made of the location of the valuable minerals ofthe globe, and another of the government of the different countries of theglobe. Such lessons, in which the entire subject is spread upon the black-boardat a single exercise, afford the most complete and thorough review of thetopic that can be given in a short time. Cannot all our teachers make suchlessons valuable in their schools? They are the best possible general reviewsthat can be made. At a single glance the entire subject is brought to theeyes and mind of the student.

Valuable reviews in arithmetic, English grammar, and United States historywere conducted by different members of the school. Most of the exercisesin U. S. History were conducted by Mr. Bacon, of Arkansas City. The leadingtopics in our country's history were assigned to different members of theInstitute, and each took his place on the floor and elucidated the pointthat had been assigned to him, using the map and locating the place at whichthe events named occurred. In this manner everyone present had his own specifiedwork to do, and at the same time got the benefit of studying that had beendone by all the others.

The class in mental arithmetic was led by Mr. E. A. Millard in an interestingstudy of different plans for the analysis of problems.

Topics and problems in written arithmetic were suggested by Mr. Lemmonto different members of the institute, and in that manner all the leadingprinciples of arithmetic were brought up in review. A short and practicalrule for computing interest was developed and thoroughly analyzed.

Wirt W. Walton led the institute in an excellent exercise on the "surveyeddivisions of public lands." He showed the different methods of surveythat had been adopted at different times, and then proceeded to illustratethe simple and excellent plan in use in our country. By means of diagramsand maps placed upon the board, the meaning and use of base and meridianlines, the manner of numbering townships and the sections of the township,and many other points valuable to all.

An interesting lecture on the "science of government" was deliveredby F. S. Jennings, Esq., of Winfield. After comparing our government withothers and showing the excellencies of our own, he proceeded to examinethe different departments of our government and to make a cursory, but verysatisfactory analysis of the same.

Of the exercises in English grammar we note the treatment of the agreementof the pronoun with its antecedent, by Mr. H. W. Holloway, as being quiteworthy of mention.

Miss Mall Roberts, late of Oskaloosa, Iowa, illustrated her manner ofteaching primary reading by introducing a class of little folks and leadingthem step by step through the lesson. For a half hour she held the attentionof the members of her class riveted to their work. Observing members ofthe Institute learned a lesson from her plans that will be of value to themin their school rooms.

A part of the last afternoon was spent in discussing the necessity ofhaving literary exercises in schools, and methods employed to make themsuccessful. Many of the teachers had a bit of experience to relate; somehad succeeded, many had failed, but, at the conclusion, all determined tomake a greater effort than ever before to make this work as thorough anduseful as any of the class exercises.

Before the adjournment on Thursday, the following resolutions were adopted.

Resolved, That we, the members of the Teachers' Institute, heldin Winfield, Kansas, from Sept. 11th to 14th, in token of our hearty appreciationof the untiring efforts of Profs. Lemmon and Robinson, in our behalf, herebytender to them our hearty thanks, and extend to them our warmest congratulationsfor the marked success which has attended their efforts. The members ofthe Institute are further indebted to Messrs. Jennings and Walton for valuableassistance rendered.

Resolved, That a copy of the above be published in the papersof Cowley County.

In behalf of the Institute, E. WICKERSHAM, W. E. KETCHUM, H. M. BACON.

Friday evening at 8 o'clock the teachers and many of their friends inthe city met at the courthouse for a social reunion. Every person presentseemed a self-constituted committee of one to have a good time. Teachers,forgetting the times they endured during the last term of school, or theanxiety they feel over where they shall work next time, rubbed the wrinklesout of their foreheads and wreathed their faces in smiles; young attorneysput away all thoughts of injunctions, appeals, and bills of particulars,and went zealously in search of attachments; they came without demurrersor stays of proceedings; young merchants dropped the yard stick and scissors,forgot the price of a "new suit," quinine, spelling books andparegoric, and sought "bargains" of a different kind; young bankersand money-lenders quit thinking about checks, drafts, and mortgages, andtheir hilarity would lead one to think their consciences are not troubledby reflections on thirty-six percents, but that quite likely "theyloaned out money gratis;" editors and politicians laid aside the "careof State," and took part in the general enjoyment. Thus closed a verysuccessful session of the Cowley County Teachers' Institute. It was emphaticallya session for work. Everyone had something to do and did it to the bestof his ability. The influence of the Institute will be felt on the schoolsof the county during the coming year. MARY A. BRYANT, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.


All persons knowing themselves indebted to J. B. Lynn & Co., whosebills are due, are requested to call and settle immediately.

Winfield, September 21, 1876.

Dr. A. Howland, W. G. Graham, M. D. Dr. W. C. Hare,


Have removed to their new office first door south of C. A. Bliss &Co.'s Store, on Main street, Winfield, Kansas.

Teeth filled with all the approved materials, also the latest approvedmaterials for plate work. All work warranted.


Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876. Front Page.

From Kansas.
WINFIELD, COWLEY CO., KAN., August 18th, 1876.

EDITORS REPUBLICAN: Thinking a line from a Wayne County boy would interestyou, I take the liberty of addressing you. I left Wooster in April last,and located here in Cowley County in May. Three month's residence here butconfirms, in my estimation, the glowing but truthful report you gave thisgreat State as you observed it on your Editorial Excursion to the west.

Kansas is a great State, and Cowley County is without doubt one of thebest counties in it. Its geographical situation is all that could be wishedfor; the Arkansas and Walnut valleys, with the adjacent upland, offer tothe agriculturalist and stock raiser advantages far superior to anythingin old Wayne County. One great advantage is the cheapness of land; landas productive as any on this continent can be bought for from $1.25 to $10.00per acre. The improvements on land making the higher price; these landsvary in depth of soil according to location, but runs all along from 7 inchesto 3 feet in depth, and thousands of acres even more than the latter figure,and all of it with proper culture will prove almost inexhaustible; enormouscrops are grown, and on an average will produce from one-third to one-halfmore than Ohio soil. This is the verdict of farmers who have experimentedin the east.

This county is not yet 7 years old, but it would astonish you to seethe progress made in that line. No longer a wilderness of grass, but inplace, waving crops of splendid grain which promptly ripens in its properseason.

Mr. Lo, with his wigwam, has gone westward, while the enterprising andtireless white man is erecting good, substantial dwelling houses everywhere.

Ten thousand people, within seven years, have gathered within the limitsof this county, which is 30 miles square. Well constructed schoolhousesare located at proper distances throughout the settled portion of the countyand State. The school system is the pride of the state. It is the counterpartof the Ohio system. The Legislature has made ample provision by enactment,by endowment, and by local taxation, to warrant school boards in employingthe best of talent; the effect has been magical. Evidences of thrift andintelligence are wayside marks on every highway, and as a direct resultof all this I will say the County and State is largely Republican. But asis natural it should be so, as the past history of the country at largeshows us that where we have no schools or educational facilities, thereyou can look for Democratic majorities.

Hayes and Wheeler stock is at a premium here. The civil and war recordsof our gallant Buckeye candidate is so well known that the wrecker willstand no chance at all. The external surface of the Tilden ticket has beenpolished to such a degree that thousands of Democratic voters are slidingoff, afraid to trust such a treacherous, transparent thing. From appearancesour ticket will have 20,000 majority in the state of Kansas. There are adozen or more Wayne County men here; I know a large majority of them willvote right; had J. J. Plank and I been six days later in entering the state,we would have lost our votes by non-residence.

J. J. Johnson, formerly a resident of Wooster, is a resident here; heis largely engaged in agriculture and stock raising. He owns 480 acres ofland in one body, on which he grazes a herd of splendid cattle that aregrowing into money every day; he is surrounded with an interesting familyand everything calculated to make home pleasant. His success is evidenceof what energy coupled with intelligent, systematic management will do whensurrounded with such local advantageas this State offers within its limits.

J. P. McMillen has gone to Colorado to recruit his health; the firm ofMcMillen & Shields, representative Wayne County men, do a good businessin general merchandise; what J. P. don't know about the dry goods businessis not worth knowing.

There is no special inducement for any more mercantile men to engagein business here, but in all other pursuits the way is open, and there ismoney in it. By today's mail I send you samples of grain and grass grownhere; it will speak for itself. I will add that the Kansas exhibition ofagricultural products at the Centennial is the best ever made in this county.We can grow almost anything that will sprout in the ground.

There are no grasshoppers here as yet and should they visit us now, thecrops are so well matured that they could do no great damage. I believethe severe trials to which the settlers were subjected has been a profitablelesson to all; you can see immense cribs of corn almost everywhere as aguard against want in case of another raid by the hooked nosed, crookedlegged pest.

An immense acreage of wheat is being sown, no danger of starving now,as the railroads cannot carry the crops fast enough to market, leaving alarge surplus on hand.

At some future time I may write you how our Wayne County men prosper,for prosper they will; let others take notice.

J. J. Plank is in his glory, as the hunting season has commenced; hehas shot more game since the 15th than any man in the township. What a placethis would be for Bolus, Plank, Faber, Baumgardner, and the rest of theboys. Prairie chickens by the thousand, and other game in proportion.

This is Monday evening, and I anxiously await the mail, for it bringsthe WOOSTER REPUBLICAN regular. I read it first, then pass it around.I have been a subscriber for it for twelve years and shall keep it up. J.M. BAIR.


Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.


We see that the Republican convention of the 89th district, held lastSaturday at Dexter, put in nomination for the office of Representative,C. R. Mitchell of Arkansas City. This is as it should be. The Republicansof that district following the example of this, have done themselves honorin their selection.

"Bob" Mitchell is one of the squarest men in this part of theState. He is a good lawyer and a worthy citizen. He is one of the oldestsettlers, and is consequently familiar with the wants and necessities ofthe banner county. He has never been honored with an office, yet he hasdone good service for the party in the past and is capable of doing a greatdeal in the future. Arkansas City need have no further fear of any man orset of men getting away with her interests as long as she has C. R. Mitchellin the legislature. He will be elected with a rousing majority and willanswer roll call next January at the capital, along with Cowley's otherservants, L. J. Webb and E. C. Manning. Hurrah for the trio!

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

The Republican County Central Committee met at the Courthouse last Thursdayand proceeded to organize by electing C. W. Roseberry temporary chairmanand W. H. Gillard temporary secretary.

On motion the following officers were chosen for the coming year: S.M. Jarvis, chairman, and C. H. Eagin, secretary.

On motion adjourned to meet at call of the chairman. W. H. GILLARD, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.


Pursuant to a call of the committee of the 88th Representative District,the delegates to the representative convention met in the courthouse atWinfield on Saturday, September 16th, at 10 o'clock a.m. Capt. J. S. Hunt,of Winfield Township, was elected temporary chairman, and Chas. H. Eagin,of Rock Township, temporary secretary.

On motion a committee of five on credentials was appointed: C. H. Eagin,G. L. Walker, S. S. Moore, H. H. Siverd, and F. M. Small were the members.

The committee on credentials reported the following delegates entitledto seats in the convention.

Winfield Township: N. C. McCulloch, J. H. Hill, Chas. Love, J. M. Bair,G. W. Arnold, E. G. Sheridan, J. S. Hunt, W. D. Roberts, G. S. Manser, W.G. Graham.

Maple Township: W. B. Norman, Capt. H. H. Siverd.

Richland Township: Sam Phoenix, J. O. Vanorsdol, Amos Jarvis, W. F. Brown.

Sheridan Township: L. W. Graham, F. M. Small.

Vernon Township: T. B. Ware, B. N. Hopkins, Geo. L. Walker.

Nennescah Township: Wm. Bartlow, A. H. Beck.

Silver Creek Township: John M. Clover, Wm. May.

Tisdale Township: J. F. Thomas, S. S. Moore.

Harvey Township: A. D. Smith.

Rock Creek Township: Reuben Booth, C. H. Eagin, Wm. White, J. M. Barrack.

On motion the report of the committee was adopted.

A motion to allow W. P. Hackney to vote as proxy for G. W. Arnold, principal,and E. P. Hickok, alternate, and to allow T. K. Johnston to vote as proxyfor J. H. Hill, principal, and W. E. Christie, alternate, was lost.

On motion the temporary organization was made the permanent organization.

Nominations being next in order, the name of Leland J. Webb was placedbefore the convention, and he was nominated by acclamation.

The convention then adjourned sine die. J. S. HUNT, Chairman.

CHAS. H. EAGIN, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876. Editorial Page.


The convention met at the courthouse last Saturday and temporarily organizedby electing E. P. Young chairman and J. W. Curns secretary. Committees wereappointed and the convention adjourned till 1 o'clock.

On reassembling the committee on permanent organization reported AmosWalton as chairman and P. W. Smith as Secretary.

The committee on credentials reported the following as delegates.

Creswell Township: J. Benedict, A. Walton, T. McIntire, M. E. Welch,R. Hoffmaster, W. Goff.

Silver Creek Township: M. J. Thompson, Thomas J. Payne.

Beaver Township: W. D. Lester, Geo. Wright, B. W. Jenkins, W. A. Freeman.

Windsor Township: W. R. Bedell, B. Cue, G. W. Gardenhire.

Pleasant Valley Township: W. H. Nelson, West Holland, J. P. Eckels.

Dexter Township: Wm. Moor, W. E. Meredith, C. N. Gates, A. Hightower.

Maple Township: A. Walck, David Walck.

Richland Township: T. Hart, Jas. Howard, S. B. Hunt, C. R. Turner.

Tisdale Township: C. C. Krow, J. G. Young, W. C. Douglass, E. P. Young.

Vernon Township: G. W. Kimball, Kyle McClung.

Winfield: J. W. McDonald, J. B. Lynn, J. D. Cochran, J. W. Curns, N.W. Holmes, C. C. Black, A. J. Thompson, Wm. Dunn, T. B. Ross, G. W. Yount.

Ninnescah Township: P. O. Copple, Chas. James, P. W. Smith.

Sheridan Township: Sol Smith, J. H. Morrison, Wm. Morrow.

Omnia Township: Elisha Harned, John Smiley.

The following townships were reported not represented: Bolton, Silverdale,Spring Creek, Otter, Cedar, Harvey, Liberty, and Rock, whereupon H. S. Libbyarose and presented his credentials as a delegate from Spring Creek. Onmotion the reports were adopted.

Judge McDonald moved that if there were any persons present from thosetownships not represented, they might be admitted as delegates from saidtownshipscarried.

On motion of Judge McDonald, John McAllister was admitted from Liberty,W. H. Grow and A. D. Lee from Rock; J. W. Ledlie from Cedar; and Geo. Harrisand T. J. Jackson, from Harvey.

On motion of P. W. Smith, delegates present were entitled to cast thefull vote of their townships. The convention then proceeded to nominatea county ticket. Judge McDonald nominated A. J. Pyburn as a candidate forState Senator and moved that he be chosen by acclamation. The motion prevailed.

Judge McIntire nominated James Christian for County Attorney. He waschosen by acclamation.

Mr. Lynn nominated J. O. Houx for District Clerk. He was chosen by acclamation.

Mr. Lee nominated H. D. Gans for Probate Judge. After some little squabbling,as will be seen in another column, Judge Gans was chosen by acclamation.

For Superintendent of Public Instruction, W. E. Meredith, P. W. Smith,and Mrs. Ida Brown were placed in nomination. Judge McDonald moved thattwo tellers be ap pointedcarried. Result of 1st ballot, Meredith 11, Smith27, Brown 21, no choice. Second ballot, Meredith 17, Smith 21, Brown 22.The candidates were then called out and required to explain their positions.Smith, among other things, said he was a Democrat but that he would votefor Hudson for Governor. Meredith said he was a Democrat, a straight outDemocrat, a Tilden and Hendricks Democrat. Mr. Krow said that Mrs. Brown'shusband was a Democrat. The convention then proceeded to a third ballot,which resulted as follows:

Meredith 28, Brown 19, Smith 14. Mr. Smith withdrew in favor of Meredith.The fourth ballot resulted, Meredith 39, Brown 20. On motion Meredith'snomination was made unanimous.

