Whats everyone's favorite diaper and why? (2025)

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  • Thread starterpaciboy736
  • Start dateTuesday at 11:26 AM



  1. Adult Baby

    I am curious to see what other people's diaper preferences are. I recently tried the soggers from tykables and I am now addicted to cloth backed disposables. I like the cloth backed bc they feel more babyish to me than plastic.


    Est. Contributor

    1. Adult Baby
    2. Little

      I have two:

      • Northshore Megamax in pink: an already-great diaper, its 'bottom line' got a boost with the perfect shade of pink for the ultimate baby girl/sissy diaper experience...and great absorbency, to boot;
      • InControl (BeDry) Elite: it's the best of all diaper features out there, combined, from its vintage-Pampers-like white crinkly-plastic outer to its industry-leading taping system of virtually-unbreakable hook/loop fasteners and frontal taping scrim. You can really cinch down on this diaper's tapes for a snuggy-snug diaper which holds its snug all day...and all night! And an inside which gently cradles your bottom in cuddly softness and amazing dryness, even when soggy.

      That's it! Whats everyone's favorite diaper and why? (3)Whats everyone's favorite diaper and why? (4)


      Full Time U-IC Part Time AB DL

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      1. Diaper Lover
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        Abena L4 (plastic version) is my favourite diaper.
        I also wear it with a booster pad in the diaper. Makes for the perfect fit for me.


        Est. Contributor

        1. Diaper Lover

          After ConfiDry stopped producing, I had no favorite diaper. I’m strictly a DL and nothing about an ABDL diaper sparks my interest. All white and plastic backing is my thing. I can do a pink MegaMax or Trest but they just don’t scratch the itch in a sort of way. Very recently I was able to get my hands on some Foresite diapers. OMG! These are the bestest diapers that I have run onto. The itch has been scratched! These are a wide, thick, plastic baked, all white diaper and so comfortable to wear. These diapers are everything that I have been looking for since ConfiDry left the scene. My new go to diaper!


          Est. Contributor

          1. Adult Baby
          2. Diaper Lover
          3. Little
          4. Incontinent
          5. Carer
          6. Other

            Huaqui Diapers Mexican Made. preform as a 5 Star diaper high cap and very sturdy! They are my most favorate I have ever found and I went though thousands.. They cost about 1 USD per and are amazing! They are restocking atm. .BUT Im not sure if you can get them in any other country than Mexico.. When they have in stock I buy 8 cases of 4 packs in each .. Over A years supply One diaper lasts me 24 hours!


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            Est. Contributor

            1. Diaper Lover

              Diaper minister won me over with Kiddo Fluffy Fly. They are so cute and really big, almost to a point where they are overwhelmingly large on me but they fit just right! I love big comfy diapers as long as they fit properly.



              1. Diaper Lover

                For everyday use I like the Tena Active Fit diapers, all 3 of them, Plus, Maxi and Ultima, it all depends of how much absorbency I want/need at the moment.

                At night and whenever I want to wear something more absorbent, I go for Crinklz. They absorb a lot without going overboard, and are also one of the most affordable printed diapers out there without sacrificing quality.


                I love wearing nappies

                Est. Contributor

                1. Diaper Lover

                  paciboy736 said:

                  I am curious to see what other people's diaper preferences are. I recently tried the soggers from tykables and I am now addicted to cloth backed disposables. I like the cloth backed bc they feel more babyish to me than plastic.

                  I’m 90% dl, I love plain plastic backed nappies or subtly coloured ab nappies. I have some Tena maxi active ,Rearz Barnyards and some depends pull-ups, to be honest, I love them all, I really love wearing nappies.


                  Est. Contributor

                  1. Adult Baby

                    NRU Tinimals, they are really comfy, I often struggle between sizes (medium and large) these fit me perfectly. They absorb a massive amount and never leak overnight. As an added bonus have cute animals on them Whats everyone's favorite diaper and why? (13)


                    Est. Contributor

                    1. Diaper Lover

                      For daily usage I prefer Attends M10 because they are discreet when dry, sometimes I can use Seni Quattro. For night time play with catheter or to enjoy the diaper after the beer I have Molicare Maxi and FormaCare Slip Comfort X-Plus.


                      Est. Contributor

                      1. Diaper Lover
                      2. Little

                        I think the great thing today is that in 6 month’s time, my answer could be totally different as we are spoiled for choice in the market for adult and ABDL developed diapers. Currently, my favourite are the Tykables Tighty Whities, although I’m not a fan of the name!!

                        Reason being that for me growing up in the 80’s, diapers were mostly white and so all over prints aren’t my preference. Before the TW’s came out, I got the Camelot’s as only the waistband and tape panel had prints on, as soon as the TW’s were announced I grabbed a case and have been getting them ever since. I love the bulk and the feel, also the fit for my shape is superb, of course your mileage may vary as we’re all different shapes and sizes. I go back and forward on the tapes, I like the easy re-taping, but equally I don’t think I get as good a fit as I would with say, Megamax with resealable sticky tapes.