Judge McDonald moved that a county central committee be appointed consistingof one from each township and also a campaign committee consisting of fivemembers who should be centrally located. The following gentlemen comprisethe central committee: T. McIntire, W. D. Lester, N. J. Thompson, W. R.Bedell, J. P. Eckels, Wm. Moon, Adam Walk, Jos. Howard, C. C. Krow, J. B.Lynn, K. McClung, J. W. Ledlie, P. W. Smith, Wm. Morrow, Jno. Smiley, Geo.Harris, Jno. McAllister, Wm. Grow, Jno. Bobbitt, Dennis Harkins, and Wm.Anderson.

Campaign Committee: J. Wade McDonald, H. S. Silver, C. C. Black, Jas.Benedict and J. G. Young. On motion the convention adjourned.


A part of the delegates to the county convention then assembled in thewest part of the courthouse and organized a convention for the 89th district.They elected Amos Walton chairman and Jas. Benedict secretary. The chairmannominated Ed Green, of Creswell Township for representative. On motion thenomination was made by acclamation. Mr. Green thanked them for the compliment.On motion adjourned.


The delegates from the 88th representative district organized by electingJ. W. Curns chairman and C. C. Black secretary. Nominations for Representativebeing in order, Messrs. Wm. Martin, C. C. Krow, and J. G. Young were putin nomination. Mr. Young withdrew. A ballot was taken which resulted asfollows: Krow 11, Martin 23. On motion of J. H. Land the nomination wasmade unanimous. A few remarks were made by Messrs. Pyburn and McDonald andthe convention adjourned.


Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876. Editorial Page.

From Tisdale.
TISDALE, KANSAS, September 18th, 1876.

DEAR COURIER: Tisdale still retains her honor as the banner townshipof the county politically. The Democrats have opened the campaign in earnestand in their usual way of reform. On last Wednesday evening the Tilden Reformclub met and after going through with their usual routine of business theyadjourned, and then, perhaps thinking it would be a good time to reform,they concluded to elect delegates to the Democratic convention to be heldon the 23rd inst. Democrats believe in making short work of everything,and a five minute's notice was enough to secure to the pets of their flockthe selection as delegates. J. G. Young read from a paper that the primarieswere to be held on Saturday instead of Wednesday night, but D. B. Creewho,by the way, is a fine specimen of Democ racySecretary of the Tilden ReformClub, and now 14th assistant postmaster at Tisdale, arose and made fournominations to begin with, all of whom were chosen. The number of Democratspresent were seven, all told, although C. C. Krow stated that he would bringover from the north part of the township 30 or 40 to the next meeting, butthe next meeting don't elect delegates.

Was it not for the fact that those men who are selected by the assistantpostmaster cry reform every day till they are hoarse, I would be last tobelieve that there was a Democratic ring in Tisdale, but it can't be possiblethat such reformers would organize a ring for the sake of an office, andyet I am aware that they are always ready to be sacrificed for the goodof the country. With these sober Reform meetings we occasionally have alittle fun, as for instance, the other night E. P. Young and John Mc. eachspoke a half hour just to let the audience know that the one had a postoffice and the other wanted a post office, but my advice to E. P. Youngis to obey the orders of his leader, the reform secretary, and I have nodoubt he will soon be made 15th assistant. Truly Yours, EX PARTE.


Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

Sweet apple cider at Jim Hill's.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

Another new house near the Christian Church.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

Mrs. T. A. Wilkinson is slowly recovering from her illness.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

Col. Manning addressed an enthusiastic meeting at Silverdale last Saturdaynight.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

The New York Store reports a cash sale of $460 last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

Down with the collars: 20 cents will buy a box of stylish linen finishedcollars at Boyer & Gallotti's.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

MR. CALLISON, of Dexter Township, went through town last Saturday withwheat for the Wichita market.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

J. W. HAMILTON came down from Butler County, where he has been workingfor Gibbs, on his house contract.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

The Democrats endorsed one Republican nominee last Saturday. The peoplewill endorse the rest in November.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

M. L. ROBINSON has had an addition built on his residence, and made othernoticeable improvements about his premises.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

Messrs. Easton and Ramage have dissolved partnership. The gunsmith adwill be changed next week, accordingly.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

The County Superintendent's office is open on Saturdays. The law onlyrequires that it should be kept open one day in each week.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

Express Agent Bangs and Deputy P. M. Finch visited Wichita Monday. Their"back talk" was missed by the COURIER Block occupants.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

HENRY READ, living at the mouth of Grouse Creek, was dangerously hookedby a three-year-old Devon bull last Friday. The bull is dead now.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

A pleasant evening was spent one day last week at the residence of Mr.Klingman, five miles in the country, by a few of the young folks of thiscity.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

MR. IRA McCOMMON is manipulating the quinine and tooth brushes at theCity drug store. Baldwin attends to the notions, etc., and waits on theladies.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

Owing to severe illness Prof. Lemmon will not be able to take part inthe State campaign as early as his friends anticipated. He is confined tohis bed.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

JIMMIE SIMPSON and ARCHIE STEWART were "called up" this week.They occupy prominent positions on the COURIER brick building. Their hourlycry has been "more hard brick!"

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

THOS. McGUIRE has purchased Midkiff's interest in the grocery store andwill hereafter "run it on his own hook." Business will still becontinued at the old stand. Tom is a justly popular salesman.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

Our physicians have been unusually busy for the past ten days. The suddenchange from 55 to 95 degrees indicated last week was the cause of considerablesickness. No cases of a serious nature are reported.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

Last evening Walter Denning was exhibiting three pods of mammoth stringbeans, which were raised by Mr. John Walker, in Cedar Valley. Each pod measured14 inches in length and weighed one-fourth of a pound.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

MR. BAIRD, of the New York Store, we understand, has purchased the Saffoldproperty and is making sundry valuable improvements. The house is beingrepainted and a new barn is being built. He evidently came here to stay.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

Messrs. L. B. Stone and Alex Kelly were chosen, at a recent meeting ofthe Republicans of Richland Township, as members of their township CentralCommittee. Danl. Maher, one of the old committeemen, is still the chairman.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

C. W. DOVER, of Dexter, came in yesterday and wanted the COURIER to continueits regular visits to his Grouse Creek home. We see that C. W. is one ofthe successful applicants for teacher's certificates at the recent examinations.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

Mr. Seely, living south of town, lost a very valuable horse recently.It was one of a very large span that he drove from Iowa a year or more ago.He thinks that they have never become acclimated. The other one is sicknow. A good team is an indispensable adjunct to successful farming in anycountry.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

DICK WALKER, much to the surprise of his friends, returned from OssawottomieSaturday night. His pockets are full of precipes, summons, and the like,as he rushed up and down the country, bringing in the jurors, witnesses,and litigants. He and his corps of deputies are on the warpath.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

Mrs. McGuire was in town yesterday circulating a petition to secure moneyto aid one of her distressed neighbors to support her family. The petitionwas signed and several dollars collected. We are informed that the ladyis deserving the charity bestowed. Mrs. McGuire deserves mention for herexertions.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

GIBBS has been heard from! He is at present engaged in putting up a house,barn, stable, corn cribs, etc., for a Mr. Copeland near the south line ofButler County. Copeland owns six quarter sections of land in Butler andone in Cowley. He is making some of the most valuable improvements thathave been made in the Valley. He is a former citizen of Mason City, Illinois,and is quite wealthy.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

MR. GEORGE ROBINSON, the principal of our public schools, passed an unusuallycreditable examination at the recent meeting of the board. His certificateis graded as one of the highest ever issued in the county.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

S. T. HOCKETT writes us from Otter Township that the weather has beenunusually dry for some timethe grasshoppers appeared there on the 9th inst.,but are doing no harm. Corn is yielding splendidly. Wheat much better thanexpected before threshing. Hogs scarce. Twice as much new ground brokenfor wheat this summer as any previous year. Politics warming up.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

DIED: In Winfield, Sept. 23rd, 1876, of Cerebro-not-enough-money-in-it,Greenback Party, aged 5 months and a few days.

The remains will probably be in-terred near those of it's father, W.M. Allison.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

JOE LITTLE, one of the Iowa boys who has been "farming it"over in Vernon Township this summer, was attacked one day last month bya firm by the name of Chills & Fever. This was kept up till last Monday,when Joe gave them the slip and started for his old home in Prairie City.He will return as soon as he recovers from the effects of his severe handling.Several people in Vernon are complaining of visits by this same firm.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

Mr. Torrance returned from Topeka one day last week with the necessary"papers" to release his client, Mr. Ford, from jail. It will beremembered that Ford was arrested and lodged in jail on an affidavit charginghim with disposing of his goods for the purpose of defrauding his creditors.Mr. Torrance applied for a writ of habeas corpus to the Probate Judge.After hearing the argument, Judge Gans decided not to release the prisoner.Mr. Torrance moved to vacate the order of arrest before Judge Campbell,at chambers. The motion was overruled. He then went to Topeka and appliedto Associate Justice, D. M. Valentine, for a writ of habeas corpus.Hon. John Martin, the Democratic candidate for Governor, appeared and arguedthe "other side of the case." In the language of the lawyers,Mr. Torrance "got away with him," for he gained his point, camehome, and had his client released from custody.

Mr. Ford was shortly afterward re-arrested, however, on a new affidavitand order of arrest, and is now in jail awaiting next week's term of court.A suit for damages may grow out of it, based on the ground of false imprisonment.Mr. Torrance has shown unusual persistency in the management of this case.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

DIED. Died on Wednesday morning, September 27th, of typhoid pneumonia,SARAH ANNIE, eldest daughter of Rev. J. L. and M. A. Rusbridge. Aged 12years, 7 months, and 10 days.

The sad news fell like a pall over many young hearts in this city. Anniewas a remarkably intelligent and agreeable girl. She was universally belovedby both young and old. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of the entirecommunity.


Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

An Arrest.

Monday evening the crowd around Fuller's bank and near the apple wagonson Main street had an opportunity to see the neatest magisterial job thathas been performed in this county for some time.

Information was given Sheriff Walker that one of the apple peddlers fromArkansas on our streets was the notorious Charles Howertson, of Knox County,Missouri, who, in July last shot and killed one Hiner, near Edina, in thatcounty. The informant, one of the best citizens of our county (we refrainfrom giving his name for prudential reasons), knew Howertson personallya few years ago, and recognized him in his new role of apple vender.

Walker prepared to arrest him and to make assurance doubly sure, calledin A. H. Green, who performed the part of confidence man to perfection.When everything was in readiness, Green stepped up behind their man andspoke out quick and sharp, "How do you do, Howertson?" at thesame time extending his hand for a "shake." Howertson, taken bysurprise, of course, turned round quickly when the name was spoken and advanceda step to meet the supposed acquaintance.

At this juncture Walker closed his vice-like grip on the Missourian'sarm and informed him that he was a prisoner. Howertson made an attempt todraw his revolver, which was in his right hand pocket, but of course failed.The boys were too much for him. They unarmed him and marched him off tothe calaboose.

When informed of the charge against him, he admitted that he did shoota man in Missouri last July, and added that if the Sheriff hadn't gotthe drop on him, he would have shot him. He says the man Hiner thathe shot is not dead yet, but the Hiner that his brother shot died. It seemsthat the two Howertsons got into a difficulty with the two Hiners, whichterminated in the death of one of the latter and the wounding of the other.

The Howertsons fled to Arkansas, and have eluded the officers up to thepresent time. Sheriff Walker telegraphed to the Sheriff of Knox County,notifying him of the arrest. The Howertsons are said to be desperate andlawless men. They were "rebel bushwhackers" during the late warand led a terrible life.


Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

Republican Central Committee Meeting.

There will be a meeting of the Republican Central Committee of the 88thRepresentative District, at the COURIER office in Winfield on Saturday,September 30th, 1876, at ten o'clock a.m. for the purpose of organizingand transacting such other business as may come before the committee. Thefollowing gentlemen constitute the committee: B. F. Baldwin; Daniel Maher;R. C. Story; H. H. Siverd; S. S. Moore.

L. J. WEBB, Chairman Old Committee.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

Petit Jury List for October Term of Court.

Wm. Morrow, Sheridan Township; G. S. Story, Maple; J. C. Roberts, Winfield;Rudolph Hite, Dexter; J. R. Thompson, Richland; T. B. Myers, Winfield; HiramBlenden, Spring Creek; J. C. Campbell, Windsor; D. Francisco, Silverdale;A. S. Capper, Nennescah; S. D. Tolles, Pleasant Valley; Jas. Aley, Otter.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.

A meeting of the stockholders and directors of the Commercial Agencywill be held at Wichita, Thursday, Oct. 5th. E. R. POWELL, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.


The members of Adelphi Lodge No. 110, A. F. & A. M., are hereby notifiedthat P. G. M. Harmon G. Reynolds will address the fraternity at our hallin Winfield, Thursday Evening, Oct. 12, 1876, at 7 o'clock p.m. All Masonsin good standing are invited to attend, and bring with them their wives,mothers, sisters, and daughters. After the address a Chapter of the EasternStar will be organized by Bro. Reynolds, if desired. By order of the Lodge.

J. S. HUNT, W. M.

L. J. WEBB, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Glorious newsColorado has gone Republican by 1,500 majority.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

It is now estimated that 7,000,000 visitors will have attended the CentennialExhibition at its close, and that the stockholders will be repaid 50 percenton their subscription.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

The telegraph announces that Gen. Terry's command has been broken upand is now on its way out of the Sioux country. It is stated that the lossesto his division during the campaign in killed and disabled amount to twenty-fivepercent.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

The Cherokee and other civilized Indians are greatly excited over theproposed removal of the Sioux into the Territory. They say that they havenever given the Government consent to thus have their treaty stipulationsviolated, and they propose to solemnly protest against such action. It'stheir funeral.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

The Peace Commissioners have succeeded in corralling a number of thehostile Sioux long enough to tell them of the wondrous fertility of thesoil and the happy hunting grounds to be found in the "South country."Prominent chiefs, who have been most noted in the recent fights, agreedto send a delegation of young men to the Territory to look at it, but ifthey reported the country as bad, they would not move. They still claimthe Hills as theirs, and that the soldiers and gold hunters have no rightsthere. They insist on having a talk with the Great Father before they makea move in any direction.


Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876. Editorial Page.


The Traveler publishes a page of stuff this week, and from itpicks out isolated sentences in the depositions that reflect upon Col. Manning,and comments upon them at some length. It fails to publish the depositionsor evidence that completely vindicates Manning from these charges. Couldthe virtuous and pure minded Scott be more unfair? How can a man, aftertaking such a low, mean advantage, have the cheek to arise in public andsay he has nothing personal against the accused. Out on such a politicaland social bandit!

He talks about "vagabonds" and "corrupt mobs" inevery township in this county! There were men in the convention that nominatedCol. Manning who are no more to be compared to this man than a silver troutto a smoked herringmen who never left a town between two daysmen who neverkicked one of the best men in Kansas out of office simply to get in themselves,and men who are today respected for their probity and principles in thecommunities in which they live.

Hear him in his conclusion in this attack upon Col. Manning.

"This bold bad man has secured the Republican nomination. He hashis followers in every Township and his retainers and strikers in everylocality, all in connection with each other lustily yelling at every manwho refuses to support him that they are bolters and Democrats. He is followedby as foul and corrupt a mob of vagabonds as ever disgraced Kansas, clamorousfor his approbation.

"Big fleas have little fleas upon their legs to bit'm,

And little fleas have lesser fleas and so ad infinitum!

"Ever ready to share in the spoil that his past foul and dishonestrecord leads them to believe follow in his wake."


Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876. Editorial Page.


We wish to make a few plain remarks to the Republicans of Cowley County.Our suggestion is that: Either the Republicans in this county must stoptheir bickerings and personal quarrels, and go to work with a will, thusinfusing the campaign with a reasonable degree of enthusiasm; or else wemay as well subside, leaving the field to the enemy, who are preparing forvigorous work. The "nonsense" must be stopped, or defeat awaitsus. We are entitled to 500 majority in this county, but we cannot get itunless the leading Republicans and candidates feel inclined to work fortheir ticket and themselves.


Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876. Editorial Page.

Failed to Bust Manning.

Colonel E. C. Manning, of Winfield, was nominated for the Legislaturea year ago, but several enemies in his own party raised such a hub-bub that,fearing he might be the cause of defeat, he magnanimously withdrew and didall in his power for the success of the ticket and the honorable gentlemannamed in his stead. Again this fall he was nominated for the State Senate,and again the same cry was raised culminating in an effort in the CountyConvention to compel him to withdraw, or repudiate him.

The effort failed and the second convention endorsed him by refusingto lend itself to an illegitimate scheme. This is at least our idea of thecase as taken from the papers of both sides.

We trust now that our Republican friends in Cowley County will lay asidetheir personal difference and all work harmoniously for the triumph of theRepublican ticket. Manning, if elected, will make an able State Senator.Wichita Eagle.


Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876. Editorial Page.


The Republican Central Committee of the 88th Representative Districtmet at the COURIER office, Sept. 30th, and organized by electing B. F. Baldwinchairman, and S. S. Moore, secretary.

On motion it was decided that the chairman and secretary should makearrangements for the campaign, and issue a call for meetings at such timesand places as they might deem expedient. After which the committee adjournedto meet at the call of the chairman.

B. F. BALDWIN, Chairman.

S. S. MOORE, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876. Editorial Page.


Every Republican in this county should make his arrangements to be atWinfield on Saturday, Oct. 14th, to hear Hon. Thomas Ryan, our next Congressman,discuss the political issues of the day. Several prominent speakers andcandidates for State offices will be in attendance. The Hayes and Wheelerclubs all over the county are earnestly requested to be present. Let's havea regular old hurrah of a time.


Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

From Sheridan.
SHERIDAN, Oct. 2, 1876.

DEAR COURIER: Once again we pick up the pen from the rack and proceedto give you a few of the items from this part of the country. In our townshipwe hardly ever take up much time discussing the little generalities of life,but usually launch forth in the discussion of politics and religion.

The question now is, who will be our next trustee? And who will we electjustice of the peace? But as we are largely Republican, we will elect nothingbut honest, upright, honorable men for our township officers, as we proposeto do with our National, State, and county offices.

A party was out seining in Silver Creek last week and Frank Small gottangled in the seine and came near drowning, but Sam Jarvis and other partiesrescued him. But both were badly strangledSmall going under three times,and once pulling Sam under.

Mount Contention has been quiet for some time, but, on last Saturday,according to prophesy, there was another eruption.

The Silver Creek Baptist church met at their regular business meeting,and, among other things, called for the articles of agreement between schooldistrict No. 30 and the Silver Creek church, when Samuel, the lawgivest,arose and read the said articles, when Jacob, the elder, and David, theprophet, John the Papist, with other leading lights of the fraternity, aroseand strongly opposed the contract and denounced it as a fraud. But afterconsiderable palavering and brow-beating, the articles were adopted. Andnow the great theme which claims our attention is the Southwestern KansasAssociation, which will convene here next Friday. The church has made extensivearrangements, and have procured a large and commodious tent for the occasion.

With all good feeling towards my friends, the Baptists, I am, Yours truly,PRY.


Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876. Editorial Page.

Texas Atrocities.

It is related of Gen. Sheridan that when once asked to give his opinionof Texas, he replied that, if he was obliged to make a choice between helland Texas, he would prefer hell.

The Chicago Tribune reprints a number of letters published inthe San Antonio Republican, giving the details of atrocities perpetratedby the Tildenites of Texas on the negroes and white Republicans, which onlyhave their parallel in the sickening outrages inflicted on the Bulgariansby the Bashi Bazouks.

Over twenty negroes were shot down ruthlessly in the vicinity of EagleLake, Colorado County, while peacefully pursuing their avocations in thefields, and in some instances their bodies were riddled with bullets afterthe soul had left its tenements. Capt. Boughman, the Sheriff of WhartonCounty, was fired at while in bed, and on his getting up and going to thewindow, was literally shot to pieces, One gentleman who had the temerityto denounce the reign of terror and assassinations was flogged with onehundred lashes, while a burly ruffian, armed with a pistol, stood over thewrithing victim, ready to blow his brains out should he make any resistance.Champion.


Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Manufacturer of
Both Ladies' and Gent's, such as






(5 feet in length).






and all styles and patterns of

All orders in this line promptly filled and warranted to be mounted with18k. GOLD.

Patronage of the citizens of Winfield and vicinity respectfully solicited.

A book containing over 500 different DESIGNS may be seen at the COURIERoffice, in Winfield, where orders will be taken by the Foreman, or address

Mrs. M. Copeland,
Augusta, Butler Co., Kansas.


Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Felt skirts at Mrs. Kennedy's.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Indian Summer and sour grapes.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Ramage has another billiard table.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Miss Clara Lemmon, of Independence, is visiting her brother, A. B., ofthis city.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Jimmie Simpson drives a buggy that is dazzling in its splendor. Who paintedit?

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

A new photograph gallery, by Wm. Marshall, at the corner of 10th avenueand Main street.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Date Tansey drives a rattling four horse freighting team. Burt Covertowns an interest in them.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Johnny Reed is the champion buggy painter of the county. See J. Simpson'sjust turned out.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

If you want your wall-paper put on in good shape, have that experiencedgentleman, Prof. Jones, do it for you.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Prof. Wilkinson has the contract for building a schoolhouse in a districtin Cedar Township, near Otto post office.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Use Eureka Ague Pills, if you want to get cured of chills. Price, 50cents and $1 per box. Sold at Baldwin's drug store.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

The Tunnel Mill is grinding with a good head of water since the dam hasbeen repaired. W. H. Stump is the boss miller.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Oscar Morris has a new buggy, and one of the best driving teams to matchit in town. The stone livery barn is up with the times.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Will Klingman belongs to the COURIER outfit now, as he is learning theart preservative in this office. He will make a good printer.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Jim Hill talks of going into the cattle business, but he will sell afew more square meals at the St. Nick first. Go and talk to him about it.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

The Sheriff has placed a neat railing around Bedilion's desk, and thedear people are compelled to view their next district clerk from afar off.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Sanford Day and Mr. Willey, two of Cedar Township's "old reliables,"passed through town yesterday on their way to Wichita with wheat.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Sam Jarvis was in from Moscow Tuesday and gave us a call. He is sowingwheat which he thinks is much better than canvassing the county for ProbateJudge.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

John R. Thompson, one of the sterling farmers of Richland Township, lefthis cattle ranche, upon invitation of Sheriff Walker, and is in town servinghis country in the capacity of a petit juror.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

The Commissioners adopted the viewers' and surveyor's reports in theArnold road case, and the citizens of north Winfield Township now have aroad from the Walnut Valley across the river via Blanchard's ford to theWichita State road.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

The Winfield Bazique club is scarcely able to raise a quorum. Simpson,Boyle, and Holloway, "the three graces," left us, and now we haveto chronicle the departure of another important officer, whose name entitledhim to all the privileges of a Saint.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Col. Manning addressed a meeting of the citizens of Arkansas City andvicinity at Benedict Hall last Saturday night. He received good attentionthroughout and was several times applauded. Mr. Bonsall acted as chairman.Several citizens of Creswell have come to the conclusion that "thed___l is not as black as he's painted."

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

The Courier has no editor now. W. W. W. is its amanuensis. Traveler.

The COURIER is better off with its "amanuensis" than theTraveler is with an editor who hasn't any sense.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

John C. Roberts, our genial friend, who lives in the northeast cornerof the township and keeps it from tipping up, is trying to adjust his back-boneto a jurors' bench this week. Of course, he's good humored, he always is.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

See card of W. L. Mullen and C. M. Wood, who advertise some very fineblooded hogs for sale or trade. They have some of the best stock in theValley, and this is a good opportunity for farmers who want to improve theirbreeds.



Have some thoroughbred Berkshire and Poland China shoats on hand whichthey will dispose of at reasonable figures, for breeding purposes.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Burt Crapster returned from Chicago last Friday night. While there hetook a run down to Philadelphia, viewed the Centennial for a few hours,became discouraged, and started back the next day. The exposition had nocharms for him.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

And now comes B. Hocket and R. R. Turner, with numerous citizens of OtterTownship as witnesses, and submits their cause of action, etc., to the courtfor adjudication. It's a case growing out of the herd law and that's allwe know about it.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

In another column will be seen an "ad" from Mrs. M. Copeland,of Augusta. Mrs. Copeland is a first class hair jeweler, and we recommendher to those desiring anything in her line. A book containing over fivehundred different patterns can be seen by applying to our foreman.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Hackney's Grey Eagle, a handsome running horse, was the winner of a prettylittle race one day last week. He was matched against a Texas sorrel ina two hundred yard race, but the representative of the Lone Star State cameout where it belongedseveral lengths behind.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Read the appointments of the Republican nominees in this county. Theywill speak at the places and times appointed. The township Republican committeeswill please make the necessary arrangements and secure as large a turnoutas possible in their respective townships.


The Republican candidates, with other speakers, will address the peopleof Cowley County on the issues of the day at the following mentioned timeand places:

Maple, Monday, October 9th, at Red Bud, 7 o'clock p.m.

Nennescah, Tues., Oct. 10th, at Onstatt's schoolhouse, 7 p.m.

Vernon, Wed., Oct. 11th, at Worden's schoolhouse, 7 p.m.

Beaver, Thurs., Oct. 12th, at Thomasville, 7 p.m.

Rock, Mon., Oct. 16th, at Darien, 7 p.m.

Silver Creek, Wed., Oct. 19, at Jarvis' schoolhouse, 7 p.m.

Omnia, Thurs., Oct. 19th, at Baltimore, 7 p.m.

Harvey, Fri., Oct. 20th, at Armstrong's schoolhouse, 7 p.m.

Windsor, Sat., Oct. 21st, at Lazette, 7 p.m.

Tisdale, Mon., Oct. 23rd, at Tisdale, 7 p.m.

Sheridan, Tues., Oct. 24th, at Sheridan schoolhouse, 7 p.m.

Dexter, Wed., Oct 25th, at Dexter, 7 p.m.

Otter, Thurs., Oct. 26th, at Guthrie's schoolhouse, 7 p.m.

Cedar, Fri., Oct. 27th, at Patten's, 7 p.m.

Spring Creek, Sat., Oct. 28th, at Maple City, 7 p.m.

Silverdale, Tues., Oct. 31st, at Lippmann's mill, at 7 p.m.

Creswell, Wed., Nov. 1st, at Arkansas City, 2 p.m.

Bolton, Thurs., Nov. 2nd, at Bland's schoolhouse, 2 p.m.

Winfield, Sat., Nov. 4th, at Winfield, 2 p.m.

By order of the Republican County Central Committee.

S. M. JARVIS, Chairman.

CHAS. H. EAGIN, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

The worst case of petit, or grand larceny, which ever it may be, thathas ever been reported to us, comes from Esq. Boyer. Someone has been stealinghis water. Run-water is valuable and scarce, hence he protests against havingit spirited away under such aggravating circumstances.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

The firm of John Easton & Co. has dissolved partnership. John willremove to Dexter and engage in the gun and locksmith business, while Ramagewith his new partner, Ike Roher, will continue the business at the old stand,here in this city. We hope they will succeed.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Capt. Hunt, Dr. Houx, C. C. Black, and the "writist" leavetomorrow for the Nennescah lakes to have a big duck hunt. If our citizenshear a bombardment similar to Fort Sumpter, they can safely bet that itis Houx corralling Ed. Bedilion's Republican voters over on the Arkansas.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

It is with pleasure that we notice Miss Mollie Bryant's name appearsin the list of teachers securing "A" grade certificates. She isa very successful teacher and will conduct the primary department of ourcity schools in a manner reflecting credit upon herself as well as uponthe school board.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

The flattering encomiums and encouraging words of many good substantialmen, from different parts of the county, in reference to the manner in whichthe COURIER is being conducted under our management, makes us feel like"pulling down our vest"and bringing in "another horse."Thanks, gentlemen, thanks.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

After the "office boys" had succeeded in sausaging that immenseplate of wedding cake the Mayor brought over, one of them was heard to remarkthat he wished that a wedding would occur every week, until all the girlsin town became angels or Saints. The boys wish the newly married couplea long and prosperous life.


SAINT - MILLINGTON. On Wednesday evening, October 4th, at the residenceof the bride's father, by Rev. J. E. Platter, Mr. J. Ex. Saint and MissAda Millington. All of this city.

No cards.

At an early hour last evening a few intimate "friends of the family"assembled at the home of our Mayor to witness the nuptials of the happypair and to see the unusual and unprecedented ceremonies attendant uponcanonizing one of Winfield's loveliest daughters, thereby placingher in the catalogue of Saints. It might be presumptive in us to say thatnee Ada Millington has been the "guardian angel" of thefamily in which she has lived for a score of years, but we will be forgiventhe prediction that she will become the "patron Saint" of thehouse in which she will henceforth abide. After the ceremonies the companyrepaired to the dining room and partook of a supper, such as only a Presbyterianminister, and occasionally an editor, is permitted to enjoy. The eveningpassed off pleasantly and the happy party, after expressing the wish thatthe lives of "the twain made one" would always be as roseate huedas their honey-moon, bade them a respectful good night and repaired to theirhomes thinking that "it was good to have been there."

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Frank Baldwin's old partner in the drug business, O. F. Carson, of Cherryvale,has been nominated for Representative by the Republicans of the 47th district,Montgomery County. Mr. Carson is a shrewd, wide-awake man, who has the interestsof Kansas at heart, and who is capable of doing much good for his constituency.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

DOC HARE arrived home from the Kansas City Exposition the other evening!When the stage arrived, the boys collected around to get a squint at thedistinguished stranger. They wouldn't believe, till Bangs showed them the"way bill," but that hat and moustache belonged to the Grand Duke.They were disappointed to see our `are so greatly changed. Shoot that hat!