                        Looking back, ABU Simple’s, OG Tena Slip Maxi (before they were purple), also the Forsite AM/PM have all been great too. As I said, there will, I hope, be more in the future and we can have more to look forward to!


                        Est. Contributor

                        1. Adult Baby
                        2. Diaper Lover

                          I like rearz lil bella for day time wear. nice to wear out in public, the scent helps with the smell of my pee.
                          for night time use I like str8ups/ they hold a lot and they save me having to get up in the night to go to the bathroom.


                          Est. Contributor

                          1. Diaper Lover
                          2. Little

                            Megamax (white) is my go to diaper

                            I like Trest also (I would only wear trest if I'm traveling)

                            I'm mostly a DL, but I do love Lil Kings as a ABDL diaper because they so soft and reminds me of adult size pampers. Plus they hold a lot.

                            For a generic, affordable diaper. I would say Seni. They can hold a good amount, but not as much when compared to the previous I mentioned.

                            Last edited:


                            Est. Contributor

                            1. Adult Baby
                            2. Diaper Lover
                            3. Incontinent

                              I'm an old puristWhats everyone's favorite diaper and why? (19) My go to is ACD's Purity nighttime cloth diaper. It's my daytime diaper with a toddle cloth booster go to. I us two nighttime Purity's and a toodler cloth booster for bedtime. Leaks are so rare you might well say they don't happen. Oh yeah. plastic pants requiredWhats everyone's favorite diaper and why? (20)


                              Est. Contributor

                              1. Adult Baby
                              2. Little

                                60something said:

                                Oh yeah. plastic pants requiredWhats everyone's favorite diaper and why? (22)

                                This little girl wears 'Pampers'...and plastic pants. Always, like bread an' butter. They eliminate 99-44/100% of leaks...and are 100% baby. I don't mind the elastic marks on my thighs or tummy/back...they're a badge of office. I'm a baby (toddler, specifically) and always will be. I'm neither ashamed nor proud...but I am content. Very happy. Glad you're content & happy, too! Whats everyone's favorite diaper and why? (23)


                                Est. Contributor

                                1. Diaper Lover

                                  I have a large selection of ABDL diapers and while I would consider none as my favorite I do find myself going back to Little Kings because of the feel and appearance. I'm sure some day we'll get an ABDL diaper of my dreams but currently any ABDL diaper with cute infantile prints in soft pastels and cloth backing are generally my choice of purchase. After the print comes the feel of the diaper. Some ABDL cloth backed diapers are kinda stiff including the wings. ABU Little Kings don't have this issue.
                                  I'm looking for that special 2 tape cloth backed diaper with cute soft pastel prints that really hits me in the feels. Then that'll be my favorite. That is until the next ABDL diaper is released.



                                  Est. Contributor

                                  1. Diaper Lover

                                    I haven't tried many. Of the ones I've tried, my favorite is Rearz Safari. (I haven't tried the other Rearz stuff). Them is THICC, high capacity, pleasant smell, and that crinkle I'm so crazy about. I can add a booster to any diaper, but it's gooder if the whole diaper is just thiccer. It holds nicer. And then I sometimes add a booster to even that.

                                    I really want to try Trest. They look so damn good.


                                    Your favorite diapered Jew

                                    Est. Contributor

                                    1. Diaper Lover
                                    2. Diaperfur

                                      I haven't tried many, but I really like the PeekABUs. The design is cute, the plastic is snug, and it holds a lot of liquid.

                                      I really want to find a good pull-up style diaper.


                                      Est. Contributor

                                      1. Adult Baby
                                      2. Sissy
                                      3. Little

                                        Since Abena PE-backed are no longer available in the UK, I've experimented to come up with an alternative. The best medical-style one is a Tena Ultima Medium with 1x Dotty Diaper Co soaker and 1x Ontex Maxi Plus booster, in that order! It's super snug, holds a lot, swells well and is very cost-effective. ABDL-wise, probably Tykables Waddler although I have yet to try Trest, STR8UP and Sunkiss Masterpiece.

                                        Last edited:


                                        Est. Contributor

                                        1. Adult Baby
                                        2. Diaper Lover
                                        3. Little
                                        4. Incontinent

                                          Little For Big (LFB) everything in their baby range. Currently I'm wearing a Baby Parade right now, and it is so soft It's like sitting on a cloud. Expensive, but worth it. These are really thick straight out of the packet. Whats everyone's favorite diaper and why? (29)Whats everyone's favorite diaper and why? (30)Whats everyone's favorite diaper and why? (31) Kiddo Teddy's Ultra close second place.

                                          PeekAbu was my first ever ABDL diaper purchase, and remains my all time favourite diaper, but it has been permanently out of stock for months now. Whats everyone's favorite diaper and why? (32) ABUniverse have never got much in stock lately it seems.

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                                          Whats everyone's favorite diaper and why? (2025)


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