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Mr. De Wolf, a brother-in-law of W. D. Roberts, has been spending a fewdays in this community. He is an experienced railroad man, having been inthe employ, as conductor, of one of the best roads in Illinois for a numberof years. He is enthusiastic for the narrow gauge system, and says thata road of that kind is just what we want in this section. He is a very pleasantand well informed gentleman.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Prof. L. B. Kellogg, of Emporia, who is quite well known in this county,having lived here four years, is in attendance on the district court. TheProf. has been nominated by the Republicans of the Emporia district forthe honorable position of Representative. He will be elected by a strongmajority as he is well liked wherever he is known. The Normal school interestswill not suffer with such men to guard them.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

The following attorneys are in attendance at the present term of court:M. S. Adams, of Wichita; L. B. Kellogg, of Emporia; C. R. Mitchell, A. Walton,and James Christian, of Arkansas City; James McDermott, Dexter; Webb &Torrance, Hackney & McDonald, Pyburn & Seward, D. A. Millington,J. M. Alexander, Jennings & Buckman, A. H. Green,

Pryor, Kager & Pryor, A. B. Lemmon, and John E. Allen, of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

By reference to the list published in another column, it will be seenthat there only four "A" grade certificates issued at the recentexamination. The lucky persons are Mr. Geo. Robinson, Misses Bryant, Wickersham,and Cowles. There were three first grades issued: H. M. Bacon, H. W. Holloway,and Miss Mall Roberts carrying them away easily. Fifty- seven second gradeswere issued, while six blanks were drawn by a half dozen unfortunates.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Thos. C. Groom brought us in a fine specimen of bituminous coal froma sixteen inch vein, recently discovered on his farm, on south Cedar Creek,in Otter Township. It is as fine looking coal as we have ever seen in theWest, and it burns well. The want of sufficient means prevents his goingdown for a sub-vein, which he thinks is at least three feet thick. He isselling coal at the bank for 30 cents per bushel. An experienced miner,with a little money, can make a fortune on Cedar Creek.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

J. C. Blandin, well-known in this city as one of its leading businessmentwo years ago, called on us yesterday. He now resides at Emporia and isextensively engaged in farming and stock raising in Lyon and Chase counties.He informs us that his two daughters, Misses Lulu and Callie, are spendingthe fall among friends in the East, and are taking advantage of the opportunityoffered them, to improve themselves in their musical education. They have,of course, visited the Centennial Exhibition. Mr. Blandin has a case incourt which calls him down.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

R. S. Waddell, Esq., the original proprietor and founder of the WinfieldCOURIER, is stopping at the Central and talking over by-gone days with manyold friends in this city. He came in yesterday to see his "first love"and was much surprised and pleased with its growth and appearance. By wayof parenthesis we add that the COURIER, though three years makes many changesand the COURIER has improved with the years, has not outstripped our friendWaddell in the improvement of its personal appearance. Mr. Waddell has alucrative law practice in Pomeroy, Ohio, where he has resided since hisdeparture from the journalistic field of Kansas. We send the COURIER outwith a clean face this week in honor of its father's visit.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Winfield has had the ague, measles, mumps, county seat fight, three circuses,and money to loan at 36 percent, but she never had a professional hattertill last week. He only stopped a few days and now bright, slick silk hatscan be seen promenading the streets at every turn. Hats that have not seenthe light "since the war," and hats in which chickens in the summerand kittens in the winter have alternately hatched, have been brought into requisition and made to look as well as new.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

The following is a list of the teachers attending the Normal Institute,who secured certificates at the examination: Second grade certificates beingvalid six months, first grade one year, "A" grade two years.

SECOND GRADE: Emery J. Johnson, J. H. Edwards, Wm. E. Ketchum, J. C.Armstrong, Oscar J. Holroyd, O. J. Record, T. B. Kidney, Porter Wilson,R. R. Corson, M. L. Smith, J. T. Tarbet, Charles H. Eagin, E. W. Snow, M.D. Snow, Byron A. Snow, C. W. Dover, George Lee, J. K. Beckner, Frank A.Chapin, J. M. Hawthorn, T. P. Stevenson, W. E. Meredith, Mrs. Belle Seibert,Mrs. A. R. Hauser, Miss Fannie Skinner, Miss Sarah E. Davis, Miss StellaBurnett, Miss Laura Turner, Miss Anna O. Wright, Mis Veva Walton, Miss GeorgiaChristian, Miss Gertrude Davis, Miss Adelia Demott, Miss Lizzie Conklin,Miss Sallie Rea, Miss M. J. Huff, Miss M. E. Lynn, Miss C. A. Winslow, MissLusetta Pyburn, Miss Helen Wright, Miss Anna Buck, Miss Mary E. Buck, MissKate L. Ward, Miss Emma Saint, Miss Mina C. Johnson, Miss Maggie Stansberry,Miss Kate Gilleland, Miss Rachel E. Nauman, Miss Kate Fitzgerald, Miss MaryI. Byard, Miss Jos. Roberts, Miss Lizzie Landis, Miss Amy Robertson, MissKate T. Hawkins, Miss Anna Mark, Miss Lucy Pedell, Miss Sarah Hollingsworth.

FIRST GRADE: H. M. Bacon, H. W. Holloway, Miss Mall Roberts.

"A" GRADE: Miss Xina Cowles, Miss Mary A. Bryant, Ella Wickersham,George Robinson.

Of the seventy teachers applying for certificates fifty-seven receivedsecond grade, three first grade, four "A" grade, and six failed.


Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Court Scene.

In the divorce case of Gunsaulis vs. Gunsaulis on Tuesday, in the districtcourt, an old lady was sworn as a witness for the defense, who was verydeaf, and wore on her head a mammoth sun-bonnet. Clerk Bedilion felt impressedwith the correct idea that he must speak loud, so putting his head awayunder the roof, he yelled, "You do swear that the evidence which youshall give in the case now on trial shall be the truth, the whole truth,and nothing but the truth, so help you God?" "God!" saidthe old lady, innocently, "what about Him?" A look of despairseemed to creep over the visage of our clerk, but he tried it again. Awaywent his head for the second time under that fearful cover, until his nosemust have touched her ear, and he screeched, "You do solemnly swearthat the evidence you shall give in the case now on trial shall be er truth,a whole truth, and nothin' but yer truth, selp yer God?" "Truth!"exclaimed the ancient dame, "yes, it is all true, every word of it."Bedilion sank into his chair exhausted and melancholy, while the audienceroared, and his Honor, Judge Campbell, bowed his head and shook like theagueor something else.


Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

A Call.

The Republicans of Rock Township are hereby notified that a Republicanconvention will be held at Darien schoolhouse, on Tuesday evening, October12th, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of nominating township officers.

WM. WHITE, Chairman, Township Committee Chairman.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Picnic, Picnic!

There will be a Grange basket picnic held at L. B. Stone's grove, one-fourthmile east of Floral schoolhouse, on Friday, Oct. 13th, 1876. Speeches, toasts,vocal and instrumental music, and a big dinner will be the order of theday. Patrons will please appear in full regalia and bring with them a specimenof the products of the soil, so that we may all enjoy the fruits of oursummer's labor. A procession will form at the schoolhouse and march to thegrove headed by the Floral Grange. Come out, old Grangers, young Grangers,big Grangers, and all, and let's have a high old time once more this fall.

By order of the committee on invitation.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

H. & W. Club.

A Hayes and Wheeler club was organized at Thomasville, September 28th,with the following officers: B. E. Nesmith, President; Alfred Bookwalter,Vice President; C. W. Roseberry, Secretary; M. S. Roseberry, Treasurer.The first regular meeting will be held October 7th, at 7 o'clock p.m., inthe hall at Thomasville. All Republicans are respectfully invited to attend.

C. W. ROSEBERRY, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.


Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing betweenMax Shoeb and Andrew Gordon is hereby mutually dissolved. All accounts duethe late firm must be settled within thirty days from date, with Max Shoeb,who has charge of said accounts.

Shoeb will continue the business at the old stand.


Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Settle Up.

Persons knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned will please callat the Pioneer blacksmith shop immediately and pay said accounts, or giveshort time notes with approved security. It takes money to buy coal andiron. Respectfully, MAX SHOEB.


Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

City Council Proceedings.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, Oct. 3, 1876.

City Council met in regular session at the Clerk's office, Oct. 3rd,1876.

Present: M. G. Troup, chairman of the council; A. B. Lemmon, H. Brotherton,C. A. Bliss, and T. B. Myers, councilmen; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.

Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

Committee on fire department reported they could secure a room for thesafe-keeping of an engine, and that, in their opinion, a truck and equipagecould be built at home for less money than could be bought of A. F. Spawn& Co., of New York. Reports were received, and on motion of H. Brotherton,the committee were instructed to have a truck built and furnish the samewith axes, poles, and necessary equipage.

The following bills were presented to the council, read, approved, andordered paid.

Walter Denning, services as city marshal from Aug. 8th to Sept. 8th:$25.00.

John Reynolds, police, Sept. 16th: $1.00.

R. B. Pratt, police, Sept. 16th: $1.00.

Jerry Evans, police, Sept. 16th: $1.00.

Robert White, police, Sept. 16th: $1.00.

Bill of B. F. Baldwin, $13.10, against Cowley County, medicine for oneW. Hudson, a pauper of Winfield Township and City, was read, and on motionthe council recommended the county commissioners to pay the same.

Bill of W. L. Mullen, $20, house rent for Mrs. Bishop, a pauper of WinfieldTownship and City, was read and on motion the council recommended the countycommissioners to allow the same to the amount of ten dollars.

Bill of J. E. Searl, $20, attention and care of same W. Hudson, a pauper,was read and on motion the council recommended the commissioners to paythe same.

D. A. Millington, mayor, taking the chair, the bill of Dr. W. R. Davis,$64.50, was read and council recommended the bill be allowed for $43, medicalattendance on same Hudson, a pauper.

Bill of Robt. Hudson, $50, for board of same Hudson, a pauper, and attendanceon same was read and council recommended the same to be allowed for $40.

A motion was made by Councilman Bliss that $30 be paid out of the citytreasury to the Chicago Journal of Commerce for one cut of courthouseand for the advertising of the city of Winfield in said paper; vote beingtaken, stood as follows: Ayes, C. A. Bliss, M. G. Troup, and H. Brotherton.Nays, A. B. Lemmon and T. B. Myers. The motion being carried, the city clerkwas instructed to credit the treasury with the same.

On motion council adjourned. B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

He is Afraid to Face the Music!
His Readers To Be Kept In the Dark.

Last week, October 4th, the Arkansas Traveler devoted about sixcolumns of space to the object of misrepresenting Mr. E. C. Manning. Assoon as Mr. Manning saw the Traveler, Thursday, October 5th, he wrotethe following communication and sent it to Col. McMullen, of Arkansas City,accompanied with a request that he present it to Mr. Scott with the requestthat it be published in the Traveler. Mr. Scott refused to publishit, giving an excuse that he had not room in the paper. The letter was presentedto him on Friday evening or Saturday morning of last week. We thereforepublish the communication and shall send a copy of the COURIER to each ofthe Traveler subscribers in the county. The Traveler has roomfor six columns of misrepresentation against a Republican candidate andno room for one column of reply. Let the readers be the judges. Scott'srefusal to make the publication and accept the propositions therein made,ought to close his lips and change the tone of his paper. Here is the communication:

A Letter From E. C. Manning.
WINFIELD, KAN., Oct. 5th, 1876.


Editor of Arkansas City Traveler:

In your issue of the 4th inst., you publish about six columns of readingmatter which is a false presentation of history and facts concerning myself.

You select certain sentences from what appears to be evidence (but whichis not evidence) that are derogatory to my character and reflect upon myrecord, and publish them. Certain other sentences and paragraphs that contradictthe unfavorable sentences, or, which taken in connection with the unfavorablesentences make me appear in a far different light, are left unpublished.You choose to present to your readers whatever portions of any act of mylife as will make me appear to be a bad man, but you withhold such portionsof the account of the same act or transaction as may give them a far differentlook or convey a favorable impression. If I should say, "I saw Mr.C. M. Scott stealing," and end the sentence there, it would be rathera reflection upon Mr. Scott if I should complete the sentence by saying,"I saw Mr. C. M. Scott stealingalong the street to avoid meeting apersonal enemy," it would have quite a different meaning, though perhapsnot less characteristic.

In a former issue of your paper of recent date you publish what you callten charges against me. In your October 4th issue you startle the worldwith the 11th charge. Therein you say: "We charge that you (Manning)as a member of the State Senate of 1866, committed the gross offense oflying most shamefully, and by your vote, in connection with other membersof the legislature, you robbed the present and future unborn (the latterare Scott's, the "present unborn" are better offfatherless) generationsof the children of Kansas of 500,000 acres of land, worth $1,500,000."

You further say: "How did he (Manning) do it? Just as he did laterin 1871, by forthwith trying to use his position as the servant of the peopleto make money out of an office they elected him to. And how did he do it?At that time the state school fund owned the 500,000 acres of land referredto in the above section of the constitution, and that constitution saysthat it shall be a perpetual school fund which shall not be diminished,and shall be inviolably appropriated to the support of the common schools."

You further say: "At the time he (Manning) voted for that bill (dividingthe 500,000 acres of so called school land among four railroad companies);he (Manning) was a member of one of said corporations, and his company,under that bill, received by its provisions 125,000 acres of land, whichthe constitution he swore he would support and protect, said should neverbe divested from the common school fund of the state. By that act he (Manning)helped rob the children of Kansas and divided this property among the licensedplunderers of the public treasury, with whom he at that time was and eversince has been found." But you say also, "personally we have noquarrel with Col. Manning."

In reply to this "charge eleven," I have to say:

1st. You are right about my vote and about my being at the time a memberof one of the corporations.

2nd. The land did not belong to the school fund of the state.

3rd. If, under the constitution, it did belong to the school fund, thelegislature could not by law dispose of it. A law conflicting with the constitutionis void.

4th. Not one acre of the land, nor one dollar of the money arising fromthe sale of that land, ever came to me. For every acre that you can traceto me individually, or out of which I received any benefit, I will giveyou ten acres adjoining Winfield. For every dollar arising from the salethereof that you can trace as coming to me, I will give you ten dollars.

I "stole" that 125,000 acres of land to build a railroad formy constituents in Marshal County. The company that built the road receivedthe land, or the proceeds thereof, and my constituents got the railroad;neither was I a member of the company that built the road.

And I might as well say right here that there are about 12,000 acresof land left as the property of the state of Kansas, and if I am electedto the Senate again, I will, if opportunity offers, "steal" itto build a railroad into Cowley County.

5th. Among the "licensed plunderers with whom he (Manning) at thattime was" and who "helped rob the children of Kansas," therewere about seventy-five pretty good men, of which James M. Harvey was one;but the people of the state have since that robbery elected him twice Governorand once U. S. Senator.

And now Mr. Scott, without answering in detail all the infamous chargesyou make against me, I have this proposition to make to you: Let the RepublicanCentral Committee of Cowley County be convened at once and then presentto them all your eleven charges against me with all your evidence of theirtruth and I will present all of my evidence of their untruth. If they shallfind upon hearing both sides that my conduct in any of the acts attributedto me by you has been dishonorable or disreputable, I will then get offthe Republican ticket, provided you will first agree to support mynomination and election and take back all you have said about me in casethey shall exonerate and sustain me. Or if you object to the committee oftwenty-two Republicans, then lay the matter before three disinterested Republicanswho reside outside the limits of Cowley County, who shall be selected bysaid committee. Yours in earnest, E. C. MANNING.


Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.


We will endeavor to submit our views concerning the proposed removalof the Sioux tribe of Indians, from the Black Hills to the Indian Territoryin next week's issue. On certain conditions and restrictions we are in favorof the change. We have neither time nor space this week to give the questionthe attention it deserves.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

From a copy of the Winfield (Kan.) COURIER, recently received, we learnthat the republicans of the district of Kansas have shown their good senseby the nomination of Col. E. C. Manning for State Senator. Of all the goodselections for important offices, made in the county since its organization,this is the very best, and if all the voters knew Colonel Manning as wellas we do, his election would be made unanimous. We hope it will anyhow.College Spring (Iowa) Courier.


Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

Fresh lime, at Gardner's.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

Winfield is to have a fire-engine. Look out for it.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

Applications for houses to rent are made daily at this office.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

Three heavy merino under shirts for $1.00 at Boyer & Gallotti's.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

A sister of Mrs. M. L. Robinson is sojourning with friends in this city.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

Many of our citizens are using corn for fuel in preference to wood at$5 per cord.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Harter, Friday, the 6th inst., a son.Weight 9 pounds.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

Miss Sophia Laubner had her "breach of promise suit" dismissed.Our citizens are disappointed.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

A fly struck Albert Baldwin on the finger the other day and put it outof place. It was a base (ball) fly.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

Geo. Melville came down from Wichita this week to attend to businessconnected with his Pleasant Valley farm.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

Preston Walker, the "other member" of the City Livery firm,of Arkansas City, was seen wandering around the metropolis Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

We would like a list of the nominees for office in each of the townshipsas fast as they are made. Won't someone furnish us with them?

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

Messrs. Ray, Robertson, and Swain are engaged in putting the floor, windows,etc., in the COURIER Block building, and otherwise preparing it for theplasterers.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

G. S. Manser has returned from an official visit to the Grand Lodge ofthe I. O. of G. T.'s. He was elected Grand Marshal of the State, at themeeting. A good selection, say we.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

An agreeable little company assembled at the house of Mr. D. F. BestTuesday evening to welcome the arrival of his brother, Charley Best, whohas just located in our city. The party, we are told, was an enjoyable one.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

Geo. W. Martin is having a dwelling house built immediately south ofhis residence. He will build another in the spring on the lot adjoiningthis. These houses will be to rent. We wish some of our money lenders wouldmake similar lasting improvements.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

A brother of our friend, R. B. Wait, is visiting him and this locality,with a view of investing some of his Pennsylvania "collateral"in Cowley County land. We hope he will be pleased with Winfield, and concludeto stop with us, as such Waits are by no means burdensome.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

There is no particular use in making a great fuss about it, or corneringevery man in the street and whispering it in his ear, but we will say thatwe run off this week forty quire of COURIERS, making a total of ninehundred and sixty copies. We ain't ashamed to tell what our circulationis.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

The "Grand Opening Ball of the Central Hotel" came off at thecourthouse last night. It was well attended, the music excellent, and thesupper, at Majors', superb. Everyone enjoyed themselves to the fullest capacity.It was a decided success.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

C. H. KINGSBURY & Co. can make a hole in the ground deeper and inshorter time than any set of well diggers we have ever seen wield the spade.Yesterday Mr. Kingsbury started down on Short's lot just opposite this officeand by dark he had the well walled half way up, and this morning is callingfor a pump. How is that for expedition.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

The form of our genial friend, Thos. R. Bryan, can now be seen behindthe lattice work in the Treasurer's office. It's been so long since hiselection that we've almost forgotten whether he was elected on the Republicanor "Rephorm" ticket. He took formal possession of the office lastTuesday. Mr. Huey is retained in the office as assistant.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

Frank Baldwin and C. C. Harris started for Philadelphia yesterday morning.They will take in "the sights" at the Centennial, and, if notclosely watched, may take in that wonderful bedstead in the Japanese department.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

The Sumner County Press has one of the best local newspaper correspondentsin the state. He is a druggist, living at Caldwell and writes under thenom de plume of "Don Carlos." Not a single issue of thatpaper have we seen for two years that did not have something interestingfrom this Spanish Don. His items are short and to the point. We wish wehad such a correspondent in every corner of our county.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

FRANK LUTZ, one of the "old timers" of this City, shied hisnumber 13's into our palace last week with one of those patent "Hotelrevolving advertising desks." The office of the Central is to be ornamentedwith one of them. They are a very good advertising media, but are not tobe compared to your county newspaper that finds its way into every housein the community. Frank is an active canvasser, and is succeeding well.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

On invitation of Mr. and Mrs. James Holloway, several of our young folksspent last Thursday evening at the residence of Mrs. S. B. Bruner, fivemiles east of town. Excellent instrumental music was furnished by Mrs. Hollowayand Miss Newman, on the piano, assisted by Ed. Holloway and Miss HortieHolmes with that old fashioned, but always welcome instrument, the violin.Several sweet songs were sung by an impromptu choir, after which came refreshments,followed by a laughable "Deitcher" song by the inimitable Mr.Buckman. The evening passed very pleasantly to all.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

BIRTH. LOU HARTER, the senior member of the New York Store firm, arrivedhome last Saturday "right side up with care," and found anotherclerk, weighing about ten pounds, bossing the home establishment. Mr. Hartervisited St. Louis, Chicago, and New York during his absence, and in thosecities purchased an unusual amount of goods especially for this market.His experience in the railroad disaster on the North Missouri is ratheramusing. He says he wasn't hurt much, but he lost a five dollar hat, consequentupon his hair trying to maintain a perpendicular position. He visited theCentennial, and now, like Messrs. Black, Fuller, Graham, and the rest, cantell you all about "that exquisitely finished, gaily ornamented, wonderfullyproportioned, and elaborately carved bed-stead, in the Japanese department,that took a thousand men a thousand years to build."

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

The Republicans of Richland Township met at Floral, Oct. 5th, and nominatedthe following excellent ticket: For Trustee, M. C. Headrick; Clerk, Alex.Kelly; Treasurer, Capt. Lew Stevens; Justices, D. C. Stevens and N. J. Larkin;constables, T. Giveler and _____ Coe; Road Overseers, 1st district, Dr.Phelps; 2nd, Sam Phenix; 3rd, I. H. Edwards; 4th, H. H. Hooker. We believethat all of them, but one, are subscribers to the COURIER. We wish themsuccess.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

MARRIED. GRAHAM - KEYS. At the residence of Dr. Graham, on Monday evening,Oct. 9th, 1876, by the Rev. C. Oliver, Mr. Alex B. Graham and Miss CarrieMay Keyes, all of Winfield, Kansas. No cards.

Alex thought he would kind o' steal a march on the boys, so he got marriedat 6 p.m., but the boys were there, two hours afterwards "just thesame." They brought their girls and their pa's and ma's too. The brideand groom were the most congratulated pair we've seen in many a day. Itso happened that the Doctor's tin-wedding and Alex's marriage came on thesame night and the modest Alex got the benefit of the whole. The COURIERboys extend thanks for the nice cake, and wish the newly married and re-newlymarried happy and prosperous lives.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, CowleyCounty, Kansas, on the 11th day of Oct., 1876.

GENT'S LIST - FIRST COLUMN: Anderson, Mathers; Adams, J. W.; Burlington,Albert; Barton, Wm. T.; Boyd, A. F.; Carter, Hyram; Colkins, William; Courtney,J. S.; Croco, Rev. A. H.; Dacoing, W. A.; Daniel, Hiram; Elder, Henry; Elliott,Solomon; Fearniture, H.; Foster, James; Frew, B. W.; Geer, Joseph; Gould,Seth; Hood, James H.; Harris, Thomas; Harrington, J.; Hamlin, J. D.; Haight,Edward; Jenkins, J.; Koons, Isaac.

GENT'S LIST - SECOND COLUMN: Kimble, Nathan; Logan, N.; Lynch, Joseph;Long, Benjamin; Mathias, George O.; Miller, A. H.; Molleynolds, Fred; North,Mr.; Orson, Geo. B.; Pritchan, John; Painter, Robert M.; Powell, Thos. F.;Ritzer, Lawrence; Ross, James; Reid Brothers; Rogers, C. C.; Rex, GeorgeW.; Stover, Geo.; Testerman, Jacob; Wheeler, S. P.; Watle, T. F.; White,Joseph; White, J.; Whitehead, Henry F.; Wallis, James.

LADIES' LIST - FIRST COLUMN: Cole, Miss Allie; Clark, Mrs. Mollie; Gandy,Miss May; Hobson, Mary; Kier, Mrs. Nellie; Loyd, Miss Hannah; Pain, Cintha;Pierce, Miss Ella; Phillips, Mrs. Malisia; Parks, Mrs. Ida.

LADIES' LIST - SECOND COLUMN: Roberts, Miss Maggie; Read, Miss Ruth;Routson, Miss Eliza; Rea, Miss Sallie; Smith, Miss Emmaly; Turner, MissL.; Wickersham, Miss E.; Wooley, Mrs. Lucinda; Whitney, Mrs. Hattie.


Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

The Southwestern Kansas Baptist Association.

The sixth anniversary of the Association was held with the Silver CreekChurch on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, October 6th, 7th, and 8th, 1876,and was remarked by all attending to have been the most profitable and entertainingsession of the Association.

The officers elected for the present year are C. H. Manley, Moderator;Robert Kerr, Clerk; A. H. Dunlap, Treasurer. Rev. C. G. Estell preachedthe introductory sermon after which the Association proceeded to the transactionof its business. Among other things they adopted resolutions and made arrangementslooking to the reorganization of Ottawa University. Ottawa University isthe only Baptist College in Kansas and should receive the hearty supportof every Baptist within the bounds of this Association. Dr. Gunn, of Lawrencetheagent of the Baptist Home Mission society, was present and preached on Sundayand afterwards presented the Home Mission work for consideration. The Associationsubscribed $30 for the purpose of making Rev. C. G. Manley a life memberof the Mission Society. The Association seems to be in a very healthy condition.There were four churches received into the Association as follows: Charity,Alton, State Valley, and Harvey.

There was one church which applied and was rejected on account of thechurch practice of "feet-washing."

The names and P. O. addresses of ministers belonging to the Associationare: John Brown, Augusta; W. R. Burroughs, Douglass; William Carter, BellePlain; A. H. Dunlap, Modena; H. G. Estell, Modena; L. D. Grow, Augusta;W. G. Hobbs, Wichita; E. P. Hickok, Winfield; James Hopkins, Salt City;J. M. Haycraft, Baltimore; Robert Kerr, Winfield; W. W. Learning, C. G.Manley, Eldorado; A. C. Miner, Douglass; N. L. Rigby, Winfield; Jesse Stone,Augusta; J. L. Saxby, Eldorado; Henry Small, Eldorado; David Thomas, Winfield;R. S. Williams, Augusta; E. S. Noble, South Haven; W. E. File, Wichita;S. H. Roads, South Haven.

The next anniversary will be held with the Mount Zion churchabout fivemiles west of Winfield, commencing on Friday before the second Saturdayin October 1877.

The Association adjourned on Sunday night with the best of feeling existing.All seem to have enjoyed themselves and were spiritually refreshed and departedto their homes each feeling determined to build up and strengthen the causeof Christ.

It is due to Silver Creek church and vicinity to say that the delegatesand visitors though numerous were well provided for and entertained, andit was remarked by many old ministers that they had never attended so pleasantan association and observed so good order and so great an interest as wasmanifested as at the present one. S. M. J.


Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

The Social Event of the Season.
A Jolly Crowd.

Winfield is celebrated for her impromptu weddings, social gatherings,brave women, and fair men. No town in the state possesses a class of citizenswho can be at "swords point," so to speak, one day, and the next,meet together and enjoy themselves socially as does our little hamlet: Whatsoevermay be their views concerning the administration of the Servian war or the"latest arrival," all is forgotten when a wedding is announcedand they meet together on neutral ground and vie with each other in makingit the most pleasant affair of the season.

But we digressthe tin-wedding is what we started out on, and to startright, we first mention the prime movers. Dr. Howland, assisted by FrankBaldwin, Jno. Pryor, Will Robinson, Anna Newman, Kate Millington, and JennieStewart, seem to have been the original conspirators. A leading M. C., ofthis city and his estimable wife, it was whispered about, were to be thesubjects of this secret conclave. All unknown to them, of course, were thesearrangements made. Every man, woman, and child in the city, almost, wason the tip- toe of expectation for three days, awaiting the event that theseominous little square cut pieces of tin, bearing the words, "Mr. andMrs. W. G. Graham, at home 8 p.m., Oct. 5th, 1866 and 1876," had somysteriously foretold. The Doctor, all unconscious of the "eyes"that followed him in his daily rounds, but conscious of ten years of uprightand devoted life as a true Benedict, walked the streets, attended his business,and pursued the even tenor of his day, little dreaming that his sacred homewould so soon be invaded, and he be jerked up to answer to charges preferredby the citizens of his adopted town.

Like the gentle dew those little pieces of tin had silently done theirwork, and on Monday evening at 8 o'clock, Dr. Graham's beautiful residencewas stormed in front and besieged in the rear by the largest party of tin-peddlersever assembled under an October moon, all loudly clamorous for an immediateentrance.

The Doctor made unconditional surrender, before a gun was fired. Whatelse could he do? The ladies of the party took charge of the kitchen, parlor,and dining-rooms, while the men hung round on the edges and in less thanten minutes the whole house was converted into a modern first-class tinshop. After this animated entree, quiet for a moment was restored,followed by the presents being brought out and subjected to a severe catechizingby Elder Platter and a running cross-fire by the remainder of the enemy,and who, finding that the charges against them were false, and only existingin the imaginations of certain hungry-looking young men that decorated thewall, concluded to release them on the condition that in the future as inthe past, the Doctor should build the fires and cut the stove wood, providedalways that Mrs. Graham could not be prevailed upon to do it; that he, shouldpromise to keep posted as regards the latest styled bonnet, the latest social"small- talk," provided that Mrs. Graham did not want to performthat duty herself. These and similar promises were extracted by the inexorablejudges, whereupon the minister dexterously encircled them with two glitteringrings, pronounced them man and wife for ten years more, amidst a regularround of applause.

Mr. Baldwin then read a poem prepared for the occasion, after which camethe presentation of the tin-ware. Capt. McDermott and Dr. Mansfield didthe honors in the most amusing manner imaginable. The Doctor's speech accompanyingthe presentation of a full set of tin dental tools was highly appreciated.In fact, the speeches of Messrs. Platter, McDermott, and Mansfield werefunny, from beginning to end, and could only be appreciated rightly by beingheard. We almost wish for space to publish the Elder's entire marriage ritualused on the occasion. It was the best we ever heard. From this time on wecan't particularize. All we can remember is that about this time supperwas announced and following that, in our memory, cold chicken, dust pans,sweet cakes, waiters, graters, egg- beaters, coffee, etc., are so terriblyconfused and mixed up that we have lived in constant dread, fearing thatsome hungry individual would mistake us for a lunch counter. Right herewe'd like to give the name of every present with the name of the donor.We can't do it; we are not equal to the task. It's too big a contract. Therewere just one hundred and thirteen pieces of tin-ware presented (andmore than that many suppers eaten), and that's all we know about it. Weenjoyed ourselves, and if it be found that there was a single person presentwho did not enjoy him or herself, we insist on having a committee raisedto have that person, if it is a him, "shot without benefit of clergy."


Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.

From Windsor.

EDITOR COURIER. Thinking a few items from old Windsor, the largest townshipin the county, would be interesting, I jot you a few for pastime.

Some of the farmers have begun to sow wheat for the second time thisfall. They thought, for awhile, they wouldn't sow, but after considerationconcluded it best, and have "lit in," in workman-like manner.

Health is very good in this part of the valley, except Mrs. J. P. Craft.She was very severely attacked with congestion of the heart last night,but is better today. Drs. Snyder and Rude were called in.

Lazette was in an uproar and out of sorts last week about the schoolteacher, Mr. Geo. Lee, who had been employed by the board to teach the schoolthis winter, but it is all settled now and George will handle the rule forthe next six months at Lazette.

The candidates for county officers speak at Lazette, Saturday, Oct. 21st,at 7 p.m.; hope all will turn out to hear them. Politics of this townshipare running very low at present. All of the Republicans will support theRepublican candidates for offices this fall except Ben Clover, but you knowBen has a mill and a good many Democratic customers.

How about Douglass, the New Salem postmaster, running around making Democraticspeeches? The Baltimore fellows say he "split the truth and slippedin a lie" over there the other night.

Mr. J. A. Jones has plenty of stone lime at 25 cents per bushel, one-halfmile south of Lazette. Mr. Craft has a splendid lot to feed cattle and hogsin, at the same place, also some fine sows and pigs for sale and good nativelumber at $1.75 to $2.25 per hundred feet.

We are looking for Mr. Mc. Stapleton every day with his "mammothstock of goods." It is thought that John St. Tull will run ahead ofhis ticket for constable in Windsor this fall. The anti-Brooks men havebrought out Mc D. Stapleton for trustee.

And all goes well with J. W. C.


Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.


Rev. Chaplain C. C. McCabe will deliver his popular lecture, "TheBright Side of Libby Prison," in the courthouse, Winfield, on Mondayevening, Oct 30, 1876. Admission, 25 cents; reserved seats 50 cents. Doorsopen at 7 o'clock; lecture to commence at 7:30.


Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.

There are twenty graves of United States soldiers at Barnesville, thirty-eightat Mound City, thirty-two at Rading post, and one hundred and twenty-fourat Baxter Springs, Kansas. It is proposed to remove all these to the NationalCemetery at Fort Scott.

Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.

Another Side to It.

It is proposed to remove that portion of the Sioux Indians, under theleadership of Red Cloud and Spotted Tail, two semi-civilized chiefs, tothe Indian Territory. These two tribes comprise, all told, not to exceed10,000 people.

The Indian Peace Commissioners have promised them protection, shouldthey conclude to leave their present territory and remove to a more congenialclime. Some of their young men are now looking at the country with a viewof reporting on the feasibility of the change. This is all there is in it,the furore and hub-bub of a few patent newspapers, to the contrary notwithstanding.These men always howl at any change the Government seeks to make, and proceedat once to curse the "administration." Two years ago they prophesiedan Indian war on our frontier, they depicted the sufferings of the settlersalong the border, "when the blood- thirsty savage should reek vengeanceon women and children, burn and destroy property, and turn our county intoa barren desert." Each picture drawn was followed by anathemas of theadministration. Their cries of alarm sounded along the entire line of theState. The people were in arms, militia companies were raised, armed, equipped,and rushed to the "defenseless border." It was "a time thattried men's souls." Watch-fires burned from the Verdigris to the 100thMeridian. The noble militia proved equal to the expectation of their friends.They made a rush through the Nation and in one short day capturedthirtyone Kickapoo squaws. The war was ended, peace was declared, and sincewhich time these "patent" newspapers have been quiet on the Indianquestion.

The Sioux, sought to be transferred to our border, are as civilized asthe Kickapoos, Osages, or Pawnees, that now live south of us. They are wardsof the Government, and they will be fed, clothed, and treated as such, justthe same as the Indians before mentioned. The Government has at its disposalan area of land, embracing over three and a half millions of acres, whichit obtained through treaty from the Creek Nation in 1866.

This land originally comprised the west half of their domain, and iswithout doubt the finest body of land in the Territory. It is about 100miles to the south of us here. If there is not room enough for the "blood-thirstySioux" on this area, the commission have, at their disposal, tenmillion acres lying between the 98 degrees and 100 degrees of west longitude,next to Texas, and extending up Red River into the Wasatch range. This latterbody of land alone would give to each member of Red Cloud's and SpottedTail's tribes a nice little tract of 1,000 acres.

Should the entire Sioux tribe; estimated at 40,000, be induced to giveup their gold, their hunting grounds, and renowned Black Hills, and takeup their permanent abode here, there would still be room enough, as eachindividual member would have to spread himself over 250 acres of surveyedland to occupy it all.

The talk about their removal being "a blow to the commercial interestsof the Southwest" is all "bosh." It would be the best possiblething that could occur for Cowley and Sumner, the two leading grain producingcounties of the State. We would have 40,000 consumers at our very door,not one of which would be a producer.

Does anyone presume to say that this would not be a benefit to our county?Forty thousand Indians will consume, in one year, 480,000 bushels of wheatalone, saying nothing about the corn, beef, and other supplies necessaryto keep up the agents and agencies. Does anyone presume to say that thiswould not be a benefit to our border counties, should they have the privilegeof furnishing these supplies to the Government? Bring on your Indiansbring10,000, 40,000, or 100,000, and fill the entire western part of the Territorywith them. Convert Cowley County's border into "outfitting posts"and her interior into a Government granary; build railroads from the poststo the agency and from there to the Gulf, and we will realize a day of prosperitynever known before.

Civilize the "blood-thirsty Sioux" by daily contact with U.S. soldiers and other elements of western civilization. Let the Governmenttake care of its wards in a manner it may deem best; the "border"is able and willing to take care of itself. Their approximation to us willnot drive one man from the county, and it may be the means of bringing ina great many dollars.


Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.

A COOK wanted at the Central Hotel.

Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.

Hudson has a revolving advertising desk.

Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.

Twenty-one arrivals at the Central last evening.

Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.

Who stole the most? See Dr. Mansfield's communication.

Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.

I. H. BONSALL, Esq., took charge of the Traveler during its editor'sabsence at Leavenworth. He writes a respectable article.

Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.

V. R. BARTLETT, Esq., has driven another flock of 1,300 sheep into thiscounty to add to his already large and well stocked sheep farm.

Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.

To Mr. Gallotti we are indebted for the "full particulars"of the organization of the "Evening Star Club," which may be foundin another column.

Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.

It has been settled, we understand, that Mr. Lacy will not be an independentcandidate for District Clerk. He leaves the field for Bedilion and Houx.

Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.

Tom McGuire has employed J. O. Smart, formerly of Wheeling, West Virginia,as permanent clerk in his establishment. The young man comes well recommended.

Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.

Ed. Green, candidate for Representative on the Democratic ticket in thelower district, called the other day. Ed. is a good fellow and outside ofhis out-landish politics, we wish him success in anything that he may undertake.

Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.

Tell Walton has returned from an extended trip through the Indian Territoryand will once more resume his tripod and "stick, stuck" in Sumnerand Cowley counties. The boys sold their ponies in St. Louis after whichthey "took in the sights."

Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.

BIRTHS. Four Family "fysicians" couldn't keep run of the "advents"of late in this town. A new bankeress, a new city marshaless, and we don't-know-what-else.This we do know. Messrs. Fuller, Denning, and Huey are the proudest menin the cityexcept Troup. Troup said it was a whole Troup in itself, weigheda ton, and would vote for Hayes and Wheeler.

Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.

D. C. Stevens, of Richland Township, has some very fine full blood Durhamcattle, among the number a two year old bull and two bull calves eight monthsold. We were furnished a memorandum of the pedigree but have mislaid itand cannot give it from memory.

Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.

H. G. REYNOLDS, P. G. M., of the State of Illinois, met the Masonic fraternityof this city, their wives, sisters, daughters, and sweethearts at MasonicHall last Monday evening. He delivered an interesting lecture after whichhe organized a Chapter of the Eastern Star degree. A goodly number of thefraternity were present and they express themselves well pleased with Bro.Reynolds' exercises.

Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.

C. H. EAGIN, of Rock, writes to us that at their township caucus heldat Darien schoolhouse last Thursday night, W. Wisner was nominated by theRepublicans for trustee, George Williams, clerk; J. M. Harcourt, treasurer;J. M. Barrack, justice of the peace; Andrew Dawson and N. Rodgers, constables;C. Coon, overseer 1st district, Wm. Funk 2nd; and J. Parsons 3rd. Afterthe nominations had been made, Hon. L. J. Webb was introduced, and for anhour and a quarter held the audience by his magnetic eloquence and masterlyargument. His speech was complete, thorough, and convincing, and the bestthat has been heard in Rock during the campaign.

Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.

Messrs. J. F. Bowen, J. F. Farris, and Alfred Pratt, of Putnam, and C.Gwilliam, of Benton County, Indiana, called on us yesterday. They are outlooking at the country with a view of buying land in this vicinity. Theyhave been up the Arkansas Valley as far as Kinsley, and have come to thesensible conclusion that Cowley is the best county in the southwest. Theyall voted against "Blue Jeans" the day before they started west.We hope they will locate with us.

Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.

The Grange picnic at Floral last Friday was a pleasant affair. The assemblyconvened in Stone's grove, where platform seats, swings, shades, water,and clean smooth ground had been prepared. Vocal and instrumental music,a very interesting paper full of news, good advice, and amusing anecdotes,a picnic feast and pleasant conversation and a short talk from Mr. E. C.Manning, all contributed to engage the time of the participants. MasterJ. O. Vanorsdal was the leading spirit of the occasion.

Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.

DIED. October 12, 1876, of ___________, HENRY ZOLLER, in Pleasant ValleyTownship, Cowley County, Kansas.

The following resolutions were adopted by South Bend Grange at a meetingheld Oct. 14, 1876.

WHEREAS, It has pleased Providence to remove from among us our esteemedbrother, Henry Zoller, therefore be it

Resolved, That in this event we deplore the loss of a true patronand a good citizen and that we, the members of South Bend Grange, tenderour sympathy to the bereaved family.

Resolved, That the members of South Bend Grange wear the usualbadge and that the hall be draped in mourning for thirty days.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be placed on the recordof the grange and one sent to the family of the deceased.


Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.


A pair of saddle-bags containing several religious books, a black clothcoat, and other articles of wearing apparel, on the Wichita road betweenVernon P. O. and Sand Creek, on the 17th ultimo, belonging to Rev. Matthias,of Wichita. The finder, by returning the same to this office, will be suitablyrewarded.

Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.

Silver Creek.

The Republicans of Silver Creek Township met at the Fitzgerald schoolhouseMonday evening Oct. 16 and nominated A. P. Brooks for trustee; S. M. Jarvis,clerk; James Goforth, treasurer; James Fitzgerald and Chas. Rochenback,constables. Road overseer, 1st district, J. W. Elkins; 2nd, John Watson;3rd, Z. W. Hoge; 4th, Isaac Gatton. The place of voting was establishedat the Fitzgerald schoolhouse. S. M. J.

Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.

For Sale or Trade.

I have a good dwelling house, barn, and two lots in Winfield, for saleor for trade. Call soon. MRS. M. C. TUCKER. October 19th, 1876.


Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.

E. S. C.,
Which means "Evening Star Club."

The above named social organization is just making its debut in Winfield'sfashionable "upper-ten" society. The need of a similar associationhas long been felt in this community. "Hoodlum dances" have becomethe rule instead of the exception and are growing very monotonous. Sociallines are now to be drawn, and a new order of things will soon take theplace of the old breeches-in-boots regime. "Hoe-downs"and their concomitant evils will pass into oblivion, and the big nosed "caller"who used to sing out, as he buckled on to the red- haired girl himself,"Grab pardners for a quadrille!" will be a thing of the past.Kid gloves and waxed moustaches are not to take the place of all these oldfrontier familiarities, but a jolly, fun loving, respectable class of ourcitizens who have been reared in the higher walks of life, resume theirposition in the social scale, and propose to conduct these entertainmentsin a manner that will reflect credit upon the management and the city atlarge. The world moves and we must keep pace with the hour, socially, morally,and otherwise.

The charter members, so to speak, of the Club are Messrs. Frank Gallotti,Esq. Boyer, E. W. Holloway, T. K. Johnston, R. L. Walker, J. B. Lynn, W.P. Hackney, C. C. Black, J. O. Houx, and A. E. Baird, as they were its organizers.At their meeting on the 17th instant, the following constitution was readand adopted.

Constitution of the Evening Star Club
of the City of Winfield.

Art. 1. An association is constituted in the City of Winfield, Kansas,under the name of "The Evening Star Club."

Art. 2. The object of the Club is to give a series of Social Dances,and other entertain ments as may be decided by the same.

Art. 3. The Club will have a regular meeting every fortnight, and a specialmeeting whenever deemed necessary by a majority of the board of trustees.

Art. 4. All business of the Club must be transacted at the regular meetings.

Art. 5. The administration of this Club will be conducted by a boardof trustees, composed of a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer,and three directors, to be elected by its members at a regular meeting.

Art. 6. A person wishing to become a member of this club must have hisor her name proposed by one of the members at a regular meeting.

Art. 7. Every petitioner for membership shall be balloted for at a regularmeeting.

Art. 8. To become a member of this Club, the petitioner must receivethe unanimous vote of the members present at the balloting, must sign theconstitution, and pay an admission fee of Two dollars, and a monthly feein advance of one dollar.

Art. 9. A member in arrear of one month fee will have no voice in theregular or special meetings, and if in arrear of two month's fees, willlose his membership.

Art. 10. The duties of the officers of this Club, and the order of businessto be transacted by the same, shall be regulated by bylaws drawn as soonas the club is constituted.

Art. 11. None but the members of the club will be admitted at the regularDances given by the same unless non-resident.

Art. 12. A non-resident shall be admitted at the dances of this clubonly when supplied with an invitation.

Art. 13. All invitations must be signed by the board of Trustees.

Art. 14. This Club will be considered constituted when the constitutionis signed by ten persons who will be charter members.

The election of officers following, W. P. Hackney was chosen president;J. B. Lynn vice president; A. E. Baird, treasurer; J. O. Houx, secretary,and T. K. Johnston, C. C. Black, and

F. Gallotti as directors.

Frank Gallotti was appointed a committee of one on bylaws. Ballotingwas then had on the following candidates, resulting in their election tofull membership: J. Wade McDonald, James Hill, Bert Crapster, Wilbur Dever,O. M. Seward, Fred Hunt, and Chas. Harter. The Club met last evening butwe have not learned what additional business it transacted. We wish theassociation unlimited success, in its hitherto unoccupied field.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 26, 1876. Front Page.

A Topekan's Opinion of Winfield.
WINFIELD, OCT. 15, 1876.

Capt. Ryan filled his regular appointment here yesterday, speaking toa large crowd of the Cowley County yeomanry, at the courthouse, in the afternoon.Mr. Ryan never disappoints the people, either in the time of his appointmentsor the character of his speeches.

His visit to the localities in the district distant from the railroad,has made him many friends, even among the Democrats, and you may expectto be surprised at the extent of the majority he will receive in these counties.The people here like to be noticed, and to have some attention shown them,even though they are not possessed of a railroad. They belong to the district"just the same," and their votes will average twelve to the dozenall the way through.

Winfield is one of the best towns we have encountered on our route. Thepopulation is estimated at one thousand, and I think the estimate is small.Yesterday (Saturday) was a very busy day and the scores of teams on Mainstreet, the gaily blanketed Indians, and the festive auctioneer on the corner,reminded me very much of our own Kansas avenue. The beauty of Winfield asa residence point cannot be excelled anywhere in the west, uniting, as itdoes, a fine elevation, a pure, bracing air, magnificent views, mountainwilderness, romantic streams, beautiful drives, and in short, all the charmsof land and water combined. Wirt Walton is one of the institutions of Winfield.An impression is abroad in the land that Wirt is handsome. I think he musthave acquired that reputation last winter in Topeka, while I was absentfrom the city. This is also the home of Prof. A. B. Lemmon, the Republicannominee for State Superintendent. In making the canvass of this county,we have been under many obligations to Mr. Lemmon for valuable assistanceforLemmon aid, so to speak. I am going to take Lemmon in mine on the 7th ofNovember. The indications are that Col. Manning will be successful in therace for State Senator. Webb will go to the House from this county, andthe entire Republican ticket be triumphantly elected.

One of the grandest demonstrations of the year occurred here last night,in honor of the visit of Capt. Ryan and Col. Plumb, of Emporia. The courthousewas packed with ladies and gentlemen, and the enthusiasm was unbounded.An hour before the meeting the Hayes and Wheeler club paraded the principalstreets of the city with torches and flags, headed by the Winfield brassband. About fifty blazing torches turned night into day, and lit up thehandsome Continental uniforms of the men in fine style. All the anvils inthe city were converted into cannon and kept up a ceaseless fire for hours.After a song by the glee club, Col. Plumb was introduced as the people'schoice for United States Senator, the announce ment being received withmild applause, ranging from piping treble to alligator bass. After quiethad been restored, and the brazen instruments became silent as a synod ofstars, Col. Plumb proceeded to make an address, which for thoughtfulness,sincerity, logic, and pertinence of illustration, would do Bob Ingersollno discredit. He spoke for two hours, and would have been listened to patientlyfor two more.

Col. Plumb is doing good work for the party and lots of it. He came downto Wichita on Thursday night at 9 o'clock, drove ten miles in the countrythat night on business, returned to Wichita the same night, arose earlyin the morning and rode out several miles to see a friend, returning toWichita again at noon; in the afternoon he made a trip to Wellington, thirtymiles, speaking there Friday night. Saturday morning he journeyed from Wellingtonto Winfield, twenty miles, stopped here for dinner, then secured a freshteam and went to Arkansas City, fifteen miles, returning here last eveningand speaking until 10 o'clock, starting immediately after the meeting forWichita, in order to take the 4 o'clock train for Emporia, where he expectedto start without delay for a point in the interior of Osage County, speakingthere on Monday afternoon, returning to Emporia Sunday night, and startingimmediately on horseback for Eldorado, seventy miles distant, to fill anappointment on Tuesday. This is what I call campaigning in earnest.

Capt. Ryan's route ahead is to Cedar Vale on Monday and Sedan on Tuesday;then through Chautauqua, Elk, Greenwood, and Butler counties. We are muchrejoiced over the result of Ohio, but we are still without tidings fromIndiana.


Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.


Republican candidate for Governor, and other eminent speakers will bepresent and address the people of COWLEY COUNTY on the Political and otherissues of the day.


Capt. Ryan, in his speech at Peru, Chautauqua County, among other thingssaid: "The location of the Sioux and other hostile tribes in the IndianTerritory would make a market for our surplus produce and be of materialaid in developing our resources. The Government would also be obliged tolocate two or three forts along the border for the protection of the peopleof Kansas, and that would likewise be of some benefit to the counties alongthe border."

The Captain's head is always "level."


Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

In the Arkansas City Post Office.
A Scrap of History from the Life of a High-Toned Purifier.

Our duty towards the nominees of the Republican party in Cowley County,impels us to rebuke the men who lie about its candidates.

C. M. Scott, of the Arkansas City Traveler, has made his papera personal organ, and is using it to vent his personal spleen upon one ofthe Republican nominees. There seems to be no end to his lying; no measureto his hate. He would destroy the reputation of any man whom he dislikes.His pretense, that purity of heart and conduct is the motive of his action,does not comport with the story found in the following letter, which Mr.Manning has had in his possession for some time. Mr. Scott calls every mana "vagabond" who supports Mr. Manning. These vagabonds have beensoliciting Mr. Manning to publish the letter for two weeks past. Last week'sTraveler contains another attack upon our Senatorial candidate, and,at last, the following letter is put into our hands to be used as we seefit.

WELLINGTON, KANSAS, Oct. 11, 1876.


DEAR SIR: I see by the Traveler that its editor, C. M. Scott,is opposing your race for the Senate. This Scott is a thief, and you maycharge him with being one, and give myself and Mr. Topliff, of ArkansasCity, as witnesses. In 1870 the theft was committed in the city of Emporia.Mr. Scott stole goods from the clothing store of Topliff & French, andI was a witness to the settlement of the affair. Mr. Scott acknowledgedthe stealing of the goods to Messrs. Topliff & French and paid for themto save an arrest. If this statement is worth anything to you, you may useit. WILL NIXON.

Mr. Scott compels the COURIER to answer the attacks that the Travelermakes upon Mr. Manning, and then the COURIER must go to the Traveler'sreaders through Mr. Scott's hands at Arkansas City. We don't know whetherthose COURIERS reach their intended destination or not. A man that willsteal is not too good to destroy mail matter.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876. Editorial Page.


Up to the present time we have not uttered one disparaging word againstany candidate on the Democratic ticket in this county.

We thought from the high position the candidate for State Senator occupiedin this county, that he at least, would not conduct the campaign in theusual "bush-whacking" style. We have learned that in the remotetownships, instead of making speeches and coming out squarely on his ownmerits, he is circulating copies of the Telegram and Travelercontaining the false and venomous charges of their editors against Col.Manning, his opponent.

These papers, it is said, he puts in the hands of little children ontheir way from school and tells them to give them to their parents. We hopethis is not true.

We have always entertained a good opinion of Mr. Pyburn and we are lothto believe that he would stoop to such little, unprincipled tricks to gainan advantage over his opponent. It is a very poor recommend for a candidateto be compelled to vilify and traduce the character of his opponent in orderto draw attention from his own. We might expect such banditti warfare froma man who, in correspondence, speaks of himself as "Judge Christian,"but certainly not from the dignified and gentlemanly Mr. Pyburn.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876. Editorial Page.


We publish in another column Judge Campbell's replication to the foulcharges of the Augusta Gazette. His prompt, bold, and manly replyto the charges touching his judicial honor can but emanate from an innocent,though grossly outraged man. After reading the article referred to, hismost bitter and violent personal enemies will be compelled to admit thatthe refutation is complete, thorough, and satisfactory. Judge Campbell maybe considered at times, an immoral man, but no man can say that he is dishonest.If a man whose whole life had been as pure as that of an angel, should consentto run on the Republican ticket in this district for an office, some half-starved,brainless idiot would at once prefer a series of charges against him, andcompel him to establish his innocence. Judge Campbell "takes the bullby the horns" and squarely meets his calumniators before their wordsare fairly cold. Read his reply and be convinced.

Complete and Satisfactory.
WICHITA, KAN., Oct. 14th, 1876.

ED. GAZETTE: I have read with no little surprise and mortification yourarticle in the issue of this date in which you make a number of "charges"against me, and demand that I shall "disprove" them within oneweek.

You are very peremptory, and give me very little time. Most of the "charges"are not susceptible of disproof, and do not need it. My time is too valuable,and the people do not require that I shall notice the thousand and one scandalousstories which my unprincipled opponent, Amos Harris, has raked up and ispeddling over the district, as his only stock in trade. I could better affordto admit them then to be drawn into controversy concerning them.

I will take great pleasure in answering any accusations of official misconductagainst me, and invite the closest scrutiny. For, while in a few isolatedinstances in my daily walk, I may have slightly deviated from the "straightand narrow path," it is my pride and glory, that in my official conductI have been scrupulously straight.

Amos Harris came from Iowa to Wichita about two years ago, and commencedto practice law. Not succeeding very well as a lawyer, he secured the agencyfor the Corbin Banking Company of New York, and engaged in the businessof loaning their money to the poor settlers of Sedgwick and Sumner counties,receiving from the borrowers the usual stipend for his valuable servicesin procuring the loans.

After an exhibition by him of the most deplorable mendicancy, he wasgrudgingly given a nomination for Judge of this district, by the Democrats,after the same had been offered to several very worthy gentlemen, who declined.Since his nomination he has been sneaking around over the country, rakingup and collating every idle rumor detrimental to me and has been using themas a means to lift his ungainly carcass into the Judgeship. Your articleseems to be the sum of all the villainies, which he has succeeded in collectingagainst me.

1. You charge that in May, 1876, I adjourned court in Wichita, to takepart in the "dedication" of Charlie Chatner's saloon. This everylawyer in Wichita knows to be false. I do not remember the circumstancesof the dedication, and am sure I was not there. Mr. Schatner's books showthat he opened on the night of July 17th, 1875. Court was not then in session,neither was there any court in Wichita in the months of June, July, andAugust.

2. Your charge that I decided the county seat cause between Eldoradoand Augusta, in favor of the latter place, in pursuance of an agreementmade at a meeting in Eldorado, on the night before the case was heard. Thisis absurd. I never heard of such a meeting. It was generally understoodthat it made no difference how I decided that case, as it would go to theSupreme Court in any event. I was desirous of making a decision that wouldbe affirmed by the Supreme Court. That was all. There was nothing to preventthe people from holding another election while the case was pending in theSupreme Court, had they taken legal steps to do so.

3. You charge me with complicity in the election frauds at Eldorado inthe fall of 1870. The old settlers of Butler County know this to be false.It was well known at the time that I knew nothing of it until about twohours before the polls were opened, and then learned of it by accident.That I protested against it and went home, and refused to work at the pollsas I had intended to do. Ottentot did not charge me with it in his confession.I was not a candidate for county attorney at that election. The people whovoted for me did so without my solicitation, and after I had publicly declinedto be a candidate. As soon as my successor was elected, he qualified andtook possession of the office, which he had a right to do as I had merelybeen appointed to fill a vacancy.

4. Your next charge that I connived at the escape of a man convictedof crime and purposely failed to sentence him, and immediately afterwardsreceived a deed to his farm. This is a very serious charge and if true,subjects me not only to impeachment and removal from office, but to a prosecutionfor felony. I will meet it squarely.

At the Spring term of the district court of Howard County, in the yearof 1873, Aaron Wells was tried before me upon the charge of an assault withintent to kill. He was convicted of a simple assault, and was granted anew trial on the grounds of newly discovered testimony. At the succeedingterm he was re-tried, and again convicted of a simple assault. As usual,judgment was deferred until a motion for a new trial was made and overruled.When the county attorney moved for judgment, Wells was absent. His attorneystated that he had been called away by sickness, and would be present thenext day. It was ascertained that he had absconded. His bond was forfeitedand an alias warrant issued. At the next term, May 1874, he was producedby his bail, and sentenced to pay a fine of one hundred dollars and standcommitted, until the fine and costs were paid. He paid the fine to the clerkbut could not or would not pay the costs. The Sheriff took him into custody,and obtained an order to take him to the jail of Allen County for safekeeping.

Wells' wife had mortgaged her farm for money to pay the expenses of hisdefense, but refused to mortgage it for money to pay the costs assessedagainst him. I never spoke to Mrs. Wells in my life.

On the Sunday following, after Wells was sentenced, I was spending theday with Henry Welty, Esq., whose farm joined the Wells' place. During theday, he suggested that there was a good farm that could be bought cheap,as Wells and his wife both were anxious to sell and leave the country, andWelty urged me to buy it. Through friends in the county who were anxiousthat I should own property there, I bought the place, and the characterof the transaction is set forth in the following correspondence.

I paid Mrs. Wells five hundred dollars down, giving her a check on theFirst National Bank of Wichita for that amount, paid the costs in the Wellscase, amounting to one hundred and sixty dollars, paid J. D. McCue for Wells,eighty dollars, gave my two notes for $500 each, and took the land subjectto the mortgage to Turner for $650. Cummings afterwards purchased the landfrom me, and paid the balance of the purchase money. The fine I assessedagainst Wells was considered sufficiently severe, and was more than it wouldhave been had he submitted to his sentence at the term at which he was convicted.

I was induced to write the letter which appears below, by being informedabout the first of last of June, that Amos Harris, and the editor of theBeacon were intending to charge me with corruption in this matterjust before the election. The following is the correspondence.

WICHITA, June 9, 1876.

Hon. E. S. Cummings, Elk Falls, Kansas.

My Dear Sir: Some of my political enemies are secretly circulating thereport that I received a farm in Elk County as a bribe. Will you be kindenough to append to this letter a statement of the circumstances of my purchaseof the Wells place, and also of my trade with you, and get some of yourprominent citizens, who are conversant with the facts, to sign it with you.Yours Truly, W. P. Campbell.

I received the following answer:

"Elk Falls, June 11th, 1876.

Hon. W. P. Campbell.

Dear Sir: Yours of the 9th inst. is received and contents noted. In reply,I will say that it affords me pleasure to correct any false impressionsor rumors that may have grown out of the purchase by you of what is knownas the Wells' farm, in Elk County, Kansas. The circumstances are brieflythese: On the 11th day of May, 1874, you bought of Mary C. Wells, 200 acresof land for the sum of $2,400. You paid Mrs. Wells $500 in cash, assumedthe payment of the court costs in the case of the State vs. Aaron Wells,computed at $250. You also assumed the payment of one promissory note for$650, given by Mary C. Wells to the order of L. L. Turner, dated May 4th,1874. You also gave your notes, one for $500 due four months from date,and one for $500 due one year from date, all secured by mortgage on theproperty purchased. When I purchased the Wells' farm from you, I assumedpayment of the three last notes, which I now have in my possession. I alsogave you in part payment eighty acres of land in Elk Falls Township, ElkCounty, Kansas.

I believe this is all the land you own now, or ever did own in Elk County,or the old county of Howard. Hoping that this statement may be satisfactoryto all persons, I remain,

Yours Truly, E. S. CUMMINGS.

The above is correct and true. HENRY WELTY.

We have carefully read the foregoing statement, made by Mr. Cummings,and know the entire statement to be true. R. H. NICHOLS, F. A. STODDARD,DANIEL CARR.

Mr. Cummings is an old resident of Elk Falls, of wealth and position,and has been a member of the Legislature of this state. Mr. Nichols is alawyer and has been a member of the Legislature, and is at present the Republicannominee for senator. Mr. Stoddard is a lawyer. Mr. Carr was the DistrictClerk of Howard County, where Wells was tried and sentenced. Mr. Welty hasfor several terms been Justice of the Peace, for Elk Falls Township. Theyare all men of well known integrity and of unimpeachable character.

Amos Harris has been exceedingly active in ferreting out this matter,and is as well acquainted with the transaction as anybody; and when he procuredyou to publish the above charge, he promulgated what he knew to be an infamouslie.

I have now answered as fairly as I can all your charges against my integrityas a judge or a man. Instigated, I have no doubt, by the devil's image ofa man who is permitted by some inscrutable dispensation of Providence, tooutrage all delicacy and honor, and give off his slime and filth, in orderthat by breaking me down he can foist himself into a high and importantoffice for which he is notoriously incompetent, in order that he may servehis masters who entertain designs upon the honest people of this district,which they have been unable to accomplish through me.

As to the other charges, I ask you in all candor, would you under similarcircumstances, by denying them, become involved in a fruitless effort toexplain them, and thus subject yourself to the ridicule of all sensiblepeople?

I apprehend that but few will believe them, and fewer still will be movedby them except in derision for the mendicant officer hunter, who has solittle of his own merit to recommend him, that he must resort to the useof such base measures to accomplish his selfish purposes.

In conclusion, I want to say in justice to the intelligent people ofthis district, that I am of the opinion that before the above named "crackedbell" can be elected judge of this district, he must develop a higherorder of talent than that of a common slanderer and wrecker of reputations.

The ides of November will demonstrate that the pursuit of this garrulousold gossiper after political honors, will be as vain as the attack of thatfamous knight of fiction upon the wind mills. Respectfully, W. P. CAMPBELL.


Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

GIBBS & HYDE are still contracting and building.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

Miss Saint's department of the city school now numbers sixty-five scholars.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

Miss Emma Burden, of Lazette, is attending the high school in this city.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

Mrs. James Holloway has been suffering from a severe attack of the dyptheria.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

Our foreman says he is under obligation to Mrs. E. F. Kennedy for a handsomenecktie.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

Mr. L. M. Brown, Republican candidate for trustee in Harvey Township,called Monday.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

The "vagabonds" in the various townships have "nothingpersonal" against Mr. Scott, of the Traveler.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

Capt. Smith has been adding more sheep to his ranche. He now has oneof the leading flocks in the county.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

Somebody build some houses for people to live in. Not a single housefor rent in town, and scores of people wanting them.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

C. A. Bliss is repairing his mill dam, and is getting it in good shapeagain. The old reliable Stone mill will be running under full pressure ina few days.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

Harry Ramage, the gunsmith, has packed his trunks and "lit out"for foreign parts. Jim Jordan followed him far enough to have a small financialinterview with him.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

What has "Jidge" Christian ever done for Cowley County? Why,he wrote to the Lawrence Standard and called himself a "Judge."Ain't that enough to cause you to vote for him for county attorney?

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

The old reliable Stone mill of C. A. Bliss & Co. is in running orderagain, and is now ready to do custom work after the old fashion. The damhas been repaired, and instead of everything being quiet, all is rushingon theWalnut.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

H. C. McDORMAN, the "bloated Federal office holder" of Dexter,paid his respects to the COURIER office this week. He reports everythingserene in the "happy valley." We guess they haven't seen Jim King'sletter over there yet.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

"MANNING takes physic?" Traveler.

According to Mr. Nixon's letter, Scott takes something heavier.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

MANNING "stole" 125,000 acres of land and built a railroadfor his constituents when he was a State Senator from Marshal County. Traveler.

Yes, but he never stole a suit of clothes and an over-coat.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

The "Old Boy" is at his tricks again. He carries a saw-buck,axe, and saw, and can be found at all times ready to saw and split yourwood in a manner that is bound to please the "house wife." Hisother name is Isaac L. Comfort.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

If a colored girl is entitled to a $150 gold watch andchain for one month's services in cleaning up a young man's room, what shouldher pay be as a regular housekeeper? The "vagabonds" in the varioustownships want the Traveler to answer.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

"Gidge" Christian, who thinks he is running for county attorneyof Cowley, has joined in the personal fight upon Mr. Manning. His dyingeffort is the fourth instance in which an Arkansas City man has attemptedto climb into office by abusing a better man, and failed. Go in, "Gidge!"

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

Capt. McDermott is gaining ground every day in his canvass for the officeof county attorney. Vote for him, and you are sure to support an honestand capable man. "Jidge" Christian's chances are growing beautifullyless.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

Capt. James McDermott, on account of his "peculiar fitness,"was selected as Judge pro tem to try several important cases at therecent term of court. This is additional proof of his ability to fill theoffice of county attorney.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

Prof. E. P. Hickok and lady left yesterday morning for an extended tripthrough the East. They will visit Washington, Baltimore, New York, Philadelphia,and Niagara during their absence, and will not return till the latter partof November.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

Our readers will soon have a rest from political editorials and politicalcorrespondence, at least in the COURIER. The campaign has ben unusuallyactive and exciting. It is the way of American politics; men have to bestirred up and excited before they will do their duty.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

The following Republican ticket has been nominated. For trustee, JesseV. Hines; clerk, J. A. Bryan; treasurer, O. P. Darst; justice of peace,C. W. Dover; constables, Geo. W. Jones and P. A. Asberry. We'd like to seethe Dexter Democrats trot out a ticket that can get away with those fellows.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

"A Republican" of this township writes us that W. E. Meredith,the candidate for Superintendent on the democratic ticket, is an old personalfriend of his and that he is a "gen tlemen in every sense." Wecongratulate the democrats on their selection of so good a man, though therebe no chance of his election.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

The onerous duties of the District Clerk's office prevents Ed. Bedilionfrom filling his appointments in the various localities. It don't make muchdifference with the people of this county though, as they propose to re-electEd., whether they see him on the stump or not. They know when they havea good officer.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

If anyone has any doubt about the genuineness of that letter publishedon our second page this week, they can call at this office and see it inMr. Will Nixon's own hand writing. He was for a long time Register of Deedsof Sumner County and is now in the Real Estate business at Wellington, andby addressing him you can get the "full particulars" concerningthose store clothes.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

Won't our Arkansas City correspondent be kind enough to furnish those"vagabonds" in different townships the exact truth in referenceto Scott's $150 gold watch, and why a young lady of color wears itin her belt? They are very anxious to know all about it, and we would likefor you to accommodate them. Give it to us, "Peter," the "virtuousand pure-minded" Scott won't care.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

The Democratic candidate, who thinks he is running for attorney in thiscounty, uses worse language in a political meeting than one usually hearsin the worst resorts of a large city. His illustrations bring the blushof shame to honest men's cheeks when they hear him. He boasts of being,at one time, the law partner of Jim Lane. When Jim Lane found that he hadoutlived his usefulness, he died. When "Gidge" Christian ascertainedthe same fact concerning himself, he immigrated to Arkansas City. That'sthe difference.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

Dr. Phelps, one of the "true blues" from Richland, droppedinto our sanctum yesterday. The Doctor took the wind out of "Jidge"Jimmie Christian's sails the other night when he was abusing the Republicancandidates up at Floral. The old sinner said that the Republican candidatefor Senator was "nominated by a set of "black-legs."Phelps "spoke right out in the meeting" and said that it was false."Jim Lane's old partner," of course, had to skin it back, whichhe immediately proceeded to do, much to the amusement of the audience. Thisforeign rooster who couldn't get an office in Douglass County, where theyknew him, needs must come down here and abuse such men as Capt. McDermottand other old reliable citizens, in the hope of securing an office. It'stoo thin. You'd better live here a little while first, "Jidge,"and get acquainted.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

Here is a part of Jim King's Cedarvale letter, as published in the Commonwealthof the 21st instant. It any of those Dexter girls should ever get hold ofhim, there wouldn't be enough of him left to write an obituary over.

"Leaving Winfield on Sunday afternoon, we soon came upon the littletown of Tisdale, pausing only long enough to observe that `Tis daleightfulweather,' and then driving on amid a shower of oaths from an outraged community.We passed through several other small villagesinto towns, they might becalled, because they rarely contain more than one house. We reached Dexterjust in the gloaming. (Gloaming, my dear, is gilt-edged for dusk.) Herewe concluded to stay all night. Now you would naturally suppose Dexter tobe a fast sort of a town. But it is not. It is situated in the Grouse Valley,and has numerous attractions in the shape of majestic bluffs, fine farms,and beautiful landscape views. Capt. James McDermott resides here, and ownsa splendid piece of land adjoining the town site. The young ladies hereaboutsattain to remarkable size. They are massive in form, loose and flowing incostume, somewhat blubbering about the mouth, and, with a considerable portionof the lower part of them, turned up for feet. There is a species of slough-grassthroughout the Southwest which is called `blue jint,' and I am inclinedto think that the women of the country partake of the same exuberance ofgrowth. They loom up in corn-fed proportions on every quarter section, andare endowed with every facility to wash dishes and hug."

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

A Correction.

Some time since the COURIER spoke of H. L. C. Gilstrap, of SilverdaleTownship, as a Democrat. That was the impression of the author of the remarkat the time. Since then we have learned that he is a Republican and hasbeen one ever since Fremont's time. At that date he was a member of theFremont campaign club in the town in which he resided. The COURIER doesnot intentionally misrepresent anyone.

Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.


Republicans, Liberals, Democrats, Reformers, and everybody else, comeout next Wednesday and hear Capt. Geo. T. Anthony, Republican candidatefor Governor. Come out farmers and laboring men, and hear that man who hasdone more for your interests than any ten public men in the State. Bringyour wives, and a lunch with you, and stay all afternoon. The Hayes andWheeler boys are going to do themselves proud that night. Hayes and Wheelerclubs from different parts of the county are expected to be present andjoin in the burning of powder and the "turning of night into day."Clubs that want to take part in the procession will please report to Capt.Evans of the Winfield Club at their earliest convenience. This will be thelast grand hurrah of the campaign, and let's make it a big one.


Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

Grouse Valley News.

Robert Armstrong is building a large corral in which to winter cattlefor Mr. Lynn of Kentucky.

Parties from Missouri have rented ground of Tilburn Smith to accommodatea thousand head of sheep this winter.

Immense prairie fires have swept over the eastern part of the county,but have done no great amount of damage to property.

S. M. Fall has begun the erection of a dwelling house upon the easternpart of his farm and on a beautiful location.

George Lee opened the Lazette schools on the 16th inst., with twenty-ninescholars in attendance.

Sam Sherman and John Tony contemplate erecting buildings in Lazette.

Dr. R. W. Jackson and family have returned from a "Centennial trip"through western and southern Kansas.

The grasshoppers have taken up their stay in this region, and have thuscaused some delay in the sowing of wheat. However, the late cold weatherhas encouraged the farmers and they are putting in wheat with a vim.

Merchants along the Grouse are receiving large lots of new goods.

Col. Manning spoke at the Armstrong schoolhouse on the 13th inst. andat Lazette on the 18th.

Miss Kate Fitzgerald has opened school in the Kulp schoolhouse.

Johnnie Bowen, of Richland Township, on his return from Emporia, metwith a very serious accident, some two weeks ago, while walking by his wagon,which was loaded with lumber. His foot was caught under one of the wheelsand was seriously crushed.


Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.


Rev. Chaplain C. C. McCabe will deliver his popular lecture, "Thebright side of Libby Prison," in the courthouse, Winfield, on Mondayevening, Oct. 30, 1876. Admission. 25 cents; reserved seats 50 cents. Doorsopen at 7 o'clock; lecture to commence at 7:30.

We have been informed that one of our citizens used to be an officerin charge of Libby Prison. If this be true, he ought to go and hear McCabeto see whether he pictures it truthfully or not.


Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.

MARRIED. JACKSON - MOORE. At the residence of the bride's father, onSunday, Oct. 22nd, by Esq. John Smith, Niton Jackson and Levina E. Moore,all of Sheridan Township.

Another pair of souls made happy. We congratulate Mr. Jackson on gettingone of the best girls that "ever wore shoe leather." May theirlives be as happy as their bright honeymoon.


Winfield Courier, November 2, 1876. Front Page.

Original Poetry.

The following is sent us by a gentleman of Arkansas City, who was presentat the recent Democratic pole raising there. The lines were suggested bythe motley crew, composed of "Rephormers," Democrats, and Northernrebels, who cheered and took part in the raising. He recognized the yellas he heard it at "Lookout Mountain, "Antietum," and at "Bull'sRun." We gladly give space to it.


This is the hole that was dug by the Democrats.

This is the pole that stands in

The hole that was dug by the Democrats.

This is the rope that suddenly broke,

While raising the pole that stands in

The hole that was dug by the Democrats.

These are the men, who quickly then,

Repaired the rope that suddenly broke,

While raising the pole that stands in

The hole that was dug by the Democrats.

This is the flag, whose starry folds

Recall the "times that tried men's souls,"

Whose stars and stripes of azure hue,

Were borne by Hayes and the "Boys in Blue,"

Where fiery shot and shrieking shell

Proclaimed to slavery a long farewell.

This is the flag that was flung in the breeze,

By the men, who quickly then,

Repaired the rope that suddenly broke,

While raising the pole that stands in

The hole that was dug by the Democrats.

This is the broom that's intended soon

To sweep out the White House for Tilden.

But, behold! Where `tis placed is an open disgrace

To the dear old flag, whose starry folds

Recall the "times that tried men's souls,"

Whose stars and stripes of azure hue,

Were borne by Hayes and the "Boys in Blue,"

Where fiery shot and shrieking shell

Proclaimed to slavery a long farewell.

A disgrace to the flag that was flung in the breeze,

By the men who quickly then,

Repaired the rope that suddenly broke,

While raising the pole that stands in

The hole that was dug by the Democrats.

S. PHYNX, Esq.

Arkansas City, Oct. 1876.


Winfield Courier, November 2, 1876.


Look out for bogus tickets next Tuesday. Republicans that make Democraticspeeches will not hesitate at circulating "Republican tickets"with Democratic nominees' names upon them. Keep your eyes open and all willbe well.

Winfield Courier, November 2, 1876.


Capt. Anthony said that "he had no sympathy with the demagogueswho tried to array the debtor against the creditor class," that's whathe said. He didn't say that he had no sympathy with the debtor class, butthat he had no sympathy with the demagogues and that's what hurtsthem.

Capt. Geo. T. Anthony spoke at the courthouse, to a large audience, lastnight, notwithstanding the rain storm that had continued up till a latehour. . . .

Winfield Courier, November 2, 1876.


The Traveler comes out this week and denies that its editor stolea suit of clothes and an over-coat from the firm of Topliff & French,of Emporia, in 1870.

Mr. Nixon, in his letter as published in last week's COURIER, did notcharge that Scott stole a suit of clothes and an over-coat, but he did saythat "Scott stole goods from the clothing store of Topliff &French." It matters not to us whether it was a full suit, a half-suit,or simply a cap, as explained by the Telegram. The principleis just the same. A man who would steal a cap would steal an entire suit,if he had the chance. Mr. Topliff, in his letter, says that their firm didnot keep clothing. Very well, they kept boots, shoes, hats, and caps, though;and Mr. Topliff will remember that, about two years ago, he told a citizenof this place, who was then a resident of Arkansas City, and a particularfriend of his, that he (Scott) did steal a cap from theirstore, as set forth in Nixon's letter. If Mr. Topliff or Mr. Scott wantthe authority for this statement, they can have it. If he had stolen allthe goods in Emporia, it wouldn't have altered the character of the offense.The principle of the thing is what the "vagabonds" are lookingat, and they do not want Mr. Scott to crawl out of it by hiding himselfbehind his charges against Mr. Manning. The "vagabonds" have aright to know the character of the prosecuting witness in this continuedassault upon them and their friends. His attempt to prove that Nixon isunreliable, simply because he gambleswon't work. That's a knife that cutsboth ways. We know of several prominent politicians of the Travelerstripe that gamble and race horses, and are still held in high esteem bythe "pure and better element of the party." It's too thin, Scott,it won't wash. Bring in another horse.

Winfield Courier, November 2, 1876. Editorial Page.

Col. E. C. Manning

We see, by the Cowley County exchanges, that a few dissatisfied Republicansof that county are sliding off with the opposition and doing everythingin their power to prevent the election of Col. E. C. Manning, the Republicannominee for the State Senate from that district. Of course, the result ofthe election in Cowley County does not materially interest us, but havingresided in Winfield in the dark days of its beginning, we naturally havea kind feeling for its founders, and are sorry to see discord at our oldhome. We have many subscribers in Cowley County, and considering this fact,we may be excused for meddling (if it be termed such) with the politicsof that county.

Now, to be plain, we think it is with very poor grace that any Winfieldman should oppose Col. Manning's election, considering the fact that heis the father of their now flourishing little city, and has done more forits interest than any other ten men in the county. He has never been foundaway from his post of duty when the interest of Winfield and Cowley Countywas at stake, and in the name of common sense, what more could they askof him as a citizen? As a Republican he has been tried for years, and hasalways proven himself worthy of any man's steel. Of course, some localities,especially those which have fought the interests of the city of Winfield,from the time of its birth, oppose him on the grounds that he has spenthis time and money in the advancement of Winfield, but this should makethose at home think more of him, and vote for him, irrespective of party.Col. Manning is a gentleman, a scholar, and an honest and sober man, andin points of ability he stands, today, the peer of any man in Kansas. Heis so much the superior of the man, Pyburn, who is undertaking to run againsthim, that a comparison would simply be a mockery to the idea of consistency.We would urge the people of Cowley to stand by the claims of Mr. Manningand it will be casting bread upon the waters. Elk County Courant.


Winfield Courier, November 2, 1876.

A Rare Literary Treat.

For nearly three years we have sat here and endeavored to chronicle everylocal event that occurred in our fast young city. Socials, meetings, gatherings,and events; births, deaths, marriages, and everything that has happenedwithin the radius of our jurisdiction has received a "writing up"at our hands. We have "tackled" everything from a dog-fight toa Democratic pow-wow and have come out victorious. Our egotism increasedwith our victories, till we vainly imagined that we could describe anything.

We heard that lecture. We have seen "The Bright Side of LibbyPrison," as described by the renowned, the great, the christian patriot,McCabe. We caught the inspiration of the hour, and sat and heard him through.But as his voice died away in the echo the inspiration left us, the picturehas vanished, and "Libby Prison" with all its joys, with all itspleasures, and bright days passed in music out of sight; and in its stead,there rises up in our memory Libby prison in all its horrors and terrors,the dungeon of the west, the bastille of the new world. The Engl